URL Rewriting not possible? - .htaccess

I have a website with this url :
I want transform this url to this
I want that new url override the standard html and it's become the only url available (for SEO).
I do this, but it's not ok :
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^stage?dept=01$ stages-ain.html [R=301]
Have you an idea ?

The first argument of RewriteRule cannot match the query string. You have written a regex instead that matches the url stagedept=01 and stagdept=01.
You want to use a RewriteCond instead. You could use the %{QUERY_STRING} variable, but this will likely cause an infinite loop. Instead you probably want to match on %{THE_REQUEST}.
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} /stage\?dept=01
RewriteRule ^ stages-ain.html [R,L,QSD]
Change the [R] flag to [R=301] when you have tested everything works as expected. Always use the L flag with external redirects, unless you have a very good reason to continue rewriting, as this can cause some weird problems.
See the documentation for more information.


htaccess query string redirect not working correctly

I have a situation where I want to actually see the url variable even though the rest of my htaccess site uses readable URLS.
The issue is that it is simply showing up as a page not found...
This works...
RewriteRule ^files/(.+)/from_all_files/$ pages/file.php?slug=$1&from=all-files
This does not work
RewriteRule ^files/(.+)?from=all-files$ pages/file.php?slug=$1&from=all-files
Im looking for the second one to work.
You cannot check the query string in a RewriteRule, which can only see the REQUEST_URI. You need to use the following instead:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^from=all-files$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^files/(.+)$ pages/file.php?slug=$1 [QSA,L]
When you request http://example.com/files/some-file?from=all-files, the request will be internally rewritten to pages/file.php?slug=some-file&from=all-files. The Query String Append flag (QSA) will append the current query string to the one you're rewriting to.

How to write a htaccess to change url but point to actual path internally using regex match

url = www.example.com/de/abc
I just want to change fix url word 'abc' into fix word 'xyz' for browser compatibility only changed url show in browser. But change url point to actual directory path means
www.example.com/de/xyz will follow internally www.example.com/de/abc.
I used some regex to do this, but not able to get actual solution
How can I do this.
Thanks in advance
Code from comment :
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/de/advertiseWithUs$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*) /de/unsere-tipps [R=302,L]
If I have correctly understood what you want, here a solution you can try :
RewriteRule ^de/advertiseWithUs$ http://yourdomain.com/de/unsere-tipps [R=302,NC,L]
RewriteRule ^de/unsere-tipps$ de/advertiseWithUs [NC,L]
The first rule change URL (with a 302 redirection), the second one make the internal redirection to point to the right page.

Targeting single directory for rewrite rule

I have edited this question to use the actual URLs. I need the url
To be rewritten like
I have tried
RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/([^/]*)/$ /mine_db/main.php?page=$1&dep_id=$2 [L]
Which works on this page but breaks every other page on the site. I was wondering if there was a way to force the rewriterule to only operate on files within the mine_db directory. I had tried RewriteCond but with no success:
#RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/mine_db
I really don't know they proper syntax for this though. Any ideas?
First of your rule can be shortened and written without needing RewriteCond. Also it appears that you want to capture 2 variables after test_db.
You can try this rule instead:
RewriteRule ^(mine_detail)/([0-9]+)/?$ /mine_db/main.php?page=$1&dep_id=$2 [QSA,L,NC]
Which will work with URIs like /mine_detail/12345 (trailing slash is optional). Also note that above rewrite will happen silently (internally) without changing the URLi in browser. If you want to change URL in browser then use R flag as well like this:
RewriteRule ^(mine_detail)/([0-9]+)/?$ /mine_db/main.php?page=$1&dep_id=$2 [QSA,L,NC,R]

Redirecting a URL that contains a question mark

It's been necessary to move the position of my blog and I'm trying to make sure I catch all of the links in via the old link and redirect them to the new one.
The blog has been moved from http://example.com/ to http://example.com/blog/
The URLs used to generate with the date before the post name (by default) which I've decided not to do, to keep the URLs memorable.
The issue is that there's a ? character in the original URL (the default URL produced by the CMS I'm using and it's causing problems with the redirect:
RewriteRule ^post.php?s=2012-01-01-blog-post$ /blog/blog-post? [R=301,L]
So I need to escape the ? somehow but I can't work out how!
I could use a more general redirect that avoids the ? but that would redirect to the listings page, not the article itself:
RewriteRule ^post.php$ http://tempertemper.net/blog/? [R=301,L]
How do I make it read the ? as part of the URL!?
Thanks for taking a look!
Martin :)
I think you need to use a RewriteCond to check for the presence of a QUERY_STRING value and then, assuming the query string matches your blog pattern, capture the blog name and then use the captured value in the RewriteRule. Something like this:
RewriteCond ${QUERY_STRING} ^s=[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-(.*)$
RewriteRule ^post.php$ /blog/%1 [R=permanent,L]
The %1 refers to the first capture pattern in the matching RewriteCond (and the RewriteRule will not trigger unless the RewriteCond is a match).
The reason this is necessary is that a RewriteRule cannot see the query string as part of the request path, so you have to check for (and capture) a query string using a RewriteCond before the RewriteRule.

301 Redirecting URLs based on GET variables in .htaccess

I have a few messy old URLs like...
...that I want to redirect to the newer, cleaner form...
I understand I can redirect one page to another with a simple redirect i.e.
Redirect 301 /bunch.of/unneeded/crap http://www.example.com/page.php
But the source page doesn't change, only it's GET vars. I can't figure out how to base the redirect on the value of these GET variables. Can anybody help pls!? I'm fairly handy with the old regexes so I can have a pop at using mod-rewrite if I have to but I'm not clear on the syntax for rewriting GET vars and I'd prefer to avoid the performance hit and use the cleaner Redirect directive. Is there a way? and if not can anyone clue me in as to the right mod-rewrite syntax pls?
As the parameters in the URL query may have an arbitrary order, you need to use a either one RewriteCond directive for every parameter to check or for every possible permutiation.
Here’s an example with a RewriteCond directive for each parameter:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^([^&]&)*opendocument(&|$)
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^([^&]&)*part=1(&|$)
RewriteRule ^bunch\.of/unneeded/crap$ /page.php/welcome? [L,R=301]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^([^&]&)*opendocument(&|$)
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^([^&]&)*part=2(&|$)
RewriteRule ^bunch\.of/unneeded/crap$ /page.php/prices? [L,R=301]
But as you can see, this may get a mess.
So a better approach might be to use a RewriteMap. The easiest would be a plain text file with key and value pairs:
1 welcome
2 prices
To define your map, write the following directive in your server or virual host configuration (this directive is not allowed in per-directory context):
RewriteMap examplemap txt:/path/to/file/map.txt
Then you would just need one rule:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^([^&]&)*opendocument(&|$)
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^([^&]&)*part=([0-9]+)(&|$)
RewriteRule ^bunch\.of/unneeded/crap$ /page.php/%{examplemap:%2}? [L,R=301]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} option=com_content&task=view&id=70&Itemid=82
RewriteRule ^index.php http://www.example.com/business/banks/? [R=301,L]
The ? will prevent the url the user is sent to from having the same query string as the origin page.
In summary, you could use RedirectMatch with a regex that will match the full URL, including query string. That will let you rearrange parts of the URL, but if you have to do conversions like "opendocument&part=1" to "welcome" (where the new URL is completely different from the original one), you might need a RewriteMap - or perhaps better, just send all URLs to page.php and parse the query string in PHP.
EDIT: If it's just a few URLs you want to redirect, you could probably write out individual rules like
RedirectPermanent http://www.example.com/bunch.of/unneeded/crap?opendocument&part=1 http://www.example.com/page.php/welcome
RedirectPermanent http://www.example.com/bunch.of/unneeded/crap?opendocument&part=2 http://www.example.com/page.php/prices
