How to block rows in a shared spread sheet in google docs - google-docs

I am working on a google spread sheet that has been shared with 10 people.
In that I need to insert some where around 60 new records in that spread sheet (and other people are also inserting new records simultaneously).
Is there any way that I can lock rows for example rows starting from 100-160. So that other people cannot insert or update those rows until I release the lock.

Data -> Protected Sheets & Ranges -> Set Range and Permissions
For more info


Excel Power Query - Save changes made to output table before refresh

I have a workbook with 2 sheets containing the same list of clients, but with different data relating to the client. Both sheets use LastName and FirstName as the first two column headers. Both sheets have about 10 additional columns, each being unique.
Sheet 1 is the "master list" table with 90 current names. We insert a row and add new names as
we get new clients.
I am trying to get sheet 2, with 65 of the 90 names, to update dynamically when a new row and name is added to Sheet 1.
After researching, I found I could use Power Query to merge Sheet 1 with Sheet 2 and Load the Output to a new Sheet. Let's call it Merged.
It looks great, so I hid the original Sheet 2 because it is now outdated. I no longer want to interact with Sheet 2, I want to interact with the new Merged Sheet. Now when I add a row to Sheet 1, Merged updates nicely with a new row and Names in place.
Problem: I can't add or change data on the Merged Sheet (Query output) without it disappearing as soon as I Refresh. It reverts back to the original.
Can I overwrite/add data to the Power Query output and save those changes? Somehow preventing Sheet 2 from clearing out the new data. Is that even a thing?
Can I Only update one of the connections - Sheet 1 and leave Sheet 2 dormant?
Am I using Power Query when I should be using something like XLookup?
I want to get rid of the original Sheet 2. It has become obsolete now that 30 new clients have been added to Sheet 1, and will continue to fall behind.
Thanks for the help.
Initially I was stumped on how to merge two sheets while shuffling the new names with the old, but a Power Query work for that problem.
Then I had the new table with the data in the correct position and order.
I found the quick tutorial from Jenn at this link; When a row is added to one sheet, automatically add a row to another sheet
This opened my eyes to the possibility that a Query can be only one connection. So I created a new sheet with the single query to the names on Sheet 1.
I copy/pasted the Merged info into the new sheet, and expanded the table range to include the new info and viola! I have a dynamically updating sheet based on the Sheet 1 list of names.
Now I can delete the original Sheet 2 and move forward and the original query.

How do I create an Excel VBA Form text box to view multiple records from a filtered worksheet

I’m an enthusiastic amateur to using VBA & Developer in Excel. I use multiple excel data sheets & workbooks on a daily basis and for years persevered by jumping between my various worksheets to retrieve and process my data. For a few months I’ve been following threads on stack overflow to teach me basic coding in order to develop a form to collate and view my data. Thank you so much! However! I cannot find a thread or guidance for the following:
I have an excel table which contains multiple records of notes and comments (no more than 150 words), 4 columns but hundreds of rows. The records relate to a unique ID (personal number) for 200 people/employees. Each person has multiple records collected through years and all contained in one worksheet (CM_Notes). Within that worksheet I have created a ‘FILTER’ table to display all records relating to a specific unique ID which functions as a search.
So, I have created a VBA Form which enables me to add further notes and view multiple records from all my worksheets which relate to the employees unique ID, mainly via list boxes; and it works well. Except for the ‘CM_notes worksheet’ which has too much text for a list box to be utilised.
Therefore, I would like to include a text box will let me view no more than 200 words and allow me to cycle through the Cells containing the records from the filtered table (found in the CM_Notes worksheet) which relate to a specific ID.
Creating this function in Access literally takes seconds, however due to the nature of my work (collaborative working) I’m tied to excel. A screenshot of what I’m trying to achieve is attached.
enter image description here
Pease help!

Excel extract all rows from another dynamic workbook with criteria

I have a excel master list (Master.xls) which is updated regularly with tons of rows of data example it has unique column A,B,C,D,E. I need to create a new workbook (Report.xls) with reference to the master list (without editing or adding filter in master list) and extract all the rows that fulfill criteria example, get and display all the rows that column C = 300. In way where by when i update the master list, this report will update after refresh.
I tried online using Index but is not working and trying to minimise the use of macros or vba
What you describe is the perfect scenario for Power Query. Use it from a new workbook, load the master workbook into the query editor, filter and clean the data as you need and save to a sheet.
When the data in the master file changes, all you have to do is refresh the query. All this can be done without writing a single line of code, just clicking icons in the user interface.

Recording data from one excel sheet to another automatically, but keeping even if deleted from master sheet

I have an excel spreadsheet I use to keep track of candidates I'm hiring at work.
This spreadsheet is becoming very large so what I want to do is have 2 sheets:
1) current candidates (candidates who are currently in the process)
2) historic candidates (candidates who are currently in the process and candidates who have previously been in the process).
I could manually add to both sheets, but what I'd like to do is manually update only the current candidates sheet, have the historic candidates sheet automatically update with that data, but when I delete data from the current candidates sheet I want it to remain in the historic candidates sheet.
It's the retaining data in historic candidates I'm having most difficulty in finding a solution to.
You're going to need a macro to do this. It's the only realistic method to actually copy data between different locations, rather than just linking the values.
The good news is that a macro that does this automatically as you enter data in the "Current" sheet would not be difficult to create, and there are many free guides available to walk you through the process.
If you don't want to go the macro route, the alternative would be to work backwards - put all of the data into a single sheet (the "Historical Candidates" sheet), with a flag you can change to mark whether they're a current candidate or not, then use any of the various tools available to filter data to pull a list of current candidates over to another sheet.

Spreadsheet design

I'm designing a file which will calculate a set of certain numbers for each account. Each account has at the moment 5,000 buckets (rows) and 20 selectable criteria (columns). I the future both will grow. I have now 70 accounts, hence use 70 sheets with identical calculation, but the number of accounts will also increase in the future.
Now, this design is terrible, i had to go and change the formula in all 70 sheets. Is there another way of designing the workbook? The rows and columns headings will always be identical for all accounts, but the number of rows and columns may change as well as the number of accounts. I researched the topic and there are lots of guidelines as to how not to design. Well I need a recipe of how to do it. Can someone please advise? PS I can do basic/mid level vba.
Initially, I would recommend writing a macro that would produce the current "template" (ie, column headers and formulas), and running that on any new sheet for new account creation. Then, when the data model changes and you need to change columns/formulas, you can change the template creation macro to match the new model and do a quick:
For Each sht in ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
to change all the existing sheets.
If you structure the sheets so that doing that doesn't mess with your source data, you can keep them all tidy without a lot of work.
