Linux shell script not setting variables with bash -c "$com" - linux

So, I wrote a shell script to kick people off of my wifi, but I'm having trouble getting it to work correctly. The main problem is that when I do bash -c "$com" it does not set the variable like it should. Any help would be appreciated.
echo "You must be connected to the network that you wish to kick the devices off"
gw=`route -n|grep ^|cut -d' ' -f 10`
sudo nmap -sP $gw-254
long='read -p Enter_the_DEVICE_Bssid'
deff='aireplay-ng -0 $number -a $bssid mon0 --ignore-negative-one -c'
read -p "How many devices do you want to kick: " ammount
while [ $counter -lt $ammount ];
if [ $counter2 -gt $ammount ]
com="$com $long $outside$d1$outside"
counter=$(($counter +1))
com="$com $long $outside$d1$outside $end"
comfin="$comfin $thesudo $deff $d1 $oend"
a=$(($a +1))
counter=$(($counter +1))
counter2=$(($counter +2))
vev="echo done"
comfin="$comfin $vev"
echo $com
bash -c "$com"
#Why does it not set the variables like it should?
echo $device1
echo $device2
echo $device3
#see it dosent say the variables when it is run.
sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo macchanger -m 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
sudo airmon-ng start wlan0
sudo ifconfig mon0 down
sudo macchanger -m 00:11:22:33:44:55 mon0
sudo ifconfig mon0 up
#make sure you dont run it from the file, but from terminal so you can press ctrl z to stop the airodump
echo "make sure you dont run it from the file, but from terminal so you can press ctrl z to stop the airodump"
sleep 2
sudo airodump-ng mon0
read -p "Enter the NETWORK Bssid:" bssid
echo "Ok, its $bssid"
read -p "Do you want to single kick(1) or continuously kick(0)" number
echo "Ok, its $number"
sudo $comfin
sudo ipconfig stop mon0

bash -c "command" runs the command in a new bash process. Variable settings in that process won't have any effect on the original process. If you want to execute a command in the original process's environment, use eval:
eval "$com"
You probably should reconsider your whole approach, though. Dynamically assigning variables is usually a sign of an incorrect design. Instead of having separate variables device1, device2, device3, you should use an array.
read -p 'Enter the device' dev


Run command as root within shell script

I'm working on a script that will shred a usb drive and install Kali linux with encrypted persistent data.
#! /bin/bash
cd ~/Documents/Other/ISOs/Kali
echo "/dev/sdx x=?"
read x
echo "how many passes to wipe? 1 will be sufficient."
read n
echo "sd$x will be wiped $n times."
read -p "do you want to continue? [y/N] " -n 1 -r
if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
exit 1
echo "Your role in the installation process is not over. You will be prompted to type YES and a passphrase."
sudo shred -vz --iterations=$n /dev/sd$x
echo "Wiped. Installing Kali"
sudo dd if=kali-linux-2.0-amd64.iso of=/dev/sd$x bs=512k
echo "Installed. Making persistence."
sudo parted /dev/sd$x mkpart primary 3.5GiB 100%
sudo cryptsetup --verbose --verify-passphrase luksFormat /dev/sd$x
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sd$x my_usb
sudo mkfs.ext3 -L persistence /dev/mapper/my_usb
sudo e2label /dev/mapper/my_usb persistence
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/my_usb
sudo mount /dev/mapper/my_usb /mnt/my_usb
sudo -i
echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf
umount /dev/mapper/my_usb
cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/my_usb
echo "Persistence complete. Installation complete."
It works nearly perfectly. These commands individually entered into the terminal will create the desired effect, but the problem comes in at line 37:
sudo echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf
That command won't work unless I'm logged in as root user. To solve this I tried adding the sudo -i command before, but once I do that all of the following commands are skipped.
It's okay if the solution suggested requires me to type in the password. I don't want the password stored in the script, that's just wreckless.
Side note, I didn't make a generic form for this question because I want other people to be able use this if they like it.
The problem is that the echo runs with root privilege but the redirection happens in the original shell as the non-root user. Instead, try running an explicit sh under sudo and do the redirection in there
sudo /bin/sh -c 'echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf'
The problem is that when you type in the following command:
sudo echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf
Only the "echo" will be run as root through sudo, but the redirection to the file using > will still be executed as the "normal" user, because it is not a command but something performed directly by the shell.
My usual solution is to use teeso that it runs as a command and not as a shell built-in operation, like this:
echo "/ union" | sudo tee /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf >/dev/null
Now the tee command will be run as root through sudo and will be allowed to write to the file. >/dev/null is just added to keep the output of the script clean. If you ever want to append instead of overwrite (e.g. you would be using >>normally), then use tee -a.

ssh hangs if interrupted in the middle

The following code suppose to print "connected" repeatedly if ssh is able to connect to the remote machine, else "not-connected" will be printed.
while [ "1" ]
ifconfig usb0 &>/dev/null
if [ "$(echo $?)" == "0" ]
sshpass -p passwd ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 duser# sudo echo "connected"
echo "not-connected"
sleep 0.2
The remote machine is connected via the usb0 interface. I am testing this script by frequently unplugging and plugging the usb interface. The problem is sometimes when i unplug the usb interfaces, the code stuck at ssh and it is not printing repeatedly. I suppose if ssh is interrupted in the middle of executing it is getting stuck. How can i overcome this ? Can someone help?
Most apparently its not hanging at all.
But the way you are printing connected seems like wrong.
This looks pretty much suspicious
sshpass -p passwd ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5 duser# sudo grep "connected"
What are you trying to grep ?
Normally if you need to grep the output of some app you need to do it via pipe e.g.
ls | grep "connected"
Since you are using bash, this is a much better way to do your test:
2>/dev/null >/dev/tcp/<ip_addr>/<port> && echo pass || echo fail
For more details, see the Bash documentation on redirections.

Working around sudo in shell script child process

So the reason I am asking this is because I'm running two programs simultaneously that are persistent, on the child process a programm is running that requires sudo rights.
echo "Name the file:"
read filename
while [[ 1 -lt 2 ]]
if [ -f /home/max/dump/$filename.eth ]; then
echo "File already exist."
read filename
#Now calling a new terminal for dumping
gnome-terminal --title="tcpdump" -e "sh /home/max/dump/ $filename.eth"
ping -c 1 0 > /dev/null **Waiting for tcpdump to create file**
#Packet analysis program is being executed
echo password | sudo tcpdump -i 2 -s 60000 -w /home/max/dump/$filename -U
#Sudo still asks me for my password though password is piped into stdin

Bash script does not ssh all the entries of a csv file

I am trying to patch a bunch of CENT OS machines with the latest fix pack. I have the below bash script that takes csv file as a input which has the ip address and password for those machines.
The code works fine however, it would only work for the first row it does not seem to be working for the rest of the list as my output.txt only has the entry only for the first row host .
[ ! -f $INPUT ] && { echo "$INPUT file not found"; exit 99; }
while read privateip password
sshpass -p$password ssh -t -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" user123#$privateip "
hostname -I --all-ip-addresses
sudo yum -y update bash
env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable' bash -c \"echo If you see the word vulnerable above, then you are vulnerable to shellshock\"
echo ""
" >> output.txt
done < $INPUT
Terminal Output
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Add at the end of your sshpass command </dev/null.
Add Defaults:username !requiretty to your /etc/sudoers config
Get rid of -t from your ssh command
Optional, but recommended: set up public key auth so you don't have your passwords lying around in text files.
You can pass ssh another -t to force pty allocation:
ssh -t -t

shell script ssh command not working

I have a small list of servers, and I am trying to add a user on each of these servers. I can ssh individually to each server and run the command.
sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -c "Arun" -d /home/amurug -e 2014-12-12 -g users -u 1470 amurug
I wrote a script to loop through the list and run this command but I get some errors.
read -p "Enter server list: " file
if [[ $file == *linux* ]]; then
for i in `cat $file`
echo "creating amurug on" $i
ssh $i sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -c "Arun" -d /home/amurug -e 2014-12-12 -g users -u 1470 amurug
echo "==============================================="
sleep 5
When I run the script it does not execute the command.
creating amurug on svr102
Usage: useradd [options] LOGIN
What is wrong with my ssh crommand in my script?
Try this script:
read -p "Enter server list: " file
if [[ "$file" == *linux* ]]; then
while read -r server
echo "creating amurug on" "$server"
ssh -t -t "$server" "sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -c Arun -d /home/amurug \
-e 2014-12-12 -g users -u 1470 amurug"
echo "==============================================="
sleep 5
done < "$file"
As per man bash:
Force pseudo-tty allocation. This can be used to execute arbitrary screen-based programs on a remote which can be very useful, e.g. when implementing menu services. Multiple -t options force tty allocation, even if ssh has no local tty.
