require.js listener or callback - requirejs

I am loading a 3rd party script that simply creates an overlay on a site it has been loaded onto. It works fine but sites using require.js seem to have intermittent issues I'm assuming with async loading some js files. Is there any type of callback or way to create a module in the DOM as sort of a listener to see if require.js is done loading?
I tried this but not even close:
define(function() {
return {};
function () {
var myModule = {
console.log('Yay! Stuff');
return myModule;

I ended up just creating a secondary require.config file and loading the module with require if require is detected, seems to work fine.
if(typeof require === 'function') {
var base = 'http://' + someDomainVar;
function getJSTreeURL() {
var url = base + '/js/libs/jstree.min';
return url;
function getModuleURL() {
var url = base + '/module';
return url;
var reqTwo = require.config({
context: "instance2",
baseUrl: "instance2",
paths: {
'jq': '',
'jqTree': getJSTreeURL(),
'module': getModuleURL()
shim: {
'jq': {
exports: 'jq'
'jqTree': {
deps: ['jq'],
exports: 'jqTree'
'module': {
deps: ['jq', 'jqTree'],
exports: 'module'
reqTwo(['require', 'jq', 'jqTree'],
function(require, jq, jqTree) {
setTimeout(function() {
function(module) {
}, 0);


RequireJS + Mocha + JSDom + Node -> Shim config not supported in Node

I'm trying to setup a Mocha testing framework using JSDom with RequireJS. Because I'm running the test on node instead of using a browser (since I'm using JSDom), all the non AMD modules doesn't seem to be imported and is throwing Shim config not supported in Node. Does anyone know how I can export those modules to AMD or what the right approach is? (aka what I'm doing wrong)
Example of my set-up
define(["jquery", "non_AMD_Module", ... ], function($, NonAMDModule, ...) {
let component = {
foo = () => {;
return component;
const requirejs = require('requirejs');
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
baseUrl: "dist/app",
paths: {
jquery: "lib/jquery",
component: "path_to_component",
non_AMD_Module: "path_to_module"
shim: {
non_AMD_Module: { exports: "non_AMD_Module" } // This doesn't work
const { window } = new JSDOM("<html></html>");
global.window = window;
global.document = window.document;
global.$ = requirejs('jquery');
const Component = requireJS('component');
describe('test', () => {
it('is a simple test', () => {
const testComponent = new Component();;
When I run the test suite, I get:
Mocha Exploded!
TypeError: Cannot read property 'bar' of undefined
running r.js -convert "path_to_module" did not work for this module
Looking at the source code for jQuery, I found that there's this boiler-plate coded that exports it to AMD.
This can be added at the bottom of the non-AMD-module in order to export it to an AMD module accessible by RequireJS
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
define([], function {
return non_AMD_Module;
Other Resources:
Shim a module in Require.js that uses module.exports possible?

Loading CreateJS with RequrieJS “shim” dosen't work

I have made requirejs work for my own modules (with define), but I'm not able to use shim for createjs. I've gone through countless examples and ended up using this:, but I'm getting net::ERR_ABORTED error
My module:
define(function (require) {
var createjs = require('createjs');
var start = function () {
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
var stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
return {
start: start
My configuration:
shim: {
easel: {
exports: 'createjs'
paths: {
easel: 'libs/easeljs.min'
I finally found the answer somewhere else; it should be:
var createjs=require('libs/createjs');
As c

Require not working when used in jupyter/ipython notebook

When I write the following code in jupyter opened from my system, it is working, but when I open it from another system it is not. The problem is with require(it is not running). I have put some consoles to see where it is stopping and it is running till console.log(require.s.contexts._.defined). I have checked the modules with this console and angular seems to be missing in this. Thanks in advance.
paths: {
velocity: "",
interact: "",
angular: ""
shim: {
'angular': {
exports: 'angular'
function start_application(data) {
// console.log("data ready")
require(['angular', 'jquery'], function(angular,$) {
console.log("require running")
$.ajax({url: "http://localhost:8889/tree/Jupyter_Angular/DQAForm.html",
success: function(result) {
// console.log("SUCCESS")
// console.log(result);
var el = document.getElementById("dqaBrickContent");
var dqaBrick = angular.module('dqaBrick', []);
dqaBrick.controller('dqaBrickCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.myVariable = 'Starting new DQA Brick';
$scope.showPanel = 1;
$scope.openPanel = function (panelNum) {
$scope.showPanel = panelNum;
// console.log(panelNum);
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
angular.bootstrap(el, ['dqaBrick']);
var callbacks = {
iopub : {
output : start_application
var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel
kernel.execute('print("This is the starting")', callbacks)

node assetmanager with more modules

I'm trying to set up assetmanager
for my blog that has three modules
I tried like
"css": {
"public/src/dist/default/css/dist.min.css": [
"public/src/dist/login/css/dist.min.css": [
"public/src/dist/admin/css/dist.min.css": [
js: assets.js,
css: assets.css,
debug: (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'),
webroot: 'public'
// Add assets to local variables
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
assets: assetmanager.assets
but console.log(assetmanager.assets);
give me a empty array []
so is there a way to manage assetmanager
with more than one module ?
the best way I found up to now
is like in my controllers:
'use strict';
var assetmanager = require('assetmanager');
exports.render = function(config) {
var assets = require(config.sroot+'/config/assets.json');
debug: (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'),
webroot: 'public'
return function(req, res) {
res.render('layouts/default', {appTitle:'ilwebdifabio',assets:assetmanager.assets});
but it's quite ugly and I have
duplicate code :(
There is no way to use assetmanager module
in different modules (login,default,admin).
Modules are automatically cached by the Node.js application upon first load. As such, repeated calls to require() - the global method that loads modules - will all result in a reference to the same cached object.
so you end up ie if you use in a module
to the have the dedicate assets in all other module so
I worked it out with :
'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
module.exports = function (path,route) {
var env = (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') ? 'production' : null;
var debug = (env !== 'production');
var data = require(path+'/config/assets.json');
var assets = {
css: [],
js: []
var getAssets = function (pattern) {
var files = [];
if (_.isArray(pattern)) {
_.each(pattern, function (path) {
files = files.concat(getAssets(path));
} else if (_.isString(pattern)) {
var regex = new RegExp('^(//)');
if (regex.test(pattern)) {
// Source is external
//For the / in the template against 404
} else {
return files;
var getFiles = function () {
var current = data[route];
_.each(['css', 'js'], function (fileType) {
_.each(current[fileType], function (value, key) {
if (!debug) {
} else {
assets[fileType] = assets[fileType].concat(getAssets(value));
var getCurrentAssets = function(){
return assets;
return {
getCurrentAssets: getCurrentAssets
in the controller
var assetmanager = require(config.sroot+'/utils/assetsmanager')(config.sroot,'app');
res.render('layouts/default', {
There is a new version of assetmanager 1.0.0 that I believe accomplishes what you're trying to do more effectively. In the new version you can break apart your assets into groups so that you can support multiple layouts. The github has a complete example here but essentially your asset files ends up looking something like this:
"main": {
"css": {
"public/build/css/main.min.css": [
"js": {
"public/build/js/main.min.js": [
"secondary": {
"css": {
"public/build/css/secondary.min.css": [
"js": {
"public/build/js/secondary.min.js": [
And then in your layouts you just include the group you want. Hopefully that helps out.

RequireJS - Manually bundling some libs together

I'm trying to migrate a site to use RequireJS to manage it's JS dependencies. Also I want to bundle some libs together.
Currently we are building a base.min.js that comprises underscore, jquery, bootstrap and backbone. They are used all over our site and thus it makes sense to serve them together.
Nevertheless, I think we should have logically the three libs separate by name, thus I have written the following require.config:
baseUrl: '/s/js/libs',
paths: {
app: '../app', shims: '../shims'
map: {
'*' : {
// underscore, backbone, jquery and bootstrap are bundled
'underscore': '../base',
'backbone': '../base',
'jquery': '../base',
'bootstrap': '../base'
'bootstrap': {
deps: ['jquery']
'backbone': {
deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],
exports: 'Backbone'
'underscore': {
exports: '_'
'jquery': {exports: '$'}
I'm not using the data-main; but instead I'm requiring several things:
require(["jquery", "underscore", "backbone", "bootstrap", "../baseapp"],
// Next line fixes the bootstrap issue with double modals taken from:
$.fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function () {};
$('.modal').on('shown', function () {
$('input:text:visible:first, textarea:visible:first', this).focus();
$('#search').on('shown', function () {
require(['micro', 'csrf_xhr', 'locale']);
This however causes the error that $ is undefined.
The global window.$ is defined, but it seems that requirejs is not properly detecting it with the exports of my shims. Even if I do exports: 'window.jQuery' it does not work.
Is this a bug in RequireJS or there a bug in my code? Does map and shim play well together? Does RequireJS support my use case?
Update 2013-11-05
After a long debugging session, I have found that shims are recorded per "real" Module inside RequireJS; so if I just change my shim to be:
shim : {
'../base': {init: function() {return [$, _, Backbone]}}
I do get this array as the first argument to my callback. However I would like them to be exploded, i.e; have each of the returned values as arguments...
I thought that an internal map + paths would work. Like this:
var require = {
baseUrl: '/s/js/libs/',
paths: {
app: '../app',
shims: '../shims',
'base-underscore': '../base',
'base-backbone': '../base',
'base-jquery': '../base',
'base-bootstrap': '../base'
map: {
'*' : {
// underscore, backbone, jquery and bootstrap are bundled
'underscore': 'base-underscore',
'backbone': 'base-backbone',
'jquery': 'base-jquery',
'bootstrap': 'base-bootstrap',
'base-bootstrap': {
deps: ['base-jquery'],
init: function() {return null}
'base-backbone': {
deps: ['base-underscore', 'base-jquery'],
init: function() {return window.Backbone;}
'base-underscore': {
init: function() {return window.Underscore;}
'base-jquery': {
init: function() {return $}
} // shims
Unfortunally, it does not. Now the error is: Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: base-underscore,base-backbone,base-bootstrap,../base... Notice base-jquery is not listed!
I have found a workaround, but involves a plugin. This is my current solution. On my HTML I have the following config (I changed to require = {...} idiom so that debugging would be easier):
var STATIC_URL = "/s/js/libs/";
var require = {
baseUrl: STATIC_URL,
paths: {
app: '../app',
shims: '../shims',
map: {
'*': {
'jquery': 'bundler!jQuery',
'bootstrap': 'bundler!',
'underscore': 'bundler!_',
'backbone': 'bundler!Backbone'
bundler: {url: '../base'}
The bundler.js plugin lies in my js/libs. This is the original CoffeeScript:
global = #
each = (ary, func) ->
if (ary)
i = 0
while i < ary.length and (what = ary[i]) and func(what, i, ary)
i += 1
getGlobal = (value) ->
if not value
g = global;
each value.split('.'), (part) ->
g = g[part]
load: (name, require, onload, config) ->
base = config.bundler?.url ? '../base'
require [base], () ->
if name? and name
value = getGlobal(name)
normalize: (name, norm) -> name
Probably there should be a way to do this without a bundler... I'll keep the question open for while, so that better answers might be provided.
