Android Studio 1.0.2 laout-land folder now showing - android-studio

Using Android Studio 1.0.2 (Windows).
How to make a res/layout-land folder?
I try, it seems to work (no error messages), but the folder does not show up in Android Studio.
However, the folder does exist in the file system.
I have some old project (converted from Android Studio 0.9.x): They seem to work better.

I had the same problem. You have to change your structure explorer from Android(I think its default) to Project. You will see the layout-land folder under res.

You can change the structure explorer in Android Studio from Android to Packages:
Also after restarting the Android Studio application I was able to see the land folder.


SDK problem after GitHub import to Android Studio

I am new to programming.
I have never coded and I have never used Android Studio and GitHub.
Sorry if I ask stupid questions.
I downloaded this project in ZIP on GitHub:
When I open it in Android Studio, I get an error message:
"The SDK path 'C:\Sdk\Sdk' does not belong to a directory.
Android Studio will use this Android SDK instead : 'C:\Users\jane\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk' and will modify the projectct's local."
What should I do to solve this problem?
Thank you in advance.
When you open the project in Android Studio it should ask you to change the SDK path automatically. If it does you can just accept it and it will change the path without you noticing and without any problems.
If it does not ask you, just search your SDK Path (on your computer) and change it in your in the project panel (or the windows explorer) in android studio.

How to open an existing Flutter Project in Android Studio

I might sound noob here but I can't see a clear way of opening existing Flutter Project in Android Studio 3.1.2.
I checked this but it didn't work. So I want to know if there is a standard IDE way of doing this? I also can't find any docs clearly mentioning it. Do I need to install a 3rd party plugin?
After opening it as an Existing Android Studio Project, I get the following error:
The error is solved by running Get Dependencies. Is it a normal behavior?
Install Flutter plugin for Android studio:
Open Android Studio
Open existing Android Studio project by using one of below methods:
EASIEST WAY: Drag your project folder and drop to Android Studio.
Other ways:
What works for me was to open existing Android Studio project like mentioned above, and then go to menu
Tools -> Flutter -> Flutter Clean
Then configuration window will open and ask you to locate flutter sdk. After locating the sdk, click OK and then the flutter functions will be available (Pub buttons, runs menu). After that you can proceed to get the dependencies (pub get).
It's basically cleaning the project folder of previous setting(s) which might conflicting with the system (android studio). But that won't happen if you get the project from source repository because all of the junk files wont be in the project folder.
The quickest way on macOS is
open -a Android\ Studio android when you are in the root project directory.
Alternatively, if you use the jetbrains toolbox, you can enable "Shell Scripts" in its settings. This will create a binary in the folder of your choice, so you have to add this folder to your PATH. Then, you can use studio . inside the Android folder, or studio android in the flutter project. The benefit of this, is it also works with other Jetbrains products (e.g. charm project_dir or clion project_dir. Unfortunately this method glitches out (for pycharm at least).
Looks like Android Studio can't load Android Application module from Flutter project automatically. I also have same problem, so in my situation Gradle can't be found, because of lack of Android project.
There's important note from official site:
Important: Do not use the New > Project from existing sources option for Flutter projects
I suggest, same is for Open option.
Just Open your project as normal, and then in [Android Studio > Preferences > Languages&Frameworks > Flutter > Flutter SDK path] select the path where you downloaded & unpacked Flutter SDK.
I know it's already late, but you can open an existing Flutter project in Android Studio by following these steps (make sure you have already installed Flutter & Dart plugin and Flutter SDK):
Click Open from File menu in Android Studio,
Go to the path of the project,
Click Open from the dialog,
When the project opens in Android studio, it will show an error of packages and dependencies. So, click on Get Dependencies on the top. Android Studio will automatically add all the required dependencies and packages.
There is a simple way of doing this in android:
Just Open your project as normal, and on the top right corner, click on Flutter Attach option, and voila!
See Attached screen grab!
Usually you can open your Flutter project in Android Studio simply when you right click on the android folder > Flutter > Open Android module in Android Studio but sometimes this option could be disabled, check this answer to enable..

Android Studio SDK Issue

I was installed new version of Android Studio but its not show the SDK .Any one help to solve this path issue.See this images.
Android studio configure that not show the SDk where i fix it path of sdk[enter image description here]1
Generally the stored path of android sdk in generally hidden.
So as per my experiences go as i say,
First allow your Pc to show hidden file.
Go to the following directory of your Pc or Lappy:
Here You can see your Sdks.
Open Android Studio
In search bar type "sdk" .(Beside it you will see the android sdk location.Change it.)
Set the path of android sdk which you went into earlier in your lappy's directory shown above.
Here's the link..
And I ain't on Skype. Sorry😔
Thanks to all who give me suggestion.
Now its fix to reinstall complete android studio.
jdk file croup t or missing that why its show many problem.
I copy sdk file in another place and paste again when i reinstall my android studio its fix:) and no need to be download again sdk packages.

Android Studio Project Structure screen looks broken

I am migrating a project to the latest android studio and the project structure screen looks rather broken. E.g. I need to configure the usage of Gooogle APIs API Level 19 and cannot do that.... how could I fix that? Could it be my project contains some broken android studio metadata or so?
I believe your Project Structure to look fine. This is the latest Android Studio (0.5.4).
When you click on Modules tab you should be able to change to the latest SDK.

What is the extension of a Android Studio project file?

What is the Android Studio equivalent of Solution file in (.sln) file in Visual Studio ? I created a project in Android studio and closed it. Now I am not sure which file should I open to reload it into Android studio.
Use the import project function on the build.gradle file in your project root (not the folder itself!) to open the project again in Android Studio.
I think ".iml" is the extension for Android studio projects.
".project" is for Eclipse projects
Opening a saved project on another drive
There is no such single project file that needs to be opened but rather the directory where the whole project is stored.
Find the directory where you have saved your project
In Android Studio -> Files -> Open->(click on the directory name where your files/project is stored)
Except using android studio unique method(import), you can also double click .iml file to open corresponding project.
If you using Windows operating system, you could right click .iml file in file explorer, and select studio64.exe to open it, then android studio start the project!
At least in the version I have, like intellij the "android studio project files" are stored in a folder called '.idea' in the root of your workspace (though you can explicitly create one that looks up the tree and have it not be in the root).
If you add this folder to source control, do not add the file "workspace.xml" as that is the state of the window positions on your machine and should remain local, checking it in will cause lots of confusion.
If this directory is present, android studio will give the containing folder an android studio icon in it's open file browser window in the windows version. You can click on the directory with this icon in intellij (android studio) and open the project.
In Windows, Click at projectname.iml under project directory root. If window is not does not have the .iml file association with Android Studio, you need to add it.
When you select File->Open in Android Studio and navigate through folders, you will notice that folders which consist valid Android projects would have the Android Studio icon, clearly indicating that this is all you have to select.
It is unusual approach in terms of normal behavior of programs under Windows, because since very first versions of Windows it's become accustom to be able to open a program by double-clicking on the file associated with such program, but I guess developers of Android Studio decided not to do that.
It is possible that ".iml" file could be associated with Android Studio but it doesn't happen by default and it's not associated on my computer neither.
I ran into this problem, after upgrading Android Studio to 3.0 on Mac. The previous projects I had created were not displayed, in the splash screen, during startup of 3.0, so what I did was:
1. Pick the option to Open a project
2. Navigate to the location where the project was previously saved (~/AndroidStudioProjects/projectFolder)
3. Select the folder (don't double-click it)
4. Click button: Open
5. Result: this opened the project.
So there is no need to select any particular file. I suspect the filer of this problem was double-clicking the project folder and then wondering what to select next, which is what I did, initially. But it turns out that the Open button is required, in order to open the project. Otherwise, Android Studio anticipates that your intention is to open the folder.
.iml file can be used to open the project directly into Android Studio (I am referring to Android Studio 3). Just goto your project folder and then double click on yourProject.iml file.
I know its late but better late then never :-)
Visual Studio uses one solution file. Android Studio does this different. It uses a directory for this purpose, namely the directory .idea in your project. In this directory several files make up how your IDE is configured for that project. The same as in Visual Studio. Those files can be edited and changed, but you will have to know what is what in those files.
I think the answer is .duh
Please see screenshot:
