Creating Azure Search - azure

I am having trouble creating an Azure Search instance from the preview portal:
Search creation failed in resource group x.
I have tried different combinations of:
resource groups (even created a new one)
regions (East US, West Europe, North Europe)
pricing tiers (both free and standard)
What am I doing wrong?

Just to close on this issue, we have determined that there was an issue with the Azure portal in a recent update that is causing new subscriptions to fail to create new Azure Search services. This would explain why it worked for me but failed for you (as I suspect you have a new subscription).
The Azure portal is working to roll back this change. I am still waiting to get the time but I am hopeful this should happen in the next day or two.
I really apologize for this issue.

Its advisable to check the limits while planning to create azure search. here are some details:


Contradictory information between Azure Portal and az command getting available SKUs for VMs

Since yesterday, I'm trying to create new VM and I'm not able because the majority of the sizes are not available for my region, West Europe. Using Azure Portal I get all D series greyed:
I tried Azure Reservations with same result:
I suppose there are issues in this and another regions.
But then I tried to get availability using CLI tool az, following this reference. The, executing referenced command I get this list of available sizes:
It seems contradictory information, because I see some D series VM.
May it be that they are available in general, not taking into account current occupation?
Is there any az command to get actual available sizes in my region?
Da/Das series VMs use AMD CPU. However, based on my test, they are not available in location West Europe.
The normal D series VM should be available in West Europe. There are several reasons which may prevent you from choosing it:
You have reached your CPU resource limitation in that region. To solve this, you may request an increase in CPU quota limits per Azure VM series
Some Azure subscriptions (trial, MSDN developer, student trial and so on) can only create limited resources in limited locations. To solve this, you may update your subscription to a pay-as-you-go one.
Other reasons. You may directly contact the Azure Support team by submitting a support request on the Azure portal.

Transfer SQL Azure servers, Storage Accounts away from CSP subscription

We have a CSP subscription through a partner, and the whole experience is rubbish. Costing / billing APIs not available, can't use our Office 365 Azure AD, can't use SendGrid, can't see the cost of resources in the portal, loads of features missing. It's rubbish.
We're moving away and want to transfer a substantial number of SQL Azure servers (with many pools and databases) and Storage Accounts (with lots of items) to another, new PAYG subscription, which uses our O365 Azure AD.
#AzureSupport on Twitter pointed me to -
But this says, "The source and destination subscriptions must exist within the same Azure Active Directory tenant."
It suggests two ways forward:
But... The "Change Directory" option is not present for CSP accounts (lo and behold! another missing feature)
But.. Heading to as instructed gives me a 500 error, with "We are sorry, but we could not complete that operation.".
Also.. Of course, the CSP (Ingram) do not offer any of these kinds of options on their sub management portal.
#AzureSupport then recommended I post here.
Can anyone advise / help please? Would be very much appreciated, thank you.
You are currently blocked, as there is not a good workflow to migrate from CSP to Pay-as-you-go, as the below User Voice entry suggests others are looking for the same. Please up vote and comment on this.
Change subscription from CSP to pay-as-you-go
As for getting switched back to PAYG, I suggest exporting your data and importing in to new services that have been set-up under your desired account set-up. If you need the instance names, these will need to be deleted before the data can be imported into the newly created service with the existing instance names, in cases where instances names can be reused after deletion of the particular service.
There is currently no supported means to migrate a subscription away from CSP once migrated, from my investigation.
Use Azure Data Migration Service to migrate from source to target. This though, will not allow you to keep the same instance names, as both the source and target will need to exist at the same time.

What about Azure Cloud Services in the new "Resource Manager world"

I just read a small post of #pierreroman with the title Azure Cloud Service VS Azure Resource Manager. Unfortunately I was not able to comment his post (There was an error saving your comment. (Cannot create comment - access denied.)). Therefore and because I think this topic is interesting for many folks who are using azure cloud services right now, I write my "comment" here and send him a tweet. Maybe he or someone else can answer my questions.
I think that more interesting than the "what is the difference between cloud services and resource groups" is the question "should we plan to move from cloud services to azure resource groups?". Is it even possible? Or are we comparing apples to oranges?
What about scaling (for example adding new instances of a worker role with a simple slider or with auto scaling)?
The comparison is kind of apples(Cloud Service) and grocery(ARM) where can manage fruits, meats, and fishes.
But, very first concept of Cloud Service was similar to the ARM. That's why sometimes confusing.
Below quote is from free ebook Azure Web Apps for Developers (download), page 12 and 13.
An Azure Resource Group is a logical container for grouping Azure resources.
Grouping resources this way helps simplify the implementation, deployment, management, and monitoring of resources in the resource group. From a billing perspective, it gives you a way to view costs for the resource group rather than for individual resources, eliminating the need to figure out which resources are related. You can think of an Azure Resource Group as a unit of management.
The last line helps to understand clearly, Azure Resource Group is a unit of management.

Can see only 4 locations in my Azure Trial Subscription

Really puzzled why I am not seeing all locations - only 4 - US West, US East, Japan West and Japan East in my trial subscription. Is there any filtering I inadvertently setup?
Any pointers would be really helpful
I am giving many workshops for Azure and I see this behavior a lot for Azure Passes (also kind of trial accounts) but have not seen this for Azure Trials.
I noticed that I have more location options in the new Azure portal ( and less in the old management portal (
Also to consider, not all services are available at all locations. But the standard services like VMs or storage should be available everywhere. You can check via the service overview whether your desired service is available.

I cannot create cloud service in Azure in North Central US region

At some point about a month ago we are not able to create Cloud Service (web/worker roles) in Azure in North Central US region in one of our subscriptions. Nothing is mentioned at official page here We can do it in our old MSDN subscription, but cannot do it in new Pay-As-Go one.
Old portal doesn't list North Central in the list of available regions. New portal allows to select it but then some general error happens when we try to create the service. Cannot find any official information about it.
Does anyone know what is going on?
We contacted Microsoft. Apparently, they try to unload North Central US datacenter as it is one of their oldest ones. We really wanted this particular, and they let us use it, just gave us access back.
