Autorun Bash Script after Login to Sync Git Repos - linux

I have already a that I found on the internet.
My problem now is how to make the script run automatically every time I log into my Ubuntu 14.04 computer.
I have tried adding this line to .bashrc
sh '/path/to/git/repo/'
The problem here is the script is executed not in the context or path of the repo thus the script runs in a folder that is not initialized with git. (I don't actually know what folder bashrc run on)
What want to do is that the update script to be run by Ubuntu in the context of the path so the script will not fail. And also show the running script in a Terminal window that will not automatically close.
And the ultimate goal, is to be able automatically upon login, that git cloned repos to be synced with the public repos.

(cd repo && bash /path/to/

Just open the and at the beginning of the file just add the command to go to the selected direcotry. For example:
cd /var/test


Custom git command autocompletion

I have implemented a custom git command by writing a shell script located in /usr/local/bin. It works fine, but I would like the script to autocomplete branches in the command line, just like git checkout [TAB][TAB]. How could this be done?
Just adding some context: git allows you to very easily add your own commands by creating a script git-$subcommandName. In my case here git-install, the script facilitates checking out a branch, building, packaging, and installing the source code.
Figured it out. I needed to download git bash completion (here), create a new file in /etc/bash_completion.d with the following contents:
source ~/.git-completion.bash
_git_install ()
__gitcomp_nl "$(__git_refs)"
and then exec bash to reload completion scripts.

Execute a script after every git push

There is a server running and has a git instance on it. I want a script to run everytime a user does git push to the server. I want my script to be executed then git push to continue.
Any work arounds?
You've tagged this GitHub so I'm assuming that you are referring to public GitHub and not GitHub enterprise.
You cannot run a script "server-side" on GitHub's servers because that would obviously be a massive vulnerability but you can set up a web hook to trigger a script on another server.
Basically whenever someone does a push, a specific URL will be sent data about the push. You can then trigger a script from this. For more information on web hooks, see the GitHub API docs.
I am not sure If you want a scipt to run prior to push or after. So here is my answer for pre-push. But if you want post-push (i.e after push) you have to change the pre-push hooks accordingly to check if pushed successfully and then you can do post push thing.
As suggested by #Travis, git hooks is the one that you are looking for. So to execute a script pre-push, you have to do is to create a pre-push file in the .git/hooks. So in this case put your bunch of code in the pre-post script file .git/hooks/pre-push and save it. Then make it executable by chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-push. After you done with this successfully you will be able to see the script gets executed each time you do run push command.
PS: Please note that I haven't tested this whole but expected to work in this way.
In Short, assuming you(Linux user) are in the project directory
vim .git/hooks/pre-push # then add your code and save the file
# Also put the shebang on top to identify the interpreter
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-push # make it executable
You should look into git hooks:
8.3 Customizing Git - Git Hooks
and, another site regarding this technology:

Git Pull/Fetch Automation

I'm wanting to automate a local server to pull github repositories and then add copyrights to the code files, if they aren't already there, then commit and push them back. I have the copyright executable running on the linux centOS server, but I can't get a way to tell my program to run or not. Webhooks don't work since its a local server, not web-facing, any ideas?
My first thought is that you could write a script to do this. The easiest would be to use a shell script or a python script.
The script could do the following.
Open every directory
for each directory
for each file in the directory
if not contains copyright
add copyright to top of file
git commit -m "add copyright"
git push

GIT ignores commit-msg hook

Recently I migrated from opensuse to centos and after that GIT has started to ignore my custom commit-msg hook. It simply doesn't execute it. (I checked it by add small piece of code to "add_ChangeId" function )
Hook generates Change-Id hash for every commit
GIT version:
File is located in following location: .git/hooks/
For debugging purposes I even have set 0777 permissions to the whole .git directory
Here is the full text of commit-msg file -
timoras you are gold. Then I tried to execute script using sh .git/hooks/scriptname it worked, but when tried to call it using .git/hooks/scriptname and shell returned that I haven't permissions to execute it.
After that I looked at fstab, and found out that have forgot to add exec flag to the partition where this file was located.
Now everything works.
One more time thanks timoras!

bash: gitolite: command not found

I am trying to make a new branch in Gitlab by using Gitolite. I complete the installation steps. when i come across "setting up gitolite" section i have a trouble. I followed this link.
When i run
gitolite setup -pk
command i got "bash: gitolite: command not found" error message. I don't know what is the problem.. Any one please help me.
This step comes after the Gitolite installation, which supposes you have chosen one of three possibilities:
Keep the sources anywhere and use the full path to run the gitolite command.
Keep the sources anywhere and symlink just the gitolite program to some directory on your $PATH.
Copy the sources somewhere and use that path to run the gitolite command.
So make sure gitolite is in your PATH, and that command will work.
I prefer a local installation of gitolite (in a local directory, as opposed to /usr/local, which requires root privileges.).
See, for illustration, ""
"${github}/install" -to "${gtl}/bin" # Note: "${gtl}/bin" is in my $PATH
GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME= gitolite setup -pk "${H}/.ssh/"
Note that for gitolite setup to properly work, you might want to set GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME to an empty string first.
As I also faced the same problem, I found the solution(s) as below.
First way is ...,
Open your terminal and key in below code
$ PATH=$PATH:~/bin
It is because the value of $PATH variable is point to incorrected path.
So I just modify this variable.
To be more detail click here.
Second way is ...,
Edit .bashrc file going to the end and insert below line.
To be more detail click here.
On debian, there is no /usr/bin/gitolite
Linux debian-srv 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.60-1+deb7u3 x86_64 GNU/Linux ls: cannot access /home/gitolite/bin: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /usr/bin/gito*: No such file or directory
Here installing gitolite3 helped:
apt-get install gitolite3
root#debian-srv:# which gitolite
