connecting to multiple instances of EC2 with ssh - linux

I just started out with Amazon web services and was able to launch an instance. A friend showed me a sample tutorial of how to connect to AWS with ssh. Pretty neat. I downloaded the key and edited /.ssh/config file.
Sample of the config file
Host *
ServerAliveInterval 300
Host <name desired to connect>
HostName <domain name>
port 22
User ubuntu
IdentityFile /pathname/keyfile
My question is what if i have 2 instances and now i want to ssh to the new instance launched. How will i edit the config file. I'm stuck and also new to Linux(been learning Linux yesterday and it's pretty cool and powerful). Thanks for the help.

You can ssh to any ec2 instance by running this on terminal:
ssh -i path_to_pem_file ubuntu#<HostIP_or_NAME>
ssh -i /temp/root1.pem ubuntu#


Git clone gives "ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out" Linux /opt directory Amazon EC2 Instance

I am trying to use git in /opt/jamf2snipe directory on an EC2 Instance. I have tried the following command:
sudo git clone
It says connection timed out:
Cloning into 'jamf2snipe-school'...
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
If I try to run this in my home directory it works fine. It seems to be a permission issue with /opt. I am wary of changing permissions for /opt.
I am trying to do this on an Amazon EC2 Instance. Currently SSH is limited to certain IP addresses (not including Github). I followed this article from github to use SSH over HTTPS. I tested to make sure I had stuff setup correctly by using:
$ ssh -T
Hi USERNAME! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
I did this in /opt/jamf2snipe and the home directory successfully.
First, make sure to, if possible, not use sudo.
In addition of executing commands as root (which is dangerous), it uses its own environment variable, and SSH settings (in /root/.ssh), which differs from your normal EC2 user.
Conversely, making a repository in /opt, which might be accessible only by root, is not the best spot to clone a repository.
Second, Using SSH over the HTTPS port is the usual solution (like this one from 2018) on EC2, where the firewall can block by default SSH egress traffic.

Transferring files from my Local windows pc to my Linux VM

SO i am new to tech, and as previous posts suggests i am working with OCI. Currently i run a linux 8 VM on OCI. My goal is to run terraform scrips on the vm, and have the resources created in OCI.
Current problem:
The tf files i will be writing will be done so on my local windows 10 machine. The files will be saved in a local directory. I need a way of transferring these local files to a directory in my linux machine, in order to execute them!
Is anybody good with OCI is there capability for a sftp transfer using winscp?? I'm just not sure where to start. Anybody with good advice please aid me!
It depends of your OCI network configuration.
If your OCI compute VM is in a public subnet and you have an internet gateway, then you can use ssh to connect to it (using putty for instance). That means you can also use scp which lets move copy files over ssh. As you mentioned, WinSCP let's you connect to your OCI compute VM by using ssh and scp or sFTP. After installing it you can create a new connection using the public ip of your OCI compute VM and the private key.
My personal preference is to use MobaXterm to connect to ssh to
my OCI compute VMs. Once connected to a remote host using ssh, the
left pane directly displays a file browser for the remote host.
Drag-and-dropping a file there would initiate an sFTP transfer
Please also note that scp is obsolete since 2019. SFTP or rsync could be used instead. Using MobaXterm, it can be done by opening a new terminal tab (which is local to your Windows machine) and type the rsync command you wish for instance rsync -v -P -e 'ssh -i "D:/my_folder/oci_api_key.pem"' /cygdrive/d/my_folder/*.tf opc#<oci_vm_ip>:/home/opc/my_folder
-v is increasing verbosity, to display more information. -P displays partial progress for each file transferred. -e lets you specify which command to use to run rsync. in this case I use ssh and pass the private key. More option are available and you can check them by typing man rsync.
If your OCI compute VM is in a private subnet, you would need to set up a bastion VM in a public subnet to first access the bastion and then the VM. Here is a blog post about how to achieve that using putty and WinSCP :

Setting up SonarQube on AWS using EC2

Trying to setup SonarQube on EC2 using what should be basic install settings.
List item
Setup a standard EC2 AWS LINUX Ami attached to M4 large
SSH into EC2 instance
Install JAVA
Set to use JAVA8
unzip into the /etc dir
run sudo ./ start
Instance starts
But when I try to go to the app it never comes up when I try either the IPv4 Public IP (ex not real IP) or try (not real IP either just for example)
Perhaps it is my ignorance or me not configuring something correctly as it pertains to the initial EC2 setup.
If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.
Issue was that SonarQube default port is 9000. and by default this port is not open in the security group if you dont apply the default security group in which all the ports are open(which is Not recommended).
As suggested in comment #Issac, opened the 9000 port to allow incoming request to SonarQube, in AWS security group setting of instance. Which solved the issue.
need to have an db and give permissions to the db file in sonar nd need to open firewalls

How do I remove default ssh host from ssh configuration?

I used to connect to Amazon web services using ssh command and application.pem key. Now when I try to connect to other platforms such as Github my ssh client looks for same application.pem key and tries to connect to AWS. How do I connect to Github or change the default host and key configuration.I am using a Ubuntu 13.10 system and following is my ssh output.
pranav#pranav-SVF15318SNW:~/.ssh$ ssh
Warning: Identity file application.pem not accessible: No such file or directory.
You need the identity file to login to the box. Use the command:
ssh -i (identity_file) username#hostname"
This worked for me. Write just the filename (without any slashes), unlike Amazon EC2 tutorial which asks you to enter:
ssh -i /path/key_pair.pem ec2-user#public_dns_name
and also check the permission

Web2Py on AWS EC2 Linux

I have an instance running Linux at Amazon AWS EC2 after carefully following the instructions provided by Amazon here: Setting Up to Host a Web App on AWS.
I have set-up the security groups as mentioned in the documentation provided by Amazon.
The default security group has all traffic, all protocols, on all ports open.
In addition to the above security rule, I have setup SSH on port 22 and then, using CyberDuck (a great FTP app), I have uploaded the Web2Py source code into a folder named web2py at AWS.
After successfully FTP the source code into this web2py folder, I have SSH'ed into the AWS machine using the Terminal (on Mac locally) having the my-keys-file.pem on hand:
ssh -i my-keys-file.pem
(where the xx are the numbers in the Public DNS as they appear on my instance on EC2 page)
Then I have checked whether my AWS instance has python installed and it does have it.
Thus, I have proceeded to install Web2Py.
password = pwd
it warns that GUI not available since Tlk library is not installed, but Massimo says here ( that it's not critical.
Running the Web2Py ....
If I try:
python -a pwd -i -p 80
It says:
there is an error with the Rocket Server with that specific port (used by another process that is not willing to share...)
If I try:
python -a pwd
it says nothing (which begs the question: is web2py running ?) and when I try to access the web2py server
in both cases it says page is not available since it takes too long to access it (nothing about security cause).
If I try:
python -a pwd -i -p 8000
again - it says nothing (is web2py running ?)
trying to access the Web2Py server at
in both cases it says page is not available, same as above.
I have tried to use the IP address instead, but it is immediately translated to the amazon format of ec2-xx-xx-xx-xxx.etc...
I have tried to access web2py by explicitly mentioning the port (8000) in the address - still it doesn't work while giving no reason except page is not available
My questions:
Is there any DETAILED recipe on how to install AND run Web2Py on AWS EC2 ?
Is the web2py server running ? How can I know if it is running ? If it is not - what am I doing incorrectly ?
If the web2py server is running how can I access it ?
Any help would be much appreciated.
I have deployed my Web2py to an EC2 instance running Ubuntu, but I guess you can adapt the same approach to your system.
The simplest way to deploy Web2py is following the 'One step production deployment' script introduced in the official Web2py book.
chmod +x
sudo ./
Running this will install and configure everything you need.
When finished, simply type your IP or domain name into a web browser and you will see the default web2py website.
