Two parameters in a predicate function - python-3.x

Is there a way that I can write a predicate function that will compare two strings and see which one is greater? Right now I have
def helper1(x, y):
return x > y
However, I'm trying to use the function in this way,
new_tuple = divide((helper1(some_value, l[0]),l[1:])
Please note that the above function call is probably wrong because my helper1 is incomplete. But the gist is I'm trying to compare two items to see if one's greater than the other, and the items are l[1:] to l[0]
Divide is a function that, given a predicate and a list, divides that list into a tuple that has two lists, based on what the predicate comes out as. Divide is very long, so I don't think I should post it on here.
So given that a predicate should only take one parameter, how should I write it so that it will take one parameter?

You should write a closure.
def helper(x):
def cmp(y):
return x > y
return cmp
new_tuple = divide(helper1(l[0]), l[1:])


Does Python implement short-circuiting in built-in functions such as min()?

Does Python 3 implement short-circuiting in built-in functions whenever possible, just like it does for boolean statements?
A specific example, take the below code snippet:
min((20,11), key = lambda x : x % 10) # 20
Does Python evaluate beforehand that the minimum value possible of the function passed as the key argument is 0, and therefore stops right after evaluating the first integer in the iterable passed (20) as 20 % 10 is equal to 0?
Or does it have to evaluate all the elements in the iterable before returning the answer?
I guess short-circuiting isn't even always possible especially for more complex functions, but what about for well-known, built-in functions or operators like %?
I couldn't find the answer in the official docs.
python has to evaluate all values inside the iterable because the languaje evaluate element by element, if you have in your tuple something that is not a number it will trigger an exception when try to perform the % operation. Python can not guess what is inside your list. You can test this by defining a function instead of a lambda and set debug point inside.
def my_mod(x):
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
return x % 20
then call the function
min((20,11), key = my_mod)
you can do a quick error test case with
min((20,11, "s"), key = my_mod)
It will trigger an exception but first had to evaluate all the previous element in the list.

On a dataset made up of dictionaries, how do I multiply the elements of each dictionary with Python'

I started coding in Python 4 days ago, so I'm a complete newbie. I have a dataset that comprises an undefined number of dictionaries. Each dictionary is the x and y of a point in the coordinates.
I'm trying to compute the summatory of xy by nesting the loop that multiplies xy within the loop that sums the products.
However I haven't been able to figure out how to multiply the values for the two keys in each dictionary (so far I only got to multiply all the x*y)
So far I've got this:
If my data set were to be d= [{'x':0, 'y':0}, {'x':1, 'y':1}, {'x':2, 'y':3}]
I've got the code for the function that calculates the product of each pair of x and y:
def product_xy (product_x_per_y):
prod_xy =[]
n = 0
for i in range (len(d)):
result = d[n]['x']*d[n]['y']
return prod_xy
I also have the function to add up the elements of a list (like prod_xy):
def total_xy_prod (sum_prod):
all = 0
for s in sum_prod:
all+= s
return all
I've been trying to find a way to nest this two functions so that I can iterate through the multiplication of each x*y and then add up all the products.
Make sure your code works as expected
First, your functions have a few mistakes. For example, in product_xy, you assign n=0, and later do n + 1; you probably meant to do n += 1 instead of n + 1. But n is also completely unnecessary; you can simply use the i from the range iteration to replace n like so: result = d[i]['x']*d[i]['y']
Nesting these two functions: part 1
To answer your question, it's fairly straightforward to get the sum of the products of the elements from your current code:
coord_sum = total_xy_prod(product_xy(d))
Nesting these two functions: part 2
However, there is a much shorter and more efficient way to tackle this problem. For one, Python provides the built-in function sum() to sum the elements of a list (and other iterables), so there's no need create total_xy_prod. Our code could at this point read as follows:
coord_sum = sum(product_xy(d))
But product_xy is also unnecessarily long and inefficient, and we could also replace it entirely with a shorter expression. In this case, the shortening comes from generator expressions, which are basically compact for-loops. The Python docs give some of the basic details of how the syntax works at list comprehensions, which are distinct, but closely related to generator expressions. For the purposes of answering this question, I will simply present the final, most simplified form of your desired result:
coord_sum = sum(e['x'] * e['y'] for e in d)
Here, the generator expression iterates through every element in d (using for e in d), multiplies the numbers stored in the dictionary keys 'x' and 'y' of each element (using e['x'] * e['y']), and then sums each of those products from the entire sequence.
There is also some documentation on generator expressions, but it's a bit technical, so it's probably not approachable for the Python beginner.

How To Understand THE Following Code Snippet?

i came up with understanding confusion , what will be the right explanation for this code?
a = [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3)]
result = sum(n for _,n in a)
I guess that your confusion is coming from the , and the fact that sum also accepts a second argument.
In this case, only one argument is passed to sum because that line is evaluated as
result = sum(n for (_, n) in a)
This line simply sums all the second elements in the list of tuples, and it is equivalent to the following:
list_of_tuples = [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3)]
total = 0
for (first_element, second_element) in list_of_tuples:
total += second_element
Technically _ is a normal, valid identifier name, but the convention is to use it for values that are disregarded in the next part of the code.
I think another way of thinking of it is:
for _,n in a:
result += n
You can substitute "_,n" for any other two variables like "x,y" for example.

List comprehension in haskell with let and show, what is it for?

I'm studying project euler solutions and this is the solution of problem 4, which asks to
Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit
problem_4 =
maximum [x | y<-[100..999], z<-[y..999], let x=y*z, let s=show x, s==reverse s]
I understand that this code creates a list such that x is a product of all possible z and y.
However I'm having a problem understanding what does s do here. Looks like everything after | is going to be executed everytime a new element from this list is needed, right?
I don't think I understand what's happening here. Shouldn't everything to the right of | be constraints?
A list comprehension is a rather thin wrapper around a do expression:
problem_4 = maximum $ do
y <- [100..999]
z <- [y..999]
let x = y*z
let s = show x
guard $ s == reverse s
return x
Most pieces translate directly; pieces that aren't iterators (<-) or let expressions are treated as arguments to the guard function found in Control.Monad. The effect of guard is to short-circuit the evaluation; for the list monad, this means not executing return x for the particular value of x that led to the false argument.
I don't think I understand what's happening here. Shouldn't everything to the right of | be constraints?
No, at the right part you see an expression that is a comma-separated (,) list of "parts", and every part is one of the following tree:
an "generator" of the form somevar <- somelist;
a let statement which is an expression that can be used to for instance introduce a variable that stores a subresult; and
expressions of the type boolean that act like a filter.
So it is not some sort of "constraint programming" where one simply can list some constraints and hope that Haskell figures it out (in fact personally that is the difference between a "programming language" and a "specification language": in a programming language you have "control" how the data flows, in a specification language, that is handled by a system that reads your specifications)
Basically an iterator can be compared to a "foreach" loop in many imperative programming languages. A "let" statement can be seen as introducing a temprary variable (but note that in Haskell you do not assign variable, you declare them, so you can not reassign values). The filter can be seen as an if statement.
So the list comprehension would be equivalent to something in Python like:
for y in range(100, 1000):
for z in range(y, 1000):
x = y * z
s = str(x)
if x == x[::-1]:
yield x
We thus first iterate over two ranges in a nested way, then we declare x to be the multiplication of y and z, with let s = show x, we basically convert a number (for example 15129) to its string counterpart (for example "15129"). Finally we use s == reverse s to reverse the string and check if it is equal to the original string.
Note that there are more efficient ways to test Palindromes, especially for multiplications of two numbers.

Conversion from decimal to binary in Ocaml

I am trying to convert a given decimal value its corresponding binary form. I am using Ocaml about which I don't know much and am quite confused. So far I have the following code
let dec_to_bin_helper function 1->'T' | 0->'F'
let dec_to_bin x =
List.fold_left(fun a z -> z mod 2 dec_to_bin_helper a) [] a ;;
I must include here that I want my output to be in the form of a list of T's and F's where T's represent the binary 1's and F's represent binary 0's
If I try to run the above code it gives me an error saying "Error: This expression is not a function; it cannot be applied"
I understand that the part where I am calling the helper function is wrong... Any help in the matter would be appreciated!
I don't really understand your second function at all. You are folding an empty list, and your function takes an argument x which it never uses. Am I correct in assuming that you want to take a number and return a list of 'T's and 'F's which represent the binary? If that is the case, this code should work:
let dec_to_bin x =
let rec d2b y lst = match y with 0 -> lst
| _ -> d2b (y/2) ((dec_to_bin_helper (y mod 2))::lst)
d2b x [];;
This function inserts (x mod 2) converted into a T/F into a list, then recursively calls the function on x/2 and the list. When x = 0 the list is returned. If call it on 0 an empty list will be returned (I'm not sure if that's what you want or not).
I think the problem that you had is that you are treating lists as if they are mutable and thinking that fold mutates the list. That is not the case, fold just goes through each element in a list and applies a function to it. Since your list is empty it didn't do anything.
