How to show full output on linux shell? - linux

I have a program that runs and shows a GUI window. It also prints a lot of things on the shell. I need to view the first thing printed and the last thing printed. the problem is that when the program terminates, if I scroll to the top of the window, the stuff printed when it began is removed. So stuff printed during the program is now at the top. So that means I can't view the first thing printed.
Also I tried doing > out.txt, but the problem is that the file only gets closed and readable when I manually close the GUI window. If it gets outed to a file, nothing gets printed on the screen and I have no way to know if the program finished. I can't modify any of the code too.
Is there a way I can see the whole list of text printed on the shell?

You can just use tee command to get output/error in a file as well on terminal:
your-command |& tee out.log
Though just keep in mind that this output is line buffered by default (4k in size).

When the output of a program goes to your terminal window, the program generally flushes its output after each newline. This is why you see the output interactively.
When you redirect the output of the program to out.txt, it only flushes its output when its internal buffer is full, which is probably after every 8KiB of output. This is why you don't see anything in the file right away, and you don't see the last things printed by the program until it exits (and flushes its last, partially-full buffer).
You can trick a program into thinking it's sending its output to a terminal using the script command:
script -q -f -c myprogram out.txt
This script command runs myprogram connected to a newly-allocated “pseudo-terminal” (or pty for short). This tricks myprogram into thinking it's talking to a terminal, so it flushes its output on every newline. The script command copies myprogram's output to your terminal window and to the file out.txt.
Note that script will write a header line to out.txt. I can't find a way to disable that on my test Linux system.
In the example above, I assumed your program takes no arguments. If it does, you either need to put the program and arguments in quotes:
script -q -f -c 'myprogram arg1 arg2 arg3' out.txt
Or put the program command line in a shell script and pass that shell script to the script command.


Linux Shell script executed but not return to command prompt

I have a script that runs one of the following line
sudo -u $USER $SUDOCMD &>>stdout.log
The sudo command is a realtime process that print out lots of stuff to the console.
After running the script each time, the script does not return to the command prompt. You have to press enter or ctrl + c to get back to the command prompt.
Is there a way to to do it automatically, so that I can get a return value from the script to decide whether the script runs ok or failed.
What is probably happening here is that your script is printing binary data to the TTY rather than text to standard output/error, and this is hiding your prompt. You can for example try this:
$ PS1='\$ '
$ (printf "first line\nsecond line\r" > $(tty)) &>> output.log
The second command will result in two lines of output, the second one being "mixed in" with your prompt:
first line
$ cond line
As you can see the cursor is on the "c", but if you start typing the rest of the line is overwritten. What has happened here is the following:
You pressed Enter to run the command, so the cursor moved a line down.
The tty command prints the path to the terminal file, something like "/dev/pts/1". Writing to this file means that the output does not go to standard output (which is usually linked to the terminal) but directly to the terminal.
The subshell (similar to running the command in a shell script) ensures that the first redirect isn't overridden by the second one. So the printf output goes directly to the terminal, and nothing goes to the output log.
The terminal now proceeds to print the printf output, which ends in a carriage return. Carriage return moves the cursor to the start of the line you've already written to, so that is where your prompt appears.
By the way:
&>> redirects both standard output and standard error, contrary to your filename.
Use More Quotes™
I would recommend reading up on how to put a command in a variable

Pass File Input and Stdin to gdb

So I want to run a program in gdb with the contents of a file as an argument. Then, when an EOF is hit, I want to be able to enter user input again. For a normal program in a terminal I can do something like this with the following command.
(cat input.txt; cat) | ./program
In gdb I can pass in the file arguments like this, but it continues to enter newlines forever after the end of the file has been reached.
(gdb) run < input.txt
It is almost as if stdin was not passed back to the program, similar to what happens if I simply do
(cat input.txt) | ./program
without the second cat. Is this even possible to do in gdb?
You can run the program in one console and attach to it with gdb from another one when it is waiting for input. Therefore you will be able to enter program input in the 1st console and debug it in the 2nd.

How to take continuous back up of linux gnome terminal logs? commands and output of that command

I want to take continuous backup of logs being printed in my linux terminal. Is it possible that whenever something will be printed in my terminal, it will automatically get printed into some text file with time stamp.
Use the script command ie
script log.txt
at the start of your session. You can also add this to your bash profile so that it starts when you open a terminal etc. You need to use
script -a log.txt
to append. Don't try and cat it or tail it while in the session, you need to CTRL-D then have a look at what got logged.

Linux: using the tee command via ssh

I have written a Fortran program (let's call it program.exe) with does some simulation for me. Via ssh I'm logging ino some far away computers to start runs there whose results I collect after a few days. To be up-to-date how the program proceeds I want to write the shell output into a text file output.txt also (since I can't be logged in the far away computers all the time). The command should be something like
nohup program.exe | tee output.txt > /dev/null &
This enables me to have a look at output.txt to see the current status even though the program hasn't ended its run yet. The above command works fine on my local machine. I tried first with the command '>' but here the problem was that nothing was written into the text file until the whole program had finish (maybe related to the pipe buffer?). So I used the workaround with 'tee'.
The problem is now that when I log into the computer via ssh (ssh -X user#machine), execute the above command and look at output.txt with the VI editor nothing appears until the program has finished. If I omit the 'nohup' and '&' I will not even get any shell output until it has finished. My thought was that it might have to do something with data being buffered by ssh but I'm rather a Linux newbie. For any ideas or workaround I would be very grateful!
I would use screen utility instead of nohup. Thus I would be able to set my program to detached state (^A^D) reconnect to the host, retrieve my screen session (screen -r)
and monitor my output as if I never logged out.

Program dumps data to stdout fast. Looking for way to write commands without getting flooded

Program is dumping to stdout and while I try to type new commands I can't see what I'm writing because it gets thrown along with the output. Is there a shell that separates commands and outputs? Or can I use two shells where I can run commands on one and make it dump to the stdout of another?
You can redirect the output of the program to another terminal window. For example:
program > /dev/pts/2 &
The style of terminal name may depend on how your system is organized.
There's 'more' to let you pageinate through output, and 'tee' which lets you split a programs output, so it goes to both stdout and to a file.
$ yourapp | more // show in page-sized chunks
$ yourapp | tee output.txt // flood to stdout, but also save a copy in output.txt
and best of all
$ yourapp | tee output.txt | more // pageinate + save copy
Either redirect standard output and error when you run the program, so it doesn't bother you:
./myprog >myprog.out 2>&1
or, alternatively, run a different terminal to do your work in. That leaves your program free to output whatever it likes to its terminal without bothering you.
Having said that, I'd still capture the information from the program to a file in case you have to go back and look at it.
