Autostart noip2 on Buffallo NAS (Optware) - linux

I'm a novice with linux or any command line, but I've managed to gain root access to my Buffalo Terastation (TS-HTGL/R5) and install noip & mediatomb.
The problem I have is that I can't get noip2 to automatically start, but I figured out what to do for mediatomb (using a guide). I have the following script in /opt/etc/init.d/S90noip2 but I get the error bad interpreter: no such file or directory
#! /bin/sh
case "$1" in
echo "Starting noip2."
echo -n "Shutting down noip2."
killall noip2
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 1
exit 0

I would try the following things:
Remove space between #! and /bin/bash in the first line. You should have: #!/bin/bash
Make the file is executable: chmod +x /opt/etc/init.d/S90noip2
Check that /opt/bin/noip2 actually exists.
Try running /opt/bin/noip2 by hand to see if it works.
If none of the above steps helped, post your results here, so we can figure out further steps.
If your problem is solved, accept this answer and click up vote button. :)
PS: And don't forget the bounty. :D


Can't write to file with script

I have written a script that is supposed to run some commands, reboot my ubuntu server and then after the server boots up, resume operation, and removes the entry from the bash file.
I have been trying for hours to figure out why my script won't write to .bashrc (or any file for that matter). Testing the commands individually works just fine. However, when run through my script nothing is written to the file. At this point I am stumped and would really like a fresh pair of eyes to help as I am sure the reason is silly and probably something I am missing. This would be my first script so sorry if this ends up being a stupid question. I put the "sudo reboot command in a comment so I won't have to reboot each time.
The script's name is and is run from ~/ . I hope this is clear and I didn't miss anything.
echo "Script initiating"
#condition for script to run after reboot, created later on
if [ ! -f /var/run/bootflag ]; then
echo "First run"
script="bash ~/"
#this will add the script in the bash file so it will be ran on next boot
echo "$script" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "bash entry added"
#creating flag file to check if this is a second run
sudo touch /var/run/bootflag
echo "Flag created"
echo "Rebooting..."
#sudo reboot
echo "resuming script..."
echo "cleaning up..."
#remove the bash entry by replacing it with a space
sed -i '/bash/d' ~/.bashrc
echo "bash entry removed"
#remove the boot flag
sudo rm -f /var/run/bootflag
echo "bootflag removed"
echo "running commands post-reboot"
#commands here
echo "script exiting"
I finally figured it out.
Because I was running the script with sudo, the script would take the relative path ~/.bashrc for the root user. The script was working fine all along, I was just looking at my user's .bashrc and was expecting things to appear, when all along the root user's .bashrc file was being written in.
I used sudo inside the script for all elevated commands and run the script normally without sudo and there it is, working as expected.
As I thought, this was beyond silly after all. At least I learned something today.
Thank you all for taking the time to reply and help, I really appreciate it.

How to convert sysvinit script to systemd on Manjaro

First, please don't consider this post as a systemd review or critic, but only and simply as a request for help.
Since I've not been able to find a solution to this problem with the systemd documentation, I've this question not solved for almost a year and a half that never ever received any answer.
So, here is the context:
I've a program (/opt/myprog) that can be sarted as a deamon service at boot time.
When using previous Debian, LMDE, Mint or Ubuntu OSes, I used SysVinit with the following script ( within the /etc/init.d folder):
STARTMESG="\nStarting $NAME in deamon mode.\n"
UPMESG="\$NAME is running.\n"
DOWNMESG="\$NAME is not running!\n"
TESTMESG="\nStarting NAME in client mode.\nHit Ctrl+C (or close the terminal) to stop mprog.\n"
STATUS=`pidof $NAME`
# Exit if myprog is not installed
[ -x "$MYPROG_PATH/$NAME" ] || exit 0
case "$1" in
sleep 3
if [ "$STATUS" > 0 ] ; then
echo $UPMESG
echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|status|restart|stop|version|test}" >&2
exit 3
Now, since it's obvious that systemd will be widely adopted to replace SysVinit including with future Debian, Mint and Ubuntu distros as it's with CentOS, Fedroa or Ach and Manjaro, I've tried to adapt my sysVinit script to systemd with the following script that works but is too limited (myprog.service):
ExecStart=/opt/myprog -d
ExecStop=/opt/myprog -k
ExecRestart=/opt/myprog-k : /opt/myprog -d
However, as systemd is advertised as compatible and more flexible than SysVinit, could anyone show me how to add the three following equivalent switches (status, test and version) that I have defined in the sysVinit script without responding with the classic and inelegant answer: "man is your friend" ?
/opt/myprog status to display the myprog status (i.e. running or not)
/opt/myprog test to start myprog not as a deamon
/opt/myprog version to display the release of myprog
Thank you in advance fo your time and help.
systemd does not support custom implementation of arguments to systemctl.
So systemctl status myprog will show the results based the execution of Exec* settings.
systemctl show myprog uses the Description so you can use a version in your description if desired.
If you wan't to run your program not as a daemon, then you can start it outside of systemd.

debian init.d script not running after reboot

I need to start my Wildfly AS through .sh script after system boot (Linux-Debian). So I created my own script which should do it in init.d:
#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/starter
case "$1" in
echo "Starting"
nohup /home/xxx/wildfly-9.0.1.Final/bin/ &
echo "Stopping"
/home/xxx/wildfly-9.0.1.Final/bin/ --connect command=:shutdown
echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/starter {start|stop}"
exit 1
exit 0
This works if i use it on my own: /etc/init.d/starter start.
Then I used command to create symlinks: update-rc.d starter defaults. Symlinks are created just as expected, however after reboot command the script is not executed.
Does someone knows what prevents my script from being executed after boot? Thank you for all your advices.
Problem was that i did not know that initial script must set its own $PATH and other variables. I found it out when I saw java:not found in /var/log/daemon. At the end I found that wildfly has its own scirpt I used it and it works.

"can't cd" within init.d when started as service

I have a very simple script running in init.d to start a node server using forever. It has been working perfectly until recently and i cannot find what can have changed. I am on Debian 7, have not done any update recently.
This is my script (copied from somewhere, and kept simple simple, it is for tests )
. /lib/lsb/init-functions
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
export NODE_PATH=$NODE_PATH:/usr/local/lib/node_modules
. /home/pat/env
cd /var/www/mydir
case "$1" in
exec forever start -m 10 -o $FOREVER_ROOT/output.log -e $FOREVER_ROOT/error.log ./bin/www ./
exec forever stop ./bin/www
echo "Usage: service nodeup {start|stop}"
exit 1
exit 0
The problem is that when I run (with start or stop, same effect)
sudo service nodeup start
I get
/etc/init.d/nodeup: 12: cd: can't cd to /var/www/mydir
if I run the script with sudo /etc/init.d/nodeup start
it runs perfectly, no problem.
I cannot understand what is going on, or what could have changed on my machine.
Any idea of what I should check that might give now this behaviour ? or what to change in my script so it works again ?
Thanks for any help
I changed the shell of the script from sh to bash
It seems to have rendered the script more stable

Linux Ubuntu: Script works in terminal, but not .sh

Issue Summary: My script works as it should when typed into the terminal, however, it does not work correctly when executed in terminal from a .sh file, why is this?
echo World of Clucky - Frisnuk "\033]0;Frisnuk - World of Clucky\a"
#! /usr/bin/env bash
BINDIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -fn "$0")")"
cd "$BINDIR"
while true
source /home/clucky/MinecraftServers/Frisnuk/serverconfig/
#Start Server
java -Xms2000M -Xmx2000M -jar $serverjar.jar nogui
if [ "`date +%w%H`" = "001" ]
#Delete map files for The End
rm -R /Frisnuk_the_end
echo "End has been successfully reloaded"
echo "[`date +%D\ %T`] End Reloaded" >> /home/clucky/MinecraftServers/Frisnuk/EndRestart.txt
#Change Item of The Week
weekofyear=`date +%y\-%U`
set -- $s
xmlstarlet edit -L -u "/scs-shop/itemStack[#type='double']" -v $itemoftheweekid /plugins/ShowCaseStandalone/ffs-storage/ffss_cac8480951254352116d5255e795006252d404d8
xmlstarlet edit -L -u "/scs-shop/price[#type='double']" -v $itemoftheweekprice /plugins/ShowCaseStandalone/ffs-storage/ffss_cac8480951254352116d5255e795006252d404d8
echo "If you want to stop the restart and shut the server off instead, please press Ctrl+C at this time"
for i in 5 4 3 2 1
echo "$i..."
sleep 1
echo "Restarting Server"
Instead of working and running the server, it just says this:
World of Clucky - Frisnuk
/home/clucky/MinecraftServers/Frisnuk/ 7: /home/clucky/MinecraftServers/Frisnuk/ source: not found
Error: Unable to access jarfile .jar
If you want to stop the restart and shut the server off instead, please press Ctrl+C at this time
I am going to take a shower shortly, but I will be returning either later tonight, or tomorrow morning. Thank you in advanced for your assistance.
You put an echo before the shebang, so your script is being interpreted by dash, not bash.
dash doesn't include source, because it's not standard.
Correct your shebang and it'll do the trick.
The standard way to source a script is executing it with ..
Instead of source ./, you do . ./ They're the same in bash.
