I have a cube that consists of several dimensions and metrics. I have a metric 'cost' and i would like to get a percentage cost for the record over the total cost based on the segments that the user selects. For example:
If the user selects dimension: 'Campaign', 'Adgroup' and 'Keyword', the result set should calculate the '%cost' as below. All '%cost' should add up to 1.
If the user selects dimension: 'Campaign', the result set should calculate the '%cost' as below. All '%cost' should add up to 1.
How am i able to write a formula in SSAS cube calculation to enable me to dynamically calculate the %cost based on the segment a users selects?
I have the current formula as ([Keyword].[Keyword].CurrentMember, [Measures].[Cost])/
(sum(Axis(1),[Measures].[Cost])). It works but takes long time to calculate. I am wondering if there is a better way to do this.
Thanks in advance.
What if to use Parent?
This lets server use pre-calculated value instead of SUM.
(I've also deleted [Keyword].[Keyword].CurrentMember since don't see reason to use it here: if it's on axis or as filter, engine will apply it automatically)
This formulae Works perfectly. But when in a cube you have more tan two and try to show them in Excel it shows #value error instead of giving the result while if placing more than two variables it Works. That is the only problema.
In PowerBI, I need to create a Performance Indicator (KPI) measure which evaluates dataset values in a scale from 0 to 1, with target (1) being the MAX value in a 20 years history. It's a national airport trip records open database. The formula is basically [value]/[max value].
My dataset has a lot of fields and I wish I could filter it by any of these fields, with a line chart showing the 0-1 indicator for each month based on the filters.
This is my workaround test solution:
Table 1 - Original dataset: if I filter something here, below tables also update (there are more fields to the left, including YEAR and MONTH
Table 2 - Reference to original dataset, aggregating YEAR-MONTH by the sum of "take-offs" (decolagens)
Table 3 - Reference to above (sum) table, aggregating MONTH by the max of "take-offs" (decolagens)
Table 4 - 'Sum table' merged to 'Max table' by MONTH as new table: then do [Value]/[Max] and we've got the indicator
So if i filter the original dataset by any fields, all other tables update accordingly and the indicators always stays between 0-1, works like a charm.
The problem is: I need to create a dashboard of this on Power Bi. So I need this calculation to be in a measure or another workaround.
My possible solution: by pure DAX code in the measure field, to produce Tables 2 and 3 so I'll divide the month sum values by their month max value (which will both be produced according to PowerBi dashboard slicers) and get the indicator dinamically produced.
I'm stuck at: I don't understand how can I reference a sum/max aggregate table in dax code. Something like = SUM (dataset[take-offs]) / MAX (SUM (dataset[take-offs])). Of course these functions do not work like that, but I hope I made my point clear: how can I produce this four table effect with a single measure?
Other solutions are welcome.
Link to the original dataset: https://www.anac.gov.br/assuntos/dados-e-estatisticas/dados-estatisticos/arquivos/DadosEstatsticos.csv
It's an open dataset, so I guess there's no problem sharing it. Please help! :)
EDIT: please download the dataset and try to solve this. Personally I think it's a quality statistics doubt that will eventually help others. The calculation works, it only needs a Power Bi Measure port.
Add the ALL formula:
Measure = SUMX(ALL('Table'),[Valor])/SUM('Table'[Max])
Is there a way to let a pivot table calculate the difference between 2 columns automatically when the values are shown as a % of the parent column total?
Now I need to to manually but the table is dynamic and number of competitors may vary. Function seems so easy but can't find it after googling etc...
See example picture below of what I want to achieve.
(Column F automated by the pivot table is the goal)
If trying to solve this with PivotTables, you've got a couple of options:
Use a 'Traditional' PivotTable that's based on a range. This will give you percentage differences, but you can't get percentage point differences like you're asking for without using external formulas.
Use a 'OLAP' PivotTable that's based on data you've added to the Excel Data Model. This will give you both percentage differences and percentage point differences, without having to resort to using external formulas.
In both cases, I recommend that you unpivot your data first, so that it is in what's known as a Flat File. Currently you're using a cross-tabulated data source (i.e. your source has columns called Year 1, Year 2), and the type of percentage comparisons across years you want to do doesn't work if your data is a crosstab. Basically, PivotTables aren't meant to consume cross-tabulated data.
Instead, you really want your data laid out so that you have a column called Amount and a column called Year, and then you can use the Show Values As options available from the right-click menu to show as percentage differences across years. To transform your data into a flat file, see my answers at convert cross table to list to make pivot table
That said, you can still use the GETPIVOTDATA function on your existing (unpivoted) data layout in a way that is somewhat more robust to changes in your PivotTable structure than just subtracting one reference from the other:
But again, I recommend transforming your data into a Flat File. Then you can additionally do the following:
Using a 'Traditional' PivotTable:
You can kinda solve your problem entirely within a self contained 'Traditional' PivotTable if you drag the Amount column to the Values area, put the Year column in the Columns area, put your Competitors in the Rows area, and choose one of the percentage Show Values As options you'll see when you right-click a cell in the Values area.
I say kinda, because without using external formulas (or without calculating the percentages back in your source data), you can only get it to show percent increases (see far right column), not percentage point increase like you want (see far left column). That said, I think percent increase is less confusing. But I guess it depends on what you want to show. If you want to show say change in market share from one year to the next, then percentage points make sense.
Of course, you could always use the GETPIVOTDATA function to do the additional math for you like we did earlier, like I've done on that left hand side.
Using an OLAP PivotTable based on the DataModel
Calculating percentage point increases likely requires using PivotTables built using the Data Model. See my answer at https://stackoverflow.com/a/49973465/2507160 that explains a little about the Data Model (although it doesn't answer this specific question).
Here's the result:
Here's the measures I used to do this:
Total Year 1:
=CALCULATE(SUM(Table2[Value]),ALLSELECTED(Table2[Competitor]),Table2[Year] = "Year 1")
Total Year 2:
=CALCULATE(SUM(Table2[Value]),ALLSELECTED(Table2[Competitor]),Table2[Year] = "Year 2")
% Year 1:
=CALCULATE(SUM(Table2[Value]),Table2[Year] = "Year 1")/[Total Year 1]
% Year 2:
=CALCULATE(SUM(Table2[Value]),Table2[Year] = "Year 2")/[Total Year 2]
p.p. Diff:
= [% Year 2] -[% Year 1]
You can add Calculated Fields to Pivot Tables, of varying levels of complexity. Finding the difference between two fields is about as simple as it gets.
The example below is borrowed from contextures.com, where there are many more examples more further information.
To add a calculated field:
Select a cell in the pivot table, and on the Excel Ribbon, under the PivotTable Tools tab, click the Options tab (Analyze tab in
Excel 2013).
In the Calculations group, click Fields, Items, & Sets, and then click Calculated Field.
Type a name for the calculated field, for example, RepBonus.
In the Formula box, type =Total * 3%
Click Add to save the calculated field, and click Close.
The RepBonus field appears in the Values area of the pivot table, and in the field list in the PivotTable Field List.
#jeffreyweir - I'm not gonna lie, I don't know off the top of my head how to make this work (and don't have time to experiment) but by the looks of these options, isn't a calculated field with a "straight subtraction" of existing fields (ie., 3$-2%=1%) very possible with Difference from? (as opposed to % Difference from which is also an option but for a different result).
In fact, automatic year-over-year difference reporting should be readily possible with the <previous> and <next> comparison operators...?
(Click to Embiggen)
Also, did you see the link where I got the example? Kind of a hoakey site but it has some more complex pivot table instructions.
I am averaging a number, grouped by week inside of Google Data Studio, and i am averaging the same numbers grouped by week inside of Big query however the output is slightly different.
Overall Score
AVG(table.score) OVER (PARTITION BY Weeknum) as OverallScore
The datasource is a list of scores, along with a date. I am averaging this inside DS using the aggregate function within the metric, and using the Time dimension ISO Year Week.
The purpose of this is to have one set of numbers hard coded, whilst the other line is used to filter to different departments, keeping the original "overall" score present to be used as a benchmark.
Exporting my table into excel, i can average it filtered by week 3 (See below) and i it returns 19.59 as well. Meaning, the avg aggregate function inside Datastudio is the same as excel. Also, i can query the table using the below, which rules out an averaging difference inside bigquery. However when i place overall score into the graph below i get slightly different numbers for the overall score..
SELECT avg(overallscore) FROM `dbo.table` where weeknum = '2018 3'
Output = 19.59
Does anyone have an idea what may be causing this?
When you open the report, you should be able to see the query it runs in your query history in Big Query. Check that it's using the same formula as sometimes it uses approximate aggregates.
I have a problematic table, which is interconnected and goes out of memory often, but I've limited it to show 50 items, but now want to limit it to show only lines that one column calculated. The calculation - one price minus another one. I need to limit the lines so that the % or the value is less than 0 (meaning everything with -% or -<0 is acceptable).
Using a calculated dimension does not let me do an if function to accomplish this. The deduction does not work for some reason.
Any help?
I just edited the formula to "=if(dimension='-' or dimension='0', null(), dimension)". So the kicker was actually setting this all to "null()" so the "Suppress When Value Is Null" recognizes things to null.
This actually solves my problem in a different way, however the goal is the same. This skips the values where a calculation is impossible due to lack from one source.
[UPDATE Jun-3rd-2017]: I figured out exactly what I needed. I just made the calculation on the script side and now a calculated dimension is actually restricting all of the values by the calculated dimension as was intended.
I have this dashboard. In sheet two , the bar chart is just counting the number of marks
in each range specified in the x-axis. What I actually want is a bar chart according to the same range, but it should count the average of marks of each student. In sheet 3, the bar chart looks similar to what I expect, but if you take a look, it's just adding each average of student one above the another.
So, how can I make a char bart with frequency of students average of marks. The ranges should be: [0 , 5>,[5,10>, [10,15>, [15,20].
One solution is to create a custom SQL data connection to first calculated the avg NOTA for each student as below:
select NOMBRES, avg(NOTA) as avg_nota from YOUR_TABLE group by NOMBRES
Then you can create a histogram for avg_nota, either with Show Me or manually.
Here is a link to an example based on your original
The SQL above weighs each score equally, which is fine if each course has exactly the same number of grades. But if the number of records varies between courses, you should adjust the approach to make sure each course is weighted the same (e.g. so that a course with 10 small tests does not get weighted twice as much as a course with 5 larger tests). The solution in that case, might involve repeating the above step in a nested subquery or view grouping by both NOMBRE and CURSO. Still this simple approach should give you the basic idea.
The solution above works but I think there ought to be a way to get the same effect using table calculations without resorting to custom SQL