How does a Spark Application work? - apache-spark

I am trying to implement a simple Spark SQL Application that takes a query as input and processes the data. But because I need to cache the data and I have to maintain a single SQL Context object. I am not able to understand how I can use same SQL context and keep getting queries from user.
So how does an application work? When an application is submitted to cluster, does it keep running on the cluster or performs a specific task and shuts down immediately after the task?

Spark application has a driver program that starts and configures the Spark Context. Driver program can be inside your application and you can use the same Spark Context throughout the life of your application.
Spark Context is thread safe, so multiple users can use it to run jobs concurrently.
There is an open source project Zeppelin that does just that.


Running a spark job in local mode inside an Openshift pod

I have a pyspark batch job scheduled on YARN. There is now a requirement to put the logic of the spark job into a web service.
I really don't want there to be 2 copies of the same code, and therefore would like to somehow reuse the spark code inside the service, only replacing the IO parts.
The expected size of the workloads per request is small so I don't want to complicate the service by turning it into a distributed application. I would like instead to run the spark code in local mode inside the service. How do I do that? Is that even a good idea? Are there better alternatives?

Spark job as a web service?

A peer of mine has created code that opens a restful api web service within an interactive spark job. The intent of our company is to use his code as a means of extracting data from various datasources. He can get it to work on his machine with a local instance of spark. He insists that this is a good idea and it is my job as DevOps to implement it with Azure Databricks.
As I understand it interactive jobs are for one-time analytics inquiries and for the development of non-interactive jobs to be run solely as ETL/ELT work between data sources. There is of course the added problem of determining the endpoint for the service binding within the spark cluster.
But I'm new to spark and I have scarcely delved into the mountain of documentation that exists for all the implementations of spark. Is what he's trying to do a good idea? Is it even possible?
The web-service would need to act as a Spark Driver. Just like you'd run spark-shell, run some commands , and then use collect() methods to bring all data to be shown in the local environment, that all runs in a singular JVM environment. It would submit executors to a remote Spark cluster, then bring the data back over the network. Apache Livy is one existing implementation for a REST Spark submission server.
It can be done, but depending on the process, it would be very asynchronous, and it is not suggested for large datasets, which Spark is meant for. Depending on the data that you need (e.g. highly using SparkSQL), it'd be better to query a database directly.

Spark Application as a Rest Service

I have a question regarding a specific spark application usage.
So I want our Spark application to run as a REST API Server, like Spring Boot Applications, therefore it will not be a batch process, instead we will load the application and then we want to keep the application live (no call to spark.close()) and to use the application as Realtime query engine via some API which we will define. I am targeting to deploy it to Databricks. Any suggestions will be good.
I have checked Apache Livy, but not sure whether it will be good option or not.
Any suggestions will be helpful.
Spark isn't designed to run like this; it has no REST API server frameworks other than the HistoryServer and Worker UI built-in
If you wanted a long-running Spark action, then you could use Spark Streaming and issue actions to it via raw sockets, Kafka, etc. rather than HTTP methods
Good question let's discuss step by step
You can create it and it's working fine , following is example :
I am sure you must be thinking to create Dataset or Data frame and keep into memory and use as Cache (Redis,Gemfire etc ) but here is catch
i) If you have data in few 100k then you really not needed Apache Spark power Java app is good to return response really fast.
ii) If you have data in petabyte then loading into memory as dataset or data frame will not help as Apache Spark doesn’t support indexing since Spark is not a data management system but a fast batch data processing engine, and Gemfire you have flexibility to add index to fast retrieval of data.
Work Around :
Using Apache Ignite’s( In-memory indexes (refer Fast
Apache Spark SQL Queries)
Using data formats that supports indexing like ORC, Parquet etc.
So Why not use Sparing application with Apache Spark without using spark.close().
Spring application as micro service you need other services either on container or PCF/Bluemix/AWS /Azure/GCP etc and Apache Spark has own world and need compute power which is not available on PCF.
Spark is not a database so it cannot "store data". It processes data and stores it temporarily in memory, but that's not presistent storage.
Once Spark job submit you have to wait results in between you cannot fetch data.
How to use Spark with Spring application as Rest API call :
Apache Livy is a service that enables easy interaction with a Spark cluster over a REST interface. It enables easy submission of Spark jobs or snippets of Spark code, synchronous or asynchronous result retrieval, as well as Spark Context management, all via a simple REST interface or an RPC client library.

Do I need to/how to clean up Spark Sessions?

I am launching Spark 2.4.6 in a Python Flask web service. I'm running a single Spark Context and I have also enabled FAIR scheduling.
Each time a user makes a request to one of the REST end points I call spark = sparkSession.newSession() and then execute various operations using Spark SQL in this somewhat isolated environment.
My concern is, after 100 or 10,000 or a million requests with an equal number of new sessions, at some point am I going to run into issues? Is there a way to let my SparkContext know that I don't need an old session anymore and that it can be cleared?

Get Spark session on executor

After deploying a spark structure streaming application, how can I obtain a spark session on the executor for deploying another job with the same session and same configuration settings?
You cannot get spark session on to executor if you are running spark in cluster mode as spark session object cannot be serialised thus cannot send it to executor. Also, it is against spark design principles to do so.
I may be able to help you with this if you can tell me the problem statement.
Technically you can get spark session on the executor doesn't matter which mode you are running it in but not really worth the effort.Spark session is an object of various internal spark settings along with other user defined settings we provide on startup.
The only reason those configuration settings are not available in executor is because most of them are marked as transient which means those objects will be sent as null as it does not make logical sense to send them to the executors, in the same way it does not make sense to send database connection objects from one node to another.
One of the cumbersome ways to do this would be to get all configuration settings from your spark session in your driver, set in some custom object marked as serializable and send it to the executor. Also your executor environment should be same as driver in terms of all spark jars/directories and other spark properties such as SPARK_HOME etc which can be hectic if you run and realize every time you are missing something. It will be a different spark session object but with all the same settings.
The better option would be to run another spark application with the same settings you provide for your other application as one spark session is associated for one spark application.
It is not possible. I also had similar requirement then I have to create two separate main class and one spark launcher class in that I was doing sparksession.conf.set(main class name ) based on which class i wanted to run. If I want to run both then I was using thread.sleep() to complete first before launching another. I also used sparkListener code to get status whether it has completed or not.
I am aware that this is a late response. Just thought this might be useful.
So, you can use something like the below code snippet in you spark structured streaming application:
for spark versions <= 3.2.1
spark_session_for_this_micro_batch = microBatchOutputDF._jdf.sparkSession()
For spark versions >= 3.3.1:
spark_session_for_this_micro_batch = microBatchOutputDF.sparkSession
Your function can use this spark session to create dataframe there.
You can refer this medium post
pyspark doc
