Azure load balancing with three websites - azure

If I have three websites like, web2...,web3... in the same region and want to have a loadbalancer that divides the traffic evenly amongst those websites (a so called round robin configuration). How can I accomplish this in azure?
I know that I can use the traffic manager but only if the websites are on different regions.
Sorry but very new to azure...

Do you need to have three different web sites? Or can you have a single web site scaled up to multiple instances? (guide here)
If you scale up, then it should use a built-in load balancer that is based on a hash of the user's IP + port, as described here.
And yes, traffic manager isn't really intended for true load balancing; it's a DNS-level redirection, mainly for improving performance based on geography.


Azure scale set or Availability Set

We have a standard 3 tier web application that need to be migrated into cloud (more of VM based lift and shift instead of cloud native at this point).
Wondering which factors should I consider to make a decision if Azure Scale Set or Azure Availability Set should be used for Web and Application tiers.
Probably answer to questions like:
Can availability set autoscale like Scale set?
Any overhead of using either option for a simple web application?
Will both need load balancer in front of them ?
Might help to take a decision.
Any suggestions please?
You can refer to the N-tier architecture on virtual machines. Each of tier consists of two or more VMs, placed in an availability set or VM scale set. The load balancer is used to distribute requests across the VMs in a tier. Each tier is also placed inside its own subnet, and add NSG rules to restrict access to each tier and route tables to individual tiers.
For your questions:
No, The main difference is that a Scale Set have Identical VMs which makes it easy to add or remove VMs from the set whereas an Availability Set does not require them to be identical. An availability set is spread across fault domains that shared a set of hardware components, which means when you have more than one VM in different fault domains in a set it reduces the chances of losing all your VMs in event of a hardware failure in the host or rack. A regional (non-zonal) scale set uses placement groups, which act as an implicit availability set with five fault domains and five update domains. Refer to this question.
It's recommended to use VM Scale Sets for autoscaling. VMSS can automatically create and integrate with the Azure load balancer or Application Gateway.
Yes, both need Azure LB in front of them.
Generally speaking, both scenarios do not offer any way to magically make this happen, so you are kinda forced to use webapps if you want minimum overhead.
yes it can, but you need to prestage vms
yeah, you need to configure vms and for vmss you need automation so that scaling can happen automatically
yes, both will need a load balancer (web apps - not).
But your app might not work with webapps, so you are kinda forced to use vms or vmsses

Slow communications between Azure regions

So just a quick summary of what we are doing to put everything into context. We have a socket server running as an Azure Cloud Service (worker role) within the South Central US region. All of our other components (Queue, DBs, web app, API etc) are located in East US. The reasons being is sadly due to not being able to modify the static IP address that was created for the South Central US a few years ago. The devices in the field cannot alter their IP as well :/ So we are stuck communicating cross region.
So what Im asking, is there a way to improve latency? Can we "port forward" ? What other options do we have? Im assuming the latency is our biggest enemy here as we pipe data back and forth.
Looking at load balancing at moment -
Load Balancer is a regional service and cannot direct traffic across regions.
There are a couple of options:
1) build your own VM's with a TCP proxy to achieve your scenario. You could use Load Balancer to scale and protect your TCP proxy instance if you want to pursue that path.
2) explore using Application Gateway for this scenario since it is a proxy and can direct to IP address destinations. This is essentially a managed service for option 1, although limited to HTTP & HTTPS.
3) migrate to a DNS approach for locating your service and orchestrating a migration across regions over time.
Either way, traffic would remain on Microsoft's own backbone between regions.
Best regards,

In Azure logic App how to do load balance between two logic app using load balancer

If two logic apps are there in two different regions and I want to do load balancing between these two how to do this.
Through some source, I got to know that it is possible through API management but they have not mentioned how to do this.
So, how to do load balancing between two logic apps?
Well...why do you want to do this? "Load Balancing" especially with LogicApps is fundamentally different on Azure than on-premise or self hosted. It's not wrong, just different ;)
What they were probably referring to was Azure Load Balancer which appears as a Networking Service, not APIM.
This, you can use to distribute requests as you would with traditional load balancers.
Since you want to load balance across regions I would look into Azure Traffic Manager. Traffic Manager is a DNS load balancer that sits outside/above Azure regions and allows you to have traffic balanced based on various performance profiles (i.e. Weighted, Performance, etc.)
High Level / General steps are:
Setup Logic Apps in 2 Regions
Create and register public dns domain for the logic apps - (done outside Azure typically)
Point your DNS record for to Azure Traffic Manager
Add endpoints to Azure Traffic Manager for Logic App in Region 1 and Logic App in Region 2 and setup your traffic manager profile
Calls to the Logic App start with the custom DNS domain get routed to ATM which then distributes to the regions based on your configured profile.

How to do load balancing / port forwarding on Azure?

I am evaluating the convenience of moving to azure. Currently, I am trying to figure out how to balance the load and make routing for different websites on the same machine. I saw tutorials where a user created a separate LB on a different VM. I also found many articles about the possibility to balance the load using Azure load balancing.
So I assume both are possible, is that correct?
I would like to know how to connect between machines on azure. Would it be possible to do so using a local ip, machinename, or dns?
I also need to figure out how to forward traffic to different ports based on http header, is that possible without a seperate machine as load balancer? I see the endpoint config in my azure dashboard and found the official documentation, but unfortunately it's not enough for my understanding.
Currently, I am trying to figure out how to balance the load and make
routing for different websites on the same machine.
You can have different web sites on the same machine by configuring virtual hosting on IIS. This is accomplished using host header. VM, Cloud Service or even Websites supports this functionality. VMs and Cloud Services should be pretty straight forward. Example using websites:
Hosting multiple domains under one Azure Website
I also found many articles about the possibility to balance the load
using Azure load balancing.
LB for VMs are as easy as creating a load balance set inside endpoint configuration wizard. Once you create a balance set, for example, enpoint HTTP port 80, you can assign this balance set to any VM on the same cloud service. All requests to port 80 would be automatically balanced across all VMs in the set.
So I assume both are possible, is that correct?
I would like to know how to connect between machines on azure. Would
it be possible to do so using a local ip, machinename, or dns?
You just have to create a virtual network and deploy the VMs to it. Websites (through preview portal only), Cloud Services and VMs supports VNet.
Virtual Network Overview
I also need to figure out how to forward traffic to different ports
based on http header, is that possible without a seperate machine as
load balancer?
Not at this moment. Best you can have with native Azure Services is a 3-tuple (Source IP, Destination IP, Protocol) load balance configuration.
Azure Load Balancer new distribution mode
depending on how you're deploying there's a couple of options:
first of all: LB sets in VM's in a cloud service. For this the Cloud service acts as the LB. this can only be achieved when using a standard sku VM.
second of all in Azure WebApps : load balancing is achieved automagically when deploying through standard means, since scaling is foreseen here.
Third of all there's Cloud Services with roles, who also do this "automagically".
Now none of that seem to apply to your needs. you can also start thinking about using traffic manager, something with a little more bite :-)
have you read this article by any chance?
I'd like to advise you to add different endpoints to your VM's work with traffic manager and ake sure you IIS has all the headers on the correct ports (cause i'm assuming that's what you're doing already)

Azure Traffic Manager

Fast question is it possible to have Azure Traffic Manager
I would like to rent dedicated servers in 3rd party suppler and to load balancer from Azure
Question 1:
Can I setup this scenario? and use the load balancer from Azure?
Question 2:
Will I pay Outgoing bandwidth
Question 3:
Will you share for website with 10 000 000 page views per month how much you pay for DNS look ups as average.
Question 4 please suggest same service competitors... Google, Amazon, Rackspace I already know
The link you provided to the article already answers #1 and #3. Yes you can set this up. Billing is done by DNS lookup at $0.75 per million lookup, so your 10m page views will cost at most $7.50, but this isn't taking into consideration DNS caching which will drastically lower this (already very low) cost.
Question 2 is not an Azure Traffic Manager related question. No bandwidth goes through ATM so there is no charge. I am sure you will pay bandwidth charges with whatever 3rd party datacenter provider you are going to use.
I don't understand question 4. What do you want suggestions for? A cloud provider? There are lots of good ones but it depends on your scenario.
Azure Traffic Manager is a DNS routing system. It is similar to the routing features of AWS Route 53 (although Route 53 is a more full-featured DNS system).
Azure Traffic Manager uses DNS to point incoming traffic to different endpoints, which can be either within Azure or external urls. Because it uses DNS, it doesn't actually see any of the data itself, it just translates something like to '` based on your rules and setup.
You can use round-robin, weighted or performance (which directs to the geographically closest address you have setup). You can further use Azure's DNS or another DNS system to use your own (sub)domain to CNAME to the domain name.
Load balancers like Azure Load Balancers and Amazon's Elastic Load Balancers are used to actually spread the traffic itself to different machines or services. Each work only with services hosted with the cloud provider so Azure Load Balancers can be used to load balance Azure VM's but not some servers you have hosted elsewhere.
Load balancers have bandwidth charges because they actually pass through the traffic. Azure Traffic Manager just has DNS query charges because that's all it does.
In your case, yes you can use Azure Traffic Manager to point to several external endpoints for your dedicated servers. You can also nest Traffic Manager profiles so that you can first use geo-location then round-robin. Azure Traffic Manager does support basic http/https monitoring to make sure the endpoint is still active.
Because it is based on DNS, there will always be a lag between changes with the TTL value and how clients cache DNS addresses. This is inherent with all DNS routing. To be extra safe, you can use Azure Traffic Manager to route to your datacenter and then run your own load balancing software locally to spread the load among servers.
