Upgrading from CouchDB 1.2.x and separating views - couchdb

We are in the process of upgrading from 1.2.x to 1.5.1 and would like to take advantage of the fact that you can now store databases and views in separate locations. Everything I've read so far indicates all you have to do is set the view_index_dir property. However since we are upgrading from a time before this feature was available I'm worried this wont work because when I look at our current data directory I only see one file per database. To put it simply, will it be possible for us to relocate our views?

In your current data directory, you should have a data base file named
and a view folder folder named
per data base.
For migration, just stop the data base, move the view folders to the new location, configure the new location in the local.ini (property view_index_dir) and restart the data base.


Upgrading Seeddms to 6.0.19 from 5.1.25

I've done a bit of googling and haven't been able to find any documentation on this, but I need to upgrade my Seeddms (Document Management System) server from 5.1.25 to 6.0.19.
I am running a Linux Lamp 4.19.0-19-amd #1 SMP Debian 4.19.232-1 (2022-03-07) with a Seeddms web server on it.
I tried copying the contents of the .gz download file of the latest version over my current /var/www/html/dms/ folder and it didn't work, I did a similar thing to update my dokuwiki site so I thought I'd give it a try here.
I am still new to Linux so any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I was able to find the solution, in the seeddms-quickstart-x.x.x/seeddmsxxx/seeddms-x.x.x/doc/README.Install.md.
Here is what is says on upgrading versions if anyone has trouble with this as well. Make sure your server meets the requirement as well.
As SeedDMS is a smooth continuation of LetoDMS there is no difference
in updating from LetoDMS or SeedDMS.
You have basically two choices to update SeedDMS:
you install a fresh version of SeedDMS and copy over your data and configuration
you replace the software in your current installation with a new version
The first option is less interuptive but requires to be able to set up a second
temporary SeedDMS installation, which may not be possible, e.g. because of storage
limitations. It can be the only option if you change servers.
The first update procedure is only needed if the version changes on the minor
or major version number. Changes in the subminor version number will never
include database changes and consequently it is sufficient to use the existing
data directory and database with the new version. Choose the second update
option in this case.
In both cases make sure to have a backup of your data directory, configuration
and database.
Fresh installation and take over of data
The first update option is to set up a new instance of SeedDMS and once
that is running take over the data from your current (old) instance.
just do a fresh installation somewhere on your web server and make sure it
works. It is fine to use
SQLite for it, even if your final installation uses MySQL.
replace the data directory in your new installation with the data directory
from your current installation. Depending on the size of that directory (and
whether the new installation is on a new server or the old server) you
may either copy, move or place a symbolic link. The content of the data directory
will not be changed during the update. Its even perfectly save to
browse through your documents and download them after finishing the
update. The data directory will not be modified until you actually modify
copy over the configuration settings.xml into your new installation. This will
effectively make your new installation use the data from your old installation,
because all paths are still pointing to the old installation.
if you use mysql you could as well make a copy of the database to make sure
your current database remains unchanged.
modify the settings.xml to fit the environment of the new installation.
This will mostly be the
httpRoot, the paths to the installation directory and possibly the database
create a file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in the conf directory and point
your browser at http://hostname/seeddms/install
The install tool will detect the version of your current SeedDMS installation
and run the required database updates.
If you update just within the last version number (e.g. from 5.1.6 to 5.1.9),
this step
will not be required because such a subminor version update will never
contain database updates.
Upgrading your current installation
Instead of setting up a new installation, you may as well replace the php files
in your current installation with new versions from the quickstart archive.
get the SeedDMS quickstart archive seeddms-quickstart-x.y.z.tar.gz and
unpack it somewhere on your disc.
copy the directory seeddms-x.y.z from the unpacked archive into your
current installation and make the link seeddms point to this new directory.
copy the directory pear from the unpacked archive into your current
installation, replacing the existing directory. Make a backup of pear before
the replacement if you want to ensure to be able to go back to your old version.
you may compare your conf/settings.xml file with the shipped version
conf/settings.xml.template for new parameters. If you don't do it, the next
time you save the configuration the default values will be used.
create a file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in the conf directory and point
your browser at http://hostname/seeddms/install
The install tool will detect the version of your current SeedDMS installation
and run the required database updates.
If you update just within the last version number (e.g. from 5.1.6 to 5.1.9),
this step
will not be required because such a subminor version update will never
contain database updates.

JS Files not updating in Site Assets

Ok, I have never seen anything like this before and hoping someone else has. I just finished patching our Dev and Test servers to Nov2017CU (SharePoint 2013). Since then, any solutions that are using JS injection from Site Assets are not updating. I'll make a change to the file, the library reflects that I made the change, but when I attempt to load the page accessing the js file, the changes are not reflected. Hard refreshes and full cache cleans are not affecting it. If I close and reopen my editor (VSCode) my changes are gone. When I look at the version history, the current version doesn't have my changes, but the previous version does. If I try to revert to that version, it doesn't take (still shows the previous version of the file).
Here's where it becomes extra weird. I have deleted the entire file from the library. Reset IIS (heck, I even rebooted the server at one time). It somehow still loads the file. The file is no longer in the library, but the server is still serving it up to the browser. I have confirmed it is not getting it from another location as the Dev tools are showing the file is located in the Asset Library the file was deleted from. Even users who have never accessed the site before are still getting that file in their browser.
This isn't limited to a single site either. I have other developers in different sub sites (same site collection) that are having the same issues.
Anyone seen this before?
Looks like your web application has BLOB cache enabled which is causing files to served from the cache.
There are 2 ways to fix:
1) The heavy handed way would be to flush the BLOB cache using powershell commands mentioned:
$webApp = Get-SPWebApplication "<WebApplicationURL>"
This will flush all the files in the BLOB. Usually, the files are cached based on the max-age attribute value. So, that is the reason that your files are being served even if you had deleted it from the source.
2) The surgical knife approach would be to append a query string, like (https://sitecollurl/siteassets/app.js?v=1.1), to the file references (usually in master page, page layouts, webpart references, script links etc. wherever it is referenced). When you append a query string to the file, it will force the browser to download the newer version of the file. Would prefer this approach as it will not unnecessarily clear other files from BLOB.

Liferay 6.2 remove sample data

I'm trying to remove sample data (Welcome screen and everything else) from my Liferay server.
I tried to:
remove all directories from the webapps directory except ROOT directory
create new (blank) portal-ext.properties in ROOT/WEB-inf/classes (there was no portal-ext.properties file)
search via Google :)
Nothing of the above helped. Thank you for your advices.
You might have configured a database, or are using the built-in demo hsql database. This holds all the regular data. If you've configured Liferay to access another database either remove the tables from that database or point to another one. There's also the document library that holds documents and images (the binary content). By default they all live in the data directory, on the same level as your tomcat directory (assuming you use a bundle)
A new blank portal-ext.properties will not help you, as it overrides all the standard values defined in Liferay. If there's no content, you're using all the default. And the file should rather be in ${liferay-home}, e.g. the directory that also has the tomcat directory in a bundle.
As you've removed all content and bundled webapplications anyway, you can also just install a new bundle in another directory and use it, pointing it to a new database.

What is needed to make sure new versioning-enabled Core Data files go with the app?

I set up my working Core Data sqlite file for versioning. The versioning setup process created 3 files:
Since then, I can access the Core Data store programmatically (using MagicalRecord), but I can't read any data using either the Firefox add-in (SQLite Manager) or the app SQLiteManager. I'm concerned that when I send the updated app to the App Store, the additional files are not going to go and the app is going to crash.
What do I need to do to make sure new versioning-enabled sqlite files go with the app?
Those are not version-related files, they're SQLite log files. These files get created automatically when write-ahead logging is enabled. That's not the default in iOS 6, but it's possible if you use PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;. It might or might not be the default in iOS 7 (I have no comment at this time).
I don't know why Firefox and SQLiteManager can't open the file. I speculate that they're both using an old version of SQLite (since WAL is only available as of SQLite 3.7.0). Regardless, they have nothing to do with whether the necessary files are available in your app. You can find out what's included in the app by just looking. The .app is just a directory, really, so take a look inside and see what's there.
If you are using lightweight migration (wich is enabled by passing the
right options when you open the store), Core Data takes care of
upgrading the schema in-place.
The additional WAL and SHM files are not a result of lightweight
migration, but are instead simply produced by SQLite in the “write
ahead logging” mode that Core Data puts it into. (An
oversimplification is that new data goes into the .wal file until
enough accumulates and then it is moved to the .sqlite file.)
Yes, you definitely want to test using Ad Hoc builds for lightweight
migration; testing from Xcode is insuffient.
Mike Fikes

Some default objects of core data entities

Here I have some entities in core data, for example, "Account",
and I wish that, when user enter my app for the first time, there is some thing in Account,
to make it more clear, maybe I should say I want to give some default managed-objects for an entity so that they will be there when the app is just installed.
How can I achieve this?
Thanks a lot!
I have a similar requirement for an app I'm working on. I am using a sqlite persistence store for my data, so I basically want to pre-populate that table with the data for my default entities.
To do this, I have created a separate project in my Xcode workspace that shares the same data model with my app. In this separate project I write the code I need to insert entities into the table, and to store the file in a well-known place on my Mac.
Then, I copy the sqlite file that my initializer app has created into the resources directory for my "real" app. As part of the startup for that app, I wrote a small bit of code that copies the default DB from the resources to my app's documents folder if a copy doesn't already exist there.
The end result is this: I can run my initializer app to populate the default data as I need to. I then copy the file into my real app, so when the app is first run there is a default copy of that DB ready to go.
