Set CheckForGLErrors State - openscenegraph

I have a problem with multiple "Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid value' after RenderBin::draw(...)" error messages emitted by OSG. I found this thread showing a way to add additional debug information. Unfortunately I can't find a way to set the State.
I can create a State and set the flag using the code:
osg::ref_ptr<osg::State> debugState = new osg::State();
But what do I do after? I can't find a way to add the State to a StateSet.

You can obviously use gDEBugger as some of the answers in the thread suggest. If you still want to really do it via osg::State then you can probably add a osg::Drawable::DrawCallback to all your drawables. Then within the drawImplementation of the DrawCallback you can do something like -
virtual void drawImplementation (osg::RenderInfo & renderinfo, const osg::Drawable * drawable) const
State& state = *renderInfo.getState();
I am not very sure if changing the state this late would work perfectly, you need to check this. If it doesn't work you can also do something like state.checkGLErrors("start of Geometry::drawImplementation()"); and state.checkGLErrors("end of Geometry::drawImplementation()"); before and after calling drawable->drawImplementation() .


#material material-component-web Invalid tab component given as activeTab

firstly let my say that the mdc documentation is difficult for non-pros like me.
I'm using Elixir Phoenix and Brunch.
I import and everything is fine.
import {MDCTab, MDCTabFoundation} from '#material/tabs'; import
{MDCTabBar, MDCTabBarFoundation} from '#material/tabs'; import
{MDCTabBarScroller, MDCTabBarScrollerFoundation} from
I manually instantiate the tab bar in a separate function that I export
export var Tabbable = {
run: function(MDCTabBar, el){
var myDynamicTabBar = window.myDynamicTabBar = new MDCTabBar(document.querySelector('#' + el));
Which is following the documentation like this
const tabBar = new MDCTabBar(document.querySelector('#my-mdc-tab-bar'));
but is slightly different to the documentation's use of the tab bar in their code snippet
var dynamicTabBar = window.dynamicTabBar = new mdc.tabs.MDCTabBar(document.querySelector('#dynamic-tab-bar'));
But, whenever I try to use mdc I get a 'not defined' error. Therefore, I'm not using it :-)
Now, when the user clicks the tab bar I capture that like this:
myDynamicTabBar.listen('MDCTabBar:change', function ({detail: tabs}) {
var nthChildIndex = tabs.activeTabIndex;
The subtle difference is that my myDynamicTabBar is MDCTabBar but the documentation's dynamicTabBar is mdc.tabs.MDCTabBar
My tab control works, but it throws an error only visible in the console:
Uncaught Error: Invalid tab component given as activeTab: Tab not
found within this component's tab list
which is likely because I'm not using mdc.tabs? The documentation notes the change event happens on the MDCTabBar.
Therefore, how do I get rid of this annoying error in the console?
And why can I not access the global mdc? I have tried this in my Brunch file
globals: { mdc: "#material"}
But no good.
I'm right behind you on this! I'm frustrated with the docs too :(
You answered your own question in this Elixir thread which is very informative.
I found the real solution in this thread
MDCTabBar automatically initiates its children. So initiating tabs will result in that error.
The fix is to just initiate MDCTabBar

Resetting or overwriting the lifespan of a context in DialogFlow

I'm trying to manage the context of my Google Assistant agent (in DialogFlow), using the ApiAi class in the npm package actions-on-google.
The problem is this:
How can I reset the lifespan / delete a context using the npm package?
I can easily set the lifespan of a new context, and it works.
How do I delete a context?
Setting the context to a different number does not seem to work. That is, if I set app.setContext('myContext',10) and then, 2 intents later, when the lifespan in 8, I call app.setContext('myContext',10) again, in the next intent, the lifespan is still 7. If I could answer (1) and delete a context, I'd just delete it and set it again.
I don't think there is a way to delete or overwrite the duration of a context. Instead, if you know that a certain context must not be active at a certain point, set a context that lasts for 1 or 2 turns and do this after each turn. This will also give you more control over the conversation, so you won't have contexts that last for 10 turns that you suddenly don't need anymore.
To delete a lifespan of context you just set it to ZERO or 0 like app.setContext('your_context',0)
Make sure you do this before calling the app.ask or app.tell
if not using client you could write a function that simply sets
this.contexts_[your_context] = {}
The first option is definitely working for me. I have not tried the second option. Try and see if you are not setting it in the Dialogflow. Also, you can remove context setting in webhook and put lifespan as 0 in Dialogflow. That will put a line (like deprecated method) over your context.
I know this question is old, at least old enough so that we now have a v2 API and library overhaul, so I'll answer anyway with today's solution :) .
1 - To delete a context, you can use conv.contexts.delete('context1'); as specified on the Node.js library reference docs.
2- If conv.contexts.set('context1', 1); doesn't change the context's lifespan then you can easily delete it and recreate it with these two calls.
My experience is that you cannot overwrite context data.
You can create a new context though:
name: contextName,
lifespan: newLifeSpan,
// Note: Parameters are not visible until the context is passed
// console.log() won't show them now.
parameters: {
// Previously saved using getContext()
param_name : paramValue,

How to debug windows storage applications

I was using Properties.Settings.Default to store persistent data between sessions. For example, I was using Properties.Settings.Default.mute to store a boolean of whether or not to mute sounds.
I went online and it recommends to use Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values. So I try setting Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["mute"] and using that, but that actually crashes the debugger, so I can't even debug whatever the issue is.
You have to set some data in Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["mute"] before use it,  for example:
Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["mute"]  = true;
(or false or an other value  ) the you can get it like this 
var t = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["mute"];

What is the proper way to raise an exception for invalid property settings?

I am writing a component that reads data from a specific filetype. Currently, it has a property for filepath - I would like for this block to quit as hard as possible when passed an invalid file/no file found.
Throwing an exception causes it to stop execution, but also deletes the block from the chalkboard while I am testing (?), which makes me think there is a more "approved" way to do it.
My current solution is something like:
LOG_ERROR( MyReader_i, "Unable to open file at " + Filepath );
return FINISH;
Is there another way to stop if something is wrong, that will hopefully stop all downstream processing as well?
Have you taken a look at the Data Reader component in the basic components? It also has a file path as an input. It deals with this during the onConfigure call as shown below:
def onconfigure_prop_InputFile(self, oldvalue, newvalue):
self.InputFile = newvalue
if not os.path.exists(self.InputFile):
self._log.error("InputFile path provided can not be accessed")
And then again in the service function by returning NOOP.
def process(self):
if (self.Play == False):
return NOOP
if not (os.path.exists(self.InputFile)):
return NOOP
This isn't the only way to deal with invalid input however. It's a design decision that is up to the developer.
If you'd like additional components down stream to know about an issue elsewhere in the chain, you have a few options. You could use the End of Stream bit, available in bulkio port implementations, to signal to down stream components that there is no additional data. They can then use this information to clean up and shut down. You could also use messaging to send a message out to an event channel and anyone who has subscribed to this event channel can be made aware of the message. Again, it's a design decision.

How to attach mouse event listeners to embedded nsIWebBrowser in C++

I've embedded an nsIWebBrowser in my application. Because I'm just generating HTML for it on the fly, I'm using OpenStream, AppendToStream, and CloseStream to add content. What I need is to add event listeners for mouse movement over the web browser as well as mouse clicks. I've read documentation and tried lots of different things, but nothing I have tried has worked. For instance, the code below would seem to do the right thing, but it does nothing:
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> domWindow;
if (!mEventTarget) {
mEventTarget = do_QueryInterface(domWindow);
if (mEventTarget)
mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mouseover"), (nsIDOMEventListener *)mEventListener, PR_FALSE);
Perhaps it isn't working because this is run during initialization, but before any content is actually added. However, if I add it during AppendStream, or CloseStream, it segfaults.
Please tell me a straightforward way to do this.
Well, here's the answer:
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventTarget> cpEventTarget;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> cpDomWin;
m_pWebBrowser->GetContentDOMWindow (getter_AddRefs(cpDomWin));
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow2> cpDomWin2 (do_QueryInterface (cpDomWin));
rv = cpEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mousedown"),
m_pBrowserImpl, PR_FALSE);
