GHC TypeLits without values - haskell

Trying to design a type-driven API, I've been trying to get something like the following working (using much more complicated code/attempts, this is stripped down to the minimum required to clarify what I'm looking for):
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module Main where
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits
type Printer (s :: Symbol) = IO ()
concrete :: Printer "foo"
concrete = generic
generic :: KnownSymbol s => Printer s
generic = putStrLn (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s))
main :: IO ()
main = concrete
This program would print 'foo', but doesn't:
Could not deduce (KnownSymbol s0)
arising from the ambiguity check for ‘generic’
from the context (KnownSymbol s)
bound by the type signature for
generic :: KnownSymbol s => Printer s
at test5.hs:14:12-37
The type variable ‘s0’ is ambiguous
In the ambiguity check for:
forall (s :: Symbol). KnownSymbol s => Printer s
To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
In the type signature for ‘generic’:
generic :: KnownSymbol s => Printer s
Enabling AllowAmbiguousTypes doesn't really help. Any way to get this working anyway?

Type synonyms (defined with type) are replaced with their definition during typechecking. The problem is that Printer has no reference to s in its definition, which leads to the following constraint:
generic :: KnonwSymbol s => IO ()
This type signature does not have an s right of the => and so fails the ambiguity check. It can't really work because there's nowhere to specify what s should be when you use it.
Unfortunately, GHC is inconsistent about how it represents type synonyms in error messages. Sometimes they are expanded and sometimes they are preserved. Ironically, I think improvements in the error messages have made this particular error harder to track down: normally, expressing the error in terms of the types you defined is clearer, but here it hides the cause of the ambiguity.
What you need is some way to supply the relevant type-level symbol that does not rely on type synonyms. But first, you need to enable ScopedTypeVariables and add a forall to the signature of generic to make sure the s in the type signature and the s in Proxy :: Proxy s are the same.
There are two possibilities:
change Printer to a newtype and unwrap it when you use it:
newtype Printer (s :: Symbol) = Printer { runPrinter :: IO () }
generic :: forall s. KnownSymbol s => Printer s
generic = Printer $ putStrLn (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s))
main = runPrinter generic
pass in an extra Proxy argument to generic, just like symbolVal:
concrete :: Printer "foo"
concrete = generic (Proxy :: Proxy "foo")
generic :: forall proxy s. KnownSymbol s => proxy s -> IO ()
generic _ = putStrLn (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy s))
Having proxy as a type variable is a neat idiom that lets you not depend on Data.Proxy and lets callers pass in whatever they want in its stead.

This is wrong:
generic :: KnownSymbol s => Printer s
generic = ...(Proxy :: Proxy s)
The last s has nothing to do with the s above it. It is locally implicitly universally quantified, as in top-level type annotations. The code actually means
generic :: KnownSymbol s => Printer s
generic = ...(Proxy :: forall z. Proxy z)
To fix the above, enable ScopedTypeVariables and use
-- the explicit forall makes s available below
generic :: forall s. KnownSymbol s => Printer s
generic = ...(Proxy :: Proxy s)
There are other issues, though, as Tikhon Jelvis points out in his answer.


Parameterized Types in Haskell

Why do types in Haskell have to be explicitly parameterized in the type constructor parameter?
For example:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
Here a has to be specified with the type. Why can't it be specified only in the constructor?
data Maybe = Nothing | Just a
Why did they make this choice from a design point of view? Is one better than the other?
I do understand that first is more strongly typed than the second, but there isn't even an option for the second one.
Edit :
Example function
data Maybe = Just a | Nothing
div :: (Int -> Int -> Maybe)
div a b
| b == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (a / b)
It would probably clear things up to use GADT notation, since the standard notation kind of mangles together the type- and value-level languages.
The standard Maybe type looks thus as a GADT:
data Maybe a where
Nothing :: Maybe a
Just :: a -> Maybe a
The “un-parameterised” version is also possible:
data EMaybe where
ENothing :: EMaybe
EJust :: a -> EMaybe
(as Joseph Sible commented, this is called an existential type). And now you can define
foo :: Maybe Int
foo = Just 37
foo' :: EMaybe
foo' = EJust 37
Great, so why don't we just use EMaybe always?
Well, the problem is when you want to use such a value. With Maybe it's fine, you have full control of the contained type:
bhrar :: Maybe Int -> String
bhrar Nothing = "No number 😞"
bhrar (Just i)
| i<0 = "Negative 😖"
| otherwise = replicate i '😌'
But what can you do with a value of type EMaybe? Not much, it turns out, because EJust contains a value of some unknown type. So whatever you try to use the value for, will be a type error, because the compiler has no way to confirm it's actually the right type.
bhrar :: EMaybe -> String
bhrar' (EJust i) = replicate i '😌'
=====> Error couldn't match expected type Int with a
If a variable is not reflected in the return type it is considered existential. This is possible to define data ExMaybe = ExNothing | forall a. ExJust a but the argument to ExJust is completely useless. ExJust True and ExJust () both have type ExMaybe and are indistinguisable from the type system's perspective.
Here is the GADT syntax for both the original Maybe and the existential ExMaybe
{-# Language GADTs #-}
{-# Language LambdaCase #-}
{-# Language PolyKinds #-}
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# Language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# Language TypeApplications #-}
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Prelude hiding (Maybe(..))
type Maybe :: Type -> Type
data Maybe a where
Nothing :: Maybe a
Just :: a -> Maybe a
type ExMaybe :: Type
data ExMaybe where
ExNothing :: ExMaybe
ExJust :: a -> ExMaybe
You're question is like asking why a function f x = .. needs to specify its argument, there is the option of making the type argument invisible but this is very odd but the argument is still there even if invisible.
-- >> :t JUST
-- JUST :: a -> MAYBE
-- >> :t JUST 'a'
-- JUST 'a' :: MAYBE
type MAYBE :: forall (a :: Type). Type
data MAYBE where
JUST :: a -> MAYBE #a
mAYBE :: b -> (a -> b) -> MAYBE #a -> b
mAYBE nOTHING jUST = \case
JUST a -> jUST a
Having explicit type parameters makes it much more expressive. You lose so much information without it. For example, how would you write the type of map? Or functors in general?
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
This version says almost nothing about what’s going on
map :: (a -> b) -> [] -> []
Or even worse, head:
head :: [] -> a
Now we suddenly have access to unsafe coerce and zero type safety at all.
unsafeCoerce :: a -> b
unsafeCoerce x = head [x]
But we don’t just lose safety, we also lose the ability to do some things. For example if we want to read something into a list or Maybe, we can no longer specify what kind of list we want.
read :: Read a => a
example :: [Int] -> String
main = do
xs <- getLine
putStringLine (example xs)
This program would be impossible to write without lists having an explicit type parameter. (Or rather, read would be unable to have different implementations for different list types, since content type is now opaque)
It is however, as was mentioned by others, still possible to define a similar type by using the ExistentialQuantification extension. But in those cases you are very limited in how you can use those data types, since you cannot know what they contain.

newtype with gadt-like constraint

I understand why you can't do this:
newtype NG a where MkNG :: Eq a => a -> NG a
-- 'A newtype constructor cannot have a context in its type', says GHC
That's because the 'data' constructor MkNG is not really a constructor. "The constructor N in an expression coerces a value from type t to type ..." says the language report, Section 4.2.3 "Unlike algebraic datatypes, the newtype constructor N is unlifted, ..."
If it were to be able to support a constraint, it would need an argument position for the constraint's dictionary.
Now I've got your attention I'm going to ask about that deprecated feature, for which you often see (very old) StackOverflow answers saying to use GADTs instead:
{-# LANGUAGE DatatypeContexts #-} -- deprecated ~2010
newtype Eq a => NC a = MkNC a -- inferred MkNC :: Eq a => a -> NC a
-- nc = MkNC (id :: Int -> Int) -- rejected no Eq instance
quux (MkNC _) = () -- inferred quux :: Eq a => NC a -> ()
quuz (x :: NC a) = () -- inferred quuz :: NC a -> ()
(That type for quuz is one of the annoyances with DatatypeContexts: because the constructor doesn't appear in the pattern match, type inference can't 'see' the constraint.)
So this works (or doesn't depending on your point of view) just as well (or badly) as DatatypeContexts on data types.
My question is: how? MkNC again just coerces a value/is unlifted. Does it use dictionary-passing to apply the constraint? Where does the dictionary slot in, given that the coercion is purely a compile-time effect?

Why do Haskell's scoped type variables not allow binding of type variables in pattern bindings?

I noticed that GHC's ScopedTypeVariables is able to bind type variables in function patterns but not let patterns.
As a minimal example, consider the type
data Foo where Foo :: Typeable a => a -> Foo
If I want to gain access to the type inside a Foo, the following function does not compile:
fooType :: Foo -> TypeRep
fooType (Foo x) =
let (_ :: a) = x
in typeRep (Proxy::Proxy a)
But using this trick to move the type variable binding to a function call, it works without issue:
fooType (Foo x) =
let helper (_ :: a) = typeRep (Proxy::Proxy a)
in helper x
Since let bindings are actually function bindings in disguise, why aren't the above two code snippets equivalent?
(In this example, other solutions would be to create the TypeRep with typeOf x, or bind the variable directly as x :: a in the top-level function. Neither of those options are available in my real code, and using them doesn't answer the question.)
The big thing is, functions are case expressions in disguise, not let expressions. case matching and let matching have different semantics. This is also why you can't match a GADT constructor that does type refinement in a let expression.
The difference is that case matches evaluate the scrutinee before continuing, whereas let matches throw a thunk onto the heap that says "do this evaluation when the result is demanded". GHC doesn't know how to preserve locally-scoped types (like a in your example) across all the potential ways laziness may interact with them, so it just doesn't try. If locally-scoped types are involved, use a case expression such that laziness can't become a problem.
As for your code, ScopedTypeVariables actually provides you a far more succinct option:
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs #-}
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Proxy
data Foo where
Foo :: Typeable a => a -> Foo
fooType :: Foo -> TypeRep
fooType (Foo (x :: a)) = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy a)

Is it possible to get the Kind of a Type Constructor in Haskell?

I am working with Data.Typeable and in particular I want to be able to generate correct types of a particular kind (say *). The problem that I'm running into is that TypeRep allows us to do the following (working with the version in GHC 7.8):
let maybeType = typeRep (Proxy :: Proxy Maybe)
let maybeCon = fst (splitTyConApp maybeType)
let badType = mkTyConApp maybeCon [maybeType]
Here badType is in a sense the representation of the type Maybe Maybe, which is not a valid type of any Kind:
> :k Maybe (Maybe)
Expecting one more argument to ‘Maybe’
The first argument of ‘Maybe’ should have kind ‘*’,
but ‘Maybe’ has kind ‘* -> *’
In a type in a GHCi command: Maybe (Maybe)
I'm not looking for enforcing this at type level, but I would like to be able to write a program that is smart enough to avoid constructing such types at runtime. I can do this with data-level terms with TypeRep. Ideally, I would have something like
data KindRep = Star | KFun KindRep KindRep
and have a function kindOf with kindOf Int = Star (probably really kindOf (Proxy :: Proxy Int) = Star) and kindOf Maybe = KFun Star Star, so that I could "kind-check" my TypeRep value.
I think I can do this manually with a polykinded typeclass like Typeable, but I'd prefer to not have to write my own instances for everything. I'd also prefer to not revert to GHC 7.6 and use the fact that there are separate type classes for Typeable types of different kinds. I am open to methods that get this information from GHC.
We can get the kind of a type, but we need to throw a whole host of language extensions at GHC to do so, including the (in this case) exceeding questionable UndecidableInstances and AllowAmbiguousTypes.
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
import Data.Proxy
Using your definition for a KindRep
data KindRep = Star | KFun KindRep KindRep
we define the class of Kindable things whose kind can be determined
class Kindable x where
kindOf :: p x -> KindRep
The first instance for this is easy, everything of kind * is Kindable:
instance Kindable (a :: *) where
kindOf _ = Star
Getting the kind of higher-kinded types is hard. We will try to say that if we can find the kind of its argument and the kind of the result of applying it to an argument, we can figure out its kind. Unfortunately, since it doesn't have an argument, we don't know what type its argument will be; this is why we need AllowAmbiguousTypes.
instance (Kindable a, Kindable (f a)) => Kindable f where
kindOf _ = KFun (kindOf (Proxy :: Proxy a)) (kindOf (Proxy :: Proxy (f a)))
Combined, these definitions allow us to write things like
kindOf (Proxy :: Proxy Int) = Star
kindOf (Proxy :: Proxy Maybe) = KFun Star Star
kindOf (Proxy :: Proxy (,)) = KFun Star (KFun Star Star)
kindOf (Proxy :: Proxy StateT) = KFun Star (KFun (KFun Star Star) (KFun Star Star))
Just don't try to determine the kind of a polykinded type like Proxy
kindOf (Proxy :: Proxy Proxy)
which fortunately results in a compiler error in only a finite amount of time.

Haskell -- get TypeRep from concrete type instance

I want to write a function with this type signature:
getTypeRep :: Typeable a => t a -> TypeRep
where the TypeRep will be the type representation for a, not for t a. That is, the compiler should automatically return the correct type representation at any call sites [to getTypeRep], which will have concrete types for a.
To add some context, I want to create a "Dynamic type" data type, with the twist that it will remember the top-level type, but not its parameter. For example, I want to turn MyClass a into Dynamic MyClass, and the above function will be used to create instances of Dynamic MyClass that store a representation of the type parameter a.
Well, how about using scoped type variables to select the inner component:
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Typeable
getTypeRep :: forall t a . Typeable a => t a -> TypeRep
getTypeRep _ = typeOf (undefined :: a)
Works for me:
*Main> getTypeRep (Just ())
*Main> getTypeRep (Just 7)
*Main> getTypeRep ([True])
Interesting design.
On a tangential note to Don's solution, notice that code rarely require ScopedTypeVariables. It just makes the solution cleaner (but less portable). The solution without scoped types is:
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
import Data.Typeable
helper :: t a -> a
helper _ = undefined
getTypeRep :: forall t a. Typeable a => t a -> TypeRep
getTypeRep = typeOf . helper
This function (now) exists in Data.Typeable typeRep
