Cassandra: Controlling which node receives data - cassandra

My understanding of Cassandra's recommended clustering approach is to ensure that each node in the cluster receives an equal distribution of data, by hashing a document's unique Id. My question is if there is a way to change this and define a custom key for "intelligently" routing a document to a specific node in the cluster?
In my scenario, I have data which relates to a specific entity (think client-project-task-item) Across all my data; I will have enough items to require some horizontal scaling; however, each search will always relate to a given client-project-task for which the data set is only a moderate size.
Is there a way to create this type of partitioning / routing (different names I've seen for the same thing) logic in Cassandra?
Thanks; Brent

Clustering approach in Cassandra is not just for an equal distribution of data. It also ensures that all read/write operations are distributed across the cluster to make these operations faster. In addition to this, most likely you will have replication factor greater than 1 to ensure data redundancy so that a node failure does not result in the data loss.
Back to your question and to your own answer. If you use the same partition key for the data, this guarantees that Cassandra partitioning will store the primary replica of the data on the same node, and even more, it will store them in the same partition, ("wide row" in an old way of naming).

I think - - is the answer I'm looking for
The first column declared in the PRIMARY KEY definition, or in the case of a compound key, multiple columns can declare those columns that form the primary key.


Are secondary indices always a bad idea in Cassandra even if I specify them in conjunction with the partitioning key in all my queries?

I know that secondary indices in Cassandra are generally a bad idea because the index is stored locally in each node i.e. not distributed across the cluster which may result in a query scanning a huge number of nodes. However, I don't understand why they are still a bad idea if I always specify the partition key in my queries and only use the secondary index as a final filter. I've read that they don't scale with large amounts of data even if I specify the partition key. Is this true? and if it's then why?
In general secondary indexes are bad idea, not only for the distributed part, but also for the index size and the number of distinct value, so if you have a field with high or low cardinality,you will be spending time on scanning many rows or many columns.
Also you can have other issue while dealing with tombstones ...
To answer your question, secondary index in Cassandra doesn't scale that good, but if you use a partition key and by it you tell Cassandra which node have the data, it perform really better !
you can find more details here in section F :
I hope this helps !
These guys have a nice write-up on the performance impacts of secondary indexes:
The main impact (from the post) is that secondary indexes are local to each node, so to
satisfy a query by indexed value, each node has to query its own records to build the
final result set (as opposed to a primary key query where it is known exactly which node
needs to be queried). So there's not just an impact on writes, but on read performance as
Cassandra on a ring of five machines, with a primary index of user IDs and a secondary index of user emails. If you were to query for a user by their ID or by their primary indexed key any machine in the ring would know which machine has a record of that user. One query, one read from disk. However to query a user by their email or their secondary indexed value each machine has to query its own record of users. One query, five reads from disk. By either scaling the number of users system wide, or by scaling the number of machines in the ring, the noise to signal-to-ratio increases and the overall efficiency of reading drops. In some cases to the point of timing out also.
Please refer below link for good explanation on secondary index.

Client data isolation: can Cassandra store data in different partitions in separate file sets?

Suppose I have a Cassandra table with an integer partition key.
Question: is it possible to arrange for Cassandra to store the table data and indexes for that table in a sets of files by partition value? Alternative approaches like per partition keyspaces or duplicating tables Account1 (for partition key 1), Account2 (for partition key 2) is deemed to undercut Cassandra performance.
The desired outcome is to reduce the possibility of selecting sensitive client data for partition 1 getting other partitions in the process. If the data is kept separate (and searched separately) this risk is reduced --- obviously not eliminated. Essentially it shifts the responsibility of using the right partition key at the right time somewhat onto Cassandra from the application code.
It's not possible in the Cassandra itself, until you separate data into tables/keyspaces, but as you mentioned - it will lead to bad performance.
DataStax Enterprise (DSE) has functionality called Row Level Access Control that allows you to set permissions based on the value of partition key (or part of partition key).
If you need to stick to plain Cassandra, then you need to do it on the application level.

Secondary index on for low cardinality clustering column

Using Cassandra as db:
Say we have this schema
primary_key((id1),id2,type) with index on type, because we want to query by id1 and id2.
Does query like
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE id1=xxx AND type='some type'
going to perform well?
I wonder if we have to create and manage another table for this situation?
The way you are planning to use secondary index is ideal (which is rare). Here is why:
you specify the partition key (id1) in your query. This ensures that
only the relevant partition (node) will be queried, instead of
hitting all the nodes in the cluster (which is not scalable)
You are (presumably) indexing an attribute of low cardinality (I can imagine you have maybe a few hundred types?), which is the sweet spot when using secondary indexes.
Overall, your data model should perform well and scale. Yet, if you look for optimal performances, I would suggest you use an additional table ((id1), type, id2).
Finale note: if you have a limited number of type, you might consider using solely ((id1), type, id2) as a single table. When querying by id1-id2, just issue a few parallel queries against the possible value of type.
The final decision needs to take into account your target latency, the disk usage (duplicating table with a different primary key is sometimes too expensive), and the frequency of each of your queries.

Cassandra: Data Type for Partition Key - Decimal or UUID

I want to describe the problem I am working on first:
Currently I try to find a strategy that would allow me to migrate data from an existing PostgreSQL database into a Cassandra cluster. The primary key in the PostgreSQL is a decimal value with 25 digits. When I migrate the data, it would be nice if I could keep the value of the current primary key in one way or another and use it to uniquely identify the data in Cassandra. This key should be used as the partition key in Cassandra (no other columns are involved in the table I am talking about). After doing some research, I found out that a good practise is to use UUIDs in Cassandra. So now I have two possible solutions to solve my problem:
I can either create a transformation rule, that would transfer my current decimal primary keys from the PostgrSQL database into UUIDs for Cassandra. Everytime someone requests to access some of the old data, I would have to reapply the transformation rule to the key and use the UUID to search for the data in Cassandra. The transformation would happen in an application server, that manages all communication with Cassandra (so no client will talk to Cassandra directly) New data added to Cassandra would of course be stored with an UUID.
The other solution, which I already have implemented in Java at the moment, is to use a decimal value as the partition key in Cassandra. Since it is possible, that multiple application servers will talk to Cassandra concurrently, my current approach is to generate a UUID in my application and transform it into a decimal value. Using this approach, I could simply reuse all the existing primary keys form PostgreSQL.
I cannot simply create new keys for the existing data, since other applications have stored their own references to the old primary key values and will therefore try to request data with those keys.
Now here is my question: Both approaches seem to work and end up with unique keys to identify my data. The distribution of data across all node should also be fine. But I wonder, if there is any benefit in using a UUID over a decimal value as partition key or visa versa. I don't know exactly what Cassandra does to determine the hash value of the partition key and therefore cannot determine if any data type is to be preferred. I am using the Murmur3Partitioner for Cassandra if that is relevant.
Does anyone have any experience with this issue?
Thanks in advance for answers.
There are two benefits of UUID's that I know of.
First, they can be generated independently with little chance of collisions. This is very useful in distributed systems since you often have multiple clients wanting to insert data with unique keys. In RDBMS we had the luxury of auto-incrementing fields to give uniqueness since that could easily be done atomically, but in a distributed database we don't have efficient global atomic locks to do that.
The second advantage is that UUID's are fairly efficient in terms of storage, and only require eight bytes.
As long as your old decimal values are unique, you should be able to use them as partition keys.

Problems In Cassandra ByteOrderedPartitioner in Cluster Environment

I am using cassandra 1.2.15 with ByteOrderedPartitioner in a cluster environment of 4 nodes with 2 replicas. I want to know what are the drawbacks of using the above partitioner in cluster environment? After a long search I found one drawback. I need to know what are the consequences of such drawback?
1) Data will not distribute evenly.
What type of problem will occur if data are not distributed evenly?
Is there is any other drawback with the above partitioner in cluster environment if so, what are the consequences of such drawbacks? Please explain me clearly.
One more question is, Suppose If I go with Murmur3Partitioner the data will distribute evenly. But the order will not be preserved, however this drawback can be overcome with cluster ordering (Second key in the primary keys). Whether my understanding is correct?
As you are using Cassandra 1.2.15, I have found a doc pertaining to Cassandra 1.2 which illustrates the points behind why using the ByteOrderedPartitioner (BOP) is a bad idea:
Difficult load balancing More administrative overhead is required to load balance the cluster. An ordered partitioner
requires administrators to manually calculate partition ranges
(formerly token ranges) based on their estimates of the row key
distribution. In practice, this requires actively moving node
tokens around to accommodate the actual distribution of data once
it is loaded.
Sequential writes can cause hot spots If your application tends to write or update a sequential block of rows at a time, then the
writes are not be distributed across the cluster; they all go to
one node. This is frequently a problem for applications dealing
with timestamped data.
Uneven load balancing for multiple tables If your application has multiple tables, chances are that those tables have different row keys and different distributions of data. An ordered
partitioner that is balanced for one table may cause hot spots and uneven distribution for another table in the same cluster.
For these reasons, the BOP has been identified as a Cassandra anti-pattern. Matt Dennis has a slideshare presentation on Cassandra Anti-Patterns, and his slide about the BOP looks like this:
So seriously, do not use the BOP.
"however this drawback can be overcome with cluster ordering (Second key in the primary keys). Whether my understanding is correct?"
Somewhat, yes. In Cassandra you can dictate the order of your rows (within a partition key) by using a clustering key. If you wanted to keep track of (for example) station-based weather data, your table definition might look something like this:
CREATE TABLE stationreads (
stationid uuid,
readingdatetime timestamp,
temperature double,
windspeed double,
PRIMARY KEY ((stationid),readingdatetime));
With this structure, you could query all of the readings for a particular weather station, and order them by readingdatetime. However, if you queried all of the data (ex: SELECT * FROM stationreads;) the results probably will not be in any discernible order. That's because the total result set will be ordered by the (random) hashed values of the partition key (stationid in this case). So while "yes" you can order your results in Cassandra, you can only do so within the context of a particular partition key.
Also, there have been many improvements in Cassandra since 1.2.15. You should definitely consider using a more recent (2.x) version.
