Catel DataWindow OK buttom hotkey and focus - catel

How can I assign a hotkey (F10) to Catel DataWindow OK button?
How can I focus programmaticaly (from code behind) the Catel DataWindow's OK button?

Use DataWindowMode.Custom and put your own buttons in there. Then you have all the freedom you need.


Expanding button to autosuggestbox in UWP

I am trying to configure a button within my UWP app to expand in to an AutoSuggestBox on click. This behavior is mentioned in this post:
I tried utilizing a flyout on the button click, but it doesn't give me the desired effect. Is there an existing control that can do this or will I need to roll my own XAML of an existing control?
The behavior you see in the blogpost can be easily achieved by having an autosuggestbox hidden behind the button, then after on button click fading out the button and resizing the autosuggestbox to the desired width.
There's no way to "expand" a control into a different one, but you can make it look like that happens :)

Footer Buttons not visible when deriving from own Dialog

I am reusing my own Dialog "class" for different dialogs. This custom dialog is derived from sap.m.Dialog. Since OpenUI5 Version 1.34.* the footer buttons are no longer visible when following this approach.
What am I doing wrong?
as the dialog is a control, I had to shift the code to the init method. After that, the dialog showed the footer buttons like a charm.
Hope this helps someone in my situation, too.

How to click on radio button which is on Popup using Coded UI

I m automating a page where there is a popup and on that there is radio button and a submit button, when i click on radio button my test fail giving error that hidden object cannot be performed action like click but its visible (not hidden) where as when i click on submit button on same popup is click. i have checked its properties but there is nothing which i can change it just have simple id,name,value which is changing dynamicly and for that i have even used regex
please help me out
It's possible that there is another radio button on the page with similar properties. Is this a recorded object? Is the popup window listed as the parent?
Can you post the Regex you are using, the control's properties, and the properties of the popup window?
if your are using IE whose version is > 9.0.19 then there was a patch release by Microsoft to overcome this issue

Is there a way to defocus fields in CDialog of VC++?

When I make a dialog using CDialog project of VC++,
I can not defocus any field on this dialog(CDialog).
What I want to do is how some field can be defocused
when I clicked the outside of this field with mouse.
Thanks for any advice and comments.
The only obvious question: WHY? Why do you want to de-focus from a control, and (possibly) not give focus to any control? Some control within the dialog should have a keyboard focus!
You can however, make a textbox, which would be outside the visible area of dialog, and SetFocus on that control, whenever you get WM_MOUSE* message(s) on the CDialog.

Popup menu in toolbar MFC

I am created toolbar in MFC, now I am trying to add pop-up menu on one of button. Can anyone please give me some hint for doing this.
Infact I am not getting how to show the down arrow which used to attached with the toolbar buttons.
see this
for creating the pop-up menu I have gone through overriding this function.
afx_msg int OnCreateControl(LPCREATECONTROLSTRUCT lpCreateControl);
