resolve ${1##*/} in shell script - linux

In /etc/init.d/functions#_pids_var_run (which will be there in most Linux distros), i see a local variable initialization like this,
local base=${1##*/}
what does,
get resolved to?

In bash scripts, ${varname##pattern} removes the longest prefix that matches pattern from varname. For example,
echo "${foo##*/}"
will print
In the case of
it will remove the longest prefix that matches */ from $1, which is the first parameter passed to the script/function.
In essence, it is a poor man's $(basename "$1").


bash variable in string substitution

I am trying to do string substitution in bash, want to understand it better.
I crafted a success case like this:
echo ${var//_/-}
outout is abc-de-f. This works.
However, the following script fails:
echo ${$a//_/-}
The error message is ${$a//_/-}: bad substitution.
It seems like related to how we can use a variable in substitution. Why this fails? How bash handles variables in this case?
Also, what is the best practice to handle escape characters in bash string substitution?
In the second case, you don't need the second $ as a is the string.
echo ${a//_/-}
If you wanted to add a level of indirection, you can use ! before the variable as in
echo ${b//_/-}
will output a, while
echo ${!b//_/-}
will output abc-de-f.
See here for a discussion on the art of escaping in BASH

How to get the complete calling command of a BASH script from inside the script (not just the arguments)

I have a BASH script that has a long set of arguments and two ways of calling it:
my_script --option1 value --option2 value ... etc
my_script val1 val2 val3 ..... valn
This script in turn compiles and runs a large FORTRAN code suite that eventually produces a netcdf file as output. I already have all the metadata in the netcdf output global attributes, but it would be really nice to also include the full run command one used to create that experiment. Thus another user who receives the netcdf file could simply reenter the run command to rerun the experiment, without having to piece together all the options.
So that is a long way of saying, in my BASH script, how do I get the last command entered from the parent shell and put it in a variable? i.e. the script is asking "how was I called?"
I could try to piece it together from the option list, but the very long option list and two interface methods would make this long and arduous, and I am sure there is a simple way.
I found this helpful page:
BASH: echoing the last command run
but this only seems to work to get the last command executed within the script itself. The asker also refers to use of history, but the answers seem to imply that the history will only contain the command after the programme has completed.
Many thanks if any of you have any idea.
You can try the following:
myInvocation="$(printf %q "$BASH_SOURCE")$((($#)) && printf ' %q' "$#")"
$BASH_SOURCE refers to the running script (as invoked), and $# is the array of arguments; (($#)) && ensures that the following printf command is only executed if at least 1 argument was passed; printf %q is explained below.
While this won't always be a verbatim copy of your command line, it'll be equivalent - the string you get is reusable as a shell command.
chepner points out in a comment that this approach will only capture what the original arguments were ultimately expanded to:
For instance, if the original command was my_script $USER "$(date +%s)", $myInvocation will not reflect these arguments as-is, but will rather contain what the shell expanded them to; e.g., my_script jdoe 1460644812
chepner also points that out that getting the actual raw command line as received by the parent process will be (next to) impossible. Do tell me if you know of a way.
However, if you're prepared to ask users to do extra work when invoking your script or you can get them to invoke your script through an alias you define - which is obviously tricky - there is a solution; see bottom.
Note that use of printf %q is crucial to preserving the boundaries between arguments - if your original arguments had embedded spaces, something like $0 $* would result in a different command.
printf %q also protects against other shell metacharacters (e.g., |) embedded in arguments.
printf %q quotes the given argument for reuse as a single argument in a shell command, applying the necessary quoting; e.g.:
$ printf %q 'a |b'
a\ \|b
a\ \|b is equivalent to single-quoted string 'a |b' from the shell's perspective, but this example shows how the resulting representation is not necessarily the same as the input representation.
Incidentally, ksh and zsh also support printf %q, and ksh actually outputs 'a |b' in this case.
If you're prepared to modify how your script is invoked, you can pass $BASH_COMMANDas an extra argument: $BASH_COMMAND contains the raw[1]
command line of the currently executing command.
For simplicity of processing inside the script, pass it as the first argument (note that the double quotes are required to preserve the value as a single argument):
my_script "$BASH_COMMAND" --option1 value --option2
Inside your script:
# The *first* argument is what "$BASH_COMMAND" expanded to,
# i.e., the entire (alias-expanded) command line.
myInvocation=$1 # Save the command line in a variable...
shift # ... and remove it from "$#".
# Now process "$#", as you normally would.
Unfortunately, there are only two options when it comes to ensuring that your script is invoked this way, and they're both suboptimal:
The end user has to invoke the script this way - which is obviously tricky and fragile (you could however, check in your script whether the first argument contains the script name and error out, if not).
Alternatively, provide an alias that wraps the passing of $BASH_COMMAND as follows:
alias my_script='/path/to/my_script "$BASH_COMMAND"'
The tricky part is that this alias must be defined in all end users' shell initialization files to ensure that it's available.
Also, inside your script, you'd have to do extra work to re-transform the alias-expanded version of the command line into its aliased form:
# The *first* argument is what "$BASH_COMMAND" expanded to,
# i.e., the entire (alias-expanded) command line.
# Here we also re-transform the alias-expanded command line to
# its original aliased form, by replacing everything up to and including
# "$BASH_COMMMAND" with the alias name.
myInvocation=$(sed 's/^.* "\$BASH_COMMAND"/my_script/' <<<"$1")
shift # Remove the first argument from "$#".
# Now process "$#", as you normally would.
Sadly, wrapping the invocation via a script or function is not an option, because the $BASH_COMMAND truly only ever reports the current command's command line, which in the case of a script or function wrapper would be the line inside that wrapper.
[1] The only thing that gets expanded are aliases, so if you invoked your script via an alias, you'll still see the underlying script in $BASH_COMMAND, but that's generally desirable, given that aliases are user-specific.
All other arguments and even input/output redirections, including process substitutiions <(...) are reflected as-is.
"$0" contains the script's name, "$#" contains the parameters.
Do you mean something like echo $0 $*?

string manipulation of Directory structure

Scenario: I have a script but no idea where I am in the directory tree, I need to resolve back to the nearest known location UPROC[something]
What I have so far:
I have a script running in a directory for example:
now the only constant in this is that the Directory I want will begin with UPROC... maybe not UPROCL but definitely UPROC
So I have written the following:
#Absolute path for this script
SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
echo $SCRIPT
#Gets Path of script without script name
#Cuts everything after UPROC(.* is wildcard)/
CUTDOWN=$(sed 's/\(UPROC.*\/\).*/\1/' <<< $SCRIPTPATH)
The only problem is that it output is:
Can some tell me what is wrong with my sed command as it is not cutting down to
Because * is greedy. You want to be more selective about what characters are allowed following "UPROC" -- any non-slash
sed 's/\(UPROC.*\/\).*/\1/'
sed -r 's,(UPROC[^/]*/).*,\1,'
Using different delimiters for the s/// command reduces the "leaning toothpick" problem.
Because the .* in the () is matching to the / at the end of test/.
You need [^/]* instead of . to not match any slashes.
When you want to know in which directory you are, why don't use pwd?
One thing which might be useful: the command pwd shows the value of the environment variable PWD (uppercase). In case you want to use the current directory as a value, you might use this.

Can I find out who called a zsh script?

Assume a script, which is called as
and contains the lines
. ./x/y/
Is it possible to find out from within, that the script which is doing the sourcing, is ./foo/bar/ ?
I can not use $0 here, because this would return ./x/y/
I'm using zsh 5.0.6
one way you can achieve this is that for the child script to take as optional argument the name of the caller. Thus this would be accessible with `$1``
# master/leader
. ./x/y/ $0 # or hardcoded path
# slave/worker
echo "Here is my master $1"
(you can also do another custom protocol using a environment variable set by the master)
(this solution would also works on bash, and other shell)
The information can already be obtained in zsh right now (thanks to Bart Schaefer, who pointed out to me the existence of the variable functrace in the zsh/parameter module):
# slave/worker
zmodload zsh/parameter
echo "Here is my master ${functrace[$#functrace]%:*}"
The '%:*' is necessary, because the entries in the functrace array also contain the line number of the call.

Bash variable defaulting doesn't work if followed by pipe (bash bug?)

I've just discovered a strange behaviour in bash that I don't understand. The expression
sets variable to the value default if it isn't already set. Consider the following examples:
file ${foo:=$1}
echo "foo >$foo<"
file ${bar:=$1} | cat
echo "bar >$bar<"
The output is:
$ ./test myfile.txt
myfile.txt: ASCII text
foo >myfile.txt<
myfile.txt: ASCII text
bar ><
You will notice that the variable foo is assigned the value of $1 but the variable bar is not, even though the result of its defaulting is presented to the file command.
If you remove the innocuous pipe into cat from line 4 and re-run it, then it both foo and bar get set to the value of $1
Am I missing somehting here, or is this potentially a bash bug?
(GNU bash, version 4.3.30)
In second case file is a pipe member and runs as every pipe member in its own shell. When file with its subshell ends, $b with its new value from $1 no longer exists.
file ${foo:=$1}
echo "foo >$foo<"
: "${bar:=$1}" # Parameter Expansion before subshell
file $bar | cat
echo "bar >$bar<"
It's not a bug. Parameter expansion happens when the command is evaluated, not parsed, but a command that is part of a pipeline is not evaluated until the new process has been started. Changing this, aside from likely breaking some existing code, would require extra level of expansion before evaluation occurs.
A hypothetical bash session:
> foo=5
> bar='$foo'
> echo "$bar"
# $bar expands to '$foo' before the subshell is created, but then `$foo` expands to 5
# during the "normal" round of parameter expansion.
> echo "$bar" | cat
To avoid that, bash would need some way of marking pieces of text that result from the new first round of pre-evaluation parameter expansion, so that they do not undergo a second
round of evaluation. This type of bookkeeping would quickly lead to unmaintainable code as more corner cases are found to be handled. Far simpler is to just accept that parameter expansions will be deferred until after the subshell starts.
The other alternative is to allow each component to run in the current shell, something that is allowed by the POSIX standard, but is not required, either. bash made the choice long ago to execute each component in a subshell, and reversing that would break too much existing code that relies on the current behavior. (bash 4.2 did introduce the lastpipe option, allowing the last component of a pipeline to execute in the current shell if explicitly enabled.)
