Is there a way to populate with a projection in Mongoose? - node.js

Say I have a collection that contains a field that references documents from another collection like follows:
_id | student | class
and classes in the Class collection have the following schema:
_id | className | teacher | building | time | days | classNumber | description
If I have a set of 3000 classes I want to populate on the server I might do something like ClassEnrollment.populate(listOfClassEnrollments, {path: 'class'});
In my situation, I don't want the majority of the class fields though, just the name. If I get the list of 3000 classes from the db with all fields, I end up taking a performance hit in the form of network latency (these 3000 classes have to be transferred from the hosted db to the server, which might be 50 MB of raw data if the descriptions are long)
Is there a way to populate the list of class enrollments with just the name through an option to populate (behind the scenes I imagine it would work like a projection, so the db just responds with the class name and _id instead of all the class information)?

You can use the select option in your populate call to do this:
ClassEnrollment.populate(listOfClassEnrollments, {path: 'class', select: 'className'});
To specify multiple fields, use a space-separated list:
{path: 'class', select: 'className classNumber'}

Let's say we have a very simple user & video schemas.
import mongoose from "mongoose";
const { Schema, model } = mongoose;
const UserSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
email: String,
password: String,
export default model("User", UserSchema);
import mongoose from "mongoose";
const { Schema, model } = mongoose;
const { ObjectId } = Schema.Types;
const VideoSchema = new Schema({
videoOwnerId: { type: ObjectId, ref: "User", required: true },
title: { type: String, required: true },
desc: { type: String, required: true },
export default model("Video", VideoSchema);
Then I want to find in Videos Collection all videos by specific user AND at the same time all information about this user(a user document from Users Collection) and use projection on it ( select specific fields )
3) Somewhere in our code (maybe in a controller)
const videos = await Video.find({ videoOwnerId: "someId214121" }).populate("videoOwnerId", "-password");
So to populate with projection you use a populate("videoOwnerId", "-password") method, when the first argument is a field you want to populate, the second argument is a projection.
To get a document with all fields but without password for example
populate("videoOwnerId", "-password")
To get only specific fields that you want(string with fields separated by whitespace)
populate("videoOwnerId", "name email")


Mongoose Sync local schema with mongoose document

Im trying to get this going or wondering if this is even necessary. I have a local schema I define for my user profiles. What im trying to do is write a code block that checks my local schema with what the database has. If a field is missing, add a default value.
My goal for this is to be able to add fields locally in my schema and have the database update when I add a new field.
My schema is as follows:
import mongoose, { Schema } from "mongoose";
const reqString = {
type: String,
required: true,
const reqNumber = {
type: Number,
required: true,
const userProfileSchema = new Schema({
//Discord User ID - Primary Key
_id: reqString,
wallet: reqNumber,
bank: reqNumber,
net_worth: reqNumber,
classID: reqNumber,
const name = "core-userprofile";
export default mongoose.models[name] ||
mongoose.model(name, userProfileSchema, name);
I have a class that pulls the user profile for the rest of the code to access. Id like a function in there that looks at the local schema, realizes there isnt classID, figures out its a type of number, and just places 0 there.
I believe from what im understanding I can use update/upsert when accessing it. Im more wondering if there is a way to sync these two and add/delete anything that doesn't match the local version.
Thanks in advance!

How to use find() called from mongoose model to get just that specific model from a collection that contains multiple models?

I have these specific schemas:
const PersonSchema = new Schema({
Name: String,
const StudentSchema = new Schema({
Class: String,
Professor: String
const ProfessorSchema = new Schema({
Class: String,
Students: Number
I produce the following models, note that the Student and Professor are extended from the Person model:
mongoose.model("Person", PersonSchema, "objects" )
Person.discriminator("Professor", ProfessorSchema, "objects")
Person.discriminator("Student", StudentSchema, "objects")
I store all of them in the same collection "objects" and when I call the find() method from any of the models I get all the objects in the collection and not just from the specific model. How can I just retrieve from the collection one specific model?
The way to solve this problem of getting all the documents from all models when asking just a specific one is to provide some specific arguments arguments when constructing the model.
Instead of just providing the collection name in the model:
Person.discriminator("Professor", ProfessorSchema, "objects")
You should provide a conjunct of arguments that specify the collection and the type attribute:
const baseOptions = {
collection: "objects",
discriminatorKey: '__type'
const Professor = Person.Model.discriminator("Professor", ProfessorSchema, baseOptions)
The default discriminatoryKey now has the value equal to the model name instead of its default value that is the collection name. When you use the find() method it only retrieves the type connected with the model.

Mongodb Collection name

I've created a database in MongoDB using mongoose. Although everything works fine, but when I check mongodb the name of the collection has extra 's' in its name. The collection name created is employees. What could be wrong, or is it just the naming convention of mongoose?
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
let employeeSchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: String,
email: String,
department: String,
doj: Date,
address: String
const Employee = mongoose.model("employee", employeeSchema);
module.exports = Employee;
It doesn't just add an extra 's' but it makes the correct plural of the name.
For Example : Mouse will be converted to mice
You can disable it by:
Reference Link:
So you have two options for controlling document names in mongoose.
If you just want to disable pluralization, you can do it with mongoose.pluralize(null) as in Ankit's answer.
And if you want to change your collection name whatever you want, you can do:
mongoose.model("employee", employeeSchema, { collection: 'myEmployee' } )

Handling Mongoose Populated Fields in GraphQL

How do I represent a field that could be either a simple ObjectId string or a populated Object Entity?
I have a Mongoose Schema that represents a 'Device type' as follows
// assetSchema.js
import * as mongoose from 'mongoose'
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var Asset = new Schema({ name : String,
linked_device: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Asset'})
export AssetSchema = mongoose.model('Asset', Asset);
I am trying to model this as a GraphQLObjectType but I am stumped on how to allow the linked_ue field take on two types of values, one being an ObjectId and the other being a full Asset Object (when it is populated)
// graphql-asset-type.js
import { GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLString } from 'graphql'
export var GQAssetType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Asset',
fields: () => ({
name: GraphQLString,
linked_device: ____________ // stumped by this
I have looked into Union Types but the issue is that a Union Type expects fields to be stipulated as part of its definition, whereas in the case of the above, there are no fields beneath the linked_device field when linked_device corresponds to a simple ObjectId.
Any ideas?
As a matter of fact, you can use union or interface type for linked_device field.
Using union type, you can implement GQAssetType as follows:
// graphql-asset-type.js
import { GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLString, GraphQLUnionType } from 'graphql'
var LinkedDeviceType = new GraphQLUnionType({
name: 'Linked Device',
types: [ ObjectIdType, GQAssetType ],
resolveType(value) {
if (value instanceof ObjectId) {
return ObjectIdType;
if (value instanceof Asset) {
return GQAssetType;
export var GQAssetType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Asset',
fields: () => ({
name: { type: GraphQLString },
linked_device: { type: LinkedDeviceType },
Check out this excellent article on GraphQL union and interface.
I was trying to solve the general problem of pulling relational data when I came across this article. To be clear, the original question appears to be how to dynamically resolve data when the field may contain either the ObjectId or the Object, however I don't believe it's good design in the first place to have a field store either object or objectId. Accordingly, I was interested in solving the simplified scenario where I keep the fields separated -- one for the Id, and the other for the object. I also, thought employing Unions was overly complex unless you actually have another scenario like those described in the docs referenced above. I figured the solution below may interest others also...
Note: I'm using graphql-tools so my types are written schema language syntax. So, if you have a User Type that has fields like this:
type User {
_id: ID
firstName: String
lastName: String
companyId: ID
company: Company
Then in my user resolver functions code, I add this:
User: { // <-- this refers to the User Type in Graphql
company(u) { // <-- this refers to the company field
return User.findOne({ _id: u.companyId }); // <-- mongoose User type
The above works alongside the User resolver functions already in place, and allow you write GQL queries like this:
query getUserById($_id:ID!)
{ getUserById(_id:$_id) {
company {
S. Arora

Mongoose/ MongoDB Database Design

I always have a certain fixed structure in my model (GroupName) and a dynamic part of 1-x (Members).
Member 1
Member 2
Member 1
Member 1
Member 2
Member 3
Is it better to use two tables and connect them later via ids like this:
Member 1
Member 2
or to use Schema.Types.Mixed(or anything else)? And how to do it in the second way?
I will always use them in combination later. From a gut feeling I would choose the first method:
But even on the second method I have the issue, that one member can belong to multiple groups and I don't want to store him twice. The groups are unique and do only exist once.
But I'm new to MongoDb so I want to learn what's the best option and why.
I have choosen two divide it into two docs. Is this implementation of the Schemas than correct like this:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
// define the schema for group model
var groupSchema = mongoose.Schema({
href: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true
title: String,
members: [id: Schema.Types.ObjectId, name: String]
// create the model for users and expose it to our app
module.exports = mongoose.model('group', groupSchema);
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
// define the schema for member model
var memberSchema = mongoose.Schema({
id: {
required: true,
unique: true
amount: String,
name: String
// create the model for users and expose it to our app
module.exports = mongoose.model('member', memberSchema);
There is an excellent post on the MongoDB blog which tells us about the various ways a schema can be designed based on the model relationships.
I believe the best schema for you would be to make use of embedded arrays with the member IDs.
_id: '1234',
name: 'some group',
members : [
There is a correction needed in the schema:
// define the schema for group model
var groupSchema = mongoose.Schema({
href: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true
title: String,
members: [{id: Schema.Types.ObjectId, name: String}] //Needs to be enclosed with braces
// create the model for users and expose it to our app
module.exports = mongoose.model('group', groupSchema);
I don't know what your documents contains and if members are a growing array - for example Group1 can have 1-n members in any given moment . if this is the case you should go with option 2: try something like:
{gId: 1, mId: 5}
That is a design best suited for Social graph. Your Group documents will have a fixed size which is good for memory and you can easily get all the members of a group (just don't forget to index gId and mId)
If for each group there is a fixed number of members (or not growing and shrinking to much) then go with option 1
There is a great post by mongoDb team (and also src code) that talks about design.
