How to create a log of the processing of tabular models - tabular

Can anyone tell me how to create a log table that collects all actions happening when processing a tabular database? I would like to collect the data in a similar fashion as the SQL Server Profiler trace can do.
I would also like collected data to be stored in a table that I can query later on. We process the models using SQL Server Agent, and the table should be updated automatically whenever this is used to process a tabular model.

Here's a great post about using Extended Events to capture what's going on in SSAS,


Cognos REST API and scheduling schema loading

I am trying to find out more informations about using the REST API in order to create a schedule for schema loading. Right now, I have to reload the particular schemas via my data server connections manually (click on every schema and Load Metadata) and would like to automate this process.
Any pointers will be much appreciated.
Thank you
If the metadata of your data warehouse is so in flux that you need to reload the metadata so frequently that you want to automate the process then you need to understand that your data warehouse is in no way ready for use.
So, the question becomes why would you want to frequently reload the metadata of a data source schema? I'm guessing that you are refreshing the data of your data base and, because your query cache has not expired, you are not seeing the new data.
So the answer is, you probably don't want to do what you think you need to do unless you can convince me otherwise.
Also, if you enter some obvious search terms you will find the Cognos analytics REST api documentation without too much difficulty.

Application insight -> export -> Power BI Data Warehouse Architecture

Our team have just recently started using Application Insights to add telemetry data to our windows desktop application. This data is sent almost exclusively in the form of events (rather than page views etc). Application Insights is useful only up to a point; to answer anything other than basic questions we are exporting to Azure storage and then using Power BI.
My question is one of data structure. We are new to analytics in general and have just been reading about star/snowflake structures for data warehousing. This looks like it might help in providing the answers we need.
My question is quite simple: Is this the right approach? Have we over complicated things? My current feeling is that a better approach will be to pull the latest data and transform it into a SQL database of facts and dimensions for Power BI to query. Does this make sense? Is this what other people are doing? We have realised that this is more work than we initially thought.
Definitely pursue Michael Milirud's answer, if your source product has suitable analytics you might not need a data warehouse.
Traditionally, a data warehouse has three advantages - integrating information from different data sources, both internal and external; data is cleansed and standardised across sources, and the history of change over time ensures that data is available in its historic context.
What you are describing is becoming a very common case in data warehousing, where star schemas are created for access by tools like PowerBI, Qlik or Tableau. In smaller scenarios the entire warehouse might be held in the PowerBI data engine, but larger data might need pass through queries.
In your scenario, you might be interested in some tools that appear to handle at least some of the migration of Application Insights data:
Our product Ajilius automates the development of star schema data warehouses, speeding the development time to days or weeks. There are a number of other products doing a similar job, we maintain a complete list of industry competitors to help you choose.
I would continue with Power BI - it actually has a very sophisticated and powerful data integration and modeling engine built in. Historically I've worked with SQL Server Integration Services and Analysis Services for these tasks - Power BI Desktop is superior in many aspects. The design approaches remain consistent - star schemas etc, but you build them in-memory within PBI. It's way more flexible and agile.
Also are you aware that AI can be connected directly to PBI Web? This connects to your AI data in minutes and gives you PBI content ready to use (dashboards, reports, datasets). You can customize these and build new reports from the datasets.
What we ended up doing was not sending events from our WinForms app directly to AI but to the Azure EventHub
We then created a job that reads from the eventhub and send the data to
AI using the SDK
Blob storage for later processing
Azure table storage to create powerbi reports
You can of course add more destinations.
So basically all events are send to one destination and from there stored in many destinations, each for their own purposes. We definitely did not want to be restricted to 7 days of raw data and since storage is cheap and blob storage can be used in many analytics solutions of Azure and Microsoft.
The eventhub can be linked to stream analytics as well.
More information about eventhubs can be found at
You can start using the recently released Application Insights Analytics' feature. In Application Insights we now let you write any query you would like so that you can get more insights out of your data. Analytics runs your queries in seconds, lets you filter / join / group by any possible property and you can also run these queries from Power BI.
More information can be found at

How to get snapshot consistency when extracting data from MS Dynamics CRM?

I've been researching how to extract data from an MS Dynamics CRM 2011/3 Online instance so that I can replicate entire CRM entities in a target database.
I've looked at the Retrieve and RetrieveAll operations of the Organisation web service. These are able to extract data from a single CRM entity (entity type).
There's also the FetchXML interface, that can retrieve data using a complex query, from multiple entities.
It's possible that will be be no quiet time, when there are no data changes being made by users, or via web services, that I could use to extract data from the system in order to get a consistent snapshot of the data.
If I was able to access the SQL Server database directly I would be able to set an isolation level for a transaction and extract all data within that transaction, and get a consistent view of data.
I think FetchXML would give me a consistent snapshot, but only of the data queried by each call to it.
I could use FetchXML to query all the entities I'd like to replicate, in a single call, and then renormalise the data, with some ETL code, on my target database. That query wouldn't be nice though (complex and possibly non performant, and impacting the system performance).
So, basically my problem is this: if I extract from each entity in turn, and the database is changing whilst I'm extracting, I'm highly like to get an inconsistent data set in my target database.
How can I get a consistent snapshot of data to access?
You can contact support through the Support Portal and request a database backup. Then you can just restore that database to your On-Premise installation through Deployment Manager.
After your comments below, I suggest a "push" model instead of a "pull" model. You'll need to create plugins for Create/Update/Delete on all entities in which you are interested in CRM Online. These plugins will push those updates to your database (probably through your own web-service). Since these plugins happen inside the transaction, if your web service throws an error you can cancel the source action in CRM, thus guaranteeing transactional consistency.
Once you get these plugins up and running, you can do a one-time export and your plugins will keep it up to date from there.

what would be the best way to migration data from SQL Azure to Azure Table

For a project, I am using both SQL Azure and Azure table. A requirement here is that for the first 7 days, all data are stored in SQL Azure. After the first 7 days, the data are migrated into Azure table.
Is there any reliable project to achieve this goal? Or any idea to implement this?
I think your best best is to have a set of SQL queries (or sprocs) that return data older than 7 days. Then have table-insertion code that writes this data to one or more tables, with appropriate partition/row key based on your query needs. Then, just build some type of background operation to perform the read+write+delete. There's no tool to do this (that I know of), since one is a relational database and the other is a NoSQL variant with no specific schema.
To optimize your writes, see if you can write batches of rows at the same time (this is called an Entity Group Transaction). It optimizes # of transactions, plus the rows in a group will be written atomically. See more info on entity group transactions, here.
You also may want to consider using a queue for workload assignment. That is, maybe once a day (or hour, whenever), push a queue message telling some background process to transfer data from SQL to Table Storage. This way, in case something fails during the operation, you can process it again later, since the queue message will still be there (you'd only delete the message if the operation succeeded).
If you're looking for a tool to do so, take a look at Cloud Storage Studio ( which has a feature to import data from SQL Server to Azure Table Storage. I haven't checked for a long time but I believe ClumsyLeaf's TableXplorer ( also has this feature. Long time back, we also built an open source tool to do the same. You can find it here:
As David mentioned, you could basically write some views in your database to fetch data older than 7 days. The idea is simple: You fetch the data, map the SQL Server data types to Azure data types, choose appropriate PartitionKey/RowKey values, convert the data into entities and then upload entities in batches.

Combining data from Project Server and SharePoint into a single report

I need to combine data from the Project Server reporting database with data from custom lists in SharePoint workspaces. The results need to be displayed within a single report. How should this be done? Options I've thought of:
Extend the reporting database with the custom list data (if this is possible). Use Reporting Services to display the output.
Query the reporting database and the SharePoint workspaces and combine results in memory. Write custom code to display the output.
Any other ideas? I have the skills to develop this but am very open to purchasing a product if it solves the problem.
I've had this sort of problem as well. My apporach:
Create a Custom reporting Db.
Run regular jobs from the SQL Server to query sharepoint (via WS) and store the results in the db.
i use the ListItemsChangesSinceToken is Lists.asmx to improve effeciency. Also I utilise the sitedataquery tool set. I wrote a really simple interface into it for the ability to call a sitedataquery remotely, returning a dataTable.
Use Reporting Services / any tool to extract and report on the data.
The reason I opted for a staging Db was for
Performance - the WS calls are pretty slow.
Service continuity - if SP is down for any reason or slow then queries will fail.
Hope this helps.
I also found the tool SharePoint Data Miner which appears to do the same as DJ's answer.
