tail -f <filename>, print line number as well - linux

Is there a way to modify so that the tail -f lists the line number of the current file as well.
Something similar to grep -n <Strings> *.

Try less
Instead of using tail to follow data and less or nl for numbering, I suggest using a single tool for both:
less -N +F <filename>
This will make less print line numbers and follow the file. From man less:
Scroll forward, and keep trying to read when the end of file is reached. Normally this command would be used when already at the end of the file. It is a way to monitor the tail of a file which is growing while it is being viewed. (The behavior is similar to the tail -f command.)
You could do a Ctrl+C to stop following when inside less; to start following again, you could press F again. With this method, you get the additional goodies that less offers like regex-based search, tags, etc.

This command takes into account the number of lines above also
tail -f -n +1 yourfile.txt | nl

You can use less command,
tail -f <filename> | less -N
According to man page of less
Causes a line number to be displayed at the beginning of each
line in the display.


linux - output changes on terminal when file changes

In a open terminal how could I see all the new content added to a file whenever a process writes data into it?
I've tried combinations with cat and tee but no success
Use tail with -f
tail -f filename
Taken from the man pages for tail:
-f, --follow[={name|descriptor}]
output appended data as the file grows;
an absent option argument means 'descriptor'
You can not do it with cat, you should use tail -f <filename> or less <filename> and push F in order to wait data.
$ man less
F Scroll forward, and keep trying to read when the end of file is reached. Normally this
command would be used when already at the end of the file. It is a way to monitor the
tail of a file which is growing while it is being viewed. (The behavior is similar to
the "tail -f" command.)

Can you use 'less' or 'more' to output one page worth of text?

So in Linux, less is used to read files page by page for better readability. I was wondering if you can do something like less file.txt > output.txt to get one page worth of file.txt and output/write it to `output.txt.
Apparently, this does not work, output.txt is exactly the same as the original file, I'm wondering why this is the case, and if there are other work-arounds. Thank you!
You can use the split command.
split -l 100 -d -a 3 input output
This will split the input file every 100 lines (-l 100), will use numbers as suffixes (-d) and will use 3 numbers as suffix (-a 3) in the output file. Something like this output000, output001, output002
You can use head to get a specific number of lines, and tput lines to see how many lines there are on your current terminal.
Here's a script that fetches a pageful, or the standard 25 lines if no terminal is available:
lines=$(tput lines) || lines=25
head -n "$lines" file.txt > output.txt
we use head and tail to get n lines of top or bottom part of a file
cat /var/log/messages|tail -n20
head -n10 src/main.h

Continuous grep, output at same spot on console

I use
tail -f file | grep pattern
all the time for continuous grep.
However, is there a way I can make grep output its pattern at the same spot, say at the top of the screen? so that the screen doesn't scroll all the time?
My case is something like this: tail -f log_file | grep Status -A 2 will show the current status and what changed it to that status. The problem is the screen scrolls and it becomes annoying. I'd rather have the output stuck on the first 3 lines in the screen.
Thank you!
you could use the watch command; which will always execute the same command, but the position on the screen will stay the same. The process might eat some more CPU or memory though:
watch "tail file | grep pattern"
by default watch executes that command every 2 seconds. You can adjust up to 0.1 seconds using:
watch -n 0.1
As noted by #etanReisner: this is not exactly the same as tail -f: tail -f will change immediately if something is added to your logfile, the watch command will only notice that when it executes, ie every 2 (or 0.1 seconds).
Assuming you are using a vt100 compatible emulator...
This command will tail a file, pipe it into grep, read it a line at a time and then display it in reverse on the top line of the screen:
TOSL=$(tput sc;tput cup 0 0;tput rev;tput el)
FROMSL=$(tput sgr0; tput rc)
tail -f file | grep --line-buffered pattern | while read line
echo -n "$TOSL${line}$FROMSL"
It assumes your output appears a line at a time. If you want more than one line, you can read more than a line, but you have to decide how you want to buffer the output. You could also use the csr terminfo command to set up an entire separate scrolling region instead of just having one line.
Here is the scrolling region version with a ten line status area at the top:
TOSL=$(tput sc; tput csr 0 10; tput cup 10 0;tput rev;tput el)
FROMSL=$(tput sgr0; tput rc;tput csr 10 50;tput rc)
tail -f file | grep --line-buffered pattern | while read line
echo -n "$TOSL${line}
Note that it is not impossible that your display will be corrupted from time-to-time as it could be that the output from your main shell and your background task get mixed up.
Simply replace the newlines with carriage returns.
tail -f file | grep --line-buffered whatever | tr '\012' '\015'
The line buffering is to avoid jumpy output; see http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/009
This is quick and dirty. As noted in comments, this will leave the previous contents of the line underneath, so a shorter line will not completely overlay a longer line. You could add some control codes to address that, but then you might as well use Curses for the formatting too, like in rghome's answer.

Tail inverse / printing everything except the last n lines?

Is there a (POSIX command line) way to print all of a file EXCEPT the last n lines? Use case being, I will have multiple files of unknown size, all of which contain a boilerplate footer of a known size, which I want to remove. I was wondering if there is already a utility that does this before writing it myself.
Most versions of head(1) - GNU derived, in particular, but not BSD derived - have a feature to do this. It will show the top of the file except the end if you use a negative number for the number of lines to print.
Like so:
head -n -10 textfile
Probably less efficient than the "wc" + "do the math" + "tail" method, but easier to look at:
tail -r file.txt | tail +NUM | tail -r
Where NUM is one more than the number of ending lines you want to remove, e.g. +11 will print all but the last 10 lines. This works on BSD which does not support the head -n -NUM syntax.
The head utility is your friend.
From the man page of head:
-n, --lines=[-]K
print the first K lines instead of the first 10;
with the leading `-', print all but the last K lines of each file
There's no standard commands to do that, but you can use awk or sed to fill a buffer of N lines, and print from the head once it's full. E.g. with awk:
awk -v n=5 '{if(NR>n) print a[NR%n]; a[NR%n]=$0}' file
cat <filename> | head -n -10 # Everything except last 10 lines of a file
cat <filename> | tail -n +10 # Everything except 1st 10 lines of a file
If the footer starts with a consistent line that doesn't appear elsewhere, you can use sed:
sed '/FIRST_LINE_OF_FOOTER/q' filename
That prints the first line of the footer; if you want to avoid that:
sed -n '/FIRST_LINE_OF_FOOTER/q;p' filename
This could be more robust than counting lines if the size of the footer changes in the future. (Or it could be less robust if the first line changes.)
Another option, if your system's head command doesn't support head -n -10, is to precompute the number of lines you want to show. The following depends on bash-specific syntax:
lines=$(wc -l < filename) ; (( lines -= 10 )) ; head -$lines filename
Note that the head -NUMBER syntax is supported by some versions of head for backward compatibility; POSIX only permits the head -n NUMBER form. POSIX also only permits the argument to -n to be a positive decimal integer; head -n 0 isn't necessarily a no-op.
A POSIX-compliant solution is:
lines=$(wc -l < filename) ; lines=$(($lines - 10)) ; head -n $lines filename
If you need to deal with ancient pre-POSIX shells, you might consider this:
lines=`wc -l < filename` ; lines=`expr $lines - 10` ; head -n $lines filename
Any of these might do odd things if a file is 10 or fewer lines long.
tac file.txt | tail +[n+1] | tac
This answer is similar to user9645's, but it avoids the tail -r command, which is also not a valid option many systems. See, e.g., https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1346596&s=4246c451162feff4e519ef2f5cb1a45f&p=8444785#post8444785 for an example.
Note that the +1 (in the brackets) was needed on the system I tried it on to test, but it may not be required on your system. So, to remove the last line, I had to put 2 in the brackets. This is probably related to the fact that you need to have the last line ending with regular line feed character(s). This, arguably, makes the last line a blank line. If you don't do that, then the tac command will combine the last two lines, so removing the "last" line (or the first to the tail command) will actually remove the last two lines.
My answer should also be the fastest solution of those listed to date for systems lacking the improved version of head. So, I think it is both the most robust and the fastest of all the answers listed.
head -n $((`(wc -l < Windows_Terminal.json)`)) Windows_Terminal.json
This will work on Linux and on MacOs, keep in mind Mac does not support a negative value. so This is quite handy.
n.b : replace Windows_Terminal.json with your file name
It is simple. You have to add + to the number of lines that you wanted to avoid.
This example gives to you all the lines except the first 9
tail -n +10 inputfile
(yes, not the first 10...because it counts different...if you want 10, just type
tail -n 11 inputfile)

search with in Data displayed as a result of tail Operation?

I am working on a Java EE application where its logs will be generated inside a Linux server .
I have used the command tail -f -n -10000 MyLog
It displayed last 1000 lines from that log file .
Now I pressed Ctrl + c in Putty to disconnect the logs updation ( as i am feared it may be updated with new requests and I will loose my data )
In the displayed result, how can I search for a particular keyword ?? (Used / String name to search but it's not working)
Pipe your output to PAGER.
tail -f -n LINE_CNT LOG_FILE | less
then you can use
Two ways:
tail -n 10000 MyLog| grep -i "search phrase"
tail -f -n 10000 MyLog | less
The 2nd method will allow you to search with /. It will only search down but you can press g to go back to the top.
Edit: On testing it seems method 2 doesn't work all that well... if you hit the end of the file it will freeze till you ctrl+c the tail command.
You need to redirect the output from tail into a search utility (e.g. grep). You could do this in two steps: save the output to a file, then search in the file; or in one go: pipe the ouput to the search utility
To see what goes into the file (so you can hit Ctlr+c) you can use the tee command, which duplicates the output to the screen and to a file:
tail -f -n -10000 MyLog | tee <filename>
Then search within the file.
If you want to pipe the result into the search utility, you can use the same trick as above, but use your search program instead of tee
Controlling terminal output on the fly
While running any command in a terminal such as Putty you can use CTRL-S and CTRL-Q to stop and start output to the Putty terminal.
Excluding lines using grep
If you want to exclude lines that contain a specific pattern use grep -v the following would remove all line that contain the string INFO
tail -f logfile | grep -v INFO
Show lines that do not contain the words INFO or DEBUG
tail -f logfile | grep -v -E 'INFO|DEBUG'
Finally, the MOTHER AND FATHER of all tailing tools is xtail.pl
If you have perl on your host xtail.pl is a very nice tool to learn and in a nutshell you can use it to tail multiple files. Very handy.
You can just open it with less command
less logfile_name
when you open the file you can use this guide here
Tip: I suggest, first to use G to go to the end of the file and then to you use Backward Search
