TeamCity FTP Publish - visual-studio-2012

I am trying to build and deploy my project in team city. I get green but it does not publish project to FTP. What could be the problem?
Teamcity Build Step:
Publish Profile:
Buildlog of Teamcity:

Try the build step Visual Studio.sln, give the Solution file path , select the Visual Studio Version, select the Target as build;publish, select Configuration as release. Then run the program. You will get an error message. Then check the following link for a solution.
I hope this would help you.


Microsoft.Data.Schema.SqlTasks.targets" was not found

Wanting to build a Pipeline to generate a dacpac from a database solution. But the build fails with this error message
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\TeamData\Microsoft.Data.Schema.SqlTasks.targets" was not found.
Running this on a self hosted agent, I installed SSDT tools along with VS2017 but the file that was added was "Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.SqlTasks.targets" <-- note the "Tools" ; so basically the build still fails.
Will appreciate guidance. Thank you all in advance.

msbuild.exe does not run on Linux VM in Azure

I am trying to use Jenkins to run my unittests. I have made a Jenkins Project for a build with a buildstep "Build a Visual Studio Project using MSBuild". My Jenkins server is installed on a linux vm which is in Azure.
You can see it here in the Jenkins UI:
When I run the build I get this Console Output:
Path To MSBuild.exe: msbuild.exe
FATAL: Unable to use this plugin on this kind of operation system
Executing the command msbuild.exe /ContinuousIntegration/ContinuousIntegration.sln from
/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CSHARP_CI_TEST - UNITTEST
[CSHARP_CI_TEST - UNITTEST] $ msbuild.exe
Build step 'Build a Visual Studio project or solution using MSBuild' changed
build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Build a Visual Studio project or solution using MSBuild' marked
build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
I think the problem here is that I am trying to use msbuild.exe on a Linux VM. Is there a workaround for this or is it not possible to do this?
I have tried to use the msbuild.exe on the vm via a linux terminal, but it is not possible to run it.
To accomplish your requirement you have to install '.NET Core SDK' in the Azure Jenkins Linux VM and then you may simply use 'Execute shell' build step with the command 'dotnet build ContinuousIntegration/ContinuousIntegration.sln'
To install '.NET Core SDK' in your Azure Jenkins Linux VM, please go to and click on 'Linux' in that page and then select the required Linux distribution and follow the steps provided.
For more information on MSBuild support on various operating systems, please refer
Just FYI, I have tested and reproduced your scenario and faced the same error which you have mentioned and then I have followed the above process and resolved the issue successfully. So I hope this helps. Cheers!!
PS: in your shell script you have to cd to the right folder for this to work.

Flutter: Android build for deployment

How can I create/prepare Android build for deployment on Appstore, using Android Studio? (I've developer account singed app and keys/credential)
What are step and checklist, required to create Android deployment build for flutter project
They have provided all the steps over here
Preparing an Android App for Release.
And for project You can set all common settings in pubspec.yaml file.
To build an android release of your project.
1. Using the GUI (AndroidStudio)
As shown in the image below, in your Android Studio action bar click on build and then select flutter and choose the type of build you want;
Build Apk
Well, for example when you want to test your app outside of google play store.
Build App bundle
Recommended when you want to publish your app on playstore
2. Using the CLI (Terminal, Cmd )
Open the terminal and navigate to the root folder of your project and then tape the following command;
flutter build apk
flutter build appbundle
After the build you'll see a message like this :
Running Gradle task 'assembleRelease'... 191.3s
✓ Built build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk (32.1MB).
This means everything is fine, so go to the build folder in your project's root folder to access your final app file.
For more details, Please use the official documentation guidelines :

Unable to build Compiled Azure Function in VSTS (Error MSB4019)

I have created an Azure Function using the latest build of visual studio 2017 (15.3.1).
This build allows me to do the:
New Project > Azure Function App approach
This produces a .csproj (not a .funproj file) and it's doesn't come bundled with a website or anything. I've tried .Net 4.6 and 4.6.1 as the target framework and neither have worked.
I get the following error in VSTS:
(13, 3)
Error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft
was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is
correct, and that the file exists on disk.
There is no node in my .csproj file so I am not sure where it is getting that from.
I'm using the latest NuGet option in VSTS, I'm using the Latest VS Version option as well.
The build steps are:
Get Sources
NuGet Restore
Build Solution (MSBuild.exe exited with code '1' every time)
Is there any way to build (and then release) compiled .Net functions in VSTS at the minute?
I was able to solve this by swapping the build agent from the "Default" group to the latest, "Hosted VS 2017" group, and that has compiled fine.
Looks like the machine is missing the latest dotnet cli. I'm not too familiar with VSTS build machines, but you'd need to get that on there somehow

TeamCity Build Agent (v27767) deletes MsBuild.exe on run

TeamCity 8.0.6 CI box with build agent has been purring along for several years. After a system restart, TeamCity seems to have auto-upgraded the local build agent to version 27767. No other configuration changes were made, but this error now shows on build trigger:
Unable to find MSBuild at C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe, please check MSBuild environment variable to target to Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0/3.5/4.0 or Mono installation directory
I RDP'd into the box and see that MSBuild.exe went missing - strange. So I re-add it from a local install and retrigger a build. As soon as the build agent picks up the file, it disappears! Happens every time. Maybe Windows is protecting this folder?
The build agent then becomes "incompatible". I tried this workaround, but this doesn't stop msbuild.exe from being deleted.
I checked that there are no odd steps in my build configuration. What could be deleting or moving MSBuild?
