vim: disable plugin by default (diffchar) - vim

Recently (vimdiff: force line-by-line comparison (ignore supposedly missing/additional lines) ), I've found the quite useful vim plugin diffchar, which improves vimdiff by showing multiple diffs on the same line separated, instead of highlighting the whole area from the first to the last diff.
The problem is that I frequently encounter files where diffchar doesn't work properly, namely spills out a whole lot of errors when vimdiff is opened, plus I think it slows down vimdiff substantially for large files (which I'm dealing with far too often).
Is there a way to disable this (or any) plugin by default?
The plugin already has the functionality to turn it off (toggle it), mapped to F7. What I'd like is that it's turned off by default, but that I'm still able to turn it on (using F7) when I specifically need it. (I'm also fine with tweaking the source file of the plugin accordingly, BTW.) What I've already tried is simply adding the command F7 is mapped to (ToggleDiffCharAllLines) to .vimrc, but this doesn't work.

Just put this into your ~/.vimrc:
let g:DiffExpr = 0
You then have to explicitly enable the plugin via one of its mappings or commands.


vim81 configuration wrong after I added .vimrc

I uninstalled vim74 and compiled vim81 and installed it. However I found it strange, comparing to vim74. When there's no .vimrc file under HOME dir, I open a c++ file and syntax highlight is working and I can use Backspace to delete letters. However when I add a .vimrc under HOME dir and just put set number into it, when the c++ source file is opened, no highlight, and Backspace not working. Why is that ? I used to add some configurations in .vimrc under vim74 before, and this situation never happens.
After complaints that Vim in its default configuration is hard to use (especially for beginners), it was decided to enable a default configuration if the user hasn't created his own ~/.vimrc (yet). This was introduced with Vim 8.0, and explains what you're seeing (namely: syntax highlighting and sensible backspace behavior). Read more about the details at :help defaults.vim.
The help also has instructions how to keep the defaults when adding your own ~/.vimrc configuration:
If you create your own .vimrc, it is recommended to add these lines somewhere
near the top:
unlet! skip_defaults_vim
source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim
Then Vim works like before you had a .vimrc.
Tip: Don't go all crazy with adding various snippets (especially not those you don't fully understand) and plugins to your ~/.vimrc, even though the Internet is full of them. Rather, build it up gradually, depending on needs, and back up your understanding with careful studying of the excellent :help. Also, avoid pre-packaged Vim distributions; they're even worse.

Apply changes to .vimrc to source file

Im currently making a lot of changes in my .vimrc. At the same time Im also coding away on a project. To fix the new indentation and tabstop rules, and so on, I have to go through every line and re-indent them. This seems a little bit tedious.
Is there any way to apply the newest changes in my .vimrc to the whole source file?
Your problem seems to be that existing buffers do not get the updated (global) values of e.g. 'tabstop', because these are buffer-local options. Therefore, a simple :so % after editing the ~/.vimrc isn't sufficient.
There are several possible approaches:
Use sessions
With the current Vim state persisted via :mksession, you can safely :quit Vim, restart it, :so session.vim, and have the identical editing state, but with the new settings applied (this requires that you :set sessionoptions-=options)
Manually apply
You can e.g. :yank the changed :set tabstop=... commands that you've edited and reapply them to all existing buffers, e.g. by moving there and :#", or (if there are many) with the help of :bufdo.
Note that especially the indent settings can also be set from ftplugins, so your global settings may not be effective. You can check that for a buffer with :verbose set tabstop?.

Vim hard or soft tab depending on what's used in the file

Is there a vim command or plugin that will span the source file I'm opening, and adjust my tab setting to whatever is used in the file.
I currently work on a diverse codebase at work, with some source files using hard tabs, other 4 space soft tabs, and other's 2 space soft tabs. My hard tab, if I forgot to changes, can lead to ugly whitespace in different editors if I forget to change it when I'm editting a soft tab file.
I'd like to not have to remember to check whatever's convention is used in a file every time I open a buffer, and adjust my preferences accordingly.
I use yaifa with great success. It's pretty much an "install-and-forget" plugin that does what it says it does without ever getting in the way. Working in the messy environment I work in was horrible until I found that gem.
If most people at work use Vim (and/or Emacs), you can encode the indent settings within the file itself, see :help modeline (at least Emacs has something similar). Of course, agreeing on a common setting and gradually migrating to it would be even better :-)
In case you can't do that or things are just too chaotic, you need a plugin to dynamically adapt the indent settings. My IndentConsistencyCop plugin checks whether the buffer's indentation is consistent and conforms to tab settings, and then offers to adapt the settings to the detected ones. (The plugin page has links to alternative plugins.)
I've used the following function (found it somewhere on the web) with good success. Just put it into your .vimrc:
function Kees_settabs()
if len(filter(getbufline(winbufnr(0), 1, "$"), 'v:val =~ "^\\t"')) > len(filter(getbufline(winbufnr(0), 1, "$"), 'v:val =~ "^ "'))
set noet
set et
autocmd BufReadPost * call Kees_settabs()
Take a look at sleuth by the prolific Tim Pope:
This plugin automatically adjusts 'shiftwidth' and 'expandtab' heuristically based on the current file, or, in the case the current file is new, blank, or otherwise insufficient, by looking at other files of the same type in the current and parent directories. In lieu of adjusting 'softtabstop', 'smarttab' is enabled.
I wrote this because I wanted something fully automatic. My goal is that by installing this plugin, you can remove all indenting related configuration from your vimrc.
If your file is consistently indented with hard tabs, 'shiftwidth' will be set to your 'tabstop'. Otherwise, a 'tabstop' of 8 is enforced.

Vim SuperTab: How to specify suggestions source

I have been playing around with the Vim-plugin "SuperTab" for a while, and it has become nearly unusable to me due to the enormous delay following the press of the [Tab] key. This is due to SuperTab using tag files as a source for result suggestions.
This is problematic to me since the tag file for our codebase at work is quite big (37mb~), so depending on the situation, hitting [Tab] sometimes invokes a query that may take 15+ seconds to complete. Not quite a time-saver.
Is there any way to tell SuperTab to ignore my tags variable, because I would very much like to keep using it for other plugins like taglist.vim, or optionally, an alternative to SuperTab?
Supertab uses the default completion; its sources can be configured via the 'complete' option. A
:set complete-=t
should remove the tag completion; other plugins won't be affected, but the default insert mode completion (<C-n> / <C-p>) is. Alternatively, you could reconfigure Supertab to use another completion, e.g. the buffer-local one (<C-x><C-n>).

How do I combine two features of vim wiki plugins?

Sorry in advance for the newbie question. I've been trying to use vim for keeping a personal wiki, but I can't quite seem to decide on a good plugin. Vimwiki is great, and I really like the way it does checkboxes and uses the enter key to follow links. Notes.vim is simpler but I like it a lot better: it dynamically makes names of notes into links like Tomboy Notes, makes pretty bullet points, and has a search function built in. I can't get vimwiki to use files with no extension, but notes.vim does that automatically.
What I want to know is: is there an easy way (calling a vimscript file or something?) to combine some features of both of these plugins? I've tried doing some cutting-and-pasting but so far nothing has been working.
I doubt whether tbere is any simple automated way to do it. Both Vimwiki and notes.vim are "filetype" plugins. Generally in Vim any file (or buffer) can be set to just a single filetype.
It would depend on how the ftplugins were written, but it may be possible to apply them both to same buffer by making sure that the buffer is set to both filetypes, sequentially. That is, the buffer can be set to one filetype at a time, but setting it to both one after the other may do part of what you need.
For example, opening a notes.vim file will automatically set the buffer to a notes.vim filetype. Once open you could issue the command :setlocal filetype=vimwiki to change it to a vimwiki buffer. If vimwiki filetype initialization doesn't wipe out crucial notes.vim settings or have conflicting operation then you may then be able to access some functionality from both ftplugins. Not likely to get you very far, but maybe worth a try. Better would be to combine sections of their code into a single ftplugin.
