Installing GLPK - gnu

I'm following this link for installing GLPK which I intend to use to conduct some optimization. When I've downloaded GLPK, and added
C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64
to PATH for environment variables and try to execute one of the example files (even by opening the cmd window in the file where the test file is located) by doing
glpsol --model assign.mod
It says that
glpsol is not a internal command, external command, program or command file.
When I open the command in the win64 folder (a subfolder of glpk) then I can do:
glpsol.exe --help
and get information. I can also see the glpsol programfile in the folder. However when I try to open a model somewhere on my computer it does'nt recognize glpsol. Isn't that why you add System32 into your PATH?
In the guide it says that
...Therefore it is suggested to copy the DLLs to %SystemRoot%nsystem32.
Is this something that you must do? Which are these DLLs? Can you do this using a command in the cmd file? I thinking that including System32 into the path does this?
I've added SysWOW64 into the path due to me using 64 Bit Windows 7. Not sure if it is the way to go though.
Hope someone can shed some light into this!

To use glpsol outside of the dedicated folder you have to put the relevant files somewhere, where your System can recognize them (somewhere in the defined Path Environment)
The "DLLs" are just the glpk_X_XX.dll, for 64bit systems use the dll in the w64 folder and put it in the SysWOW64. Now your System will find the dll - but still not glpsol. Just copy the glpsol.exe in system32 for that, and voilà your done.
Adding the GLPK Directory to the Environment Path should also work.


Add software bin or just add soft link for executable file in bin when install software on linux?

I’m not root for the linux server,
so I choose to install softwares in my $HOME/local/bin, I already added the $HOME/local/bin directory to the PATH environment variable, wrote in my .bashrc.
Some softwares install this way like:
tar xvzf ncurses-5.9.tar.gz
cd ncurses-5.9
./configure --prefix=$HOME/local
make install
cd ..
So it will directly install in my $HOME/local/bin.
But for some softwares, after download like (based on java), and decompression, shows just a file fold sbt, it contains three foldsbin conf lib, and in its bin, contains one executable file named sbt and java9-rt-export.jar sbt-launch-lib.bash sbt-launch.jar sbt.bat.
Here I wonder:
I should just soft link this executable sbt file path under my $HOME/local/bin, then source my .bashrc?
Or, after decompression, add one line in my .bashrc export PATH="downloadpath/sbt/bin:$PATH"?
Since just one executable downloadpath/sbt/bin, so I'm not sure it is right to add whole bin fold path, if software's bin fold contains executable files (one or many), I think this situation is more convenient for just add it's bin in .bashrc, but even so, I'm not sure its right?
I'm not familiar with installation software, now I usually know way
but not why. Here I shows two ways (more ways not be showed here) to
install, executable file always be written in bin or src? But some
softwares no bin just src but no executable files in it...
Slurm also can use modules to install software, conda also other way, but I want to
confirm these traditional ways I mentioned (that two) still can be
used on slurm or conda?
However, any suggestion even one aspect's reminding will be grateful!
For precompiled software, or, in general, software that does not offer configure scripts or (C)make files, it is ofter better to leave them in their target directory and adapt the *PATH (PATH to binaries, but also LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH to libraries and CPATH to include files and MANPATH to the man page) environment variables.
The reason is that the software might be configured to read files with hardcoded paths, relative to the position of the executable, such as libraries, etc.
In your case, you might also need to setup the CLASSPATH env variable to the directory with the jar files.
To ease software installation, you can use tools such as easybuild that can help, and even create user modules just like the system module installed by the system administrators.
There is something wrong in my opinion with your setup. If you don`t have root account on your server, is not better to test what you have to test, in a more safe environment - for example a vm/container on your developement machine ?
However, in your situation maybe it can be better to start sbt by using a separate bash script than modifying your .bashrc

I cannot Uninstall Tcl from my linux system

I installed tcl to learn it, however, I installed all the files in the wrong location. I am trying to uninstall it, But the uninstall file does not work. I am trying to carry out the instructions form their website:
To uninstall ActiveTcl, run the "uninstall.tcl" script that is located in the directory where you extracted the ActiveTcl archive. Note that you must use the "wish" in the distribution you wish to uninstall. For example:
% /path/Tcl/bin/wish /path/Tcl/lib/ppm/log/ActiveTcl/uninstall_ActiveTcl.tcl
stored, by default, in the directory /lib/ppm/log/ActiveTcl. You must use the wish interpreter from the distribution you wish to uninstall. Ensure that you do not run the uninstall script from a directory that will be removed during the uninstallation.
For example:
% /path/Tcl/bin/wish /path/Tcl/lib/ppm/log/ActiveTcl/uninstall_ActiveTcl.tcl
Note: if you are uninstalling both ActiveTcl and Tcl Dev Kit, uninstall Tcl Dev Kit before uninstalling ActiveTcl.
There is no uninstall_ActiveTcl.tcl. I do see an "uninstall" file but it does not have an extension, and I do not know how to run it.
Any help is appreciated
Thank you
Try editing the file to a uninstall.tcl file and see if that works. Take a back-up first though. Because we might need that file later
I re-installed it in a new location, compared the files that were installed between the old and the new location and deleted the file sin the old location. Unfortunately I could not delete many of the hidden files, as I did not know if they were there originally or if they belonged to Tcl. I am really surprised and disappointed there is no easy way to uninstall tcl properly.
I strongly suspect that you should uninstall ActiveTcl as follows:
Open a command prompt
Change directory to where you found the install file - e.g.
$ cd path_to_Tcl_installation/bin
Run the file
$ ./uninstall
On linux systems, you don't need any particular file extension in order to be able to run a file.
I don't know CentOS but a little googling led me to a forum thread that describes how to open a command prompt.
Good luck

Overriding System Binaries With Home Directory Binaries

I'm trying to compile a piece of software in my home directory (OpenMPI). One of the build dependencies (autoconf) installed on my system is not the newer version asked for by the OpenMPI autogen script. I compiled and installed the newer version of autoconf in my home directory.
Is there anyway for the binary installed in my home directory to "override" the version installed on the system for my session?
I tried setting an alias which works via command line but not for the script used to generate the configure script.
Add the path to the binary you want to override to your $PATH environment variable.
Like PATH=/path/to/binary:$PATH ./compile
Your added path will then be looked up first when trying to find the compile command. It will only be valid for that execution and will not remain after command has returned. You can use export PATH=/path/to/binary/:$PATH and it will be saved for that session.
EDIT: As Eric.J states, you can use which compile which will output the path to the command, just to make sure it's the right one.
You can change the PATH environment variable so that your home directory appears before the system directory, e.g.
You can then use the which command to ensure the correct binary is being picked up.

Where does Eclipse look for eclipse.ini under Linux

I've just been setting up a Ubuntu workstation and wanted to add some settings to eclipse.ini. When I searched for the file I found:
My questions are:
Does Eclipse actually use both files?
If so, in what order does it read them?
How does it merge them?
Both of the files I found are system wide, is there a location in my home directory I could put one that would effect only my instances?
Here's how to determine which eclipse.ini file you should use (
If you downloaded Eclipse IDE manually from internet the "eclipse.ini" file is just inside the unpacked folder
If you installed Eclipse via terminal or software center the location of the file is "/etc/eclipse.ini"
In some Linux versions the file can be found at "/usr/share/eclipse/eclipse.ini". Do not use this file if you found a config file at "/etc/eclipse.ini".
To be sure where your Eclipse folder is, check $ECLIPSE_HOME, and if not specified (these directions at least work for Juno):
Open Eclipse as you normally do.
Click Help -> About Eclipse SDK
Click Installation Details
Go to the Configuration tab
Find "eclipse.home.location=file:PATH". PATH is where eclipse is installed.
There is only one file.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Aug 8 2012 /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse.ini -> /etc/eclipse.ini
You probably have already found this out, chances are when you installed Eclipse the installation created (or you did manually) a file /usr/bin/eclipse which if you check it probably looks like the following:
export ECLIPSE_HOME="/opt/eclipse"
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*
especially if you followed instructions similar to the ones like these on If-not-true-then-false
On the other hand if you have installed from a package, I suspect you will find that eclipse ends up in /usr/bin, most likely a symbolic link to /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse (or at least I found it on my Fedora system after using yum to install eclipse).
I have Ubuntu 18 and eclipse installation is squashed in a file
which is mount on /snap/eclipse/40 as read only. Just run
mount | grep eclipse*.snap
This eclipse.ini file is really read only, that means, you cannot modify it, even with sudo. However, I also have a eclipse.ini.ignored file in HOME/.eclipse/some number/configuration. This is being by default ignored, but you can change the "launcher.ini" in the eclipse launcher command.
According to
Eclipse startup is controlled by the options in
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse.ini. If $ECLIPSE_HOME is not defined, the
default eclipse.ini in your Eclipse installation directory (or in the
case of Mac, the directory) is used.
The certain way to make sure is to run strace on eclipse. In the output you'll see where is eclipse actually trying to pull the file from.

Freeswitch mod_java installation problem

I am trying to install mod_java on ubuntu.
I have installed the latest java(1.6).
I have configured freeswitch with mod_java module enabled in module.conf.xml
then when i run the make file, it says:
freeswitch_java.h:5:17: error: jni.h: No such file or directory
I have searched through the java installtion folders, but did not find any include folder or jni.h.
Can anyone help, what is being the problem here.
Thanks for reading this question.
I had the same problem. The solution was to run configure with the option --with-java:
./configure --with-java=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/include/
I don't know if it makes any difference but I added mod_java after building freeswitch without it. It was disabled in my initial build in module.conf.xml but afterwards I ran the above command plus:
make mod_java-install
It worked for me on ubuntu with openjdk. Are you using the Sun JDK? Maybe in the version you have dont have the include folder which has the source files. Try installing the other JDK. Or try and see of ther are some other related packages in apt that will get you the include folder.
Type this linux command to locate your jni.h file on your filesystem.
locate jni.h
you should be able to get it somewhere
in /usr/lib/java directory or some other directory
depending upon your java home.
copy paste the jni.h in src/include folder of your freeswitch src.
It will throw you some more errors for different .h files
just copy all of them to your src/include folder.
in latest freeswitch, installing through Makefile, its not possible to configure as the Makefile downloads and installs. Its possible by modifying the file to add the include path
-I/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/include \
