Node Convert String to HTTP Header - node.js

I have ByteBuffer which I have converted to a String. Is there a nice way to convert that to an "object" like http.IncomingMessage so that I can do something like this:
var message = stringToIncomingMessage(buf.toString());
var host = message.headers['host']
I essentially need a nice way of extracting the Host field from the string version of an HTTP request. I tried using a regex to find "Host", but sanitizing got complicated.


Node Server and base64

I am having some issues converting a payload received (req.body) to a correctly formatted base64 string.
The payload is received and looks like the below example. I know that it's encrypted coming in but I'm wondering if there is anything that could be happening node server side that makes it look like this, it seems malformed and not how it should be
body: '&R۽5�l|L�\u001b�\u0014햱����\u00020#��[cV[AD&P�\u0001��˯���\n' +
`#B軉�6Y¤�\u0010�l�\u0012"D�dʦ�nb�g���\u0017����߉�{�a\u000e�:��\u0014\u0005�4\u0018!��u\u001e��s!վ]�\u0011KɆ�<!\u001d��#a�Ӿǥ+\f�iWEź�����:^�Վߎ�NP�M�G�_x�}�b1W�t�\u000f?*�2N�s��\u0000\u0015\u001e��o��� |y.\u0004n�e��64z�eu3\u0007(��j�R�\u0001 jzO\u0012�IF\u0002��w_����%�\u001b\u0010��\u0010��5�\u0016�.1�\u0006�\f\u0014�$�|\u000e�E�5�����o�MΆA\u001a��\u0010���׽���-ܹ��\u0003�jV�0b\u0002�\u001f��\\^"\\���\u0000��%�̓B�TfI��3��2U���[#�ۍ�'bT�]�\u0007�������\u0016 �P��x?\u0014�ly*8\u00134�NR����<��\u0012^�"#�V���!\u0010=�\u0006�"r�c�a�/L���vq�<\u0015�\u0006H��\u0014�\u001f�m�~�Ֆ�\u0011>L+����Yw���٘�\u0007ur�&�i�B4\n` +
If I convert the payload to a base64 string then i get something like this (the + and / characters do not seem right)
var encryptedBytes = Buffer.from(req.body);
var encryptedStr = encryptedBytes.toString('base64');
{ encryptedStr: 'JlLbvTXvv71sfEzvv70b77+9fxTtlrHvv73vv73vv73vv70CMCPvv73vv71bY1ZbQUQmUO+/vQHvv73vv73Lr++/ve+/ve+/vQojQui7ie+/vTZZwqTvv70Q77+9bO+/vRIiRO+/vWTKpu+/vW5i77+9Z++/ve+/ve+/vRfvv73vv73vv73vv73fie+/vXvvv71hDu+/vTrvv73vv70UBe+/vTQYIe+/ve+/vXUe77+977+9cyHVvl3vv70RS8mG77+'}
If I compare this to a base64 string I grab from the request on an iOS device for example, these seem rather different, plus this base64 string below can be decrypted successfully, which implies the issue could be within node?
So my question here, is there something i need to do node server side to correctly parse or translate the req.body ready to be converted into a base64 string?

how to pass pathParam, queryParam and headers in one GET request when url is String variable

First question:
I have a API GET request which contains path parameters, query parameters and headers, and I'd like to put my request url as a string variable, how can I achieve it?
Second quesiton:
How to pass pathParams to a string variable?
I've studied how to pass path parameters, but all examples get("http://some_url/{path}"), I'd like to put the url as a String.
like String url = "http://my/request/url",
how to get with url+{id}? not get the http string?
.pathParams("id", "1").
.statusLine("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
Simple way to avoid rework is using the below code .
* We can parameterize it using baseURI and basePath and send a request to get a customer using ID
RestAssured.baseURI = "";
RestAssured.basePath = "parabank/services/bank/customers";
//also we can use a path parameter for the same request
given().contentType(ContentType.JSON).pathParam("customers", "12212").when().get("{customers}/").then().statusCode(200).log().all();

Error while getting parameters from request object containing `&` character

I'm trying to get param from request object using following code.
module.exports = function (req, res) {
var query = req.query;
var data = JSON.parse(query.param1);
This is working fine for most of the cases.
If param1 contains & character then query.param1 get values before & and next values are considered as new param.
Edit original url is already encoded
in this case I'm getting param1 = {"url":"
which is not valid json, so I'm getting error, currently we've solved it using regex (removing localhost/?param1= part of url).
What's best way to handle this use case?
Edit : server environment
centos 6.5 server
node v0.12.7
req.query is already an object with express :
An object containing a property for each query string parameter in the route. If there is no query string, it is the empty object, {}.
req.query documentation
You have to encode your URL before calling nodejs API. And on the nodejs side, you have to decode the URL to get correct parameteres.

Breeze Json uriBuilder

I'm trying to use breeze.js with sails.js.
Therefore I'm using the breeze json uriBuilder.
I logged the req.query and got the following:
{ '{"where":{"name":"foo"},"orderBy":': { '"name"': '' } }
To query waterline objects I need to bring it into a format like this:
{ where: { name: 'foo' }, sort: 'name' }
First thing I tried:
var queryString = JSON.parse(Object.keys(req.query)[0]);
That works as long as I only put a where clause in. But with more parameters i get this strangely formatted json object.
How can I parse it to get the correct object?
Don't parse he req.query. Parse the url and parse it. This way u will get a json uery that sails accepts. Now strip of unsupported parameters as select and you're done.
var parsedUrl = urlUtils.parse(req.url, true);
var jsonQueryString = Object.keys(parsedUrl.query)[0];
var jsonQuery = JSON.parse(jsonQueryString);
Good question! We haven't yet documented this adequately, but the basic idea is that there is a breeze-client npm package ( that you can use to parse the incoming json query into a breeze EntityQuery instance, from there you can interrogate the EntityQuery and turn it into whatever server side syntax you want, i.e. in your case Sails.)
// req = the HTTP request object.
var resourceName = req.params.slug; // the HTTP endpoint
var entityQuery = breeze.EntityQuery.fromUrl(req.url, resourceName);
// you would write the transform to sails below.
var sailsQuery = tranformToSails(entityQuery);
This is exactly what we do in the breeze-sequelize npm package where we take the incoming req.query and go thru the process above to create a 'Sequelize' query.

How to encode arbitrary string for request in Node.js?

I have a string like that: "abcde 李". It can be any string with non latin characters.
I want to encode it to use in request, so it will be "abcde %E6%9D%8E" and can be used for http.request.
I have tried this:
var buffer = new Buffer(str);
str = buffer.toString('utf-8');
but none of them work. what is the proper way to handle this?
That string is already UTF-8. It looks like you're trying to escape it for use in an HTTP query string, so try this:
var qs = require('querystring');
qs.escape('abcde 李'); // => 'abcde%20%E6%9D%8E'
