Golang problems with referencing arrays of sub structures - struct

I am having a problem figuring out how to reference elements of a sub structure.
See: http://play.golang.org/p/pamS_ZY01s
Given something like following.... How do you reference data in the room struct? I have tried fmt.Println(*n.Homes[0].Rooms[0].Size), but that does not work.
Begin Code example
package main
import (
type Neighborhood struct {
Name string
Homes *[]Home
type Home struct {
Color string
Rooms *[]Room
type Room struct {
Size string
func main() {
var n Neighborhood
var h1 Home
var r1 Room
n.Name = "Mountain Village"
h1.Color = "Blue"
r1.Size = "200 sq feet"
// Initiaize Array of Homes
homeslice := make([]Home, 0)
n.Homes = &homeslice
roomslice := make([]Room, 0)
h1.Rooms = &roomslice
*h1.Rooms = append(*h1.Rooms, r1)
*n.Homes = append(*n.Homes, h1)

First, *[]Home is really wasteful. A slice is a three worded struct under the hood, one of them being itself a pointer to an array. You are introducing a double indirection there. This article on data structures in Go is very useful.
Now, because of this indirection, you need to put the dereference operator * in every pointer-to-slice expression. Like this:
But, really, just take out the pointers.


Table.insert table argument recognized as string

bulletsPlayer1 = {
Pistol = {},
Shotgun = {}
bulletsPlayer2 = {
Pistol = {},
Shotgun = {}
I have these tables, and I have this function to create bullets:
function createBullet(x, y, angle, speed, weapon, player)
local directionx = speed * math.cos(angle)
local directiony = speed * math.sin(angle)
positionx = x,
positiony = y,
directionx = directionx,
directiony= directiony,
speed = speed
For example if I call this function like this
I am receiving this error:
shooting.lua:77: bad argument #1 to 'insert' (table expected, got string)
How can I make my code recognize the first argument of the table.insert() as my tables and not strings?
How can I make my code recognize the first argument of the table.insert() as my tables and not strings?
That's... not how Lua works. A string is a string, a table is a table. If you want to index your players by number, store them in a table:
local bulletsPlayer = {
Pistol = {},
Shotgun = {}
Pistol = {},
Shotgun = {}
Then you can index it with a number like this
"bulletsPlayer"..player.."." ..weapon is a string. So the error message is exactly what you should expect.
You cannot just build variable names from strings and hope Lua will know what to do.
As bulletsPlayer1 is a global table value you can access it through the global environment.
Refer to https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#2.2
But usually you just use table keys to get what you need. You don't build global names from strings.
Then you should have something like:
local players{[1] = {bullets = {shotgun = 20, pistol = 9}}}
But if you're going that way you might want to read something about OOP in Lua. If bullets are a property of your player, why not store that information in a player object. Also metatables can make your life much easier.

Swift - best practice to find the longest string at [String] array

I'm trying to find what is the most effective way to get the longest string in a string array. For example :
let array = ["I'm Roi","I'm asking here","Game Of Thrones is just good"]
and the outcome will be - "Game Of Thrones is just good"
I've tried using the maxElement func, tho it's give the max string in a alphabetic ideas(maxElement()).
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Instead of sorting which is O(n log(n)) for a good sort, use max(by:) which is O(n) on Array providing it a closure to compare string lengths:
Swift 4:
For Swift 4 you can get the string length with the count property on String:
let array = ["I'm Roi","I'm asking here","Game Of Thrones is just good"]
if let max = array.max(by: {$1.count > $0.count}) {
Swift 3:
Use .characters.count on String to get the string lengths:
let array = ["I'm Roi","I'm asking here","Game Of Thrones is just good"]
if let max = array.max(by: {$1.characters.count > $0.characters.count}) {
Swift 2:
Use maxElement on Array providing it a closure to compare string lengths:
let array = ["I'm Roi","I'm asking here","Game Of Thrones is just good"]
if let max = array.maxElement({$1.characters.count > $0.characters.count}) {
Note: maxElement is O(n). A good sort is O(n log(n)), so for large arrays, this will be much faster than sorting.
You can use reduce to do this. It will iterate through your array, keeping track of the current longest string, and then return it when finished.
For example:
let array = ["I'm Roi","I'm asking here","Game Of Thrones is just good"]
if let longestString = array.reduce(Optional<String>.None, combine:{$0?.characters.count > $1.characters.count ? $0:$1}) {
print(longestString) // "Game Of Thrones is just good"
(Note that Optional.None is now Optional.none in Swift 3)
This uses an nil starting value to account for the fact that the array could be empty, as pointed out by #JHZ (it will return nil in that case). If you know your array has at least one element, you can simplify it to:
let longestString = array.reduce("") {$0.characters.count > $1.characters.count ? $0:$1}
Because it only iterates through each element once, it will quicker than using sort(). I did a quick benchmark and sort() appears around 20x slower (although no point in premature optimisation, I feel it is worth mentioning).
Edit: I recommend you go with #vacawama's solution as it's even cleaner than reduce!
Here you go:
let array = ["I'm Roi","I'm asking here","Game Of Thrones is just good"]
var sortedArr = array.sort() { $0.characters.count > $1.characters.count }
let longestEelement = sortedArr[0]
You can also practice with the use of Generics by creating this function:
func longestString<T:Sequence>(from stringsArray: T) -> String where T.Iterator.Element == String{
return (stringsArray.max {$0.count < $1.count}) ?? ""
Explanation: Create a function named longestString. Declar that there is a generic type T that implements the Sequence protocol (Sequence is defined here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/sequence). The function will return a single String (of course, the longest). The where clause explains that the generic type T should be limited to having elements of type String.
Inside the function, call the max function of the stringsArray by comparing the longest string of the elements inside. What will be returned is the longest String (an optional as it can be nil if the array is empty). If the longest string is nil then (use of ??) returns an empty string as the longest string instead.
Now call it:
let longestA = longestString(from:["Shekinah", "Chesedh", "Agape Sophia"])
If you get the hang of using generics, even if the strings are hidden inside objects, you can make use of the pattern of coding above. You can change the element to objects of the same class (Person for example).
class Person {
let name: String
init(name: String){
self.name = name
func longestName<T:Sequence>(from stringsArray: T) -> String where T.Iterator.Element == Person{
return (stringsArray.max {$0.name.count < $1.name.count})?.name ?? ""
Then call the function like these:
let longestB = longestName(from:[Person(name: "Shekinah"), Person(name: "Chesedh"), Person(name: "Agape Sophia")])
You also get to rename your function based on the appropriateness of its use. You can tweak the pattern to return something else, like the object itself, or the length (count) of the String. And finally, becoming familiar with generics may improve your coding ability.
Now, with a little tweak again, you may extend further so that you can compare strings owned by many different types as long as they implement a common protocol.
protocol Nameable {
var name: String {get}
This defines a protocol named Nameable that requires those who implement to have a name variable of type String. Next, we define two different things that both implement the protocol.
class Person: Nameable {
let name: String
init(name: String){
self.name = name
struct Pet: Nameable {
let name: String
Then we tweak our generic function so that it requires that the elements must conform to Nameable, vastly different though they are.
func longestName<T:Sequence>(from stringsArray: T) -> String where T.Iterator.Element == Nameable{
return (stringsArray.max {$0.name.count < $1.name.count})?.name ?? ""
Let's collect the different objects into an array. Then call our function.
let myFriends: [Nameable] = [Pet(name: "Bailey"), Person(name: "Agape Sophia")]
let longestC = longestName(from: myFriends)
Lastly, after knowing "where" above and "Sequence" above, you may simply extend Sequence:
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == String {
func topString() -> String {
self.max(by: { $0.count < $1.count }) ?? ""
Or the protocol type:
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == Nameable {
func theLongestName() -> Nameable? {
self.max(by: { $0.name.count < $1.name.count })

Structs in GoLang

I am just starting with GoLang, and I am looking at one of their tutorials (https://golang.org/doc/code.html).
In one of their examples, they set a variable to a struct, but I am so confused as to how they are accessing elements of the struct in the for loop below? Any chance someone can clarify? Thanks alot!
package stringutil
import "testing"
func TestReverse(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
in, want string
{"Hello, world", "dlrow ,olleH"},
{"Hello, 世界", "界世 ,olleH"},
{"", ""},
for _, c := range cases {
got := Reverse(c.in)
if got != c.want {
t.Errorf("Reverse(%q) == %q, want %q", c.in, got, c.want)
Below is the code with some comments to help clarify each statements role in this.
import "testing"
func TestReverse(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct { // declaration of anonymous type
in, want string // fields on that type called in and want, both strings
{"Hello, world", "dlrow ,olleH"},
{"Hello, 世界", "界世 ,olleH"},
{"", ""},
} // composite literal initilization
// note the use of := in assigning to cases, that op combines declaration and assignment into one statement
for _, c := range cases { // range over cases, ignoring the index - the underscore means to discard that return value
got := Reverse(c.in) // c is the current instance, access in with the familiar dot notation
if got != c.want { // again, access operator on c, the current instance
t.Errorf("Reverse(%q) == %q, want %q", c.in, got, c.want) // more access
Let me know if that helps. I can try giving more of a summary in spoken language or add more details if some of the statements don't make sense still. Also, fyi if you're not familiar range 'ranges' over a collection, returning k, v where k is the index or key and v the value.
EDIT: details on the declaration/initilization of cases
cases := []struct {
in, want string
This bit inside the first pair of curly braces is the definition of a struct. This is an anonymous type, a normal declaration would look like this;
type case struct {
in string
want string
If you had something like this then there would be a type called case in the scope of this package (not exported, if you wanted to make it 'public' so it would need to be type Case instead). Instead the examples struct is anonymous. It works the same as normal type, however as a developer, you will have no way to reference that type so you can only practically work with the collection initialized here. Internally this type is the same as any other struct with 2 unexported strings for fields. The fields are named in and want. Notice that in the assignment here cases := []struct you have [] before struct this means you're declaring a slice of this anonymous type.
This next little bit, is called static initialization. This is a syntax for initializing collections as types. Each of these nested bits like {"", ""} is the declaration and initilization of one of these anonymous structs, denoted again by the curly braces. In this case you're assigning two empty strings to in and want respectively (if you don't use names, the order is the same as in the definition). The outer pair of braces is for the slice. If your slice were of say int's or string's, then you would just have the values right there without the extra level of nesting like myInts := []int{5,6,7}.
{"Hello, world", "dlrow ,olleH"},
{"Hello, 世界", "界世 ,olleH"},
{"", ""},
Go root of what is a struct.
you declare your variables in it so then
you can use it from a function.
package main
import (
func main() {
func Get(){
out := new(Var)
out.name = "james"
type Var struct {
name string

Clarification on using equal sign and map on Go

Why does map have different behavior on Go?
All types in Go are copied by value: string, intxx, uintxx, floatxx, struct, [...]array, []slice except for map[key]value
package main
import "fmt"
type test1 map[string]int
func (t test1) DoSomething() { // doesn't need to use pointer
t["yay"] = 1
type test2 []int
func (t* test2) DoSomething() { // must use pointer so changes would effect
*t = append(*t,1)
type test3 struct{
a string
b int
func (t* test3) DoSomething() { // must use pointer so changes would effect
t.a = "aaa"
t.b = 123
func main() {
t1 := test1{}
u1 := t1
t2 := test2{}
u2 := t2
t3 := test3{}
u3 := t3
And passing variable as function's parameter/argument is equal to assignment with :=
package main
import "fmt"
type test1 map[string]int
func DoSomething1(t test1) { // doesn't need to use pointer
t["yay"] = 1
type test2 []int
func DoSomething2(t *test2) { // must use pointer so changes would effect
*t = append(*t,1)
type test3 struct{
a string
b int
func DoSomething3(t *test3) { // must use pointer so changes would effect
t.a = "aaa"
t.b = 123
func main() {
t1 := test1{}
t2 := test2{}
t3 := test3{}
Map values are pointers. Some other types (slice, string, channel, function) are, similarly, implemented with pointers. Interestingly, the linked FAQ entry says,
Early on, maps and channels were syntactically pointers and it was impossible to declare or use a non-pointer instance. ... Eventually we decided that the strict separation of pointers and values made the language harder to use.
"Go passes by value" means variables passed as regular function args won't be modified by the called function. That doesn't change that some built-in types can contain pointers (just like your own structs can).
Python is similar: f(x) won't change an integer x passed to it, but it can append to a list x because Python lists are implemented with a pointer internally. C++, by contrast, has actual pass-by-reference available: f(x) can change the caller's int x if f is declared to have a reference parameter (void f(int& x)).
(I also wrote some general info on pointers vs. values in Go in an answer to another question, if that helps.)

C++\Cli Parallel::For with thread local variable - Error: too many arguments

Trying to implement my first Parallel::For loop with a tread local variable to sum results of the loop. My code is based on an example listed in "Visual C++ 2010, by W. Saumweber, D. Louis (German). Ch. 33, P.804).
I get stuck in the implementation with syntax errors in the Parallel::For call. The errors are as follows, from left to right: a) expected a type specifier, b) too many arguments for generic class "System::Func", c) pointer to member is not valid for a managed class, d) no operator "&" matches these operands.
In line with the book, I create a collection with data List<DataStructure^> numbers, which is subject to a calculation performed in method computeSumScore which is called by the Parallel::For routine in method sumScore. All results are summed in method finalizeSumScore using a lock.
Below I paste the full code of the .cpp part of the class, to show what I have. The data collection "numbers" may look a bit messy, but that's due to organical growth of the program and me learning as I go along.
// constructor
DataCollection::DataCollection(Form1^ f1) // takes parameter of type Form1 to give acces to variables on Form1
this->f1 = f1;
// initialize data set for parallel processing
void DataCollection::initNumbers(int cIdx)
DataStructure^ number;
numbers = gcnew List<DataStructure^>();
for (int i = 0; i < f1->myGenome->nGenes; i++)
number = gcnew DataStructure();
number->concentrationTF = f1->myOrgan->cellPtr[cIdx]->concTFA[i];
number->stringA->AddRange(f1->myGenome->cStruct[i]->gString->GetRange(0, f1->myGenome->cChars));
if (f1->myGenome->cStruct[i]->inhibitFunc)
number->sign = -1;
number->sign = 1;
// parallel-for summation of scores
double DataCollection::sumScore()
Parallel::For<double>(0, numbers->Count, gcnew Func<double>(this, &GenomeV2::DataCollection::initSumScore),
gcnew Func<int, ParallelLoopState^, double, double>(this, &GenomeV2::DataCollection::computeSumScore),
gcnew Action<double>(this, &GenomeV2::DataCollection::finalizeSumScore));
return summation;
// returns start value
double DataCollection::initSumScore()
return 0.0;
// perform sequence alignment calculation
double DataCollection::computeSumScore(int k, ParallelLoopState^ status, double tempVal)
int nwScore;
if (numbers[k]->concentrationTF > 0)
nwScore = NeedlemanWunsch::computeGlobalSequenceAlignment(numbers[k]->stringA, numbers[k]->stringB);
tempVal = Mapping::getLinIntMapValue(nwScore); // mapped value (0-1)
tempVal = (double) numbers[k]->sign * tempVal * numbers[k]->concentrationTF;
tempVal = 0.0;
return tempVal;
// locked addition
void DataCollection::finalizeSumScore(double tempVal)
Object^ myLock = gcnew Object();
summation += tempVal;
Once this problem is solved I need to ensure that the functions called (computeGlobalSequenceAlignment and getLinIntMapvalue) are thread safe and the program doesn't get stalled on multiple treads accessing the same (static) variables. But this needs to work first.
Hope you can help me out.
Hans Passant answered my question in the comments (include full method name, add comma). Yet I cannot mark my question as answered, so this answer is to close the question.
