Best way to build a custom table linked to a NotesView with sorting and paging - xpages

I have a view in my Xpage application that contains a lot of elements. From this view I need to build a table with custom rows (I can't just display the view, I need to build the rows to display myself because I need to compute data from other database, things that you can't do directly in a view).
In order to do so I know that I can use Dataview, Datatable or repeat control (other ideas maybe?). For sure I can't bring all the data on the client, it's way too much.
I am looking for a solution that will allow me to do paging (easy to do with the pager component) but more important sorting on header click. To be clear, I need sorting for all the entries of the view and not only for the current displayed page on the client.
What can be the more efficient way to do so ? I really have a lot of data to compute so I need the fastest way to do it.
(I can create several views with different sorting criteria if needed).

Any repeating control can have pagers applied to it. Also View Panels can include data not in the current view - just set the columnName property to blank and compute the value property. bear in mind you will not be able to sort on those column though - they're not columns, they're values computed at display time.
Any computed data is only computed for the entries currently shown. So if you have 5000 entries in the view but are only displaying 30 at a time, the computed data will only be computed for the current 30.
If your users need to be able to sort on all columns and you have a lot of data, basically they have to accept that they're requirements mean all that data needs computing when they enter the view...and whenever it's updated, by themselves or any other users. That's never going to be quick, and the requirements are the issue there, not the architecture. RDBMS may be better as a back-end, if that's a requirement, as long as the data doesn't go across multiple tables. Otherwise graph database structure may be a better alternative.
The bigger question is why the users need to sort on any column. Do the users really want to sort on the fifth column and then scroll down to entries beginning with a "H"? Do they want to sort on the fourth column and scroll down to entries for May 2014? On a Notes Client, that's a traditional approach, because it's easier than filtering. But usually users know what they're looking for - they don't want entries beginning "H", they want entries where the department is HR. If that's the case, sorting on all columns and paging is not the most efficient method either from a database design or a usability point of view.

To keep the processing faster and lightweight, I use JSON with JQuery DataTables.
Depending on the Data-size and usage, JSON could be generated on the fly or scheduled basis and saved in Lotus Notes Documents or ApplicationScope variables.
$.each(data, function(i, item) {
dataTable.row.add( [data[i].something1,data[i].something2,data[i].something3])

You can compute a viewColumn but if you have a lot going on I wouldn't go that route.
This is where Java in XPages SHINE!
Build a Java object to represent your row. So in java use backend logic to get all the data you need. Let's say you have a report of Sales Orders for a a company. And sales orders is pulling data from different places. Your company object would have a method like:
List<salesOrder> getOrders() {}
so in the repeat you call company.getOrders() and it returns all the rows that you worked out in java and populated. So your "rowData" collection name in the repeat can access all the data you want. Just build it into a table.
But now the sorting... We've been using jQuery DataTables to do just this.. It's all client side... your repeat comes down and then the DataTables kicks in and can make everything sortable... no need to rely on views.. works great...
Now it's all client side but supports paging and works pretty decent. If you're just pumping out LOTS of records - 6,000+ then you might want to look at outputting the data as json and taking advatange of some server cacheing... We're starting to use it with some really big output.. LOTS of rows and it's working well so far. Hopefully I'll have some examples on in the near future.


Does Powerapps return the delegatable filtered results, prior to performing the non-delegatable filtering on the app?

I am setting up a large (2000+ records) "task tracking register" using a SharePoint List, and intend to use Powerapps as the UI.
As you would imagine there numerous drop drown fields in the list which I would like to use as a filter within the Powerapp, but being that these are "Complex" fields, they are non-delegatable.
I'm lead to believe that I can avoid this by creating additional Columns in the SharePoint list that use a Flow that populates them with plain text based on the Drop-down selected.
This is a bit of pain, so I'd like to limit the quantity of these helper columns as much as possible.
Can anyone advise if a Powerapps Gallery will initially filter the results being returned using the delegateable functions first, and then perform the non-delegatable search functions on those items, or whether the inclusion of a non-delgatable search criteria means that the whole query is performed in a non-delegatable manner?
Filter 3000 records down to 800 using delegatable search, then perform the additional filtering of those 800 on the app for the non-delegatable search criteria.
I understand that it may be possible to do this via loading the initial filtered results into a collection within the app and potentially filtering that list, but have read some conflicting information as to the efficacy of this method, so not such if this is the route I should take.
Delegation can be a challenge. Here are some methods for handling it:
Users rarely need more than a few dozen records at any time in a mobile app. Try to use delegable queries to create a Collection locally. From there, its lightning fast.
If you MUST pull in all 3k+ of your records, here's my favorite hack. Collect chunks of your data source then combine into a single collection.
If you want the function to scale (and the user's wait time) you can determine the first and last ID to dynamically build a function.
Good luck!

Using Cognos 10.1 which is better an Inner Join or an "IN" Filter?

I'm using Cognos 10.1 and I have a report that uses two queries each with the same primary key.
Query 1: UniqueIds
Query 2: DetailedInfo
I'm not sure how to tell whether it's better build a report using the DetailedInfo query with a filter that says PrimaryKey in (UniqueIds.PrimaryKey) or should I create a third query that joins UniqueIds to DetailedInfo on PrimaryKey.
I'm new to Cognos and I'm learning to think differently. Using MicroSoft SQL Server I'd just use an inner join.
So my question is, in Cognos 10.1 which way is better and how can tell what the performance differences are?
You'd better start from the beginning.
You queries (I hope Query Subjects) should be joined in Framework Manager, in a model. Then you can easily filter second query by applying filters to first query.
Joins in Report Studio is the last solution.
The report writers ultimate weapon is a well indexed data warehouse, with a solid framework model built on top.
You want all of your filtering and joining to happen on the database side as much as possible. If not, then large data sets are brought over to the Cognos server before they are joined and filtered by Cognos.
The more work that happens on the database, the faster your reports will be. By building your reports in certain ways, you can mitigate Cognos side processing, and promote database side processing.
The first and best way to do this is with a good Framework Model, as Alexey pointed out. This will allow your reports to be simpler, and pushes most of the work to the database.
However a good model still exposes table keys to report authors so that they can have the flexibility to create unique data sets. Not every report warrants a new Star Schema, and sometimes you want to join the results of queries against two different Star Schema sources.
When using a join or a filter, Cognos attempts to push all of the work to the database as a default. It wants to have the final data set sent to it, and nothing else.
However when creating your filters, you have two ways of defining variables... with explicit names that refer to modeled data sources (ie. [Presentation View].[Sales].[Sales Detail].[Net Profit] ) or by referring to a column in the current data set (such as [Net Profit] ). Using explicit columns from the model will help ensure the filters are applied at the database.
Sometimes that is not possible, such as with a calculated column. For example, if you dont have Net Profit in your database or within your model, you may establish it with a Calculated column. If you filter on [Net Profit] > 1000, Cognos will pull the dataset into Cognos before applying your filter. Your final result will be the same, but depending on the size of data before and after the filter is applied, you could see a performance decrease.
It is possible to have nested queries within your report, and cognos will generate a single giant SQL statement for the highest level query, which includes sub queries for all the lower level data. You can generate SQL/MDX in order to see how Cognos is building the queries.
Also, try experimenting. Save your report with a new name, try it one way and time it. Run it a few times and take an average execution speed. Time it again with the alternate method and compare.
With smaller data sets, you are unlikely to see any difference. The larger your data set gets, the bigger a difference your method will affect the report speed.
Use joins to merge two queries together so that columns from both queries can be used in the report. Use IN() syntax if your only desire is to filter one query using the existence of corresponding rows in a second. That said, there are likely to be many cases that both methods will be equally performant, depending on the number of rows involved, indexes etc.
By the way, within a report Cognos only supports joins and unions between different queries. You can reference other queries directly in filters even without an established relationship but I've seen quirks with this, like it works when run interactively but not scheduled or exported. I would avoid doing this in reports.

XPages: Unite views from 'X' databases in one page

I am facing the following challenge in an XPage: There are three databases with exactly the same views in it. The goal is to unite these three views from the three databases in one XPage and one view component!
AFAIK, one can usually provide just one view per view component. Currently, I have a Java back end where the documents are fetched. They are then processed to HTML markup and made more beautiful / functional by using jQuery data tables.
I see (at least) three disadvantages:
It is quite some code and if you want to display another view from the databases you quickly run into boiler plate code...
It is not too fast as it takes up to 30 sec. to fetch and display all records.
I can hardly image that my way is best practice.
Has anyone ever faced this challenge? I would like to reduce Java code, make it faster and use some standard component if possible.
Tim has good questions in his comment. With your current approach make sure you use ViewNavigator cache which is the fastest way to retrieve view entries:
Notes/Domino Release 8.52 or greater
View.setAutoUpdate must be False
ViewNavigator cache must be enabled
ViewNavigator.getNext() (or getPrev) must be used

SharePoint InfoPath best practices for persisting large forms

I am currently architecting a large SharePoint deployment.
This deployment has the potential to grow to petabytes in size over the course of several years.
One of the current issues we are discussing is the option of storing our data in SharePoint using InfoPath Forms. Some of these forms contain hundres of fields and require a lot of mapping to content types for persistence and search. Our search requirement is primarily a singular identifier and NOT the contents of the forms, although I am told I should preempt the "want" to search in the future.
We require our information to be utilised for secondary purposes (such as reporting etc). The information MUST be accessible instantly after persisting to the system.
My core questions therefore are:
What are the benefit/risks of this approach compared to storing
our data in a singular relational store using web-service
If we decided on this approach what would be the
impact of changing the forms, content-types over time?
What happens when our farm grows beyond a single web-application / site collection how accessible will the information be?
Will I know where it is and how portable will the information be overtime?
Form templates can be created & deployed (relatively) easy
You can easily configure Field Validation
Probably no code involved
Hitting SharePoint 2010 Limits (not so uncommon as you might
Needs careful form design/planning (correct XML structure)
Information only accessible via SharePoint Object model or
WebService's (very slow)
2.) Well this is a tough one. Changing the form template and re-deploying is easy and only takes a few minutes. However changing the structure (underlying XML) of the template can get you in trouble very easily, because older (filled out) forms will be invalid - there is an option to "upgrade" older forms out-of-the-box, but in my experience it never worked as it supposed to.
Content Types behave very similar, say you want to delete a column from a content type because it's no longer needed - you'll have to remove all references to it, which means removing all items so you can delete the column.
3.) Well portability is definitly an issue with InfoPath, because it heavily relies on the corresponding URL structure. You absolutely can add more site collections, but this means you have to deploy your form template to each site collection. Information (filled out forms) can't easily be shared between site collection's because each form contains the SourceURL (where it came from) and the Namespace of the template (which changes constantly once you deploy).
Considering your requirements, i would strongly recommend a relational store instead of InfoPath - simply because it is not designed to be a data storage.
I would use a SQL database to store the data and a custom UI (WebPart or Application Page) to perform CRUD operations. This means that the information is not actually stored in SharePoint - just displayed (which also means that it can't be searched with the builtin SharePoint Search). There is also the possibilty to use the Business Connectivity Services (which basically does all of the above without you needing to create a custom UI - however very slow with large amount of data).
If you do need the information just in SharePoint, why not just make all this happen with Lists only?
This is going to be a long one and may not have an answer just because there's no silver bullet for what you're looking for. It's mostly insight and ultimately the choice is up to you.
the option of storing our data in SharePoint using InfoPath Forms
This statement throws me a little. SharePoint data is stored in SharePoint (well, SQL technically) but InfoPath is just a UI layer for accessing any part of that data.
Some of these forms contain 100s of fields and require alot of mapping to content types for persistence and search
From this I assume there are multiple forms which would mean different types of data being accessed (and probably different purposes). Hundreds of fields is no problem and it really boils down to managing the form and view design.
From the form side you should check out cxpartners form design crib sheet. This gives you a nice standard to follow to manage all those fields. Another thing would be to look at breaking the form up in tabs or views itself (in InfoPath) based on what the user needs to fill out. Basically it breaks down to not creating a form with 100s of fields on one massively scrolling screen the user will just freak out over.
Same with the views on the form or document library you're storing the form data in. InfoPath forms are just xml stored in a library (so regardless of how many fields you have, the footprint is pretty minimal). You don't want to map and surface every field in the form nor do you want to have a view with 100 columns on it. You should look at breaking down the views as they're fit for purpose, with only a few hundred items in each view with a few columns. It's a balancing act too as you don't want to create 100s of views either so you need to find out what's right. A good B.A. or Information Architect will help with this with the SharePoint/InfoPath guru and business user helping out.
We require our information to be utilised for secondary purposes (such as reporting etc). The information MUST be accessible instantly
This is another requirement that's going to be a little difficult to meet exactly. If the library has thousands of items (or 10s of thousands) and a view has dozens of fields then expect the view to come to crawl (especially if the user is insistent on "seeing everything" and wants the limits of each view to be set to 1000 items, like anyone could process that much information at once). Instant access is difficult if you're keeping everything online for a long time (like for reporting). There's the operational side where users are filling out forms, finding forms, editing them, etc. and for that you only want a few hundred items to be live at any given moment (up to a few thousand but you need to be careful on the views). If you have a list with 100,000 items in it and users are using this for daily activities and trying to run reports for trending or long term operations against it, you're going to lose the performance battle. Look at doing reporting offline, potentially shipping the data that's reportable to a second source like SQL and using SSRS against it. Performance Point is an option but adds a layer of complexity to the architecture. The question will ultimately fall to what reporting looks like and how important is it in relation to daily operations.
To try to answer your questions directly:
The benefits to using SharePoint over a database are that the data can be easily viewed and sliced and diced up. Creating a view is child's play and can quickly show you useful information like # of sales in a month or customer feedback grouped by call centre person. SharePoint makes it easy to view this information and even setup dashboards, hook in KPIs, etc. without having to get some developer to craft custom web pages. As far as risks go, you need to be careful with letting things grow organically and out of control. Don't let the users design views of data, they generally want something but not sure and will ask for all columns to be available which they just export to Excel to slice and dice. Make sure there's a good design around the views and lists and they're fit for purpose and meet what needs the user is trying to get out of the data. Ask the question of what they're looking for and why, that will help shape what to expose.
Any change needs to be thought out and planned and tested. It's no different in SharePoint if you add a column to a list as you would by adding a column to a SQL database. Form updates should be considered and while you won't get it 100% right the first time, you should try to get as much as possible without going overboard and putting in crazy things like 100 "blank" fields that are players to be named later. Strike a balance by understanding the needs of the users and company and where things are going. Hopefully someone will have a vision of what this thing might be when it grows up and that'll go a long way to understanding the impact of change.
Data is just xml and as long as you're not doing stupid stuff in the form like hard coding absolute paths to services (use data connection libraries) the impact of growth will be minimal. Growing beyond a web application into multiple ones is a pretty big change and not something to be taken lightly. Even splitting site collections out is big and there needs to be a really good reason for this. Site collections can handle thousands of sites and millions of documents without issue. Web applications are really there for dividing up areas of interest or separation of purpose (like team sites on one web app and a publishing portal on another) and not really meant for splitting data due to growth concerns.
Like I said, there's no silver bullet here and what you're asking for is an architecture for a solution that nobody here has all the requirements for. Hope this helps.

Render jsf data table as it is populated with data

I have a data table with binded to a large list. I want to render the data table as that list is fetched, instead of waiting for the entire list to be fetched.
Is this possible?
That's not directly possible in standard JSF implementation. I'd look for the solution in another corner: introduce pagination so that you don't need to wait for zillion of records being fetched, but just only ten, twenty or so. It'll be fetched much faster. That's also what decent sites like Google are doing.
