Creating Content Project on Monogame - visual-studio-2012

I am trying to use Monogame for the first time.
I found creating a content project is impossible on Visual Studio 2012,
so I would like to know if I can create some .xnb (contents) files from another PC and move it in my PC that Visual Studio 2012 is installed.
This is because I failed to install Windows Phone SDK in my PC for some reason.
My OS was Windows 7 so I could not install Windows Phone SDK.
So, is it possible to create a content project on another PC and move it into my PC? Or, can I copy the .xnb files to my PC?
Thanks in advance for your help.

You can create the xnb files from whichever system you want by using an XNA game project.
The steps to follow would be:
Create a new XNA Game project (it needs to be a game and not a content project).
Add the assets you want to port into the content project of the game.
Go to the output folder and copy all the xnb files.
In your monogame project, add the existing xnb files to the project's Content folder.
Change their properties to: "Content" for "Build Action" and "Copy if newer" for output directory.
You can find a tutorial (written by me) explaining exactly how to use sounds and spritefonts in Monogame here. This can be helpful given that these files need to be created from an external project as Monogame was not able to used them without being in xnb format; and was also unable to create this format for itself.
One last thing, it is also possible to install XNA in VS 2012/2013 and Windows 8/8.1 without any problem by using XNA Refresh. This may help you in avoiding the need to use another computer for this process.


Copy emulators from other PC

I would like to copy Android emulators from one PC to another in order not to download them from Internet. I have AWD folder copied to new PC. How to tell new Android Studio to use these emulators? How to set path to them in Android Studio?
After I copied emulators from other PC I got Missing system image error:
AFAIK, you don't need to set the Path. Android Studio automatically picks if you copy your <YOUR_EMULATOR_NAME>.avd and <YOUR_EMULATOR_NAME>.ini files into your ~/.android/avd folder.
<YOUR_EMULATOR_NAME>.avd is directory and it contains .img files and other files and <YOUR_EMULATOR_NAME>.ini is a text file and it contains path(is an absolute path to your .avd), path.rel (is a relative path to your .avd) and target.
I tried just now and it worked for me.
You need to copy system images and vendor images from your Android Library path mentioned below.
disk.systemPartition.initPath = /Users/user/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-26/google_apis/x86//system.img
disk.vendorPartition.initPath = /Users/user/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-26/google_apis/x86//vendor.img
Missing system image hints for, that you have to install these system images with the SDK manager. Those "download" buttons should do the job - if not, then use the SDK manager to install the ones it demands.
The kernel.path and the disk.systemPartition.initPath in the AVD's hardware-qemu.ini need to be adjusted to the Android SDK's location, so that it will be able to boot them (else it will complain, just alike the sceenshot shows). I don't have any disk.vendorPartition.initPath here, so this probably isn't required. if any hardware-qemu.ini has such a value, also adjust this one.

Copy website feature in visual studio 2010 is not working because my local pc code is under source control

This is my first time posting a question in StackOverflow. Pls forgive me if I made any mistake.
The condition is such: I have codes inside my laptop that is under source control by a TFS (Team Foundation Server) server in the company and I have a web server which I upload the codes so that user can browse the pages. So there are 3 main items here: the TFS server, my laptop and the web server.
When I try to check in/out between my laptop and TFS server using Visual Studio, no problem.
When I try to use "Copy Web Site" feature in Visual Studio to upload my laptop's code to the web server, no problem too.
However, when I try to use "Copy Web Site" feature in Visual Studio to DOWNLOAD the web server's code into my laptop, then it will says the job is completed, but in actual fact, it has not done anything because the fact is laptop's code is under source control and it cannot overwrite it.
The only solution is I have to "check out" the local laptop's code before I can successfully DOWNLOAD from web server into my laptop. This is very troublesome and annoying if I have many files to DOWNLOAD. Is there another solution to this problem?
Another question is, is there any better way to configure the relationship of these 3 items?
Sorry for such a long question.
I cannot post any images because I don't have the "10 reputation" rights required by stackoverflow.
The easiest answer is to use a local workspace, but unfortunately local workspaces aren't an option unless you're using both Visual Studio 2012 and TFS 2012.
The basic problem here is that when you use a server workspace, files are read-only on your file system until you explicitly check them out of source control. Local workspaces don't have that necessity.
The bigger question here is why you want to grab files from the web server. You're using source control. If people are making changes to the code directly in the web server without going through source control, that is a huge problem that should be addressed immediately.

visual studio express 2012 version control

I have been sent a working project from a coworker to start learning Visual Studio. The project is under version control, however I don't want to have access to final customer product. So when I try to open the solution file I first get a message that the project is under source control:
"Team Foundation Server Version Control
The solution you are opening is bound to source control on the following Team foundation Serer:
http:// . Would you like to contact this server to try to enable source control integration?"
[yes] [no] [help]
I press no, then I get an error:
"The solution appears to be under source control, but its binding information cannot be found. Because it is not possible to recover the missing information automatically, the projects whose bindings are missing will be treated as not under source control."
[ok] [help]
I proceed and press ok, and another message pops up:
"projectname\projectname.tsproj: The application which this project type is based on was not found. Please try this link for further information:"
My coworker tells me he sent the whole project, so I can't figure out why I cant get visual studio to open it. I am new to visual studio, but I have some programming experience.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you
It is doubtful that version control has something to do with your problem. There are two possibilities I could think of:
Your coworker uses full version of VS2012 and you are now having problems due to the fact that Visual Studio Express comes in two main flavours - Web and Desktop. It is unable to load Web(or Desktop) project because it just does not have any tools to work with it. Ask your coworker whether they mix web and desktop in their solutions. If it is so you should either use full VS or be given a reduced set of projects.
Nearly the same - your coworker uses some very old or very new version of particular project type (something like ASP.NET MVC that(as I remember) has different project type for each version). Again ask your coworker if it is so. In this case you will just have to install the needed templates and SDKs.
P.S. I was unable to open your link - it opens due to some regional problems). Search by key words brought to me similar problem for VS2010 - may be it could help you more specifically.

How to create ProgramData folder with InstallShield?

Using InstallShield LE with Visual Studio 2013, dev and target machines are Windows 7.
How do I create a folder under ProgramData and place a file in it? I have a text configuration file that I need to put there so the user can edit it as needed.
[I know this isn't a forum for ranting, so use your imagination to insert some nasty non-family-friendly comments about InstallShield here.]
InstallShield is a Windows Installer authoring tool. InstallShield rants aside, let's talk about the Windows Installer pain of what you are trying to do.
Installing per-user components is a pain. It requires a repair in each user context to populate the file. It's very ugly and has issues such as source resolution.
There is an easier way. Install a "seed" of the file in [ProgramFiles]Company\Product or [CommmonAppData]Company\Product and when the user runs your program copy the file to the users ProgramData if it does not exist.
This way you keep it simple for the installer, only add a few lines of code to your startup and don't have to worry about MSI trying to "fix" the user config file when the user edits the content because the installer doesn't know anything about it.
Easy, heh? Application design and Installer design have to go hand in hand.

Azure cloud publish not uploading new files

I've recently copied my visual studio 2010 website project from my windows 7 PC to a new PC running windows 8. That all went relatively smoothly. When I now publish or package the cloud project it only packages files that were originally on the windows 7 PC. Any files that I have created on the windows 8 PC are ignored. The solution builds fine and I can run and debug the project fine. Any ideas?
Not sure why that would be, but here's something to try: In Visual Studio Solution Explorer, right-click the solution and choose Clean Solution. Then try to package/publish again.
When you say files do you mean images/JavaScript?
What is the setting of the "Copy to Output Directory" ? for the files/content that is not making it...make sure it is NOT set to "Do not copy"
Are you using the new v1.8 of the SDK? (did you upgrade your project?)...this can happen if you are using an old SDK from a previous computer and then try to build stuff using a "fresh installation".
The issue was that somewhere along the way the cloud project got disassociated with the web project so wasn't actually updating the file list for publishing - it was just using the file list that had already been generated on my old PC.
The fix was to scrap the cloud project and start over with a new one, then add a new web role to it and then convert that web role into a web application project and then move my whole existing website into that...
