Push files to GitHub from NodeJS server - node.js

I have a NodeJS server which is generating a server-side JS code into a separate folder on the server and then serves it to the user as a .zip file. I would like to be able to take this code and push it to a GitHub repository the user would specify (or even better- create a new brunch and push it to the branch). I was checking GitHub API but I could not find an endpoint, which would describe this situation. I also checked one node module, but the same story- no information about if this is possible (and how) or not.
My question is- Is it possible to take a folder on a server and push it to a GitHub repo (if all the credentials and keys are known) programatically and if so, can anyone please direct me to some resources? I tried to find something but nothing was relevant.
Thank you,

I've just found these two libraries, that can help you to push your files to git from Node.js:
git-js is a lightweight wrapper around installed git binary
nodegit is a standalone Git client implementation in Node.js
Just use the provided API programmatically to commit and push files. You could create a separate branch if you want and tag your commits.

just install git bash and do it through that. I don't use anything but the terminal to do my git repos. good luck.


How secure is to use scp with GitHub actions?

Right now I use scp-action to copy some files to one server.
How secure is this method?
What are the alternatives to using GitHub Actions, I was thinking of running a custom action of scp and setting up a local runner on my side.
One other alternative is to configure a bare repository on your server, and adding it as a second remote on your local repository.
Now every time you want to deploy code to your server, you push to this remote. You then create a git hook on your server that fires post-push, and automatically executes a script that restarts a service, for example.
Read more here
For me, I am having a hard time choosing between these two alternatives because I have some unanswered questions :
for github actions, how secure is the SSH key being ran from a github runner ? and given that my codebase is huge, isn't it a bit overkill to scp all my files after a hotfix commit where I changed only 1 or 2 files ?
for git bare repo: would the size of the git folder be a problem ? and how to secure my server so it would not serve the .git folder ?

Node.js update via GitHub

So I am currently using node.js to make a Discord bot. I am switching the way things work however. The bot runs from my machine (computer), but I would like my friends to be able to work on it as well. Is there any way we can clone a GitHub repo into an existing folder, as to update the current BOT.js file we have?
The point of this is to have the bot auto update via github
You can create an empty Github repository, make sure to create it without any readme etc before you have made your first push.
Then using git, you initialize a git repo inside your current folder you are working out of, when you have done that, you can set a upstream to Github (w/ the repository URL you got for your newly created repository (on Github)), then just commit your files, push them to the Github repo master branch and you should be good to go.
Hope that helps!

It is safe to push to gitlab repositories directly, from outside gitlab?

It is ok to push to gitlab repositories directly, from outside gitlab?
Mainly what I would like to know is:
* would gitlab detect changes?
* is is safe, as in if it will not break repos due to concurrency?
If I understand your question correctly you're asking whether it is possible to push commits from another git client than Gitlab to a Gitlab instance.
There's no problem at all concerning this, actually this is exactly what git and Gitlab is about.
It doesn't matter at all which Git client you use to get your commits done and pushed to the server running Gitlab. Think of Gitlab as just one possible frontend to your repositories.
If you are interested in the technical background:
Git is completely file-based and doesn't rely on any kind of central server managing your repositories. All relevant data is stored in the .git subdirectory of your project. This enables the use of multiple clients with a single repository - for example git and Gitlab.
Gitlab internally uses the gem gitlab_git which itself uses the library rugged that provides Ruby bindings for libgit2. That library is also used in the implementation of other git clients, "including the GitHub.com site, in Plastic SCM and also powering Microsoft's Visual Studio tools for Git".
Regarding the handling of actual concurrency problems, have a look at this answer by kan. Correct permissions are handled via git hooks as was kindly pointed towards in this comment below by Ciro Santilli.

import entire GitLab Cloud project to new GitLab instance

I have some projects set up on GitLab Cloud, complete with issues, wiki pages, etc. I've recently set up an internally hosted gitlab instance. I'd like to bring these projects over from GitLab Cloud to the internal GitLab instance.
Bringing over the git repos seems easy enough (change the remote and push), but I don't see how to bring over the wikis and issues.
In general it seems like this isn't possible. (There's a GitLab Feedback for it here.)
However, the project wiki's seem to be their own git repos, which you can see on the Git Access tab. While that doesn't solve issues/snippets, it gets you part of the way there.
I don't know how to transfer over issues as I have not had to do that yet, but passing over the wiki is not that difficult.
On your old gitlab instance you will notice two repositories for your project (let's pretend your wiki is oldproject), one will say something like oldproject.git and oldproject.wiki.git.
The general path to the repositories where you can see the names I am talking about (let's assume user-name is "myaccount") can be found here:
or (if using the omnibus installer):
I presume you already know how to transfer over oldproject.git. You do the exact same thing with the wiki, only you create a bundle file out of oldproject.wiki.git:
git clone http://gitlab-instance-ip/user-name/oldproject.wiki.git
cd oldproject.wiki
git bundle create oldproject-wiki.bundle --all
Now initialize your new project in gitlab...I presume you already know how to do that as you suggested in your question that you know how to import the files from your project over to the new instance without problem. Now repeat for the wiki:
git clone http://new-gitlab-ip/user-name/newproject.wiki.git
cd newproject.wiki
git pull /path/to/oldproject-wiki.bundle
git push -u origin master
I had a very similar problem to yours where I didn't see that anything was actually "pushed". When I went back to the gitlab project I noticed that it was in fact updated with the wiki. See here if you think it will help: Importing Gitlab Wiki to a new Gitlab Instance
Good luck!

remote deploy scripts for nodejs?

I am looking for a way to easily deploy a nodejs app via a command line script.
I found one solution:
I also heard that the whole thing can be done with git and post commit hooks.
What would people recommend?
edit: i am deploying it to my own box where i have root
You have two options on a self hosted setup.
Do it all yourself
This entails git post-receive hooks. In short you setup your production box to host a copy of your repository, on your local machine you setup a remote, let's call the remote production.
Now when you run git push production master on your local machine, the updates are sent and the server executes the post-receive hook on your server which runs whatever you wish.
Actions you may want are: checking out/writing the data in the repo to files/folders (the git repo on the server is stored as a bare repo); restarting your webserver; notifying you that there's been a deployment etc.
I'd suggest reading up on it at http://git-scm.com/book/en/Customizing-Git-Git-Hooks and taking a look at a few tutorials, this one (http://ryanflorence.com/deploying-websites-with-a-tiny-git-hook/) looks prety legit.
Use a service to manage it for you, http://www.deployhq.com/ is the only one that springs to mind but I'm sure there's other.
Good Luck and Happy Hacking :)
There is a tool called shipit.js (https://github.com/shipitjs/shipit) which allows you to perform different deployment tasks like:
moving code from the repo to the server
restarting server
installing node_modules
You create a config file, and then runs: npx shipit deploy and all tasks you specify are performed. In case of failure, it has a rollback mechanism.
There is a nice screencast about it: https://youtu.be/8PpBySjkWEM.
