Working in an IO computation I ended up with a staircase of case mbValue of …s and figured out that I should use the Maybe monad to simplify the code. Since it's within an IO computation and I need to get IO values, I used the MaybeT monad transformer so that I can lift IO computation into Maybe.
Now, I have always thought about values being “stripped” of their Maybeness after an values <- mbValue inside a Maybe computation, but this turns out to be too simple of a heuristic here.
As highlighted below, when using a Maybe a value as an a (here by passing it to read), it fails to type check:
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (runMaybeT)
lol :: IO (Maybe Int)
lol = return (Just 3)
lal :: IO (Maybe String)
lal = return (Just "8")
foo :: IO (Maybe Bool)
foo = do
b <- runMaybeT $ do
x <- lift lol
y <- lift lal
return (x < (read y))
return b ^-- Couldn't match type ‘Maybe String’ with ‘String’
main = foo >>= print
If I put a typed hole in for return (x < (read y)), I see that it expects a Bool, which makes sense, but also that the current bindings include
|| y :: Data.Maybe.Maybe GHC.Base.String
|| (bound at /private/tmp/test.hs:14:5)
|| x :: Data.Maybe.Maybe GHC.Types.Int
|| (bound at /private/tmp/test.hs:13:5)
I.e., y is a Maybe String. This of course explains the error, but I'm left confused. Where is my understanding wrong, and how can I fix this error?
In short: Replace lift by the MaybeT constructor.
Note that
newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }
lift :: (MonadTrans t, Monad m) => m a -> t m a
Your use of lift in
x <- lift lol
is at the type
lift :: IO (Maybe Int) -> MaybeT IO (Maybe Int)
That's why x will be a Maybe Int again. The lift adds a fresh MaybeT layer that is independent of the Maybe occurrence you already have.
MaybeT :: m (Maybe a) -> MaybeT m a
instead as in
x <- MaybeT lol
will be used at type
MaybeT :: IO (Maybe a) -> MaybeT IO a
and do the right thing.
When specialized to MaybeT, lift :: Monad m => m a -> MaybeT m a. Since lol :: IO (Maybe Int), m is IO and a is Maybe Int, therefore lift lol :: MaybeT IO (Maybe Int).
IO (Maybe a) is just the value contained within a MaybeT IO a newtype wrapper, so there's no need to lift it; instead use the MaybeT constructor, for example as in MaybeT lol.
But this is not how people tend to use monad transformers. Instead, just use MaybeT values and lift as needed:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (runMaybeT, MaybeT)
lol :: MaybeT IO Int
lol = return 3
lal :: MaybeT IO String
lal = return "8"
foo :: IO (Maybe Bool)
foo =
runMaybeT $ do
x <- lol
y <- lal
_ <- lift getLine -- lift (IO String) to MaybeT IO String
_ <- return 100 -- lift any pure value
_ <- mzero -- use the MonadPlus instance to get a lifted Nothing.
return (x < (read y))
main = foo >>= print
I'm trying to understand monad transformers. I have a code like this (that doesn't work):
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
add1 :: Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
add1 x = return $ Just (x + 1)
readNumber :: IO (Maybe Int)
readNumber = do
putStr "Say a number: "
hFlush stdout
inp <- getLine
return $ (readMaybe inp :: Maybe Int)
main :: IO ()
main = do
x <- readNumber >>= add1
print x
It throws
Couldn't match type ‘Int’ with ‘Maybe Int’
Expected: Maybe Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
Actual: Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
I figured out that I can make it work by introducing
(>>>=) :: IO (Maybe a) -> (a -> IO (Maybe b)) -> IO (Maybe b)
x >>>= f =
x >>= go f
go _ Nothing = return Nothing
go f (Just x) = f x
and using it instead of >>=. This is strikingly similar to a monad transformer, but I can't get my head around how exactly I should refactor this code to use it.
You may wonder "why does add1 return IO?" Let's say that it can be something more complicated that uses IO.
I'm looking to understand it better, so answers like "there is a better solution" or "it is already implemented in..." won't help. I would like to learn what I would need to change to make it work with >>= assuming that I want to do operations like IO (Maybe a) -> (a -> IO (Maybe b)) -> IO (Maybe b) that already work with my >>>=.
I'd say the most common way to use monad transformers is the mtl approach. That consists of using type classes like MonadIO and MonadFail to implement your programs and then in your main function use concrete transformers like MaybeT to instantiate the type classes and get the actual result.
For your program that can look like this:
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (runMaybeT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Control.Monad (MonadFail (fail))
add1 :: Monad m => Int -> m Int
add1 x = pure (x + 1)
prompt :: String -> IO String
prompt x = do
putStr x
hFlush stdout
readNumber :: (MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => m Int
readNumber = do
inp <- liftIO (prompt "Say a number: ")
case readMaybe inp of
Nothing -> fail "Not a number"
Just x -> pure x
main :: IO ()
main = do
x <- runMaybeT (readNumber >>= add1)
print x
Consider the following program.
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Catch
ex1 :: StateT Int IO ()
ex1 = do
modify (+10)
liftIO . ioError $ userError "something went wrong"
ex2 :: StateT Int IO ()
ex2 = do
x <- get
liftIO $ print x
ex3 :: StateT Int IO ()
ex3 = ex1 `onException` ex2
main :: IO ()
main = evalStateT ex3 0
When we run the program we get the following output.
$ runhaskell Test.hs
Test.hs: user error (something went wrong)
However, I expected the output to be as follows.
$ runhaskell Test.hs
Test.hs: user error (something went wrong)
How do I preserve the intermediate state in ex1 in the exception handler ex2?
Use an IORef (or MVar or TVar or whatever) instead.
newtype IOStateT s m a = IOStateT { unIOStateT :: ReaderT (IORef s) m a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans, MonadIO)
-- N.B. not MonadReader! you want that instance to pass through,
-- unlike ReaderT's instance, so you have to write the instance
-- by hand
runIOStateT :: IOStateT s m a -> IORef s -> m a
runIOStateT = runReaderT . unIOStateT -- or runIOStateT = coerce if you're feeling cheeky
instance MonadIO m => MonadState s (IOStateT s m) where
state f = IOStateT $ do
ref <- ask
liftIO $ do
s <- readIORef ref
let (a, s') = f s
writeIORef ref s'
pure a
This feels like a pattern I've seen enough times that there ought to be a Hackage package for it, but I don't know of one.
In, I see
newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }
and then the instanciation of MaybeT as a monad:
instance Monad m => Monad (MaybeT m) where
return = MaybeT . return . Just
-- The signature of (>>=), specialized to MaybeT m:
-- (>>=) :: MaybeT m a -> (a -> MaybeT m b) -> MaybeT m b
x >>= f = MaybeT $ do maybe_value <- runMaybeT x
case maybe_value of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just value -> runMaybeT $ f value
I do not understand the arg x in runMaybeT x. Shouldn't runMaybeT take an arg corresponding to a? But instead it is given x which is the entire MonadT monad
It's just standard record syntax. In a type definition such as
data Foo = Foo { a :: Int, b :: String }
it presumably does not surprise you that we automatically get functions a :: Foo -> Int and b :: Foo -> String.
It's absolutely no different for MaybeT. (It does use newtype rather than data but that doesn't matter here, the same would be true if the definition used data instead)
newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }
this gives us a function runMaybeT :: MaybeT m a -> m (Maybe a) for exactly the same reason that we get the functions a and b in the simpler example above. It's just what record syntax does.
Specifically in this case, as always with a newtype defined using record syntax, the runMaybeT function allows us to "unwrap" a monadic value, going from the abstract MaybeT m a to the more "concrete" representation as a value of type m (Maybe a).
This is used in the implementation of >>= for MaybeT m: since its first argument (x in your snippet) is of type MaybeT m a, we first need runMaybeT to get the "unwrapped" value of type m (Maybe a), then use the >>= of the "base monad" m (shown here with do notation) to "extract" a value of type Maybe a which is then pattern matched on in the usual way.
runMaybeT is a getter. It is a function that takes a MaybeT m a object, and returns an m (Maybe a) object, so it has signature MaybeT m a -> m (Maybe a).
Perhaps it is easier to understand however if we unpack the value with a pattern:
instance Monad m => Monad (MaybeT m) where
return = MaybeT . return . Just
MaybeT rm >>= f = MaybeT $ do
maybe_value <- rm
case maybe_value of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just value -> runMaybeT $ f value
Suppose I have a state monad such as:
data Registers = Reg {...}
data ST = ST {registers :: Registers,
memory :: Array Int Int}
newtype Op a = Op {runOp :: ST -> (ST, a)}
instance Monad Op where
return a = Op $ \st -> (st, a)
(>>=) stf f = Op $ \st -> let (st1, a1) = runOp stf st
(st2, a2) = runOp (f a1) st1
in (st2, a2)
with functions like
getState :: (ST -> a) -> Op a
getState g = Op (\st -> (st, g st)
updState :: (ST -> ST) -> Op ()
updState g = Op (\st -> (g st, ()))
and so forth. I want to combine various operations in this monad with IO actions. So I could either write an evaluation loop in which operations in this monad were performed and an IO action is executed with the result, or, I think, I should be able to do something like the following:
newtype Op a = Op {runOp :: ST -> IO (ST, a)}
Printing functions would have type Op () and other functions would have type Op a, e.g., I could read a character from the terminal using a function of type IO Char. However, I'm not sure what such a function would look like, since e.g., the following is not valid.
runOp (do x <- getLine; setMem 10 ... (read x :: Int) ... ) st
since getLine has type IO Char, but this expression would have type Op Char. In outline, how would I do this?
Use liftIO
You're already very close! Your suggestion
newtype Op a = Op {runOp :: ST -> IO (ST, a)}
is excellent and the way to go.
To be able to execute getLine in an Op context, you need to 'lift' the IO operation into the Op monad. You can do this by writing a function liftIO:
liftIO :: IO a -> Op a
liftIO io = Op $ \st -> do
x <- io
return (st, x)
You can now write:
runOp (do x <- liftIO getLine; ...
Use class MonadIO
Now the pattern of lifting an IO action into a custom monad is so common that there is a standard type class for it:
import Control.Monad.Trans
class Monad m => MonadIO m where
liftIO :: IO a -> m a
So that your version of liftIO becomes an instance of MonadIO instead:
instance MonadIO Op where
liftIO = ...
Use StateT
You've currently written your own version of the state monad, specialised to state ST. Why don't you use the standard state monad? It saves you from having to write your own Monad instance, which is always the same for the state monad.
type Op = StateT ST IO
StateT already has a Monad instance and a MonadIO instance, so you can use those immediately.
Monad transformers
StateT is a so-called monad transformer. You only want IO actions in your Op monad, so I've already specialized it with the IO monad for you (see the definition of type Op). But monad transformers allow you to stack arbitrary monads. This what intoverflow is talking about. You can read more about them here and here.
The basic approach would be to rewrite your Op monad as a monad transformer. This would allow you to use it in a "stack" of monads, the bottom of which might be IO.
Here's an example of what that might look like:
import Data.Array
import Control.Monad.Trans
data Registers = Reg { foo :: Int }
data ST = ST {registers :: Registers,
memory :: Array Int Int}
newtype Op m a = Op {runOp :: ST -> m (ST, a)}
instance Monad m => Monad (Op m) where
return a = Op $ \st -> return (st, a)
(>>=) stf f = Op $ \st -> do (st1, a1) <- runOp stf st
(st2, a2) <- runOp (f a1) st1
return (st2, a2)
instance MonadTrans Op where
lift m = Op $ \st -> do a <- m
return (st, a)
getState :: Monad m => (ST -> a) -> Op m a
getState g = Op $ \st -> return (st, g st)
updState :: Monad m => (ST -> ST) -> Op m ()
updState g = Op $ \st -> return (g st, ())
testOpIO :: Op IO String
testOpIO = do x <- lift getLine
return x
test = runOp testOpIO
The key things to observe:
The use of the MonadTrans class
The use of the lift function acting on getLine, which is used to bring the getline function from the IO monad and into the Op IO monad.
Incidentally, if you don't want the IO monad to always be present, you can replace it with the Identity monad in Control.Monad.Identity. The Op Identity monad behaves exactly the same as your original Op monad.
Particularly, I need to be able to combine the CGI monad with the IO monad, but an example of how to combine the IO monad with the Maybe monad might be even better...
I assume you want to use the Maybe monad for early termination (like break or return in C).
In that case you should use MaybeT from the MaybeT package (cabal install MaybeT).
main = do
runMaybeT . forever $ do
liftIO $ putStrLn "I won't stop until you type pretty please"
line <- liftIO getLine
when ("pretty please" == line) mzero
return ()
MaybeT is a monad transformer version of the maybe monad.
Monad transformers "add functionality" to other monads.
You don't exactly say how you want to combine IO and Maybe, but I assume you have many functions that return IO (Maybe a) that you want to combine easily. Basically you want to treat IO (Maybe a) as a separate type with it's own Monad instance:
newtype IOMaybe a = IOM (IO (Maybe a))
-- "unpack" a value of the new type
runIOMaybe :: IOMaybe a -> IO (Maybe a)
runIOMaybe (IOM a) = a
instance Monad IOMaybe where
-- bind operator
(IOM ioa) >>= f = IOM $ do
a <- ioa
case a of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just v -> runIOMaybe (f v)
-- return
return a = IOM (return (Just a))
-- maybe also some convenience functions
returnIO :: IO a -> IOMaybe a
returnIO ioa = IOM $ do
v <- ioa
return (Just v)
returnMaybe :: Maybe a -> IOMaybe a
returnMaybe ma = IOM (return ma)
With this you can use the do-Notation to combine functions that return IO (Maybe a), IO a or Maybe a:
f1 :: Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
f1 0 = return Nothing
f1 a = return (Just a)
main = runIOMaybe $ do
returnIO $ putStrLn "Hello"
a <- returnMaybe $ Just 2
IOM $ f1 a
return ()
Generally something that combines and modifies monads like this is called a monad transformer, and GHC comes with a package that includes monad transformers for common cases. If there is something in this monad transformer library that fits your scenario depends on how exactly you want to combine Maybe and IO.
In what sense do you want to combine the monads?
f :: Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
f x = do
putStrLn "Hello world!"
return $ if x == 0 then Nothing else Just x
Can be evaluated to:
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( maybe-io.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> f 0
Hello world!
*Main> f 3
Hello world!
Just 3