nodejs browser-sync - logging - node.js

im very new to nodejs but was wondering if the following was easily possible to achieve.
I use Gulp along with browser-sync plugin. I was wondering if there was a way to log every time the browser gets re-injected with the domain and time over a port range. The reason for this being I want to be able to plot productivity over projects without having to manually record this and this seems to be the most logical solution.
Is there anything out there like this or could this easily be added into a Gulp file?
Many thanks, Luke

There are some options and you can use the emitter to react to events like stream:changed, browser:reload, client:connected, connection,...
var bs = require("browser-sync").create();
bs.init({}); //
bs.emitter.on("file:reload", function(){
console.log("File reload - Details:"+arguments)


How to optimize my heroku webapp

I'm new to web development and I'm currently in the process of building my own website for my portfolio. My app uses node, express, and Heroku to launch it online. However, the page isn't as smooth as I'd like it to be. It drops a lot of frames when scrolling and viewing animations. I'm wondering what I can do to make my app feel buttery smooth. I've looked all around for solutions but I'm too new to development to really understand what to do. I've attempted to use the inspector to see if the css or javascript files are slowing down the processes via the waterfall insepctor, but came up dry. So far, I've compressed the files and lowered the scale of all images. Also, the entire website is static content so I can't imagine why its running so slowly. Any help would be much appreciated.
The website in question
The "lag" could be caused by the ScrollFire plugin. Every time you call Materialize.scrollFire(..) you actually add a JavaScript listener for the "scroll" event. The way you use it, you call Materialize.scrollFire for each of your target objects, so you actually create multiple "scroll" listeners. But the scrollFire options is actually an array of targets, so you could get away with only initializing it once. Like so:
var options = [
{selector: '.iphone1', offset: 300, callback: function(el) {
$('.iphone1').css('visibility', 'visible');
$('.iphone1').addClass('animated slideInLeft');
{selector: '#paragraph_intro', offset: 300, callback: function(el) {
$('#paragraph_intro').css('visibility', 'visible');
$('#paragraph_intro').addClass('animated slideInRight');
// ... And so on
It could also be caused by your own scroll listener at:
$(window).on('scroll', function(){
I would consider adding some kind of throttling, so these functions are called less frequent while the user is scrolling.
These may not be the problem, or the whole problem, as I cannot see how the page would behave without it, but it could have an impact, so it's worth investigating.

running node.js and selenium on winddows

I've just picked up node.js and selenium the other day so I apologize for this introductory question but I haven't been able to find an answer on this. I've written a .js script that uses webdriverio. To use this I open 2 cmd windows (I'm running off windows 7) one where I type selenium-standalone start to get selenium to open. Then I run in the other one node ..../script.js . This gets me a beautiful browser that does what it's suppose to 1/10. The other 9/10 times I get a Session deleted due to client timeout. Since this is to be quick and easy I don't really care if it times out I just want it to restart this process. Any suggestions how to do this?
From the sounds of it, your node.js program may be trying to connect to the Selenium server, but without allowing for enough time for it to be able to establish the browser reliably too. Perhaps a case for using .pause(10000) as in:
var Selenium = function () {
this.client = webdriverio.remote(options);
Selenium.prototype.refreshURL = function (url, cb) {
var self = this;
// etc.
A good workaround for setting a pause is to use waitFor* - there are multiple options like
.waitForVisible('body', 20000000).then(function(isVisible){
//.. you can add also small timeout here to dodge low hardware lags

Nodejs global hotkey execution

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. I'm building a Node app that I want to execute some hotkeys on the computer it's running on to start & stop an OBS stream based on hotkeys.
I was wondering if this is possible as I've only been able to find out of date and non-working solutions.
You can do it easily in AutoHotKey, but if it is Node you need, Node you'll get.
Probably quite a few Node Package Managers (NPM's) that will fit the bill, if you check github, I'm betting someone has made a little something something.
Lo and behold, I did it for you : hott - Global hotkeys for Windows, with node
Seems a tad overkill to me, using "iohook" should work wonders; hook it up in the semi-old fashion JS way of the event, something like so :
The only way I am fairly certain will work is plain and simple event listening :
const ioHook = require('iohook');
ioHook.on("keypress", event => {
if(event.keychar == 'a') {
} else {
console.log("Press a");

Interacting with app code in the node REPL

One of the pleasures of frameworks like Rails is being able to interact with models on the command line. Being very new to node.js, I often find myself pasting chunks of app code into the REPL to play with objects. It's dirty.
Is there a magic bullet that more experienced node developers use to get access to their app specific stuff from within the node prompt? Would a solution be to package up the whole app, or parts of the app, into modules to be require()d? I'm still living in one-big-ol'-file land, so pulling everything out is, while inevitable, a little daunting.
Thanks in advance for any helpful hints you can offer!
One-big-ol'-file land is actually a good place to be in for what you want to do. Nodejs can also require it's REPL in the code itself, which will save you copy and pasting.
Here is a simple example from one of my projects. Near the top of your file do something similar to this:
function _cb() {
var repl = require("repl");
var context = repl.start("$ ").context;
context.cb = _cb;
Now just add to the context throughout your code. The _cb is a dummy callback to play with function calls that require one (and see what they'll return).
Seems like the REPL API has changed quite a bit, this code works for me:
var replServer = repl.start({
prompt: "node > ",
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
useGlobal: true
replServer.on('exit', function() {
console.log("REPL DONE");
You can also take a look at this answer This code will automatically load a REPL if the file is run directly from node AND add all your declared methods and variables to the context automatically.

is it possible to read /proc/{pid}/stat then transfer to client real time?

suppose i want to monitor mysql, as far as i know, all mysql runtime info is stored in /proc/{mysql_pid}/stat. so is it possible to read and parse mysql stat info via node.js and client display the chart real time ?
nagios and alternative is so heavy, and sometimes i just want to monitor some progress info. so i want a lightweight solution.
I tried using Node Inotify, which is an excellent library. Yet, it seems like the proc filesystem doesn't event to inotify when the stat files are changed. If you're watching a file on a normal filesystem, though, this is how you can do it using that library:
sys = require('sys');
fs = require('fs');
Inotify = require('inotify').Inotify;
var inotify = new Inotify();
function callback(ev) {
var home_dir = {
path: '/proc/5499/stat'
, watch_for: Inotify.IN_ALL_EVENTS
, callback: callback
var home_watch_descriptor = inotify.addWatch(home_dir);
Just change Inotify.IN_ALL_EVENTS to whatever action you want to watch for, which is documented on the github page I linked.
Sorry this doesn't solve your particular problem, but I thought I'd post it informationally.
I'm assuming you haven't tried implementing a solution to your problem. What exactly do you mean by "real time"? What sort of client are you talking about?
If you're talking about a web browser client, there's no reason you couldn't update some sort of display every half-second with loads of clients (or much faster, if the charts aren't too intricate).
You should be more specific if you want a more specific answer than that.
