Is there a way to invoke own version of node.js on Node startup? - node.js

I just started playing with node debugger and noticed a node.js file which is invoked at the very beginning of node execution.
As the comment in the file says
This file is invoked by node::Load in src/, and responsible for bootstrapping the node.js core.
I'd like to change content of this file to something else (yes, I know there's no need to do that), is there a way to replace content of that file / specify path to new file without compiling node from source?

Short answer: Nope.
If I read the source correctly, the file node.js gets compiled into the resulting binary, as a string - the file itself does not exist anywhere on the filesystem so you cannot modify it and, for the same reason, you cannot tell Node to execute your own version of it.
Best look at the sources - mainly the LoadEnvironment method.


Nodejs Pkg - how to use an external Config file?

I am having issues attempting to properly use pkg (nodejs module) properly.
I am doing a stand alone file manager (well, it would swap video/audio files to & from preselected directories, intended to allow it without any internet connection it self to remove & add files to a syncing folder like onedrive/dropbox/googledrive/etc. using a text file.)
The issue I am having, is I am at a loss of after I package it into a binary.. I do not understand how to allow/force it to create/read the text file outside compiled binary.
-- I would love for it to be within the same folder as the executable.
I am attempting to find a way to store data without having to share the sourcecode, or require node be installed on other machines.
-- I intend to have a minimal permissions as possible, and outside reading/writing the config & 'database' [which is simply a text file with what files are in the local storage, and what files are & are not in the remote storage]
What am I missing about pkg, & if it can store data internally some how... how do I get it to read an external file?
-- Though I would greatly prefer to have the txt files outside the binary & in plain text easy to read.
As a side question, I am not understanding how to pass an argument through & use it inside the program after it's compiled. [Hell, I'm having a heck of a time, properly understanding the readme for the pkg module]
Use fs features to load config object as in this three-lines of code
let rawdata = fs.readFileSync(filename);
let config = JSON.parse(rawdata);
config.json must be in same direcory of pkg executable
If you need to change path of config.json, you will able to specify full-path of this file using command line arguments.
These can be read at runtime using process.argv variable as explained here

ENOENT no such file on Express Endpoint for readFileSync

I've been going slightly crazy trying to figure this out. I have some certs that I need to pass through to an authentication client from my api; however, the application continues to throw ENOENT exceptions even though the file clearly exists within the same directory (I've fiddled with this to make sure). I'm using readFileSync, effectively doing the following:
key: fs.readFileSync('./privateKey.pem'),
Strangely, if I run this on a standalone Node server not as a part of an api, the file is able to be found without a problem. Is there some consideration I'm not aware of when trying to use readFileSync in such a scenario?
In node you need to be very careful with relative file paths. The only place where I'd ever really use them is in require('./_____') statements, where ./ to mean "relative to this file". However, require is kind of a special case because it is a function that node automatically creates per-file, so it knows the path of the current file.
In general, standard functions have no way of knowing the directory containing the script that happened to call a function, so in almost all cases, ./ means relative to the current working directory (the directory you were in when you ran node <scriptname>.js). The only time that is not the case is if your script or a module you use explicitly calls process.chdir to set the working directory to something else. The correct way to reference files relative to the current script file is to explicitly use an absolute path by using __dirname + '/file.js'.

Which config file to use for each GG example

Which spring-????-config.xml I should use to star GG nodes so the .net example GridClientApiExample works?
Each GridGain example provides a short description of how to run remote nodes in the example documentation.
Usually there are two ways to run remote nodes for the example. The first and, probably, the most convenient one is to run corresponding *NodeStartup class from IDE in the examples project. The name of startup class is specified in example documentation. The second way is to start a node with ggstart.{sh|bat} script with a configuration file specified in the documentation (if available).
GridClientApiExample works only with node started from IDE with ClientExampleNodeStartup, and there is a reason for it. The example expects a specific task class (org.gridgain.examples.misc.client.api.ClientExampleTask) to be in the node's classpath. Since this is an example-only class, it is not present in node classpath when running ggstart.{sh|bat}.
If for some reason you want to run a node with command line script for this example, you should build examples jar file and drop it to $GRIDGAIN_HOME/libs/ext (startup script will automatically pick up all additional libraries placed in this folder). Then you can use the same config which ClientExampleNodeStartup uses, namely examples/config/example-compute.xml
You can use ClientExampleNodeStartup or start node with examples/config/example-compute.xml

NodeJS: Jade, Coffee, Scss assets rendered without writing to disk

I'm looking for some middleware modules that allow me to render ".css" from ".scss", ".html" from ".jade", ".js" from ".coffee" on the fly without rendering to disk.
Every module I've encountered so far wants to write to disk before serving it instead of just streaming it.
Obviously this is only for local development since I'm not interested in dealing with file-revving and caching problems.
Answering my own question here:
The middleware to use is compile-middleware. Works fine by default with connect, but with express I had to modify it in order to not write headers (ugly i know, but time waits for no one) :
Original Credit goes to (You should try using this one first):
You should simply use a JavaScript task runner like:
Grunt: or
These plugins could help you get started (gulp related):
Here's a simple tutorial:
I got nothing against grunt, both of them are awesome :)
Hope it helps!

File Not found exception in opening a jar file after i make the jar file using command line arguments

The problem statement:
I have a J2ME app and i have a separate struts program running. The program automatically changes the source of the J2ME app an then builds it, pre-verify it, and then package it using command line arguments. To achieve all this i have used "Runtime.getRuntime().exec" in my program. Problem is that if i introduce a delay of one sec before the command for packaging is executed, the jar file is still formed BUT accessing the jar file using the command "DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));" gives me File Not found exception. "f" is the path to the jar file and i have checked it using "f.getCanonicalPath()" that its the right path.
I don know what the problem is. Please help me. I thank you in advance.
Are you waiting for the Process spawned by Runtime.exec() to complete before accessing the jar file? You can use Process.waitFor() for instance to halt the execution of your thread.
