Increase recent clipboard pastes in Resharper? - resharper

i'm using Resharper 8.2.
Looking at ctrl+shift+v :
There are only 19 entries for history pastes.
Is there any file edit / setting edit that will allow me to increase the number of history entries ?

Nope, sorry. It's a hard coded limit. If you have that many entries, you might want to store them as some kind of snippet, either by dragging the text snippet to Visual Studio's Toolbox window, or by creating a ReSharper Live Template in the Templates Explorer.


Macro issues in Excel365 with Smooth Scrolling

When creating an Excel file in Office365 including macros that increase and decrease value in a cell depending if you click up or down arrow causes issues when the sheet isn't perfectly aligned with the rows. This has been verified by Microsoft in case 34137940 as a bug - who suggested to ask the question here and reach out to a developer support team member. The problem is that no matter if I click up or down when a row is "visually splitted" the amount increases in the cell.
So what can I do to make this work as intended? I don't want to wait until Microsoft pushes an update. There has to be a solution for me to be able to disable smooth-scrolling somehow?
There is a temporary solution here to solve this by running the below commands to revert to earlier update - but that is not an option in this case since newer features is used as well.
cd %programfiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\
OfficeC2RClient.exe /update user updatetoversion=16.0.14701.20262
I also tried disabling smooth scrolling in Windows 10 (Link), following the below steps - with no success.
Navigate to System Properties by right clicking **Properties **from my computer.
Click on Advanced and click on Performance settings.
In Visual Effects tab of Performance Options window, click Custom. Then deselect the following items to Disable some unnecessary eye candy:
Uncheck Smooth-scroll list boxes.

Forward slash key not working in VS2019 code editor

Since a few days (I don't know exactly when it started) the forward key in VS2019 is not working in the code editor. No matter how many times I press it, it doesn't do anything.
It also doesn't work in the seach box in the menu bar (labelled 'Search (Ctrl+Q)') nor in the search box which appears with Ctrl+F.
It does work in other places, like the solution explorer search box (Ctrl+;) and in the resource editor.
The forward slash is working in any other application that I tried (including Visual Studio Code and MS Excel). The question mark (Shift+/) is working everywhere, including in the code editor window. Even AltGr+/ is working (producing the Spanish upside down question mark).
I tried all other keys, including the AltGr combinations. They all work fine. Keyboard layout is US International.
The foward slash key doesn't work in the code editor when typing it on the laptop keyboard, and doesn't work when typing it on an external keyboard, or via an RDP session.
I am running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, version 20H2, build 19042.685. System is up to date.
Visual Studio Professional 2019, 16.8.3, also up to date.
What is causing the forward slash key to fail?
How can I solve this problem?
(Too long for a comment.)
The OP indicated that the problem was resolved after resetting the keyboard shortcuts, which suggests that / was set as a keyboard shortcut either by accident or perhaps by an installed extension.
However, the question remains in such cases of how to identify what a particular keyboard shortcut is assigned to, in order to turn off just that one shortcut as opposed to resetting all.
Visual Studio does not appear to provide a place to see the list of all active keyboard shortcuts. An alternative is to go to Tools / Import and Export Settings / Export Selected / All Settings and save a .vssettings file with all the current settings. That is a plain text file with extended XML sections, and the keyboard shortcuts can be found under the following node (reformatted for readability):
<Category name="Environment_KeyBindings" ... >
<Shortcut Command="View.ViewCode" Scope="Global">F7</Shortcut>
One of the <Shortcut> lines would have been listing / before the reset, and the Command attribute on that line indicated the assignment, so that it could be located and turned off individually in Tools / Options / Environment / Keyboard.
#dxiv Your comment made me check the shortcuts. Tedious job, scrolling through those hundreds of options). Nothing. Then I clicked the Reset button. That solved the problem.
In my case, the CodeRush extension was the guilty party. "Selection comment" gets set to use / upon installation. WTG DevExpress ......
Also adding a screenshot of it in VS 2022 to help people find it:

How to restore Sublime 3 to the restore single-window mode?

I am using Sublime 3 but I am a newbie. I was trying to define some preferences, like the font size. However, I messed up things and I am not being able to restore.
Currently, I have this two windows "dashboard":
How can I restore it to the default one-window view?
I tried to look for things over the preference menu, but checking/unchecking all the available options did not help me to solve this problem.
It looks like you added an extra column. Try going to View, then setting Layout to Single or use the keyboard shortcut: Shift+Alt+1.
If you used File/Split View, setting single column mode won't work. In this case I found you can just click on another tab and the split will go away. Not at all intuitive.

Visual Studio 2012 changes focus to design pane

when you change documents (ctrl+tab) on WPF (maybe others too) the focus always goes to the design pane.
So imagine - you edit XAML and want to copy an existing element from another existing document.
You are in Doc1 XAML type somethinng next you switch to Doc2 where you have been in XAML pane before.
Now the Designer of Doc2 gets the focus. Since I left the focus in XAML I use shift arrow to select some XAML text - instead the focused control is moved.
The same when you switch back.
VS 2012 simply doesn't remember in which pane (XAML / design) the focus has been.
This is really hard for me since I do this often - and now I have always to grab the mouse and switch back to XAML after changing the current document.
Any idea if this can be change? Or at least if there is a keyboard shortcut to swicht from one XAML to another.
Are you looking for Shift+ESC. This closes the current window that is in focus in Visual Studio Eg. Solution Explorer, Output Window, Immediate window, etc.
Doesn't pressing Shift+F7 help you?
I was getting so frustrated by this but I finally found a work around! If you have a pane collapsed then and only then shift+F7 seems to switch between the panes. The work around drawback is that you only get to view one pane (Designer or XAML) at a time. For some reason Shift+F7 doesn't work when in split view. Small caveat, I am in Visual Studio 2015. I suspect the behavior is the same for 2012. This answer may be more relevant to whomever comes across this knowing that it works for vs2015 though.
Hit Collapse View
Another thing that is important to note is how to ensure one pane is collapsed.
Visual studio seems to remember the last view you had the XAML designer in for that particular XAML file. You can change them per file and visual studio will remember or you can change the default mode a .xaml file will open in by going to (in visual-studio-2015) the tools menu item. Then click options, which opens the options window. Then click XAML Designer, which is the last option in pane on the left of options window. Then change the selected item in the combobox labeled Default Document View from Split View to Source View.
When I first changed the default I didn't think it worked; changing the default will not overwrite the settings saved for the last document view you were in for a particular file. The only way I found to have the default applied was to just wipe out my .suo file for the solution and close visual studio. Deleting the .suo file and closing and re-opening the solution didn't work. I had to delete the file and close visual studio, open visual studio back up, and reload the solution.
The .suo file is hiding in a hidden folder called ".vs" inside the solution folder. I initially just renamed it .suo.bak just in case something happened that I didn't like, but once I reloaded the solution and everything was fine I deleted it.

How to add text to "edit box" control in visual studio 2005

I want to add some text on a dialog in VS 2005. I have installed Microsoft SDK on my system.
The text which I want to add is very big, it runs upto 4 pages.
So I decided to add edit control with scrollbar, which I am not able to do.
I tried adding through string table, but formatting was not maintained.
Plz let me know, how to show a formatted text upto 4 pages on a dialog.
My application is non MFC application.
Thanks in advance
Vinayaka Karjigi
The edit control has a hard limit of 65k worth of text. You may be running into that. Try a rich edit control.
Have you tried to set the MultiLine attribute of your edit control?
Have you tried manually adding "\r\n" for next line or "\t" for tab in the string buffer. That may do the trick.
Update: Say you want to break the text in two lines TCHAR szEditBoxBuffer[] = TEXT("Hello\r\nWorld"); may do the trick. For tabs TCHAR szEditBoxBuffer[] = TEXT("Hello\tWorld"); This is tedious but this is what i could think of.
