Uninstall everything even "newly created file by Application" using inno setup - inno-setup

I create installer for My Application "Demo"(.Net app) using INNO Setup. Install and Uninstall works smooth when without launching our application.
Uninstall not clean everything if Application is launch. Because my application update existing files and creating some files during Launch.
So how can we clean everything after launch also?
My script code available # script code
Thanks in advance

You can achieve that in 2 ways.
1st simple, but User will not be informed about deleting new/changed/additional files:
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}"
{app} expands as a full path to you Application.
By default (basing on your snippet) it would be equal to DefaultDirName={pf}\{#MyAppName}\{#MyAppName}.
2nd from your Code snippet with Question MsgBox:
procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep: TUninstallStep);
if CurUninstallStep = usUninstall then begin
if MsgBox('Do you want to delete all data files?', mbConfirmation,
then begin
DelTree(ExpandConstant('{app}'), False, True, True);
//first False makes that the main Directory will not be deleted by function
//but it will be by the end of Uninstallation


Run application after click on the Finish button (not after install)

I have a setup for installing my application, and I need to run the application after successfully installing. I used postinstall to do this.
but it shows a checkbox and the user can uncheck it. I need to run the application without asking because of it kinda service which needs to runs at startup. if the user unchecked it he needs to restart the PC to launch.
So I can use the Filename: "{app}\myapp.exe" code without any flags in the Run section to launch the application but the problem is, It runs immediately after installing not after the finish button clicked.
The first issue is my application has an instruction window. it shows up at the launch so the setup window goes to the back. And the second issue is my application does not allow terminating unless uninstall becouse it need to run in the background. Setup waiting to process end to finish.
Is there any way to run the application after the finish button click in inno setup?
Simplifying the answer from Run Files and Programs according to custom checkboxes after clicking on Finish Button in Inno Setup, you can use a code like this:
function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
ResultCode: Integer;
Path, Msg: string;
if CurPageID = wpFinished then
Path := ExpandConstant('{app}\MyProg.exe');
if ExecAsOriginalUser(Path, '', '', SW_SHOW, ewNoWait, ResultCode) then
Log('Executed MyProg');
Msg := 'Error executing MyProg - ' + SysErrorMessage(ResultCode);
MsgBox(Msg, mbError, MB_OK);
Result := True;
Replace ExecAsOriginalUser with Exec, if you want to run the program with elevated/Administrator privileges (if the installer uses them at all).
Add code section to your script like this:
procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
ResultCode: Integer;
if CurStep = ssDone then
Exec(ExpandConstant('{app}\MyProg.exe'), '', '', SW_SHOW, ewNoWait, ResultCode);
It will be triggered only on a success installation.
Use ExecAsOriginalUser instead of Exec if you don't want the exe run as admin.

Inno Setup: Can the installer update itself?

My installer creates a folder with my app and the installer itself. The installer is later on used as an updater for the application.
All of this works well but I would like to update the installer itself and not just my application.
I download a zip from my server and expect everything inside the zip to override everything in the app folder (including the installer itself).
Every time I run the installer I get an error that a file is already in use.
Can the installer update itself?
You cannot replace running application.
You have these options:
Start the "updater" via batch file (referring to assumed shortcut to the updater in a Start menu or any other method of invocation), that makes a copy of the installer to a temporary location and runs the updater from there. When updating, update the original copy.
To avoid the batch file (and an unpleasant console window), you can use JScript. Or even make the installer (updater) do this itself (create a copy of itself, launch the copy, exit itself).
Use restartreplace flag in Files section entry to schedule installer/updater replace for the next Windows start.
Keeping the installer in the {app} directory is probably acceptable for small applications, for larger ones consider an updater, or even another location, (in the form of a feature request) {Backup} to refer to a path on some flash or removable drive.
Run the setup from the {app} directory and after the version check, download the installer to the {tmp} folder.
Exec the installer thus before quitting, keeping mind of possible mutex conditions in the code section of your script:
if Exec(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\{OutputBaseFilename}), '', '', SW_SHOW,
ewNoWait, ResultCode) then
// success/fail code follows
To copy the installer back to {app} the Install script will have this in Files:
Source: "{srcexe}"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: external
Presumably the above line will not produce an error when the installer is actually run from {app}.
Then, to clean up, the next time the installer is run from the {src} (= {app}) directory, the downloaded one can be removed from the {tmp} directory with
I've run into this same problem recently. We have a main installer that manages a bunch of other setup packages for our applications, and I wanted to add some mechanism for this main installer to update itself.
I've managed to find a solution creating a second Inno Setup package that serves just as an updater for the main installer, and that updater goes embedded in the main installer.
So, we have a XML file in our website that gives the latest version available for the main installer:
[ InstallerLastVersion.xml ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<installer name="Our Central Installer" file="OurInstaller.exe" version="" date="10/15/2021" />
The main code for this auto-update functionality in the main installer is that:
[ OurInstaller.iss ]
; This file won't be installed ('dontcopy' flag), it is just embedded
; into the installer to be extracted and executed in case it's necessary
; to update the Installer.
Source: ".\OurInstallerUpdater.exe"; Flags: dontcopy
UrlRoot = 'http://ourwebsite.com/';
// Downloads a XML file from a website and loads it into XmlDoc parameter.
function LoadXml(XmlFile: String; var XmlDoc: Variant): Boolean;
XmlDoc := CreateOleObject('MSXML2.DOMDocument');
XmlDoc.async := False;
Result := XmlDoc.Load(UrlRoot + XmlFile);
// Checks if there's a newer version of the Installer
// and fires the updater if necessary.
function InstallerWillBeUpdated(): Boolean;
XmlDoc: Variant;
LastVersion, Filename, Param: String;
ResultCode: Integer;
if not LoadXml('InstallerLastVersion.xml', XmlDoc) then
Result := False;
// Gets the latest version number, retrieved from
// the XML file download from the website.
LastVersion := XmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute('version');
// If this installer version is the same as the one available
// at the website, there's no need to update it.
if '{#SetupSetting("AppVersion")}' = LastVersion then
Result := False;
if MsgBox('There is an update for this installer.' + #13#10 +
'Do you allow this installer to be updated right now?',
mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = IDNO then
Result := False;
// Extracts the updater, that was embedded into this installer,
// to a temporary folder ({tmp}).
// Gets the full path for the extracted updater in the temp folder.
Filename := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\OurInstallerUpdater.exe');
// The current folder where the installer is stored is going to be
// passed as a parameter to the updater, so it can save the new version
// of the installer in this same folder.
Param := ExpandConstant('/Path={src}');
// Executes the updater, with a command-line like this:
// OurInstallerUpdater.exe /Path=C:\InstallerPath
Result := Exec(Filename, Param, '', SW_SHOW, ewNoWait, ResultCode);
function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
// Checks if the installer needs to be updated and fires the update.
// If the update is fired the installer must be ended, so it can be
// replaced with the new version. Returning this InitializeSetup()
// function with False already makes the installer to be closed.
if InstallerWillBeUpdated() then
Result := False;
Result := True;
Now to the updater code (I'm using the "new" DownloadTemporaryFile() function added in Inno Setup 6.1):
[ OurInstallerUpdater.iss ]
UrlRoot = 'http://ourwebsite.com/';
Installer = 'OurInstaller.exe';
function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
DestinationPath: String;
ResultCode: Integer;
// Retrieves the parameter passed in the execution
// of this installer, for example:
// OurInstallerUpdater.exe /Path=C:\InstallerPath
// If no parameter was passed it uses 'C:\InstallerPath' as default.
// (where {sd} is the constant that represents the System Drive)
DestinationPath := ExpandConstant('{param:Path|{sd}\InstallerPath}') + '\' + Installer;
// Downloads the newer version of the installer to {tmp} folder.
DownloadTemporaryFile(UrlRoot + Installer, Installer, '', nil);
// Copies the downloaded file from the temp folder to the folder where
// the current installer is stored, the one that fired this updater.
FileCopy(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\') + Installer, DestinationPath, False);
// Runs the updated installer.
Exec(DestinationPath, '', '', SW_SHOW, ewNoWait, ResultCode);
MsgBox('The file ''' + Installer + ''' could not be downloaded.', mbInformation, MB_OK);
// Returning False from this function implies that this
// updater can now be finished, since its goal has already
// been reached (to update the main installer).
Result := False;
In this setting you have to build OurInstallerUpdater.exe before OurInstaller.exe, since the first one is embedded into the second one.
Some sources:
Inno Setup: Install file from Internet
Using {AppVersion} as a parameter for a function in Inno Setup
Exit from Inno Setup installation from [Code]
Is it possible to accept custom command line parameters with Inno Setup
How to get the installer path in Inno Setup?

Inno setup search for existing file

How can I search for an existing exe file and then use that directory for my installer ?
If the exe file is not found I would like the user to browse for the path. In case the exe file is installed somewhere else.
Senario 1 (most common cases):
Default dir is c:\test\My program
This should be shown as the path on the "Select Destination Location" page
When the user press Next, there should be a check. To make sure that the default dir exist (c:\test\My program)
If it exist, the user should just continue to the Ready to Install page.
Senario 2 (very seldom cases):
Default dir is c:\test\My program
This should be shown as the path on the "Select Destination Location" page
When the user press Next, there should be a check. To make sure that the default dir exist (c:\test\My program)
If it does not exist, the user should be prompt for the path to "My program". The user should afterwards continue to the Ready to Install page.
I then just trust that the user selects the correct path
How can I do this in InnoSetup ?
I do a similar thing with my installer already. The first thing I do is need to read the registry value from the program, and if that registry value is absent then I select that program's default directory. For example:
DefaultDirName={reg:HKLM\Software\Activision\Battlezone II,STInstallDir|reg:HKLM\Software\Activision\Battlezone II,Install121Dir|{pf32}\Battlezone II}
Now, the user runs the installer, and it has to check if the program is in the right folder. It does so by checking that the program's executable file already exists. I use this piece of code to do so.
{ Below code warns end user if he tries to install into a folder that does not contain bzone.exe. Useful if user tries to install into addon or any non-BZ2 folder. }
function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
Log('NextButtonClick(' + IntToStr(CurPageID) + ') called');
case CurPageID of
if not FileExists(ExpandConstant('{app}\bzone.exe')) then begin
MsgBox('Setup has detected that that this is not the main program folder of a Battlezone II install, and the created shortcuts to launch {#MyAppName} will not work.' #13#13 'You should probably go back and browse for a valid Battlezone II folder (and not any subfolders like addon).', mbError, MB_OK);
Result := True;
The above code simply checks that the target executable exists and warns the user if it does not, giving him the chance to go back and change directories but also to go ahead with the install anyways.
Also, as you appear to be installing a patch or addon to an existing program, I recommend you set
And optionally to prevent an unnecessary screen if you are not creating start menu entries
I would make a file input page and let user choose the Picture.exe binary location manually, when it won't be found on expected location.
You can follow the commented version of this code:
AppName=My Program
DefaultDirName={pf}\My Program
OutputDir=userdocs:Inno Setup Examples Output
Source: "CurrentBinary.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"
Source: "PictureExtension.dll"; DestDir: "{code:GetDirPath}"
FilePage: TInputFileWizardPage;
function GetDirPath(const Value: string): string;
Result := '';
if FileExists(FilePage.Values[0]) then
Result := ExtractFilePath(FilePage.Values[0]);
procedure InitializeWizard;
FilePath: string;
FilePage := CreateInputFilePage(wpSelectDir, 'Select Picture.exe location',
'Where is Picture.exe installed ?', 'Select where Picture.exe is located, ' +
'then click Next.');
FilePage.Add('Location of Picture.exe:', 'Picture project executable|Picture.exe',
FilePage.Edits[0].ReadOnly := True;
FilePage.Edits[0].Color := clBtnFace;
FilePath := ExpandConstant('{pf}\Picture\Picture.exe');
if FileExists(FilePath) then
FilePage.Values[0] := FilePath;

Can Inno Setup respond differently to a new install and an update?

My InnoSetup script opens a web page (with the user's default browser) at the end of the install process:
Filename: http://example.com; Flags: shellexec
However, I'd like the web page to not be opened if the app already exists, i.e., if the user is installing a new version of the program. The web page should only be opened after the initial install. (I assume it's worth mentioning that the install includes an AppID, obviously, and enters values in the registry beside installing files.)
Thank you, as always -- Al C.
Yes, this is easy to do with scripting.
Just write
Filename: "http://example.com"; Flags: shellexec; Check: NotAnUpdate
procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer);
if CurPageID = wpInstalling then
IsUpdate := FileExists(ExpandConstant('{app}\TheFileNameOfMyApp.exe'));
function NotAnUpdate: Boolean;
result := not IsUpdate;
The answer by #AndreasRejbrand won't work, if user chooses to install the executable to a different location than the last time.
You can query installer-specific Inno Setup registry keys:
#define AppId "your-app-id"
#define SetupReg \
"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" + AppId + "_is1"
#define SetupAppPathReg "Inno Setup: App Path"
Filename: "https://www.example.com/"; Flags: shellexec; Check: not IsUpgrade
function IsUpgrade: Boolean;
S: string;
Result :=
RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, '{#SetupReg}', '{#SetupAppPathReg}', S) or
RegQueryStringValue(HKCU, '{#SetupReg}', '{#SetupAppPathReg}', S);
For an example how to use IsUpgrade in [Code] section, see
Excludes part of Code section in ssPostInstall step if installation is update in Inno Setup
Check this if your "AppId" contains a left-curly-bracket:
Checking if installation is fresh or upgrade does not work when AppId contains a curly bracket

Use innosetup script to delete previously installed application folder

I am deleting the previous application using the script which inturn calls my .net app. All i want is to actually delete the folder(entire app1) from start menu (start->Programs->app1->uninstall app1)?
If you just want to delete the "uninstall app1" icon from the Start menu, the following should work:
Type: files; Name: "{group}\uninstall app1"
If you want to remove the entire program group from the start menu, use the following:
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{group}"
This assumes that your Inno Setup script Start menu folder name is the same as the previous "app1" application.
None of those worked for me, after work-around, here is my solution;
in [Setup]
//Delete old entry folder from start menu
procedure DeleteOldStartMenuEntry;
entry: String;
//Replace "Diviner" with desired folder name
entry := ExpandConstant('{commonprograms}') + '\Diviner\';
if DirExists(entry) then begin
DelTree(entry, true, true, true);
Inside InitializeSetup call your procedure :
function InitializeSetup: Boolean;
Thanks Craig my new app doesn't have the same name (app2) following worked for me
Type: filesandordirs; Name: {commonprograms}\app1
