req.user undefined in Express 4 - node.js

I built an app that uses Oauth to authenticate with a third party Jawbone app. I'm attempting to pull req.user.jawbone.token from req.user in one of my routes; however, I'm getting an error stating that req.user is undefined. I had this working in express 3, but after upgrading to express 4 it's no longer working - which leads me to believe that my sessions aren't being stored properly.
Here are the relevant parts of my app.js configuration:
var passport = require('passport');
var session = require('express-session')
var MongoStore = require('connect-mongo')({session: session});
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
// passport
app.use(passport.session()); // persistent login sessions
store: new MongoStore({
url: mongoUrl
secret: 'password',
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true

For anyone else that runs into this problem, the issue was due to my middleware being in the wrong order. I rearranged to the below and it's working properly
store: new MongoStore({
url: mongoUrl
secret: 'password',
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true


Problem with connect.sid and session in a node.js application, in production environment

The node application uses passport-ldap for authentication, and the issue is that it works like a charm in the development environment, but the are problems in the production one. When the route is being changed, I lose the user's session because the connect.sid (the cookie) of the Application is being changed, because I have a new setCookie response.
I am using express 4.17.1 and express-session 1.16.2, so from my research I found that i do not have to use cookieParser. I also think that there is no issue with the serialize and deserialize of the user and passport functionality.
// Static folder set
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
// Body parser middleware
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
app.set('trust proxy', 1) //trust first proxy
// Express session midleware
secret: 'abc',
resave: true,
saveUninitialized: true,
cookie: { secure: true }
// Passport middleware
// Use routes of the application
app.use('/users', users);
I found the solution and i post it for future reference, in case someone else faces a similar issue.
I used the cors module and set it like that
app.use(cors({credentials: true}));
also in production enviroment you have to use a store to hold the cookie. This was obvious but i missed it. So i used
const MongoStore = require('connect-mongo')(session);
secret: 'abc',
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: false,
cookie: { secure: true,
maxAge: 6*60*60*1000 },
store: new MongoStore({ mongooseConnection: mongoose.connection })

Nodejs/Express/Cookies: how do you set signed cookies with a secret

In my directory i have app.js And Index.htmml ; I am trying to set cookies from App.js; I have tried:-
var express = require('express'),
app = express(),
http = require('http'),
cookieparser = require ('cookie-parser'),
httpServer = http.Server(app);
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/data'));
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
let options = {
maxAge: 60000, // would expire after 1 minutes
httpOnly: true,
signed: true ,
secret: 'secret'
// Set cookie
app.use(require('express-session')({ secret: 'keyboard cat', resave: true, saveUninitialized: true }));
res.cookie('cookieName', 'Success', options)
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');
When i run app.js from Cmd It dissappoints me with this error
Thanks in advance for help
Error: cookieParser("secret") required for signed cookies
You need to specify a secret key which will be used while signing the cookie.
You can do this by adding the following line to your code.
According to the snippet, you are using the express-session module like so:
app.use(require('express-session')({ secret: 'keyboard cat', ... }));
That is already saying that you want cookies to be signed. Therefore, in your cookie options you can remove the option signed: true since it will be redundant.
And on a last note, you need to improve that code.

Redis not working on express-session

The code below is quite a normally snippet, but it's not working, session from request is undefined. Anyone who can give me a hint will be appreciated.
var express = require('express');
var session = require('express-session');
var redisStore = require('connect-redis')(session);
var app = express();
store: new redisStore({
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true,
secret: 'somesecrettoken'
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
if(req.session.isVisit) {
res.send('<p>times to be here:' + req.session.isVisit + '</p>');
} else {
req.session.isVisit = 1;
res.send('1st time to be here');
A Redis client is required
var redis = require("redis"); // You can use any module to create redis client
store: new redisStore({
client : redis.createClient(<your setting>)
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true,
secret: 'somesecrettoken'
Please refer this link:
Pass the express-session store into connect-redis to create a RedisStore constructor.
var session = require('express-session');
var RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(session);
store: new RedisStore(options),
secret: 'keyboard cat'

getting authenticated user info from passportjs and express

I have an express application that uses passport for OAuth. I have it working successfully with Google and Facebook. My problem is that I can get req.user on controller functions where the routes are configured like this:'/', auth.isAuthenticated(), controller.create);
but when I try to access the user info from a controller function that doesn't require authentication, req.user is undefined even though the user is logged in. What am I doing wrong here?
and here is how express and passport are configured:
module.exports = function(app) {
var env = app.get('env');
app.set('views', config.root + '/server/views');
app.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile);
app.set('view engine', 'html');
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
// Persist sessions with mongoStore
// We need to enable sessions for passport twitter because its an oauth 1.0 strategy
secret: config.secrets.session,
resave: true,
saveUninitialized: true,
store: new mongoStore({ mongoose_connection: mongoose.connection })

mongoose.connect giving error in nodejs

I am using node to connect to mongoose database, but when i run the code, it gives error as:
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
(anonymous function) server.js:13
Below is the code which i am running in server.js
var express= require(['express']);
var bodyParser = require(['body-parser']);
var cookieParser = require(['cookie-parser']);
var expressSession = require(['express-session']);
var mongoose = require(['mongoose']);
var mongoStore = require(['connect-mongo'])({session: expressSession});
var app = express();
app.engine('.html', require('ejs').__express);
app.set('views',__dirname + '/views');
app.set('view engine','html');
secret: 'SECRET',
cookie: {maxAge:60*60*1000 },
store: new mongoStore({
db: mongoose.connection.db,
collection: 'sessions'
looking at the logs, the code is giving the error at:
I think you forgot to require express-session.
Here is the example
secret: 'SECRET',
cookie: {maxAge:60*60*1000 },
store: new mongoStore({
db: mongoose.connection.db,
collection: 'sessions'
connect-mongo has a special option for using Mongoose connections, try using that:
store: new mongoStore({
mongoose_connection: mongoose.connection,
collection: 'sessions'
If that doesn't fix it, please post more information (like a full stack trace and the actual code you're running, since those require's don't look right).
// Replace 'db' by 'mongooseConnection '
secret: 'SECRET',
cookie: {maxAge: 60 * 60 * 1000},
store: new mongoStore({
mongooseConnection: mongoose.connection,
collection: 'sessions'
