I am getting this error when executing mpjboot on machines - mpj-express

i set MPJ_HOME in the environment variable and when i execute mpjboot machines i get this error
Error: MPJ_HOME environment variable not set!!!
java.lang.Exception: MPJ_HOME environment variable not set!!!
at runtime.daemon.MPJDaemon.<init>(MPJDaemon.java:87)
at runtime.daemon.MPJDaemon.main(MPJDaemon.java:252)
[server] Unable to start MPJ Express daemon

MPJDaemon class is executed on compute nodes, it listens for the requests from mpirun module (running on head machine)
Please make sure that MPJ_HOME variable is set in all compute nodes you listed in machines file


I'm trying to add Weave Net addon to my kubernetese cluster, while the cluster is within a restricted network, and getting a time out error

I'm using following cmd to add add Weave Net addon to my newly configured kubernetese cluster( which is resides in a restricted network), have used proxy URLS during kubernetese installation.I'm getting following error when executing below command
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/weaveworks/weave/releases/download/v2.8.1/weave-daemonset-k8s.yaml
Unable to connect to the server: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
Tried using wget to download the .yaml file and apply the same cmd, yet getting the same error. can some one suggest a work around for this?
The issue was, I was exporting proxy URLS before executing the above pod network adding command, which make the kubelet to seek pod network configs through proxy(as I believe. proxies are already configured within docker to reach internet) , I opened a new terminal without executing the proxy export and it did the work.

Gitlab Executor TTY

I'm trying to leverage Gitlab Runner to execute builds on remote machine. I have the runner and am using the shell executor to kick off builds locally. Unfortunately, I'm receiving the following error when I kick off something:
Using Shell executor...
standard in must be a tty
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1
I suspect this is occurring because the user that I'm passing in with the --user parameter can access tty. Any thoughts on how to get this working? The shell type is bash.
Check first if GitLab is doing a sudo once connected to the remote machine, to change user.
If that is the case, with visudo (on that remote machine), do:
Defaults:[username] !requiretty
If not, as in here, check if this is a JVM initialization issue.

How do I set Linux environment variables so that pm2 can see them for node.js apps?

When I run my nodejs application on my Ubuntu Linux server using node server.js it works correctly, and outputs the value of the environment variable $db using process.env.db.
However, the app breaks when running sudo pm2 start server.js, seeing the environment variable as undefined.
I've tried adding the variable in the following files:
etc/environment: db="hello"
~/.ssh/environment : db="hello"
~/.bashrc : export db="hello"
I've also rebooted and run source ~/.bashrc to ensure the variable is available.
I think I've tried everything mentioned here, I don't know what else to do:
Why does an SSH remote command get fewer environment variables then when run manually?
Note that saying source ~/.bashrc you are loading the variables on your current user. However, when you say sudo ... you are running with the user root, so this won't change.
What you can do is to use sudo with -E:
sudo -E pm2 start server.js
From man sudo:
-E, --preserve-env
Indicates to the security policy that the user wishes to reserve their
existing environment variables. The security policy may eturn an error
if the user does not have permission to preserve the environment.
Please refer to this thread https://github.com/Unitech/pm2/issues/204
Seems like your environment variables get's cached.
I deleted the pm2 process and started it again as normal. simply restarting the process didn't work though.

Shutdown Cassandra server and then restart it in windows 7

I installed single node cluster in my local dev box which is running Windows 7 and it was working fine. Due to some reason, I need to restart my desktop and then after that whenever I am doing like this on the command prompt, it always gives me the below exception-
S:\Apache Cassandra\apache-cassandra-1.2.3\bin>cassandra -f
Starting Cassandra Server
Error: Exception thrown by the agent : java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use: 7199; nested exception is:
java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
Meaning port being used somewhere. I have made some changes in cassandra.yaml file so I need to shutdown the Cassandra server and then restart it again.
Can anybody help me with this?
Thanks for the help.
in windows7, with apache cassandra, a pid.txt file gets created at the root folder of cassandra. Give following instruction to stop the server:
d:/cassandra/bin> stop-server -p ../pid.txt -f
Running -f starts the server as a service, you can stop it through the task manager.
It sounds like your Cassandra server starts on it's own as a service in the background when your machine boots. You can configure windows startup services. To run cassandra in the foreground on windows simply use:
> cassandra.bat
If your are using Cassandra bundled with DataStax Community Edition and running as a service on startup of your machine then you can execute following commands to start and stop Cassandra server.
Start command prompt with admin rights
run following commands
net start DataStax_Cassandra_Community_Server
net stop DataStax_Cassandra_Community_Server

MPJ Express -- runtime.MPJRuntimeException: Cannot connect to the daemon at machine <x> and port <10000>

i am facing problem while configuring MPJ Express in cluster mode.
i am following the guide given at
the environment variables are successfully Initialized as
Set MPJ_HOME and PATH variables
a. export MPJ_HOME=/path/to/mpj/
b. export PATH=$PATH:$MPJ_HOME/bin
the machines are also added successfully with a machines file as
mpjboot machines
it shows message
starting mpjd...
Next step is to test the HelloWolrd program by
javac -cp .:$MPJ_HOME/lib/mpj.jar HelloWorld.java
10. Execute: mpjrun.sh -np 2 –dev niodev HelloWorld
when i do that i get this error
runtime.MPJRuntimeException: Cannot connect to the daemon at machine and port <10000>
The Platform i am using is
Sun Ultra 25 workstations with Solaris 10 OS
i have made a Fast Ethernet cluster of 2 machines
ssh is enabled with root user on each machine
network is established well
any help or solution is appreciated..
thank you
Examine the cluster nodes environment variables.
Try adding vars to .bashrc in each cluster node (ssh to it from main node):
echo 'export MPJ_HOME=/home/<user>/path/to/mpj' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$MPJ_HOME/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
Alternately, turn on logging /conf/wrapper.conf, run and report your findings.
This is the first time i give an answer in stackOverflow.
I set up MPJExpress-v0_42 in my centos6.3 with jdk1.6.0_32, and finally everything seems OK.
Question 1: can not connect to daemon at machine and port
This may happens that the daemon is not running. You can give a try as follows:
you can use sudo netstat -anp |grep port to check whether the port is listening and also get the processId.
In my machine, after I started the daemon using mpjdaemon -boot localhost, I used the sudo netstat -apn |grep 4000 command to check the port and got the followings.
tcp 0 0 :::40000 :::* LISTEN 8766/java
tcp 0 0 :::40001 :::* LISTEN 8766/java
the port is configured in $MPJ_HOME/conf/wrap.conf and my configuration is as follows:
#port number for the daemon.
#Socket Server Port Number.
I also use the jps -m command to get the java daemon process, the result is as follows:
8766 MPJDaemon 40001
30850 Jps -m
Here 8766 is the processId as netstat shows, and MPJDaemon is the daemon process, 40001 is the listening port.
In your question, you cannot connect the daemon process. Do the followings:
you should check the port. If you cannot find the port using netstat, it generally means the MPJDaemon is not running.
To be sure, you can also using jps to check the process. Maybe process is running but the port is another one
Do not use the Cluster commands like mpjboot machines or mpjrun.sh -np 2 -dev niodev HelloWorld. You can use mpjdaemon -boot localhost to test current machine, if it is configured OK and you can set the machines file with one item of localhost and run Cluster commands.
Other questions that I met.
Question 2: compile failed using ant
At first I use MPJ-v0_44.zip and jdk1.6.0, but it cannot compile and give an error that ProcessBuilder has no method of "interNIO"(something like that). I analyse the source code and guess may be it is because JDK version is a litter lower. Given the fact that upgrading JDK is a litter complicated, I find another MPJ version of mpj-v0_42.zip and it compiled OK.
Question 3: mpjdaemon -boot localhost with no error message, but MPJDeamon is not running.
After I configure the environment variables like MPJ_HOME from .bash_profile to .bashrc, the question is resolved. I don't know why.
Question 4: command jps -m says "MPJDeamon is running" , but mpjdaemon -status localhost says "mpjdeamon is not running".
I use command (ssh localhost nohup 'jps -m') and it says jps command not found, but i use jps the command works fine. I guess maybe it is the same question as above. The jps's path is not configured in path environment variable of .bashrc. So after adding one line of PATH=/jpspath:$PATH in .bashrc, everything works fine.
