Remotely execute a Spark job on an HDInsight cluster - azure

I am trying to automatically launch a Spark job on an HDInsight cluster from Microsoft Azure. I am aware that several methods exist to automate Hadoop job submission (provided by Azure itself), but so far I have not been able to found a way to remotely run a Spark job withouth setting a RDP with the master instance.
Is there any way to achieve this?

Spark-jobserver provides a RESTful interface for submitting and managing Apache Spark jobs, jars, and job contexts.
My solution is using both Scheduler and Spark-jobserver to launch the Spark-job periodically.

At the moment of this writing, it seems there is no official way of achieving this. So far, however, I have been able to somehow remotely run Spark jobs using an Oozie shell workflow. It is nothing but a patch, but so far it has been useful for me. These are the steps I have followed:
Microsoft Powershell
Azure Powershell
Define an Oozie workflow *.xml* file:
<workflow-app name="myWorkflow" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.2">
<start to = "myAction"/>
<action name="myAction">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.2">
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="fail"/>
<kill name="fail">
<message>Shell action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<end name="end"/>
Note that it is not possible to identify on which HDInsight node is going to be executed the script, so it is necessary to put it, along with the Spark application .jar, on the wasb repository. It is then redirectioned to the local directory on which the Oozie job is executing.
Define the custom script
C:\apps\dist\spark-1.2.0\bin\spark-submit --class
--master yarn-cluster
--deploy-mode cluster
--num-executors 3
--executor-memory 2g
--executor-cores 4
It is necessary to upload both the .cmd and the Spark .jar to the wasb repository (a process that it is not included in this answer), concretely to the direction pointed in the workflow:
Define the powershell script
The powershell script is very much taken from the official Oozie on HDInsight tutorial. I am not including the script on this answer due to its almost absolute sameness with my approach.
I have made a new suggestion on the azure feedback portal indicating the need of official support for remote Spark job submission.

Updated on 8/17/2016:
Our spark cluster offering now includes a Livy server that provides a rest service to submit a spark job. You can automate spark job via Azure Data Factory as well.
Original post:
1) Remote job submission for spark is currently not supported.
2) If you want to automate setting a master every time ( i.e. adding --master yarn-client every time you execute), you can set the value in %SPARK_HOME\conf\spark-defaults.conf file with following config:
spark.master yarn-client
You can find more info on spark-defaults.conf on apache spark website.
3) Use cluster customization feature if you want to add this automatically to spark-defaults.conf file at deployment time.


How to pass Spark job properties to DataProcSparkOperator in Airflow?

I am trying to execute Spark jar on Dataproc using Airflow's DataProcSparkOperator. The jar is located on GCS, and I am creating Dataproc cluster on the fly and then executing this jar on the newly created Dataproc cluster.
I am able to execute this with DataProcSparkOperator of Airflow with default settings, but I am not able to configure Spark job properties (e.g. --master, --deploy-mode, --driver-memory etc.).
From documentation of airflow didn't got any help. Also tried many things but didn't worked out.
Help is appreciated.
To configure Spark job through DataProcSparkOperator you need to use dataproc_spark_properties parameter.
For example, you can set deployMode like this:
dataproc_spark_properties={ 'spark.submit.deployMode': 'cluster' })
In this answer you can find more details.

Is there a way to submit spark job on different server running master

We have a requirement to schedule spark jobs, since we are familiar with apache-airflow we want to go ahead with it to create different workflows. I searched web but did not find a step by step guide to schedule spark job on airflow and option to run them on different server running master.
Answer to this will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
There are 3 ways you can submit Spark jobs using Apache Airflow remotely:
(1) Using SparkSubmitOperator: This operator expects you have a spark-submit binary and YARN client config setup on our Airflow server. It invokes the spark-submit command with given options, blocks until the job finishes and returns the final status. The good thing is, it also streams the logs from the spark-submit command stdout and stderr.
You really only need to configure a yarn-site.xml file, I believe, in order for spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client to work.
Once an Application Master is deployed within YARN, then Spark is running locally to the Hadoop cluster.
If you really want, you could add a hdfs-site.xml and hive-site.xml to be submitted as well from Airflow (if that's possible), but otherwise at least hdfs-site.xml files should be picked up from the YARN container classpath
(2) Using SSHOperator: Use this operator to run bash commands on a remote server (using SSH protocol via paramiko library) like spark-submit. The benefit of this approach is you don't need to copy the hdfs-site.xml or maintain any file.
(3) Using SimpleHTTPOperator with Livy: Livy is an open source REST interface for interacting with Apache Spark from anywhere. You just need to have REST calls.
I personally prefer SSHOperator :)

Airflow and Spark/Hadoop - Unique cluster or one for Airflow and other for Spark/Hadoop

I'm trying to figure out which is the best way to work with Airflow and Spark/Hadoop.
I already have a Spark/Hadoop cluster and I'm thinking about creating another cluster for Airflow that will submit jobs remotely to Spark/Hadoop cluster.
Any advice about it? Looks like it's a little complicated to deploy spark remotely from another cluster and that will create some file configuration duplication.
You really only need to configure a yarn-site.xml file, I believe, in order for spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client to work. (You could try cluster deploy mode, but I think having the driver being managed by Airflow isn't a bad idea)
Once an Application Master is deployed within YARN, then Spark is running locally to the Hadoop cluster.
If you really want, you could add a hdfs-site.xml and hive-site.xml to be submitted as well from Airflow (if that's possible), but otherwise at least hdfs-site.xml files should be picked up from the YARN container classpath (not all NodeManagers could have a Hive client installed on them)
I prefer submitting Spark Jobs using SSHOperator and running spark-submit command which would save you from copy/pasting yarn-site.xml. Also, I would not create a cluster for Airflow if the only task that I perform is running Spark jobs, a single VM with LocalExecutor should be fine.
There are a variety of options for remotely performing spark-submit via Airflow.
Apache-Livy (see this for hint)
Do note that none of these are plug-and-play ready and you'll have to write your own operators to get things done.

Spark jobs submitted through jenkins

I'm looking to deploy a spark jar into a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins. I have not been able to get spark-submit to work with Jenkins natively. I'm curious if anyone has gone down this path.
It doesn't sound like a rightful way to do CI/CD by directly invoking spark-submit.
Consider to decouple job's jar (next Spark application's jar) deployment and submitting a Spark job to a cluster.
One of the solutions, that fits into your requirements is Spark Job Server
As an alternative, you could choose to do it in AWS-style, like it's described in this document on Spark CI/CD implementation.
simple solution overlooked there is an arg to disconnect.
--conf spark.yarn.submit.waitAppCompletion=false

How to submit job(jar) to the Azure Spark cluster through commandline interface?

I am new to HDInsight Spark, I am trying to run a use-case to learn how things work in Azure Spark cluster. This is what I have done so far.
Able to create azure spark cluster.
Create jar by following steps as described in the link: create standalone scala application to run on HDInsight Spark cluster. I have used the same scala code as given in the link.
ssh into head node
upload jar to the blob storage using link: using azure CLI with azure storage
copy zip to machine
hadoop fs -copyToLocal
I have checked that the jar gets uploaded to the headnode(machine).
I want to run that jar and get the results as stated in the link given in
point 2 above.
What will be the next step? How can I submit spark job and get results using command line interface?
For example considering you are created jar for program submit.jar. In order to submit this to your cluster with dependency you can use below syntax.
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --packages "" --class "wasb://" "param1.json" "param2"
Here --packages :is to include dependency to you program, you can use --jars option and then followed by jar path. --jars "path/to/dependency/abc.jar"
--class : Main method of your program
after that specify path for your program jar.
you can pass parameters with if you needed as shown above
A couple of options on submitting spark jars:
1) If you want to submit the job on the headnode already, you can use spark-submit
See Apache submit jar documentation
2) An easier alternative is to submit spark jar via livy after uploading the jar to wasb storage.
See submit via livy doc. You can skip step 5 if you do it this way.
