Influence dlopen() search path after application startup. Possible? - linux

I have some non-accessible code that I call, that does dlopen("", RTLD_LOCAL).
The problem is that I need to control the search path of dlopen(). The answer to this problem is quite typically "set LD_LIBRARY_PATH", but I don't know the actual path to set until after application startup, so I can't put a wrapper script that sets it and then invokes my application.
According to the documentation of and of dlopen, LD_LIBRARY_PATH is only examined at application startup. If you change it afterwards inside the application with setenv, it won't change the lookup list of dlopen().
I know that specifying the full path to dlopen() would be a strategy, but I don't have access to that dlopen call, so this option is also not possible.
Am I out of options or is there some magic strategy I can't find?

I believe it is not easily possible.
However, if you are crazy enough to patch from its source code, you might do something.
Maybe you could use some LD_PRELOAD trick.
But if it is a matter of finding which exact file is dlopen-ed, why don't you strace(1) your program to understand which files are mmap-ed?
You can also use pmap or simply cat /proc/$(pidof your-program)/maps
If you can change some lines of source code, consider dladdr(3) to find out where is some dlsym-ed function... And you might also use dl_iterate_phdr(3)

If your LD_LIBRARY_PATH is relative to your application root - you can use wrapper script, which will extract path to itself using $(dirname $0) and set up correct LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Another trick (but it's not a good idea to do so) is to provide your own that will be just a proxy to actual You can initialize all references on your proxy library load using library init functionality. Please refer to this question.


find_dependency(Threads) or include(FindThreads) in a package config file

In CMake, we can use find_dependency() in an package -config.cmake file to "forwards the correct parameters for QUIET and REQUIRED which were passed to the original find_package() call." So, naturally we'll want to do that instead of calling find_package() in such files.
Also, for dependency on a threads library, CMake offers us the FindThreads module, so that we write include(FindThreads), prepended by some preference commands, and get a bunch of interesting variables set. So, that's preferable to find_package(Threads).
And thus we have a dilemma: What to put in -config.cmake files, for a threads library dependency? The former, or the latter?
Following a discussion in comments with #Tsyarev, it seems that:
find_package(Threads) includes the FindThreads module internally.
... which means it "respects" the preference variables affecting FindThreads behavioe.
so it makes sense, functionally and aesthetically, to just use find_package() in your main CMakeLists.txt and find_dependency() in -config.cmake.

When a shared library is loaded, is it possible that it references something in the current binary?

Say I have a binary server, and when it's compiled, it's linked from server.c, static_lib.a, and dynamically with
When server is executed and it loads dynamically, but on the code path, actually expects some symbols from static_lib.a. What I'm seeing is that, pulls in so essentially I have two static_lib in memory.
Let's assume there's no way we can change, because it's a 3rd-party library.
My question is, is it possible to make or ld itself search the current binary first, or even not search for it in ld's path, just use the binary's symbol, or abort.
I tried to find some related docs about it, but it's not easy for noobs about linkers like me :-)
You can not change library to not load but you can trick it to use static_lib.a instead.
By default ld does not export any symbols from executables but you can change this via -rdynamic. This option is quite crude as it exports all static symbols so for finer-grained control you can use -Wl,--dynamic-list (see example use in Clang sources).

How do I ignore a system file picked up by `configure' generated from AC_CHECK_HEADERS

We using an automated build system which downloads and compiles source. The only interface I have to control the behaviour of the compilation is by setting ENV VARs and the arguments given to `./configure'.
The issue is that the 'configure' script (of the particular source I'm compiling) checks for a system header file, which if found, adversely affects the compilation process. (the compilation process will avoid compiling libraries which it believes are already installed on the local system when the above mentioned system header file is found.)
Since this is an automated process, I cannot modify the 'configure' script in anyway, and as mentioned can only specify the environment variables and arguments passed to `configure'. The configure script uses the AC_CHECK_HEADERS macro to generate the code to do the check for the system file. Is there anyway to avoid a check of a specific system file from the configure arguments?
The troublesome header file is in the path /usr/include/pcap/.
Well there's a few things you could try:
remove foo.h from AC_CHECK_HEADERS and always build the library
use AC_CHECK_HEADER for foo.h and check for /usr/include/pcap/foo.h and don't AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FOO_H) if /usr/include/pcap/foo.h is there.
you could use AC_ARG_ENABLE or AC_ARG_WITH to turn off the offending test on a host-by-host basis via arguments to configure. So the answer to that question is yes.
All of these assume you can modify and regenerate configure. If you can't do that you might have to modify configure (in an automated fashion, of course).

Using library with different names within autoconf

I am trying to build an application with OpenSync 0.4 (0.3.9 indeed) dependency.
In the project's the opensync library is written as libopensync1. However, this doesn't build on my Gentoo system. Changing libopensync1 to libopensync does fix the issue for me.
I searched with Google and found that libopensync1 is used in some distributions, while libopensync in others. So how to resolve this issue in
The macro AC_SEARCH_LIBS does what you need. (There is much heated debate about whether or not pkg-config should ever be used. If you choose to rely on it, ptomato gives a reasonable approach.) Simply add this to your
AC_SEARCH_LIBS([osync_mapping_new],[opensync1 opensync],[],
[AC_MSG_ERROR([can't find opensync])])
This will first look for a library named opensync1; if
it doesn't find that, it will look for opensync.
The primary drawback of using pkg-config is that most projects that
rely on it do not actually check if the data provided by the .pc
file is reliable, so configure may succeed but a subsequent build
will fail. It is always possible for a user to set PKG_CONFIG=true
when running configure and completely eliminate all of the data
provided by any associated .pc files, setting LIBS, CFLAGS, etc by
hand the 'old-fashioned' way.
The primary drawback of not using pkg-config is that the user
has to set LIBS, CFLAGS, etc. the old-fashioned way. In practice,
this is pretty trivial, and all pkg-config has done is move the
data from a single CONFIG_SITE file to separately maintained
.pc files for each package.
If you do use PKG_MODULE_CHECK, follow it up with a call to
AC_CHECK_LIB or AC_SEARCH_LIBS to validate the data in whatever
.pc file was located by PKG_CHECK_MODULES
I'm assuming that the place at which this occurs inside your is inside a PKG_CHECK_MODULES call.
Looking at the libopensync sources, it seems that libopensync1 is the newer name, and libopensync is the old name. So, we'll use pkg-config macros to look for the newer name unless it doesn't exist.
Put this in your
# Check if libopensync1 is known to pkg-config, and if not, look for libopensync instead
PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([libopensync1], [OPENSYNC=libopensync1], [OPENSYNC=libopensync])
Then later in your PKG_CHECK_MODULES call, replace libopensync1 with $OPENSYNC.

On GNU/Linux systems, Where should I load application data from?

In this instance I'm using c with autoconf, but the question applies elsewhere.
I have a glade xml file that is needed at runtime, and I have to tell the application where it is. I'm using autoconf to define a variable in my code that points to the "specified prefix directory"/app-name/glade. But that only begins to work once the application is installed. What if I want to run the program before that point? Is there a standard way to determine what paths should be checked for application data?
Thanks for the responses. To clarify, I don't need to know where the app data is installed (eg by searching in /usr,usr/local,etc etc), the configure script does that. The problem was more determining whether the app has been installed yet. I guess I'll just check in install location first, and if not then in "./src/".
I dont think there's any standard way on how to locate such data.
I'd personally do it in a way that i'd have a list of paths and i'd locate if i can find the file from anyone of those and the list should containt the DATADIR+APPNAME defined from autoconf and CURRENTDIRECTORY+POSSIBLE_PREFIX where prefix might be some folder from your build root.
But in any case, dont forget to use those defines from autoconf for your data files, those make your software easier to package (like deb/rpm)
There is no prescription how this should be done in general, but Debian packagers usually installs the application data somewhere in /usr/share, /usr/lib, et cetera. They may also patch the software to make it read from appropriate locations. You can see the Debian policy for more information.
I can however say a few words how I do it. First, I don't expect to find the file in a single directory; I first create a list of directories that I iterate through in my wrapper around fopen(). This is the order in which I believe the file reading should be done:
current directory (obviously)
$(datadir) is a variable you can use in Example:
AM_CPPFLAGS = $(ASSERT_FLAGS) $(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(SDLGFX_FLAGS) $(OPENGL_FLAGS) -DDESTDIRS=\"$(prefix):$(datadir)/:$(datadir)/program-name/\"
This of course depends on your output from configure and how your looks like.
So, just make a wrapper that will iterate through the locations and get the data from those dirs. Something like a PATH variable, except you implement the iteration.
After writing this post, I noticed I need to clean up our implementation in this project, but it can serve as a nice start. Take a look at our for using $(datadir) and our util.cpp and util.h for a simple wrapper (yatc_fopen()). We also have yatc_find_file() in case some third-party library is doing the fopen()ing, such as SDL_image or libxml2.
If the program is installed globally:
If you want the program to work without being installed (i.e. just extract a tarball), put it in the program's directory.
I don't think there is a standard way of placing files. I build it into the program, and I don't limit it to one location.
It depends on how much customising of the config file is going to be required.
I start by constructing a list of default directories and work through them until I find an instance of glade.xml and stop looking, or not find it and exit with an error. Good candidates for the default list are /etc, /usr/share/app-name, /usr/local/etc.
If the file is designed to be customizable, before I look through the default directories, I have a list of user files and paths and work through them. If it doesn't find one of the user versions, then I look in the list of default directories. Good candidates for the user config files are ~/.glade.xml or ~/.app-name/glade.xml or ~/.app-name/.glade.xml.
