I need a help in matching the pattern and concatenating fields in two files.
eg: I have the following contents in one file: xxx yyy
and the following contents in another file. www.google.com www.facebook.com
now I need to get the user name at the beginning of the output.
if I search for the xxx, I have to get the output as
xxx www.google.com
Thanks in advance!!!!
Use join command
join firstfile secondfile > output.txt
For more information check this article.
And to be exact according to output FORMAT in question you need to follow this formatting using -o option,
join -o 1.2 2.1 2.2 firstfile secondfile |tee output.txt
the output will be;
xxx www.google.com
yyy www.facebook.com
Here is what I tried,
The explanation of above command is as follows,
-o It used to format the output of join command.
1.2 It signify firstfile's second column.
2.1 It signify secondfile's first column.
2.2 It signify secondfile's second column.
tee command will redirect the output of join command to a file as well as standard output (i.e:console).
output.txt will record the output of the join command.
Look up the join command. This is for joining files based on the contents of a column.
I am quite new to bash and trying to type some text into multiple files with a single command using brace expansion.
I tried: cat > file_{1..100} to write into 100 files some text that I will type in the terminal. I get the following error:
bash: file_{1..100}: ambiguous redirect
I also tried: cat > "file_{1..100}" but that creates a singe file named: file_{1..100}.
I tried: cat > `file_{1..100}` but that gives the error:
file_1: command not found
How can I achieve this using brace expansion? Maybe there are other ways using other utilities and/or pipelines. But I want to know if that is possible using only simple brace expansion or not.
You can't do this with cat alone. It only writes its output to its standard output, and that single file descriptor can only be associated with a single file.
You can however do it with tee file_{1..100}.
You may wish to consider using tee file_{01..100} instead, so that the filenames are zero-padded to all have the same width: file_001, file_002, ... This has the advantage that lexicographic order will agree with numerical order, and so ls, *, etc, will process them in numerical order. Without this, you have the situation that file_2 comes after file_10 in lexicographic order.
target could be only a pipe, not a multiple files.
If you want redirect output to multiple files, use tee
cat | tee file_{1..100}
Don't forget to check man tee, for example if you want to append to the files, you should add -a option (tee -a file_{1..100})
This types the string or text into file{1..4}
echo "hello you just knew me by kruz" > file{1..4}
Use to remove them
rm file*
I want pick the specific format of file among the list of files in a directory. Please find the below example.
I have a below list of files (6 files).
1) MAG_L_NT_AA_SUM_2017_01_20.dat
2) MAG_L_NT_AA_2017_01_20.dat
1) MAG_L_NT_BB_SUM_2017_01_20.dat
2) MAG_L_NT_BB_2017_01_20.dat
1) MAG_L_NT_CC_SUM_2017_01_20.dat
2) MAG_L_NT_CC_2017_01_20.dat
From the above three sets I need only 3 files.
1) MAG_L_NT_AA_2017_01_20.dat
2) MAG_L_NT_BB_2017_01_20.dat
3) MAG_L_NT_CC_2017_01_20.dat
Note: There can be multiple lines of commands because i have create the script for above req. Thanks
Probably easiest and least complex solution to your problem is combining find (a tool for searching for files in a directory hierarchy) and grep (tool for printing lines that match a pattern). You also can read those tools manuals by typing man find and man grep.
Before going straight to solution we need to understand, how we will approach your problem. To find pattern in a name of file we search we will use find command with option -name:
-name pattern
Base of file name (the path with the leading directories removed) matches shell pattern pattern. The metacharacters ('*', '?', and '[]')
match a '.' at the start of the base name (this is a change in
findutils-4.2.2; see section STANDARDS CONFORMANCE below). To ignore a
directory and the files under it, use -prune; see an example in the
description of -path. Braces are not recognised as being special,
despite the fact that some shells including Bash imbue braces with a
special meaning in shell patterns. The filename matching is performed
with the use of the fnmatch(3) library function. Don't forget to
enclose the pattern in quotes in order to protect it from expansion by
the shell.
For instance, if we want to search for a file containing string 'abc' in directory called 'words_directory', we will enter following:
$ find words_directory -name "*abc*"
And if we want to search all directories in directory:
$ find words_directory/* -name "*abc*"
So first, we will need to find all files, which begin with string "MAG_L_NT_" and end with ".dat", therefore to find all matching names in /your/specified/path/ which contains many subdirectories, which could contain files that match this pattern:
$ find /your/specified/path/* -name "MAG_L_NT_*.dat"
However this prints all found filenames, but we still get names containing "SUM" string, there comes in grep. To exclude names containing unwanted string we will use option -v:
-v, --invert-match
Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines. (-v is
specified by POSIX .)
To use grep to filter out first commands output we will use pipe () |:
The standard shell syntax for pipelines is to list multiple commands,
separated by vertical bars ("pipes" in common Unix verbiage). For
example, to list files in the current directory (ls), retain only the
lines of ls output containing the string "key" (grep), and view the
result in a scrolling page (less), a user types the following into the
command line of a terminal:
ls -l | grep key | less
"ls -l" produces a process, the output (stdout) of which is piped to
the input (stdin) of the process for "grep key"; and likewise for the
process for "less". Each process takes input from the previous process
and produces output for the next process via standard streams. Each
"|" tells the shell to connect the standard output of the command on
the left to the standard input of the command on the right by an
inter-process communication mechanism called an (anonymous) pipe,
implemented in the operating system. Pipes are unidirectional; data
flows through the pipeline from left to right.
process1 | process2 | process3
After you got acquainted to mentioned commands and options which will be used to achieve your goal, you are ready for solution:
$ find /your/specified/path/* -name "MAG_L_NT_*.dat" | grep -v "SUM"
This command will produce output of all names which begin "MAG_L_NT_" and end with ".dat". grep -v will use first command output as input and remove all lines containing "SUM" string.
I have file and I need to extract some data. the problem I'm facing is some line not almost the same with other lines. here is the example:
action=accept trandisp=noop srcip= dstip= service=PING proto=1 duration=61
action=accept trandisp=noop srcip= dstip= dstport=80 service=http proto=1 duration=61
I want to get the destination IP with service in the first row, and the
destination IP with dstport and service in the second line.
I'm new in linux and I tried it with grep and cut but it didn't work for me.
please help me with the explanation of your answer.
What about this one?
grep -o -P "dstip=[0-9.]+ (dstport=[0-9]+)? service=\w+ (dstport=[0-9]+)?" your-file
-o, --only-matching show only the part of a line matching PATTERN
-P, --perl-regexp PATTERN is a Perl regular expression
Of course, key-value order matters.
My file contains something like the below:
X-TM-AS-Product-Ver: IMSVA-
X-TM-AS-Result: No--0.364-7.0-31-10
X-imss-scan-details: No--0.364-7.0-31-10
X-TMASE-Result: 10--0.363600-5.000000
X-TMASE-MatchedRID: 40jyuBT4FtykMGOaBzW2QbxygpRxo469FspPdEyOR1qJNv6smPBGj5g3
This is my real text! I need to extract this line!
The existing code, written in the past by someone else, executes the below line:
cat $my_file | egrep -v "^(X-TM-AS)"
| egrep -v "X-imss-scan-details"
supposedly to remove all those key value lines which start with "X-".
The above piece of code has been working fine up until today because keys starting with X-TMASE has never been among the keys in the past. It has started to appear in the files today, and therefore it has caused the code to fail in extraction of the useful data.
Among the newly added keys, it seems to me that X-TMASE-MatchedRID is the one creating the headache for us, as it has a value which spans multiple lines:
X-TMASE-MatchedRID: 40jyuBT4FtykMGOaBzW2QbxygpRxo469FspPdEyOR1qJNv6smPBGj5g3
Initially I tried the below:
cat $my_file | egrep -v "^(X-TM-AS)"
| egrep -v "X-imss-scan-details"
| egrep -v "^(X-TMASE-)"
But it didn't work. It didn't completely eliminate the value for X-TMASE-MatchedRID:
This is my real text! I need to extract this line!
I wanted the output to be:
This is my real text! I need to extract this line!
That is, I don't want any metadata to be seen in the output.
Any idea how that can be achieved using egrep or any equivalent command?
If you just want to remove the first paragraph some other command is better, for example sed
sed '1,/^$/ d' "$my_file"
I'd like to merge two files by doing the following:
Output the diff of the two files into a temp file and
Manually select the lines I want to copy/save.
The problem here is that diff -u only gives me a file lines of context, while I want to output the entire file in a unified format.
Is there any way diff can do this?
One option that might fit the bill for you,
sdiff : side-by-side diff of files.
sdiff -o merged.file left.file right.file
Once there, it will prompt you with what lines you want to keep from which file. Hit ? and then enter for a little help. Also man sdiff with the detailed goods.
(In my distro, these come packaged in the "diffutils" package [fedora,centos])
If you need to automate the process, you might want to try the util merge, which will mark conflicts in the files. However, that might put you back at square one.
"I want to output the entire file in a unified format. Is there any way diff can do this?"
diff -U 9999999 file1.txt file2.txt > diff.txt
This should work, provided your files are less than 10 million lines long.
You can merge/combine the two files with diff using --
diff --line-format %L file1 file2
The easy answer is to use the -D flag to merge the files and surround the differences with C style #ifdef statements.
From the documentation:
-D NAME --ifdef=NAME
Output merged file to show `#ifdef NAME' diffs.
You can use it as follows:
$ diff -D NEWSTUFF file1 file2 > merged_file
I usually then just open the merged file in an editor and resolve the merge conflicts by hand.
You also can use options to output an ed script, etc.
If you are an emacs user, you can do this directly in emacs using the "emerge" tool:
Issuing M-x emerge-files will open an interactive prompt with a view of files A, B, and the merged file to allow choosing text that differs between files A & B, inserting part of A into B, and more.