foldr lambda representation - Haskell - haskell

I understand this representation:
(foldr(\x acc -> x+10*acc) 0 n)
But recently i've come across with this one that i have not seen yet:
(foldr ((+) . aux . (\(a,b,c) -> c)) 0 list)
A brief explanation would be more than welcome!

(.) is function composition operator, (f . g) x = f (g x), so
((+) . aux . (\(a,b,c) -> c)) (a,b,c) d
= ((+) . aux) ((\(a,b,c) -> c) (a,b,c)) d
= ((+) . aux) c d
= (+) (aux c) d
= aux c + d
This means that for (foldr ((+) . aux . (\(a,b,c) -> c)) 0 list) to be a well-typed expression, we must have types list :: [(a,b,c)] and aux :: Num t => c -> t; then the fold of a list [x1,x2,...,xn] is equivalent to
aux3 x1 + (aux3 x2 + (... + (aux3 xn + 0) ...))
aux3 (a,b,c) = aux c


Understanding the reduction process of a foldl

Since I am new in "innermost, outermost" I have problem with understanding the leftmost outermost style.
I would like to understand the reduction processes for the list [5,2,1]
foldl :: ( b -> a -> b ) -> b -> [ a ] -> b
foldl _ e [] = e
foldl f e (x:xs) = foldl f (f e x) xs
foldl (\acc x -> acc ++ [negate x]) [] [5,2,1]
You can inline the definition to get a better understanding of what is going on.
foldl (\acc x -> acc ++ [negate x]) [] [5,2,1]
-- using foldl f e (x:xs) = foldl f (f e x) xs
-- with f = (\acc x -> acc ++ [negate x])
-- e = []
-- x = 5
-- xs = [2,1]
-- replace line 1 with foldl f (f e x) xs
foldl f (f [] 5) [2,1]
foldl f (f (f [] 5) 2) [1]
foldl f (f (f (f [] 5) 2) 1) []
-- using foldl _ e [] = e
f (f (f [] 5) 2) 1
-- in infix style (f [] 5 == [] `f` 5)
(([] `f` 5) `f` 2) `f` 1
In general
foldl (+) 0 [a, b, c] == ((0 + a) + b) + c
foldr (+) 0 [a, b, c] == a + (b + (c + 0))

Need help understanding Haskell id function

Hello I have two versions of this function and I am having some trouble.
iter :: Int -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
iter n f
| n > 0 = f . iter (n-1) f
| otherwise = id
iter' :: Int -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
iter' n = foldr (.) id . replicate n
I cannot understand even after googling what does id actually do here.
Like for example if we come to the function with n = 3 and f x = x+1.
When we iterate through the whole n and come to the point when id is being called what happens with our variables?
I am very big newbie so could you please explain as simplistically as possible.
Summing a list xs = [x1,x2,...,xn] can be visualized as
x1 + x2 + ... + xn + 0
Note that + 0 at the very end. Its purpose is to handle the case where the list is empty, i.e. xs = [] and n=0. In such case the sum above reduces to 0, which is the correct sum for an empty list.
Also note that when the list is not empty the extra + 0 has no impact ont the sum, so it's harmless. We indeed choose 0 since it is the neutral element for addition: x + 0 = x for all x.
If we want to compute a product, we would write
x1 * x2 * ... * xn * 1
Note that * 1 at the end. Its role is exactly the same as the + 0 seen above. Also note that 1 is the neutral element of multiplication: x * 1 = x for all x.
If we want to compute the composition of a list of functions, we would write
f1 . f2 . ... . fn . id
Note that . id at the end. Its role is exactly the same as the + 0 and * 1 seen above. Also note that id is the neutral element of composition f . id = f for all f.
Hopefully this will help you understand why, every time we compute a fold like
x1 op x2 op ... op xn
where op is any binary operation, we want to end with ... op neutral_element so to handle the empty list case, and still act as a good base case for non-empty lists.
You can inline:
iter 3 f
f . iter 2 f
f . (f . iter 1 f)
f . (f . (f . iter 0 f)
f . (f . (f . id))
-- adding the argument x
iter 3 f x
(f . (f . (f . id))) x
-- using (g . h) x == g (h x)
f ((f . (f . id)) x)
f (f ((f . id) x))
f (f (f (id x)))
f (f (f x))
And in the case of iter':
iter' 3 f
(foldr (.) id . replicate 3) f
foldr (.) id (replicate 3 f)
foldr (.) id [f, f, f]
(.) f (foldr (.) id [f, f]]
(.) f ((.) f (foldr (.) id [f]))
(.) f ((.) f ((.) f (foldr (.) id [])))
(.) f ((.) f ((.) f id))
f . (f . (f . id))

Describing the first few evaluation steps of a given foldr function

The following function is given:
mystery a b c xs =
foldr (\x rec a b -> rec x (b + c)) (\a b -> a + b - c) xs a b
I know what the function does roughly but I have a hard time really understanding the intermediate steps. I picked following example:
mystery 1 2 3 [1, 2, 3]
Especially the use of rec is giving me a hard time. I assume that one of the final steps looks like this:
(\a b -> 3 + (b + 3 + 3 + 3) - 3) [] 1 2
So the output is 11. Could someone describe the first few steps of the execution? What happens after:
foldr (\x rec a b -> rec x (b + 3)) (\a b -> a + b - 3) [1, 2, 3] 1 2
The key here is that the foldr operation is constructing a function, then applying it to a and b; we can clarify it by adding parentheses:
mystery a b c xs =
(foldr (\x rec a b -> rec x (b + c)) (\a b -> a + b - c) xs) a b
If the xs list is empty, you get simply the initial function \a b -> a + b - c, which is then applied to a and b.
if it is not empty, then it makes succesive transformations to that function (in each iteration, "rec" is the previous function, which is used to construct a new one).
To illustrate, let's run the foldr by hand for mystery 1 2 3 [1, 2, 3];
initially, we have:
foldr (\x rec a b -> rec x (b + 3)) (\a b -> a + b - 3) [1,2,3]
Applying the equations for foldr:
foldr f z [] = z
foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)
Reduces the expression to:
(\rec a b -> rec 1 (b + 3)) (foldr (\x rec a b -> rec x (b + 3)) (\a b -> a + b - 3) [2,3])
Repeating for the next value in the list we get:
(\rec a b -> rec 1 (b + 3)) (\rec a b -> rec 2 (b + 3)) (foldr (\x rec a b -> rec x (b + 3)) (\a b -> a + b - 3) [3])
Then, for the last one:
(\rec a b -> rec 1 (b + 3)) (\rec a b -> rec 2 (b + 3)) (\rec a b -> rec 3 (b + 3)) (\a b -> a + b - 3)
We need to compose those functions, to create the final function - replacing "rec" with the previous function:
(\rec a b -> rec 1 (b + 3)) (\rec a b -> rec 2 (b + 3)) (\rec a b -> rec 3 (b + 3)) (\a b -> a + b - 3)
=> (\rec a b -> rec 1 (b + 3)) (\rec a b -> rec 2 (b + 3)) (\a b -> (\a b -> a + b - 3) 3 (b + 3))
=> (\rec a b -> rec 1 (b + 3)) (\rec a b -> rec 2 (b + 3)) (\a b -> 3 + (b + 3) - 3))
=> (\rec a b -> rec 1 (b + 3)) (\a b -> (\a b -> 3 + (b + 3) - 3)) 2 (b + 3))
=> (\rec a b -> rec 1 (b + 3)) (\a b -> 3 + ((b + 3) + 3) - 3))
=> \a b -> (\a b -> 3 + ((b + 3) + 3) - 3)) 1 (b + 3)
=> \a b -> 3 + (((b + 3) + 3) + 3) - 3)
=> \a b -> b + 9
then, we apply \a b -> b + 9 to the original "a" and "b" (which are 1 and 2), and get 2 + 9 = 11
Substituting the definition for foldr, the function reveals itself to be
mystery a b c xs =
= foldr (\x rec a b -> rec x (b + c)) (\a b -> a + b - c) xs a b
= let { g x r a b = r x (b + c); z a b = a + b - c } in
foldr g z xs a b
=> foldr g z [] a b = z a b = a + b - c
=> foldr g z [x1,x2,...,xn] a b
= g x1 (foldr g z [x2,...,xn]) a b -- g x r a b = r x (b+c)
= foldr g z [x2,...,xn] x1 (b+c)
= foldr g z [x3,...,xn] x2 (b+c*2)
= foldr g z [ ] xn (b+c*n) = xn + b + c*n - c
= last (a:xs) + b + c * (length xs - 1)
Naming the two lambda functions, using short names, makes it much easier to handle the expressions visually.
When the folding function given to foldr takes more than two parameters, it's often really a foldl in disguise. Let's see if that's true here.
mystery a b c xs = foldr (\x rec a b -> rec x (b + c)) (\a b -> a + b - c) xs a b
Uncurry the two "extra" arguments to the folding function:
mystery a b c xs = foldr (\x rec (a,b) -> rec (x,b + c)) (\(a,b) -> a + b - c) xs (a,b)
Extract function f out of the folding function, and finalStep from the nil case:
mystery a b c xs = foldr (\x rec z -> rec (f z x)) finalStep xs (a,b)
f (a,b) x = (x,b + c)
finalStep (a,b) = a + b - c
Replace foldr with explicit recursion:
mystery a b c xs = go xs (a,b)
go [] = finalStep
go (x:xs) = \z -> go xs (f z x)
f (a,b) x = (x,b + c)
finalStep (a,b) = a + b - c
Move the call to finalStep outside of go:
mystery a b c xs = finalStep $ go xs (a,b)
go [] = id
go (x:xs) = \z -> go xs (f z x)
f (a,b) x = (x,b + c)
finalStep (a,b) = a + b - c
Eta-expand go and reverse the order of the arguments:
mystery a b c xs = finalStep $ go (a,b) xs
go z [] = z
go z (x:xs) = go (f z x) xs
f (a,b) x = (x,b + c)
finalStep (a,b) = a + b - c
Now, go is exactly the definition of foldl f, so replace it with that:
mystery a b c xs = finalStep $ foldl f (a,b) xs
f (a,b) x = (x,b + c)
finalStep (a,b) = a + b - c
Now we have a very simple fold operation that can be trivially worked through. The key takeaway from the above is the fact that foldr (\x rec -> rec . f x) finalStep xs z and finalStep $ foldl (flip f) z xs are the same, for any f, z, and xs.

How can two continuations cancel each other out?

I'm reading through Some Tricks for List Manipulation, and it contains the following:
zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
f x k c = k (\((y:ys),r) -> c (ys,(x,y):r))
What we can see here is that we have two continuations stacked on top
of each other. When this happens, they can often “cancel out”, like
zipRev xs ys = snd (foldr f (ys,[]) xs)
f x (y:ys,r) = (ys,(x,y):r)
I don't understand how you "cancel out" stacked continuations to get from the top code block to the bottom one. What pattern do you look for to make this transformation, and why does it work?
A function f :: a -> b can be "disguised" inside double continuations as a function f' :: ((a -> r1) -> r2) -> ((b -> r1) -> r2).
obfuscate :: (a -> b) -> ((a -> r1) -> r2) -> (b -> r1) -> r2
obfuscate f k2 k1 = k2 (k1 . f)
obfuscate has the nice property that it preserves function composition and identity: you can prove that obfuscate f . obfuscate g === obfuscate (f . g) and that obfuscate id === id in a few steps. That means that you can frequently use this transformation to untangle double-continuation computations that compose obfuscated functions together by factoring the obfuscate out of the composition. This question is an example of such an untangling.
The f in the top code block is the obfuscated version of the f in the bottom block (more precisely, top f x is the obfuscated version of bottom f x). You can see this by noticing how top f applies the outer continuation to a function that transforms its input and then applies the whole thing to the inner continuation, just like in the body of obfuscate.
So we can start to untangle zipRev:
zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
f x = obfuscate (\(y:ys,r) -> (ys,(x,y):r))
Since the action of foldr here is to compose a bunch of obfuscated functions with each other (and apply it all to id, which we can leave on the right), we can factor the obfuscate to the outside of the whole fold:
zipRev xs ys = obfuscate (\accum -> foldr f accum xs) id snd (ys,[])
f x (y:ys,r) = (ys,(x,y):r)
Now apply the definition of obfuscate and simplify:
zipRev xs ys = obfuscate (\accum -> foldr f accum xs) id snd (ys,[])
zipRev xs ys = id (snd . (\accum -> foldr f accum xs)) (ys,[])
zipRev xs ys = snd (foldr f (ys,[]) xs)
Given a function
g :: a₁ -> a₂
we can lift it to a function on continuations, switching the order:
lift g = (\c a₁ -> c (g a₁))
:: (a₂ -> t) -> a₁ -> t
This transformation is a contravariant functor, which is to say that it interacts with function composition by switching its order:
g₁ :: a₁ -> a₂
g₂ :: a₂ -> a₃
lift g₁ . lift g₂
== (\c₁ a₁ -> c₁ (g₁ a₁)) . (\c₂ a₂ -> c₂ (g₂ a₂))
== \c₂ a₁ -> (\a₂ -> c₂ (g₂ a₂)) (g₁ a₁)
== \c₂ a₁ -> c₂ (g₂ (g₁ a₁))
== lift (g₂ . g₁)
:: (a₃ -> t) -> a₁ -> t
lift id
== (\c a₁ -> c a₁)
== id
:: (a₁ -> t) -> a₁ -> t
We can lift the lifted function again in the same way to a function on stacked continuations, with the order switched back:
lift (lift g)
== (\k c -> k ((\c a₁ -> c (g a₁)) c))
== (\k c -> k (\a₁ -> c (g a₁)))
:: ((a₁ -> t) -> u) -> (a₂ -> t) -> u
Stacking two contravariant functors gives us a (covariant) functor:
lift (lift g₁) . lift (lift g₂)
== lift (lift g₂ . lift g₁)
== lift (lift (g₁ . g₂))
:: ((a₁ -> t) -> u) -> (a₃ -> t) -> u
lift (lift id)
== lift id
== id
:: ((a₁ -> t) -> u) -> (a₁ -> t) -> u
This is exactly the transformation being reversed in your example, with g = \(y:ys, r) -> (ys, (x, y):r). This g is an endomorphism (a₁ = a₂), and the foldr is composing together a bunch of copies of it with various x. What we’re doing is replacing the composition of double-lifted functions with the double-lift of the composition of the functions, which is just an inductive application of the functor laws:
f :: x -> a₁ -> a₁
c :: (a₁ -> t) -> u
xs :: [x]
foldr (\x -> lift (lift (f x))) c xs
== lift (lift (\a₁ -> foldr f a₁ xs)) c
:: (a₁ -> t) -> u
Let's try to understand this code from an elementary point of view. What does it even do, one wonders?
zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
-- f x k c = k (\(y:ys, r) -> c (ys, (x,y):r))
f x k c = k (g x c)
-- = (k . g x) c -- so,
-- f x k = k . g x
g x c (y:ys, r) = c (ys, (x,y):r)
Here we used lambda lifting to recover the g combinator.
So then because f x k = k . g x were k goes to the left of x, the input list is translated into a reversed chain of compositions,
foldr f id [x1, x2, x3, ..., xn] where f x k = k . g x
(((...(id . g xn) . ... . g x3) . g x2) . g x1)
and thus, it just does what a left fold would do,
zipRev [] ys = []
zipRev [x1, x2, x3, ..., xn] ys
= (id . g xn . ... . g x3 . g x2 . g x1) snd (ys, [])
= g xn (g xn1 ( ... ( g x3 ( g x2 ( g x1 snd)))...)) (ys, [])
where ----c--------------------------------------------
g x c (y:ys, r) = c (ys, (x,y):r)
So we went to the deep end of the xs list, and then we come back consuming the ys list left-to-right (i.e. top-down) on our way back right-to-left on the xs list (i.e. bottom-up). This is straightforwardly coded as a right fold with strict reducer, so the flow is indeed right-to-left on the xs. The bottom-most action (snd) in the chain is done last, so in the new code it becomes the topmost (still done last):
zipRev xs ys = snd (foldr h (ys,[]) xs)
h x (y:ys, r) = (ys, (x,y):r)
g x c was used as a continuation in the original code, with c as a second-tier continuation; but it's actually all just been a regular fold from the right, all along.
So indeed it zips the reversed first list with the second. It's also unsafe; it misses a clause:
g x c ([], r) = c ([], r) -- or just `r`
g x c (y:ys, r) = c (ys, (x,y):r)
(update:) The answers by duplode (and Joseph Sible) do the lambda lifting a bit differently, in a way which is better suited to the task. It goes like this:
zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
f x k c = k (\((y:ys), r) -> c (ys, (x,y):r))
= k (c . (\((y:ys), r) -> (ys, (x,y):r)) )
= k (c . g x)
g x = (\((y:ys), r) -> (ys, (x,y):r))
{- f x k c = k ((. g x) c) = (k . (. g x)) c = (. (. g x)) k c
f x = (. (. g x)) -}
so then
foldr f id [ x1, x2, ... , xn ] snd (ys,[]) =
= ( (. (. g x1)) $ (. (. g x2)) $ ... $ (. (. g xn)) id ) snd (ys,[]) -- 1,2...n
= ( id . (. g xn) . ... . (. g x2) . (. g x1) ) snd (ys,[]) -- n...2,1
= ( snd . g x1 . g x2 . ... . g xn ) (ys,[]) -- 1,2...n!
= snd $ g x1 $ g x2 $ ... $ g xn (ys,[])
= snd $ foldr g (ys,[]) [x1, x2, ..., xn ]
Simple. :) Flipping twice is no flipping at all.
Let's begin with a few cosmetic adjustments:
-- Note that `g x` is an endomorphism.
g :: a -> ([b], [(a,b)]) -> ([b], [(a,b)])
g x ((y:ys),r) = (ys,(x,y):r)
zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
f x k = \c -> k (c . g x)
f feeds a continuation (c . g x) to another function (k, a "double continuation", as user11228628 puts it).
While we might reasonably expect that repeated usage of f as the fold proceeds will somehow compose the g x endomorphisms made out of the elements of the list, the order in which the endomorphisms are composed might not be immediately obvious, so we'd better walk through a few fold steps to be sure:
-- x0 is the first element, x1 the second, etc.
f x0 k0
\c -> k0 (c . g x0)
\c -> (f x1 k1) (c . g x0) -- k0 is the result of a fold step.
\c -> (\d -> k1 (d . g x1)) (c . g x0) -- Renaming a variable for clarity.
\c -> k1 (c . g x0 . g x1)
-- etc .
-- xa is the *last* element, xb the next-to-last, etc.
-- ka is the initial value passed to foldr.
\c -> (f xa ka) (c . g x0 . g x1 . . . g xb)
\c -> (\d -> ka (d . g xa)) (c . g x0 . g x1 . . . g xb)
\c -> ka (c . g x0 . g x1 . . . g xb . g xa)
ka, the initial value passed to foldr, is id, which makes things quite a bit simpler:
foldr f id xs = \c -> c . g x0 . g x1 . . . g xa
Since all we do with the c argument passed to foldr f id xs is post-composing it with the endomorphisms, we might as well factor it out of the fold:
zipRev xs ys = (snd . foldr h id xs) (ys,[])
h x e = g x . e
Note how we have gone from c . g x to g x . e. That can arguably be described as a collateral effect of the CPS trickery in the original implementation.
The final step is noticing how h x e = g x . e corresponds exactly to what we would do to implement foldr in terms of foldMap for the Endo monoid. Or, to put it more explicitly:
foldEndo g i xs = foldr g i xs -- The goal is obtaining an Endo-like definition.
foldEndo _ i [] = i
foldEndo g i (x : xs) = g x (foldEndo g i xs)
foldEndo g i xs = go xs i
go [] = \j -> j
go (x : xs) = \j -> g x (foldEndo g j xs)
foldEndo g i xs = go xs i
go [] = \j -> j
go (x : xs) = \j -> g x (go xs j)
foldEndo g i xs = go xs i
go [] = id
go (x : xs) = g x . go xs
foldEndo g i xs = go xs i
h x e = g x . e
go [] = id
go (x : xs) = h x (go xs)
foldEndo g i xs = go xs i
h x e = g x . e
go xs = foldr h id xs
foldEndo g i xs = foldr h id xs i
h x e = g x . e
That finally leads us to what we were looking for:
zipRev xs ys = snd (foldr g (ys,[]) xs)
user11228628's answer led me to understanding. Here's a few insights I had while reading it, and some step-by-step transformations.
The continuations don't directly cancel out. They can only eventually be canceled (by beta-reducing) because it's possible to factor them out.
The pattern you're looking for to do this transformation is \k c -> k (c . f) (or if you love unreadable pointfree, (. (. f))) for any f (note that the f isn't a parameter to the lambda).
As duplode points out in a comment, continuation-passing style functions can be considered a functor, and obfuscate is their definition of fmap.
The trick of pulling a function like this out of foldr works for any function that could be a valid fmap.
Full transformation from the first code block to the second
zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
f x k c = k (\((y:ys),r) -> c (ys,(x,y):r))
Pull c out of the lambda
zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
f x k c = k (c . \((y:ys),r) -> (ys,(x,y):r))
Substitute obfuscate for its definition
zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
f x = obfuscate (\((y:ys),r) -> (ys,(x,y):r))
Pull obfuscate out of the lambda
zipRev xs ys = foldr f id xs snd (ys,[])
f = obfuscate . \x ((y:ys),r) -> (ys,(x,y):r)
Pull obfuscate out of f
zipRev xs ys = foldr (obfuscate . f) id xs snd (ys,[])
f x ((y:ys),r) = (ys,(x,y):r)
Since obfuscate follows the Functor laws, we can pull it out of foldr
zipRev xs ys = obfuscate (flip (foldr f) xs) id snd (ys,[])
f x ((y:ys),r) = (ys,(x,y):r)
Inline obfuscate
zipRev xs ys = (\k c -> k (c . flip (foldr f) xs)) id snd (ys,[])
f x ((y:ys),r) = (ys,(x,y):r)
zipRev xs ys = (id (snd . flip (foldr f) xs)) (ys,[])
f x ((y:ys),r) = (ys,(x,y):r)
zipRev xs ys = snd (foldr f (ys,[]) xs)
f x (y:ys,r) = (ys,(x,y):r)
Justification for pulling functions that are valid fmaps out of foldr
foldr (fmap . f) z [x1,x2,...,xn]
Expand the foldr
(fmap . f) x1 . (fmap . f) x2 . ... . (fmap . f) xn $ z
Inline the inner .s
fmap (f x1) . fmap (f x2) . ... . fmap (f xn) $ z
Apply the Functor laws
fmap (f x1 . f x2 . ... . f xn) $ z
Eta-expand the section in parentheses
fmap (\z2 -> f x1 . f x2 . ... . f xn $ z2) z
Write the lambda body in terms of foldr
fmap (\z2 -> foldr f z2 [x1,x2,...,xn]) z
Write the lambda body in terms of flip
fmap (flip (foldr f) [x1,x2,...,xn]) z
Bonus: Justification for pulling functions that are valid contramaps out of foldr
foldr (contramap . f) z [x1,x2,...,xn]
Expand the foldr
(contramap . f) x1 . (contramap . f) x2 . ... . (contramap . f) xn $ z
Inline the inner .s
contramap (f x1) . contramap (f x2) . ... . contramap (f xn) $ z
Apply the Contravariant laws
contramap (f xn . ... . f x2 . f x1) $ z
Eta-expand the section in parentheses
contramap (\z2 -> f xn . ... . f x2 . f x1 $ z2) z
Write the lambda body in terms of foldr
contramap (\z2 -> foldr f z2 [xn,...,x2,x1]) z
Write the lambda body in terms of flip
contramap (flip (foldr f) [xn,...,x2,x1]) z
Apply foldr f z (reverse xs) = foldl (flip f) z xs
contramap (flip (foldl (flip f)) [x1,x2,...,xn]) z

Explain (.)(.) to me

Diving into Haskell, and while I am enjoying the language I'm finding the pointfree style completely illegible. I've come a across this function which only consists of these ASCII boobies as seen below.
f = (.)(.)
And while I understand its type signature and what it does, I can't for the life of me understand why it does it. So could someone please write out the de-pointfreed version of it for me, and maybe step by step work back to the pointfree version sorta like this:
f g x y = (g x) + y
f g x = (+) (g x)
f g = (+) . g
f = (.) (+)
Generally (?) (where ? stands for an arbitrary infix operator) is the same as \x y -> x ? y. So we can rewrite f as:
f = (\a b -> a . b) (\c d -> c . d)
Now if we apply the argument to the function, we get:
f = (\b -> (\c d -> c . d) . b)
Now b is just an argument to f, so we can rewrite this as:
f b = (\c d -> c . d) . b
The definition of . is f . g = \x -> f (g x). If replace the outer . with its definition, we get:
f b = \x -> (\c d -> c . d) (b x)
Again we can turn x into a regular parameter:
f b x = (\c d -> c . d) (b x)
Now let's replace the other .:
f b x = (\c d y -> c (d y)) (b x)
Now let's apply the argument:
f b x = \d y -> (b x) (d y)
Now let's move the parameters again:
f b x d y = (b x) (d y)
You can also gradually append arguments to f:
f = ((.) . )
f x = (.) . x
f x y = ((.) . x) y
= (.) (x y)
= ((x y) . )
f x y z = (x y) . z
f x y z t = ((x y) . z) t
= (x y) (z t)
= x y (z t)
= x y $ z t
The result reveals that x and z are actually (binary and unary, respectively) functions, so I'll use different identifiers:
f g x h y = g x (h y)
We can work backwards by "pattern matching" over the combinators' definitions. Given
f a b c d = a b (c d)
= (a b) (c d)
we proceed
= B (a b) c d
= B B a b c d -- writing B for (.)
so by eta-contraction
f = B B
a (b c) = B a b c -- bidirectional equation
by definition. Haskell's (.) is actually the B combinator (see BCKW combinators).
edit: Potentially, many combinators can match the same code. That's why there are many possible combinatory encodings for the same piece of code. For example, (ab)(cd) = (ab)(I(cd)) is a valid transformation, which might lead to some other combinator definition matching that. Choosing the "most appropriate" one is an art (or a search in a search space with somewhat high branching factor).
That's about going backwards, as you asked. But if you want to go "forward", personally, I like the combinatory approach much better over the lambda notation fidgeting. I would even just write many arguments right away, and get rid of the extra ones in the end:
BBabcdefg = B(ab)cdefg = (ab)(cd)efg
BBabcd = B(ab)cd = (ab)(cd)
is all there is to it.
