Adding a custom ribbon tab and buttons in Sharepoint 2013 - sharepoint

I'm trying to figure out how to create a custom ribbon tab with custom buttons on a documents library in SharePoint 2013.
I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Community with office developer tools and I'm running SharePoint through an office 365 business trial account.
I've found the following tutorials which helped but ultimately I am still stuck.
This one is great but as a new Sharepoint developer I'm not sure exactly whats going on. I know I need to edit the elements.xml file but I have no idea where or what file to edit.
I then found this one which helped out a lot but still dosen't work. I followed the instructions to the letter except for the step where you create an Empty SharePoint Project. I am unable to do that because VS 2013 will not allow that unless you are deving in the same environment as the SharePoint server and because I'm running Windows 8.1 and not Windows Server I can't even install Sharepoint foundations to try this.
Instead I just created a simple Sharepoint App in visual studio and followed the steps to create the feature and custom action but I still can't get it to work. The menu and buttons are nowhere to be seen in any documents library.
So can anyone help point me in the right direction for creating a custom ribbon tab and buttons (or just SP2013 dev in general)? I've spent all day looking online for resources but every resource is either for a different version of SharePoint or outdated so that the tutorial is no longer applicable to VS2013 or SP2013.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The process of adding buttons and other controls to the Ribbon is explained in this Office Dev Center article for Sharepoint 2013: Create custom actions to deploy with apps for SharePoint. This also mentions the Bookstore Sample Application which uses custom actions. Other good entries for the architecture of the Server Ribbon are these two branches of Sharepoint 2010 Dev Center
Server Ribbon XML.
Modify the User Interface Using Custom Actions
There is also a sample solution by Sonja Madsen that you can open in Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition from the online section of New Project. It can be found also on this MSDN page. It is listed under Online->Samples->Visual C#->Web->Sharepoint Server 2013->Custom ribbon button - list - search.
If you look in the Package Explorer of this solution you will see that it packages two features. Under the second feature (it's file is in the Features/Feature2 directory) you will see AddBodyText. It's elements.xml contains the tags. You can find that elements.xml in the AddBodyText directory.
Some more technical info on the structure of solution packages: SharePoint 2007 Deployment: Creating Solutions from André Vala.


SharePoint 365 Development - Visual Studio 2012 - Actions4 file

I'm looking for some advice. I need to develop some custom workflow activities for a SharePoint 365 online solution. To that extent I do not have a local install of SharePoint 2013. I am using Visual Studio 2012, and have the office developer tools for VS 2012 installed.
When I try to create an empty project for SharePoint 2013, I get the error stating:
SharePoint not installed. The required version of SharePoint
foundation 2013 or SharePoint server 2013 is not installed on this
system. To develop SharePoint solutions or browse SharePoint
connections in server explorer, SharePoint must be installed on the
local system. Make sure that the local server referenced by the
SharePoint project exists
Now, I understand that for SharePoint projects in the past that a local install was required, but with this being online, I do not have that luxury.
Ideally I'd like to identify a way in which I can create an empty project without the need for said local install.
Further to this, I have been able to create an "Apps for SharePoint 2013" project, into which I can create a custom workflow activity. I'm working through some excellent blog posts on how to develop custom activities and it seems to be working file to a point.
What I am now struggling with is that VS2012 is supposed to create an .actions4 file which I can edit to reflect what the workflow activity requires etc. I do not have this file, nor do I understand how I get it.
I would also appreciate information on how I can deploy this custom workflow activity to SharePoint Online so that I can use it in SharePoint designer workflows.
Appreciate there is a lot of asks here, but appreciate any help that people can provide.
Many Thanks,
Hope this link will help you to create workflows in office 365 . you cannot degug but you can allow visual studio to think that SP is installed on your machine.

Will MS Project 2003 plugin support MS Project 2013?

Whether the Addin developed for MS Project 2003 will work in MS Project 2013?
Thanks in advance.
I can also confirm that COM Add Ins written for Project 2003 can work fine in Project 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016. As noted above, the toolbar controls just move to the Add-Ins tab of the ribbon. If you launched from menu items as well as toolbar controls, those launch points will be lost, but you don't really need those if you have something on the ribbon.
All of this is predicated on using a subset of the COM Interop interface that is 'core', e.g. supported on all versions of MS Project. Microsoft tends to maintain these interfaces pretty well. They may add new stuff in later versions, but I've found that they generally don't drop the old interfaces. You will need to decide which version of the Primary Interop assemblies for building an application to be used across all these Project versions. I've seen advice that says you need to build a separate add-in binary for each version of MS Project, but I've never found a need to do that. You might be able to stick with the PIA from MS Project 2003, but I'd suggest you pick something like Project 2010 or Project 2013 Primary Interop Assemblies.
Hope this helps.
No, it won't.
There is a slim chance that the core code may run ok, but with the switch from the menu bar to the ribbon menu, any menu options presented by the 2003 plug in won't be presented as buttons on the ribbon in 2013, so I can say with certainty that part won't work.

How to upgrade a SharePoint 2010 Project to SharePoint 2013 (WebParts, MasterPage, App Page, User Controls) in Visual Studio 2012?

We have a SharePoint 2010 project solution which we are trying to uprgade to SharePoint 2013. This includes webparts, application pages, user controls, masterpage, etc.
Foll. is the procedure we follow, please add to it/comment if we have missed out anything:-
Open your project solution file by right clicking and choose open with VS2012.
Edit your .csproj file and add to it -> <TargetOfficeVersion>15.0</TargetOfficeVersion>
Go to VS2012 and reload you project, Go to project properties and set framework as 4.5
Go to package and under properties of the package set the version to 15.0
Do a find replace for to
Check each file to do a check for any hive references. You'll need to add a /15/ to these. EG: _layouts/ to _layouts/15/ and also for CONTROLTEMPLATES
For master page project make sure you copy paste the SP2013 seattle masterpage from Designer and use it in VS project.
If you are using AJAX control toolkit then make sure you use version 3.0.30930.28736 as this worked well. If we tried using AJAX version 4.5 then the webparts do not work when deployed.
Do right click on project and Click Clean to clean solution
Build the solution, then Deploy your projects.
Please add to this if there are more points to be considered. Thanks.

Sharepoint 2010 development - internet sites or team sites?

I am completely new to SharePoint 2010 and have managed to install SP2010 on windows 7 as a development machine.
I am trying to develop a site from scratch on the SharePoint platform but don't understand how to get my hand the code behind the pages. I understand they are generated dynamically using the database interaction however I want to create a multistage much like WordPress version but using SharePoint. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to develop a multistage using SharePoint 2010?
You can edit master pages with tools like visual studio but your shouldn't. Download and install SharePoint Designer, it is a free development environment from Microsoft that is specially built to edit the context items of SharePoint.
If you want to build web parts and so on have a loop at the SharePoint developer tools for visual studio, but to handle this you will need to buy a book about the subject. SharePoint development becomes pretty advanced as soon as you leave the web-gui.

Is there any updated version of SPSource or alternative tool for SharePoint 2010?

Is there any updated version of SPSource: Reverse engineering tool for SharePoint or alternative tool for SharePoint 2010?
Visual Studio 2010, preferrably with the Community Kit for SharePoint Developer Tools. This allows you to browse in the Server Explorer down to your list, content type or fields, and you can right click and 'import' them into your Visual Studio project. This then shows you the CAML used to define those items.
Another alternative is SharePoint manager - it also exposes the XML used to define those elements - but I find the Visual Studio tools more useful, 'cos generally I want to do something with those lists/content types.
Even without the Community Kit, you can still import List definitions with just Visual Studio, I think.
for sharepoint 2010 You can contact the author, Jeremy Thake, directly and ask if there are any updates. His blog: and Twitter: #jthake
You should also look into tools like ShaerPoint Manager 2010. Your other cool option is to create a list in the UI, then save the entire site as a WSP. You can then import the WSP in Visual Studio, and get the components you want from there
