sails js save many to many is only one way - node.js

i have two models:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
profile: {
model: 'Profile'
groups: {
collection: 'group',
via: 'users',
dominate: true
roles: {
collection: 'role',
via: 'users',
dominate: true
and, group.js
module.exports = {
attributes: {
users: {
collection: 'user',
via: 'groups'
when i try to add users to a group (when i select a group and add users to it), it works as it is supposed to,
var defer = q.defer();
baseDbContext.single(req, 'users')
if(!op.status || !op.obj) {
op.obj.users = [];
_.each(req.users, function(item){
});, obj){
if(err) defer.reject(operationResult().throwException(err));
else defer.resolve(operationResult().succeed());
return defer.promise;
but when i try to add groups to the user (when i select the user and add groups to it) it fails silently!!!
var defer = q.defer();
baseDbContext.single(req, 'groups')
if(!op.status || !op.obj) {
op.obj.groups = [];
_.each(req.groups, function(item){
});, obj){
if(err) defer.reject(operationResult().throwException(err));
else defer.resolve(operationResult().succeed());
return defer.promise;
when i check it in sails console it shows :
throw new Error('Unknown rule: ' + ruleName);
Error: Unknown rule: dominate
this is a simple many to many insertion why would it fail?
(a note about code, the function baseDbContext.single finds a object based on its id and the second parameter is for populate)

Seems like you have a misprint, documentation says that the rule you need is writes as "dominant: true", not "dominate: true".


How to access mongoose data : Nodejs

I am getting data like this:
This is the code :
User.find({ Username: user }, function(err, found_user) {
console.log('user data'+ found_user );
if(found_user.length > 0){
console.log('inside found user');
var recordings = found_user.recordings;
for (var singleRecords in recordings){
console.log("Single record :"+singleRecords);
found_user.recordings[singleRecords].isPlayed = true; (err) {
throw err
And this is the value of found User :
user data { Username: 'B',
__v: 2,
_id: 58ac15e4b4e1232f6f118ba3,
[ { isPlayed: false,
playingUrl: 'http://localhost:8000/public/toplay/playing_file_1487672817599.mp3' },
{ isPlayed: false,
playingUrl: 'http://localhost:8000/public/toplay/playing_file_1487672827411.mp3' } ]
inside found user
in variable found_user. But it is not giving me any data inside it. Like found_user.Username gives undefined value.
I want to store that recordings array inside a variable. Any idea how to do it ?
find() returns an array of docs that match the criteria in the callback hence the line
var recordings = found_user.recordings;
will not work as it's expecting a Document not an array.
You could use findOne() method which returns a document as:
User.findOne({ Username: user }.exec(function(err, found_user) {
console.log('user data'+ found_user );
if (found_user) {
console.log('inside found user');
var recordings = found_user.recordings;

one query inside another MongoDB hangs

I am trying to get only get Notes [from the notes collection] that come from meetings [from the meetings collection] that don't contain the word 'test' in them:
function getNotes(done) {
noteSchema.find({}).exec((err, notes) => {
var numNotes = 0;
async.each(notes, (n, next) => {
userSchema.findById(n.userId, (err, user) => {
if (err || !user) { next(); return; }
var emailsStr = utils.getEmailsString(user.emails);
if (!utils.toSkipEmail(emailsStr)) {
meetingSchema.findById(n.meetingId, (err, meeting) => {
if (err || !meeting) { next(); return; }
if ('test', 'Test') == -1) {
}, (err, result) => {
console.log(util.format('Total Number of Notes: %d', numNotes));
The code works fine without adding in the lines to find the meetings by ID. It hangs at that point.
For reference, here is the start of a function that comes later to filter out any 'test' or 'Test' containing meetings.
function getMeetings(done) {
'name.displayValue': { '$regex' : '(?!.*test)^.*$' , '$options' : 'i' }
}).exec((err, meetings) => {
Relevant lines of Notes Schema:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var noteSchema = mongoose.Schema({
meetingId: {type: String, default: ''},
exports.Note = mongoose.model('Note', noteSchema);
The meeting schema has no notes field.
So, if I were going to go after a solution like this, where I wanted to get all notes that weren't part of a meeting w/ the word 'test' in the name, I'd probably go the other way with it, unless there's a whole ton of notes you could just get all notes and populate them with their meetings, and then do the filtering. assuming your NoteSchema defines something like:
meeting : { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Meeting'}
then in your query you could do (given the notATest function that returns true or false appropriately:
Note.find({}).populate('meeting').exec((e, n) => {
_.omit(n, (note) => { return notATest(; });
Alternatively, you could search for all meetings that are not a test first, and call .populate('notes') on them, if the 'ref' goes the other way.

Can't find a easy way out of multiple async for each node js (sails)

So here's the deal :
I have an array of objects with a child array of objects
I'm looping trough the parent and foreach looping trough the childs and need to populate() two obejcts (I'm using sails)
The child looks like :
askedAdvices = {
replayAdvices : [{
bookEnd : "<ID>",
user : "<ID>"
So my goal is to cycle and populate bookEnd and user with two findOne query, but I'm going mad with the callback hell.
Here's the Models code :
AskedAdvices Model
module.exports = {
schema : false,
attributes: {
bookStart : {
model : 'book'
replayAdvices : {
collection: 'replybookend'
user : {
model : 'user',
required : true
text : {
type : "text"
ReplyBookEnd Model
module.exports = {
schema : false,
attributes: {
bookEnd : {
model : 'book'
user : {
model : 'user',
required : true
text : {
type : "text"
Here's the Method code :
getAskedAdvices : function(req, res) {
var queryAskedAdvices = AskedAdvices.find()
queryAskedAdvices.exec(function callBack(err,askedAdvices){
if (!err) {
askedAdvices.forEach(function(askedAdvice, i){
askedAdvice.replayAdvices.forEach(function(reply, i){
function(callback) {
var queryBook = Book.findOne(reply.bookEnd);
queryBook.exec(function callBack(err,bookEndFound) {
if (!err) {
reply.bookEnd = bookEndFound;
function(callback) {
var queryUser = User.findOne(reply.user)
queryUser.exec(function callBack(err,userFound){
if (!err) {
reply.user = userFound;
], function(err){
if (err) return next(err);
return res.json(200, reply);
} else {
return res.json(401, {err:err})
I can use the async library but need suggestions
Thanks folks!
As pointed out in the comments, Waterline doesn't have deep population yet, but you can use to get out of callback hell. The trick is to gather up the IDs of all the children you need to find, find them with single queries, and then map them back onto the parents. The code would look something like below.{
// Get the askedAdvices
getAskedAdvices: function(cb) {
// Get the IDs of all child records we need to query.
// Note the dependence on the `getAskedAdvices` task
getChildIds: ['getAskedAdvices', function(cb, results) {
// Set up an object to hold all the child IDs
var childIds = {bookEndIds: [], userIds: []};
// Loop through the retrieved askedAdvice objects
_.each(results.getAskedAdvices, function(askedAdvice) {
// Loop through the associated replayAdvice objects
_.each(askedAdvice.replayAdvices, function(replayAdvice) {
// Get rid of duplicate IDs
childIds.bookEndIds = _.uniq(childIds.bookEndIds);
childIds.userIds = _.uniq(childIds.userIds);
// Return the list of IDs
return cb(null, childIds);
// Get the associated book records. Note that this task
// relies on `getChildIds`, but will run in parallel with
// the `getUsers` task
getBookEnds: ['getChildIds', function(cb, results) {
Book.find({id: results.getChildIds.bookEndIds}).exec(cb);
getUsers: ['getChildIds', function(cb, results) {
User.find({id: results.getChildIds.userIds}).exec(cb);
}, function allTasksDone(err, results) {
if (err) {return res.serverError(err);
// Index the books and users by ID for easier lookups
var books = _.indexBy(results.getBookEnds, 'id');
var users = _.indexBy(results.getUsers, 'id');
// Add the book and user objects back into the `replayAdvices` objects
_.each(results.getAskedAdvices, function(askedAdvice) {
_.each(askedAdvice.replayAdvices, function(replayAdvice) {
replayAdvice.bookEnd = books[replayAdvice.bookEnd];
replayAdvice.user = users[replayAdvice.bookEnd];
Note that this is assuming Sails' built-in Lodash and Async instances; if you're using newer versions of those packages the usage of has changed slightly (the task function arguments are switched so that results comes before cb), and _.indexBy has been renamed to _.keyBy.

Soft delete in Sails/Waterline

Trying to delete a user model using:
//Hard Delete
User.destroy({id:userId}, function(err, res){
//Hard Delete
I need to do a soft delete on User model and currently setting a flag isDeleted to true on delete and updating document:
updateUser.isDeleted = true;
User.update({id:userId}, updateUser, function(err, res){
Update project
and while fetching documents I am doing a check If isDeleted - true or not.
Is there any In-built feature provided by Sails or Waterline which I can configure to perform a soft delete and avoid updating and then fetching based on isDeleted flag?
you can use beforeFind() life cycle function for filter of soft deleted records
model: parrot,js
module.exports = {
attributes: {
// e.g., "Polly"
name: {
type: 'string'
// e.g., 3.26
wingspan: {
type: 'float',
required: true
// e.g., "cm"
wingspanUnits: {
type: 'string',
enum: ['cm', 'in', 'm', 'mm'],
defaultsTo: 'cm'
// e.g., [{...}, {...}, ...]
knownDialects: {
collection: 'Dialect'
beforeFind: function(values, cb) {
values.isDeleted = false;
module.exports = {
// getting default parrots isDeleted = true
list: function (req, res) {
.exec(function(err, parrots) {
if(err) return res.send({ flag:false, data:[], message:"Error." });
if(parrots && parrots.length){
return res.send({ flag:true, data:parrots, message:"Success." });
return res.send({ flag:false, data:[], message:"Parrot list is empty." });
There is no soft-delete feature built into sails, and I doubt there will be.
Here's a challenge: why not write your own? Waterline supports class methods! Of course you would have to do it for each model or create a service... which might be even more effective.

Compound JS Relationship Access

I have defined 2 schema objects as below (for use in a mongodb)
var User = describe('User', function () {
property('name', String);
property('email', String);
property('password', String);
set('restPath', pathTo.users);
var Message = describe('Message', function () {
property('userId', String, { index : true });
property('content', String);
property('timesent', Date, { default : Date });
property('channelid', String);
set('restPath', pathTo.messages);
Message.belongsTo(User, {as: 'author', foreignKey: 'userId'});
User.hasMany(Message, {as: 'messages', foreignKey: 'userId'});
But I am unable to access the related messages object:
action(function show() {
this.title = 'User show';
var that = this;{content:"bob"}).save(function(){
// ... snip ...
Despite a new message being added to the message collection the array of messages is always empty.
I ran db.Message.find({userId:'517240bedd994bef27000001'}) through the mongo shell and that displayed the messages as you would expect, so I am begining to wonder if there is an issue with the mongo adapter.
One to Many relationship in CompoundJS Shows a similar issue (I think).
As far as I can work out from the docs, this should work. What am I doing wrong?
After applying the changes to my schema as suggested by Anatoliy I dropped my mongo database and updated npm but then when I tried to create a new user I got the below:
500 TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'trigger' in users controller during "create" action
at Object.AbstractClass._initProperties (/mnt/share/chatApp2/node_modules/jugglingdb/lib/model.js:123:10)
at Object.AbstractClass (/mnt/share/chatApp2/node_modules/jugglingdb/lib/model.js:31:10)
at Object.ModelConstructor (/mnt/share/chatApp2/node_modules/jugglingdb/lib/schema.js:193:23)
at Function.AbstractClass.create (/mnt/share/chatApp2/node_modules/jugglingdb/lib/model.js:222:15)
at Object.create (eval at (/mnt/share/chatApp2/node_modules/compound/node_modules/kontroller/lib/base.js:157:17), :16:10)....
Create action:
action(function create() {
User.create(req.body.User, function (err, user) {
respondTo(function (format) {
format.json(function () {
if (err) {
send({code: 500, error: user && user.errors || err});
} else {
send({code: 200, data: user.toObject()});
format.html(function () {
if (err) {
flash('error', 'User can not be created');
render('new', {
user: user,
title: 'New user'
} else {
flash('info', 'User created');
It's an issue with ObjectID. In your schema code:
property('userId', String, { index : true });
So userId is string, but when you call user.messages used (and it's an ObjectID).
As a solution just remove this line from your schema definition.
P.S. in your case you can define relations as:
Message.belongsTo('author', {model: User, foreignKey: 'userId'});
