Using ks.cfg with virt-install? - linux

I've been trying to get a virtual machine working with a cfg file on centos but unfortunately, I'm getting the error that ks.cfg file does not exist.
Below is the command I ran to enable the VM.
virt-install --name FedoraTest --ram 1024 --disk pool=default,size=10 --location ~/Desktop/CentosOS --initrd-inject ks.cfg --extra-args "ks=file:~/Desktop/ks.cfg"
I am new to the VM setup and am unsure if I'm doing it right.
Any advice on how to fix this will be greatly appreciated.
Also, what does initrd-inject do? And is it possible to save the above command into a file and run the file instead?

I suppose you have switched the meaning of 'initrd-inject' and 'extra-args' parameters. The initrd-inject should contain path to the ks file in your file system, while in 'extra-args' you should specify kernel to use the injected ks file. See the snippet:
virt-install --connect=qemu:///system \
--network=bridge:br0 \
--initrd-inject=/export/rhel.ks \
--extra-args="ks=file:/rhel.ks console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200" \
--name=$domname \
--disk /export/vmimgs/$domname.img,size=20 \
--ram 2048 \
--vcpus=2 \
--check-cpu \
--accelerate \
--hvm \
--location=$location1 \
The snippet comes from here


is it possible for fusioninspector to find new Fusions which are not included STAR fusion?

i am beginner bioinformatician!
i run CTAT for fusion analysis
here is my code
docker run -v `pwd`:/data --rm trinityctat/starfusion \
STAR-Fusion \
--left_fq /data/reads_1.fq.gz \
--right_fq /data/reads_2.fq.gz \
--genome_lib_dir /data/ctat_genome_lib_build_dir \
-O /data/StarFusionOut \
--FusionInspector validate \
--examine_coding_effect \
i thought fusioninspector's role is just validation for fusions which STAR-Fuision predicted
. But final results are different from my expactation
i wonder why fusioninspector's results have more fusions and how fusioninspector's results have fusions which are not included in STAR-Fusion result!!
please help me..!

Error running gatk HaplotypeCaller with allele specific annotations

I've got HaplotypeCaller working nicely in standard mode, like so:
# Run haplotypcaller
gatk --java-options "-Xmx4g" HaplotypeCaller \
--intervals "$INTERVALS" \
-R "$REF" \
-I "$OUT"/results/alignment/${SN}_sorted_marked_recalibrated.bam \
-O "$OUT"/results/variants/${SN}_g.vcf.gz \
But when I try in allele-specific mode, I get the following error. All I've done is add the -G annotations at the end, as suggested here.
# Haplytype caller with allele-specific annotations
gatk --java-options "-Xmx4g" HaplotypeCaller \
--intervals "$INTERVALS" \
-R "$REF" \
-I "$OUT"/results/alignment/${SN}_sorted_marked_recalibrated.bam \
-O "$OUT"/results/variants/${SN}_g.vcf.gz \
-G Standard \
-G AS_Standard
Here's the error:
A USER ERROR has occurred: Unrecognized annotation group name: Standard
I think that those options should be:
-G StandardAnnotation
-G AS_StandardAnnotation
At least, when I changed them to that, it didn't throw an error message.
However, I haven't used GATK much, so I'm not sure that's correct. I posted on the relevant Broad page, so more info may show up there.

how to create VM from Azure CLi with exising key pair?

I tried to create VM from another VM via Azure CLI with this command :
az vm create \
--resource-group my_resource \
--name newVMfromImage \
--image firstMachine-image \
--admin-username user_name \
--data-disk-sizes-gb 150 20 --size Standard_B1ms \
--verbose \
----ssh-key-value /path/to/publick/key/
But I get this error :
az: error: unrecognized arguments: ----ssh-key-value
----ssh-key-value /path/to/publick/key/
should only be:
--ssh-key-value /path/to/publick/key/
Remove the 2 additional dashes.
Correct, the 4 dashes (----) indicates a wrong transmission while uploading the .PUB file.
Remove the 2 additional dashes.

KVM guest os boot error

I'm trying to boot up a guest os to continue with my work but I have a problem with my virsh installation.
Here is the part of installation script:
qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=metadata ~/images/${vm_name}.qcow2 ${pool_size}G
# create dir for images
mkdir ~/images/
virt-install \
--connect qemu:///system \
--name $vm_name \
--ram 10240 \
--vcpus 4 \
--disk ~/images/${vm_name}.qcow2,size=$pool_size,bus=virtio,sparse=false,format=qcow2 \
--network network=default,model=virtio \
--location \
--initrd-inject=$current_dir/preseed.cfg \
--extra-args="file=file:/preseed.cfg vga=788 quiet console=tty0 utf8 console=ttyS0,115200" \
--os-type=linux \
--virt-type kvm \
--video=vga \
--noreboot \
--cpu host \
virsh start $vm_name
echo "----------Login to console----------"
virsh console $vm_name
WHen Im trying to run this script as a file like ./ it produces an error:
Formatting '/home/{username}/images/test.qcow2', fmt=qcow2 size=53687091200 encryption=off cluster_size=65536 preallocation='metadata' lazy_refcounts=off refcount_bits=16
mkdir: cannot create directory '/home/flash/images/': File exists
ERROR 'DebianDistro' object has no attribute '_prefix'
error: failed to get domain 'test'
error: Domain not found: no domain with matching name 'test'
----------Login to console----------
error: failed to get domain 'test'
error: Domain not found: no domain with matching name 'test'
I have tried already reinstalling kvm qemu packages using this guide -
and everything completed successfully.
I am sure that script will work file as I was using it before on the other machine without any problems.
Another try:
Using that script below
virt-install --connect qemu:///system -n test -r 10240 \
--vcpus=4 \
--disk path=/data0/images/test.img,size=50,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,cache=none \
--cdrom /home/{username}/Downloads/kvm/ubuntu-14.iso \
--vnc \
--os-type=linux \
--accelerate \
--network network=default \
Produces an error:
ERROR internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor: Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied
failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied
Also when I'm trying to list all os variants by virt-install --os-variant list it cannot recognize this command and trying to boot up a guest os instead of listing variants.
Can you please help me to find out what is the problem here?
To fix this error:
ERROR 'DebianDistro' object has no attribute '_prefix'
Edit the file /usr/share/virt-manager/virtinst/ and change this in line 1034:
if self._prefix:
to this:
if self._url_prefix:
Ubuntu 14.04.

virtualbox + perl + shared folder == fail

This is a convoluted one so bear with me. I have a Perl script that is located on a Windows VirtualBox guest. I want to call this script from the Linux host and have it read a shared folder from the host. The reading of the folder fails.
On the host I call this script and it gives me the following output:
host:~/$ ./ /nfs/nasi/temp
[2014-04-02 10:50:55] Uploading file records to localhost
[2014-04-02 10:50:55] Running VirtualBox for Kaspersky
fatal: opendir(E:\nasi\temp) failed: No such file or directory
[2014-04-02 10:50:56] Uploading malware samples data to localhost
The script converts the argument /nfs/nasi/temp to E:\nasi\temp and calls the script using the following command:
/usr/bin/VBoxManage guestcontrol <guest> execute \
--image "C:\strawberry\perl\bin \perl.exe" \
--username <user> --password <pass> \
--wait-stdout --wait-stderr --wait-exit -- \
"C:\antivirus\" "E:\nasi\temp"
When I run this same script using the same option from the guest directly however I get the following:
C:\antivirus>C:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe C:\antivirus\ E:\nasi\temp
[2014-04-02 10:54:19] Running Kaspersky Antivirus
[2014-04-02 10:54:20] Parsing Kaspersky report
[2014-04-02 10:54:20] Uploading Kaspersky results to
But wait, it gets weirder. When instead of providing the shared directory E:\ I instead point it to C:\ it has no problem reading the directory and just happily keeps going. So the error only shows up when I run the command from the host through VirtualBox and point it to the share.
Here is the relevant code:
sub createSamplesMap {
opendir( my $dh, $ARGV[0] ) or
die "fatal: opendir($ARGV[0]) failed: $!\n";
my #files = readdir( $dh );
foreach my $file ( #files ) {
if (! -d $file ) {
I tried different ways of reading the filenames from the directory but they didn't work. Here's what I tried.
my #files = <$ARGV[0]\\*>;
my #files = glob( $ARGV[0] . '\\*' );
I don't know whether to blame perl or virtualbox. Anyone have any ideas on what the problem might be?
Windows 7, Strawberry Perl v5.18.2
Ubuntu 12.04.04, Perl v5.14.2
VirtualBox 4.2.16r86992
I've found the problem. As mentioned on the virtualbox forum there was a problem with the environment variables set when running the perl script. After much googling I also found a blog post from kissmyarch where he describes how he solved the problem.
You can set environment variables using the --environment option in VBoxManage guestcontrol and according to kissmyarch you need to set USERPROFILE to get it to work. This did not work for me.
So instead I used the following code from the script to figure out what environment variables were set:
foreach $key (sort keys(%ENV)) {
print "$key = $ENV{$key}\n";
and ran that both on the guest and from guestcontrol to compare the environments. My command now looks like this:
/usr/bin/VBoxManage guestcontrol <vm> execute \
--image "C:\strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" \
--username <user> --password <pass> \
--environment "USERPROFILE=C:\Users\<user>" \
--environment "APPDATA=C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming" \
--environment "LOCALAPPDATA=C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local" \
--environment "HOMEDRIVE=C:" \
--environment "HOMEPATH=\Users\<user>" \
--environment "LOGONSERVER=\\\<server>" \
--environment "SESSIONNAME=Console" \
--environment "TEMP=C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp" \
--environment "TMP=C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp" \
--environment "USERDOMAIN=<domain>" \
--environment "USERNAME=<user>" \
--wait-stdout --wait-stderr --wait-exit \
-- "C:\antivirus\" "E:\nasi\temp"
Somewhere in that big pile of environment variables is one that is important.
Thanks to all that helped.
