minidlna doesn't like hardlinks - linux

I have a video files in:
I have hardlinks to those mkv files in:
My minidlna share is:
The video files show up on the minidlna cilent (my TV) after I do a full rescan of the minidlna share, however, they don't show up if I create new hardlinks with the inotify interval set really low.
The files do show up if they are not hardlinks.
My guess is that there seems to be a problem with minidlna and the way it processes the 'filesystem changes' using 'inotify'. Perhaps a hardlink isn't necessary a 'change' to notify minidlna.
My video library is rather large and continually doing rescans seems very inefficient and takes a long time. I would appreciate if someone can shed some light on this or have a workaround.
I'm running minidlna version 1.1.4

It appears it is indeed a problem with minidlna.
Depending on your use case, maybe you can create the new video file in the minidlna directory and make the one in your private movies a hardlink. The resulting filesystem will be the same, but now the first operation minidlna sees should be a full-fledged create, and therefore work.

Looks like there's no workaround to my exact problem and unfortunately my setup doesn't allow reversing the minidlna share <> hardlink directory.
The only solution I found was to rebuild minidlna RPM with IN_CREATE in inotify.c (more details here -
Hopefully Readynas makes that the default for future builds.


WIM to ISO fails, failure when attempting to copy boot files

I am facing a bit of a conundrum.
I've been trying to form an ISO from a WIM for some time now, but always run into the same error:
It plays up nicely, merges the swm-files as well, but in the end the error comes:
failure when attempting to copy boot files
It may be that I miss the forest for the trees, but I can't find the error.
I am already in the subfolder where is.
oscdimg -n -m -o C:\ZZ C:\YY\XXXXTestimage.iso
So my command, which was also executed.
On C:\ZZ are the subfolders like on a deployment stick, in the subfolder "target" are
the swm-files, the files were adjusted so that it assembles the swm-files (it did this without any problems).
But why can't it write boot files?
Where exactly is my error in thinking that I don't see?
Would be cool if someone here looks into this and maybe sees the needle in the haystack.
Thanks in advance.
applying the iso in the vm
oscdimg without any problems
I just try to create an ISO from a WIM-file
I also splitted the WIM-file and put it into the target-folder

Understanding how libzip works

I have started working with the libzip library today. But I do not understand the principle how libzip works.
My focus is on zipping a directory with all the files and dirs within
into a zip-file.
Therefore, I started with zip_open(), then I read the directory
contents and add all the dirs with zip_dir_add() to the archive.
After that, I closed the zip-file with zip_close(). Everything was
fine. The next step should be to add all the files to the archive with
zip_file_add(). But it doesn't work. The last step closing the file
OK, I forgot to create a zip_source to get this done. I added a
statement a line before to get this source (zip_source_file()). But
still it doesn't work.
What is wrong in my thinking? Do I have to fopen() and fclose() the file on the filesystem also?
And what is the difference between zip_source_file() and zip_source_filep()?
Do I have to fopen() and fclose() the file on the filesystem also?
No, you can just use zip_source_file().
From your comments I think you have the right general idea, but there is probably some detail that is making it fail. Make sure you perform all the error checking the documentation suggests after each libzip call so you can get more information about what is causing it to fail.
You could also compare your code with

autotools not removing certain folders and files

I'm using autotools to package my software and compile. The problem I'm having is that during the installation process, I'm creating a folder in /etc/myapp and in that folder I'm placing several files that I need. In addition, when my software is running, I'm generating files and storing them in that same location (/etc/myapp). When I execute "sudo make uninstall", all of the files that were initially installed by using "sudo make install" are removed from /etc/myapp. However, the files that are generated by the software and store in that same spot are not removed and now I have left over files.
Where in the files would I specify to remove the entire /etc/myapp folder during the uninstall process?
FYI, I'm using Ubuntu 12.
Thank you
In your, you can create a target named uninstall-hook which will delete your generated files:
rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/my_generated_file $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/my_other_generated_file
Or even:
rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)
Your question involves more than just tooling; it involves policy. What type of files are you creating? If they can be lost over a reboot, they (probably) belong under /var/run/myapp. If they are data files, they probably belong in $(prefix)/share/myapp. I say "probably" because it depends on the platform, and the user. Most debian users will want such files in the locations I mention above, but they may have reasons for putting them elsewhere. The important point is that it is the user's choice, not yours. As the package maintainer, you don't get to choose /etc/myapp. You need to configure your package to make those choices available to the user. The typical way to do that is to use automake's _DATA primaries and the 'sysconfdir', 'sharedstatedir', 'localstatedir', and 'pkgdatadir' family of variables.

Artefact folder structure does not contain empty directories

I'm trying to store whole the output of my build, this includes some empty folders. These aren't included by the artefact mechanism in teamcity:
What doesn't work:
Inside of OAR i have a folder structure that needs to be stored. I know i could put a placeholder file in each but that is not the answer i'm after. Otherwise ill have to zip it myself?
Unfortunately TeamCity, by design, searches for files and uploads them as artifacts which means that empty folders are never included. Given the open and very old issue in the TeamCity tracker I doubt they are going to fix it any time soon.
I would recommend zipping the folder yourself, that is the approach we have taken. How you implement that depends on the build technology you are using. For example, if you are building using Nant you could add the zip task to your build, there are similar options for MSBuild and Ant.
If you don't want to rely on the build performing the zip I would recommend installing 7zip on your build agents and using the command line to perform the zip. Just remember if you want 7zip to include empty directories use * as the wildcard rather than *. * like so:
7z a -r *
Technically you could use powershell to do the zipping, which would be better than having to install something on your agents. I haven't tried this option myself.
Apologies for not linking all my references above. Apparently, and understandably so, I need at least 10 reputation to post more than 2 links.

Version Control soft that will keep ALL files and their metadata from POSIX FS (ext3/ext4)

I'm developing a Root FS for some embedded Linux device. It is sitting on the host, exported via NFS and my development board mounts is under "/".
The workflows that I need are:
- to share my FS to other developers(they have with their own dev. boards)
- to backup my Root FS onto some "server"
- to deploy my Root FS onto flash-disks or other media
- track changes in specific files in my Root FS, branching&merging,roll back etc.
Guys, this seems to me as a Version Control scenario, and I even use git.
As you know Git(and svn/mercurial/bazaar too !) 1) does not store special files (device files under /dev etc.) 2) does not store file owners and permissions.
I want to store everything and AS IS.
Do you know some VCS that will do the job ?
Or may be you know about another (but simple) solution for doing my scenarios ?
I believe that it is, because till now I've heard about scripts/hooks/custom soft that everybody(!) works out for his purposes. All I need is an all-eating-VSS
Thank you !!
Having done something similar (developing firmware for an embedded Linux OS), I've found that it's better to put device file creation into a script called by your build system, rather than to store device files directly on the development machine. Then the script that creates the files goes into version control, instead of the files themselves, and (BONUS) you don't need to be root to modify them. Run the build through fakeroot instead.
I suppose this doesn't directly answer your question, but it may be worth thinking about revising your development model. It's NEVER a good idea to run your build as root, because what happens if you accidentally have a "/" in front of a common path? You may inadvertently replace /bin with a whole bunch of links to busybox built for a different architecture.
This is the tool for you:
it has svn backend.
I know this seems a little obvious, but as you haven't mentioned it: Have you considered mechanisms to put all your special files into a regular file, like, for example, into a tar archive? You could store that just fine with any version control system, and as filesystems have lots of binary data anyway diffs between two revisions of a full root filesystem aren't that useful anyway, so you might even not lose too many of the features your version control system provides.
initramfs is a good answer to the userid groupid, permissioon problem. In your kernel source directory, there is scripts/
This script allows you to build an initramfs archive from several sources. You can for example, specify :
a directory : The files and directory found in this base directory will be at the root of your file system.
a file liste : it is a text file, very useful to create directory, files and special device files. See example below
If you develop as non root, and your rootfs is in rootfsdir, then probably the file in rootfsdir are owned by you. gen_initramfs_list can translate your uid, gid into 0, 0. Here is an exemple command line :
gen_initramfs_list -u $MYUID -o initramfs.gz rootfsdir/ device.txt
Where device.txt contains :
# This is a very simple, default initramfs
dir /dev 0755 0 0
nod /dev/console 0600 0 0 c 5 1
dir /root 0700 0 0
# file /kinit usr/kinit/kinit 0755 0 0
# slink /init kinit 0755 0 0
Then you can use standard version control for your rootfsdir content, and add the device.txt file under version control, and here you are : content and file attribute are versionned :).
I don't know if you can change the permission and uid/gid of a file in a directory source via a filelist source, but this would be a logical feature.
Of course you can start with minimal root fs, from which you mount your existing nfs_export.
It is a common problem, and gen_initramfs_list is the tool to solve it.
Why not just use rsync? Something like rsnapshot ( will do what you want. Alternatively Unison ( is explicitly designed for this - it describes itself as a cross-platform file synchronisation technology with version control, and might be what you need.
