Qt creator cannot upload files onto the remote device - linux

I have been using the QtCreator to develop qt application for my remote generic Linux device, when i press the 'Run' button, the program will be deployed into the targeted directory on the remote device and running automatically, everything is fine until recently, i just changed lines of code, but haven't change any settings of the project, after that i'm not able to upload the program onto the remote device anymore, in the .pro file:
target.files = Test
target.path = /home/root
INSTALLS += target
The compile output info shows that:
mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/root': permission denied
Failed to upload file...
Deploy step failed.
Error while building/deploying project Test
When executing step 'Upload files via SFTP'
This is confusing, because i'm not creating the directory but just deploy the program into it, that's what i did before and it worked alright.
I was suspecting maybe i need to update the SFTP to newer version, but based on the fact that i can still manually upload files to the remote device via SFTP without any problems, so i guess this is not the reason.
Is anyone here encountered this issue before? Any suggestions and comments are appreciated, and thanks in advance.

check /home/root folders can have rights to access by using command (ls -l)

I just found out the problem has nothing to do with ssh or access right.
It is because i have added more than one linux generic devices, but i'm using the kit for the project with selecting the wrong device.


How do you install an extension into the VS Code Server that's the remote end of Remote-SSH when there is no Internet connection?

I'm working in a network that has no direct internet connection.
I have VS Code on my desktop PC and I use the "Remote - SSH" extension (version 0.55) to do development on a Linux VM. It works very well.
From time to time I have need to install other Extensions into both the desktop VS Code (which is an easily accomplished using code --install-extension <path-to-vsix>) and also the Linux end of the "Remote - SSH" server.
My question is "under these circumstances, how do I correctly install Extensions into the Linux server?"
I will describe what I do, which partially works sometimes, but I have used this process to upgrade extensions and lost features (like coloring of output) so there must be something missing. I would like to know the missing step.
Download the extension from an internet-connected computer. There is a "Download Extension" link on the Extension's page at marketplace.visualstudio.com/vscode. Copy it (however you can) onto your Linux development host.
Copy the VSIX file to ~/.vscode-server/data/CachedExtensionVSIXs/ and rename the file by getting rid of the ".vsix" extension.
Sometimes the extension becomes installable at this stage. I'm not sure what the differences are between cases when this has worked and when it sometimes doesn't work. At least it's worth trying --- go to VS Code, connect to your remote host, look in the Extensions panel and if you can install it from there, good for you. If it didn't work, close the connection to the Remote Host.
Assuming that the previous step failed, you will need to unzip the VSIX and copy it into place. The following code uses the cmake-tools extension as an example.
cd /tmp
mkdir cmaketools && cd cmaketools
7z x -tzip ~/.vscode-server/data/CachedExtensionVSIXs/ms-vscode.cmake-tools-1.4.2
cd ~/.vscode-server/extensions/
mv /tmp/cmaketools/extension ms-vscode.cmake-tools-1.4.2
cd ms-vscode.cmake-tools-1.4.2/
cp /tmp/cmaketools/extension.vsixmanifest .vsixmanifest
You can download the extension from the Marketplace and upload the extensionvsix file to the remote.
In the remote VSC use the Install from VSIX... command on the Extension bar top menu.

Gradle Error: Path is not a readable directory for an Android Project saved in OneDrive

I tried to use a OneDrive folder to store my Flutter project [Windows 10, Android Studio]. I then made edits to it on another machine [same configurations]. The project compiled fine on the first machine initially and on the second one after the changes. Running it on the first machine again after the changes I get the below error:
Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.
Path "build/[package]/intermediaries/compiled_local_resources" is not a readable directory.
I've tried a number of solutions mentioned in similar, though not equivalent issues:
Updating Android Studio
Running Android Studio as Administrator
Removing the [package] from my dependencies (this resulted in a
different package being identified in the error message).
Pressing File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart...
Commenting out
"org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1536M" in gradle.properties
cd android
gradlew clean
None of this worked.
I had the same problem today:
Path "build/[package]/intermediaries/compiled_local_resources/debug/out" is not a readable directory.
I was able to fix this issue by deleting the .gradle and rebuilding the project.
All I did was create the (empty) directory that it was looking for and it built fine afterward.
mkdir -p compiled_local_resources/debug/out
I had the same issue, came out of no where and it really shouldn't make the build fail... but all I did was create the (empty) directory that it was looking for and it built fine afterwards.
In the end the only thing that worked for me was pushing the project up to a Git remote and cloning it from there into another (local) directory.
[not sure this counts as a solution but nothing else worked for me after a long agonising search so hopefully it helps someone]
I know the OP had Windows, but if it helps anyone else in the future:
On Mac OS I discovered (the hard way) that Android Studio and Flutter do not play nice with being stored in iCloud! I noticed that some files weren't available locally and that's what was causing the problem for me. I moved my project out of iCloud (forcing it to download the missing files forever) and then it was fine.
Deleting the android/.gradle folder worked for me.
+1 also to the #1 answer (Vadow). As I do not have 50 points yet was not able to add this as a comment, so will have to post separately.
Like the OP, I have two machines - and got into trouble (Synology Drive). Vadow's solution worked for me, but I also had to do:
Flutter Clean
Flutter Pub Get
on the terminal and from within the project directory to get things follow back up and running.
Thank you Stackoverflow, and thank you Vadow!

Spring Tool Suite 3.8.2 - Installation on Ubuntu

I managed to install STS 3.8.2 on Ubuntu 16.04 - with a lot of hacking experiments. I have it working, but I am not happy with my solution.
Here is what I had to do:
Extracted the tar file into /opt/sts-bundle.
If you put it anywhere else, like /opt/sts, the TC server fails to start from STS.
With files in /opt/sts-bundle, TC server still fails to start from STS - permission errors. To get it to work you need to futz around with permissions of the pivotal-c-server subdirectories, essentially you need to open it up your group (the same one running STS) (security hole ?).
A local install in your own ~/sts-bundle fails on "files not found" while attempting to backup - all the conf files. It still looks in /opt/sts-bundle for all these config files (just to copy them to /backup). You can change the top directory of the server in STS server properties - but it still looks in /opt/sts-bundle. Seems hard-coded - don't know where. So you have to create all the config files in the conf directory in the tree rooted at /opt/sts-bundle ("touch" works - creating empty files). TC Server still fails to start with a "failed to clean" error - with no clue from the detailed message what files are being "cleaned".
I tried creating a non-privileged user "tcserver" per suggestion from the Pivotal TC Server docs. I installed to /opt/sts-bundle, while logged in as tcserver (with sudo privileges). That fails when I am using STS as a regular developer that is not "tcserver". Could not figure out how to tell TC server to run under a different user than the one that started STS.
The solution I have working and I am not happy with, starts by extracting the tar.gz file into /opt/sts-bundle, as it wants. Then changing owner and group of sts-bundle to my id and my group (same ones that are used in STS UI). I am not happy with that. It seems wrong to put things in /opt that are owned by a single developer.
I am new to Linux, and I still have some Windows habits that need to be unlearned.
The question is: how do I get the clean solution (installing using a "tcserver" user in the global /opt directory) to work for developers who are not "tcserver"? How should the tcserver user be related to the developers (same group?).
Am I making this problem harder than it should be? What am I missing?
I'm not sure this what you want, but I don't install the STS bundles in some kind of shared directory as a special user at all. I just install it in my user.home dir, as myself, and launch it from there.
It is very unsophisticated. I just download the tar.gz file, unpack it in my home dir and then launch it from a trivial bash script which looks something like this:
That script is on my PATH. So I can just type 'STS' in a terminal and STS will start.
I don't have to do anything else and it works.
If you are trying to somehow install this so that several different users can run a shared installation then this isn't a good setup. But I think for your own personal laptop or desktop which only you are using, this simple setup is perfectly fine.
For a shared-user env, unfortunately, I don't know how to help you. It could be complicated to sort out all the permissions issues etc because Eclipse is a complicated beast w.r.t to installation of plugins etc.

Jenkins loses all data when rebooting pc

I am currently learning Jenkins and how to utilize continuous integration. I am having an issue where all of my data/config files are reset after rebooting my PC. Has anyone had similar issues or am I missing something?
Sincerely, I didn't have this problem it's somehow strange because Jenkins, as I know, stores all the configurations in config.xml files in the installation directory. Not sure if it'll help you, but after a restart, if your data doesn't appear to be indexed in Jenkins, go to "Configure" and there you'll find "Reload configuration from disk".
What I didn't understood from your question:
after a restart of Jenkins+ PC, you data+settings don't appear in Jenkins GUI? Or they are also missing from the config.xml file from the installation directory. For example, if you create a user and a job, after a restart this settings are missing only from the GUI or also from config.xml & jobs directory.
How do you run Jenkins? You start Jenkins from Eclipse, you have it installed on your PC.
Does Jenkins have permissions to create/edit files in the installation directory? Be aware that after install, Jenkins creates a default username "JENKINS" and will try to edit files and create directories with that username on your PC.

InnoSetup: "The volume for a file has been externally altered"

InnoSetup appears to be corrupting my executable when compiling the setup project.
Executing the source file works fine, but executing the file after installation produces Win32 error 1006 "The volume for a file has been externally altered".
I've tried disabling compression and setting various flags, to no avail.
Has anyone experienced this?
Okay there's been some twists to the situation:
At the moment, I can even manually copy a working file to the location it is installed to and get "The volume for a file...". To be clear: I uninstall the application, create the same folder and paste the files there and run.
Some more details for those that want it:
The InnoSetup script is compiled by FinalBuilder using output from msbuild, also executed by FinalBuilder, running on my machine with XP SP3. The executable is a C# .Net assembly compiled in configuration Release|AnyCPU. The file works when executed in the folder the Install Script takes it from. It produces the same behaviour on an XP Virtual Machine. The MD5 hashes of the source file and the installed file are the same.
Ok, I just received this same error. I have a config which my executable uses. I looked in my folder a million times - but finally notice the config file was zero length. I corrected the config and the error stopped occurring.
Check the simplest things first... good lucK!
1006 (0x3EE): The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid.
I suspect you're having this issue after moving the files to a network share. It seems to me that what's happening is you have an open file-handle - possibly to a temporary file you are creating - and then some other process (perhaps running on a different host) is coming along and renaming or deleting that file or its' parent directory tree.
So my advice is:
Try installing to a local directory
Run after an anti-virus scan, in
safe-mode or on a different machine
to see if there isn't some
background nasty changing
volume/directory properties while
your program is running.
Make sure the program itself isn't doing anything weird with the volume or directory tree you're working with.
Never seen that before. I've got a few questions and suggestions:
- Are you signing the EXE during the compile of the setup? If so, try leaving that part out.
- WHat OS are you installing on or does it happen on all machines you've tried?
- Run the install with the /LOG="c:\install.log" option and post the log. It might show something happening during install.
- Run a byte compare or MD5 check on the source EXE and the installed EXE. Are they the same? Do they have the same version resource?
