Azure Mobile server update script w/ complex field type - node.js

I've got a complex data type "AzureTemplate" containing a list of children "AzureField". I've implemented my read and insert on the server side according to this article. Works great.
Needing an update as well, I copy/pasted the insert into the update so it does the same thing, but using update instead. So my update looks like this:
function update(item, user, request) {
// remove complex child object, make copy first
var fields = item.fields;
if (fields) {
delete item.fields;
success: function () {
var templateId =; // "foreign key"
var fieldsTable = tables.getTable('AzureFields');
if (fields) {
// update the child fields
var updateNextField = function (index) {
if (index >= fields.length) {
// done updating fields, respond to client
} else {
var field = fields[index];
field.templateId = templateId;
console.log("updating field w/ id ",;
fieldsTable.update(field, {
success: function () {
updateNextField(index + 1);
// kick off the loop saving each field
} else {
// no fields. no need to do anything else
The log that prints the ID of the child "field" shows a valid field id (I save them on the client side when reading them). But I get an error that says:
Error in script '/table/AzureTemplate.update.js'. Error: Invalid id value specified. AzureTemplate/update Tue Jan 27 2015, 10:11:31 AM
I put a console.log() at the top of the AzureField.update, but that never shows up, so it's not getting in there. Also, when I update a single child "Field" directly from the client it works fine. So the AzureField.update is working. Any ideas?

var fieldsTable = tables.getTable('AzureFields');
... my table name is AzureField, not AzureFields. The above code works, hopefully it helps someone.
I have misnamed a table before and got a meaningful error about "table not existing". Not sure why the error in this case is totally unrelated.


Update prop for dynamically inserted element

New to react... Really banging my head against it with this one... I'm trying to figure out how to get a dynamically inserted component to update when the props are changed. I've assigned it to a parent state object but it doesn't seem to re-render. I've read that this is what's supposed to happen.
I was using ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode to re-render the specific elements I needed to, but it kept yelling at me with red text.
I need to hide "chat.message" unless the user has the authority to see it (server just sends empty string), but I still need to render the fact that it exists, and reveal it should the user get authentication. I'm using a css transition to reveal it, but I really need a good way to update the chat.message prop easily.
let userState = this.state.userStates.find(user => {
return user.uuid === uuid;
const children = => {
let ChatReactElement = this.getChatMarkup(chat.cuid, chat.message, chat.status);
return ChatReactElement;
ReactDOM.render(children, document.getElementById(`chats-${this.state.guid}-${uuid}`));
getChatMarkup() just returns JSX and inserts Props... I feel like state should be getting passed along here. Even when I use a for-loop and insert the state explicitly, it doesn't seem to re-render on changes.
getChatMarkup(cuid, message, status){
I attempted to insert some code line this:
let userState = this.state.userStates.find(user => {
return user.uuid === uuid;
const children = => {
let ChatReactElement = this.getChatMarkup(chat.cuid, chat.message, chat.status);
this.setState({ hiddenChatRE: [ ...this.state.hiddenChatRE, ChatReactElement ] }); // <== save elements
return ChatReactElement;
ReactDOM.render(children, document.getElementById(`chats-${this.state.guid}-${uuid}`));
and later in my code:
this.state.hiddenChatRE.every(ReactElement => {
if(ReactElement.key == basicChats[chatIndex].cuid){
ReactElement.props = {
... //completely invalid code
The only response I see here is my ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(); approach...
Can anyone point me in the right direction here?
Although perhaps I should be kicking myself, I read up on how React deals with keys on their components. So there's actually a fairly trivial answer here if anyone comes looking... Just call your render function again after you update the state.
In my case, something like:
this.setState(state =>({
userStates : => {
if(userstate.uuid == basicChats[chatIndex].uuid) return {
chats: => {
if(chat.cuid == basicChats[chatIndex].cuid){
return {
cuid: basicChats[chatIndex].cuid,
message: basicChats[chatIndex].message,
status: basicChats[chatIndex].status
else return chat;
else return userstate;
and then, elsewhere in my example: => {
Other than the fact that I'd recommend using indexed arrays for this example to cut complexity, this is the solution, and works. This is because even though it feels like you'd end up with duplicates (that was my intuition), the uid on the BasicChatComponent itself makes all the difference, letting react know to only re-render those specific elements.

React Native: Reach-Navigation and Pouch-DB - db.put not done before "refresh" callback is run

Relative newbie; forgive me if my etiquette and form here aren't great. I'm open to feedback.
I have used create-react-native-app to create an application using PouchDB (which I believe ultimately uses AsyncStorage) to store a list of "items" (basically).
Within a TabNavigator (main app) I have a StackNavigator ("List screen") for the relevant portion of the app. It looks to the DB and queries for the items and then I .map() over each returned record to generate custom ListView-like components dynamically. If there are no records, it alternately displays a prompt telling the user so. In either case, there is an "Add Item" TouchableOpacity that takes them to a screen where they an add a new item (for which they are taken to an "Add" screen).
When navigating back from the "Add" screen I'm using a pattern discussed quite a bit here on SO in which I've passed a "refresh" function as a navigation param. Once the user uses a button on the "Add" screen to "save" the changes, it then does a and adds them item, runs the "refresh" function on the "List screen" and then navigates back like so:
onPress={() => {
if (this.state.itemBrand == '') {
'Missing Information',
'Please be sure to select a Brand',
{text: 'OK', onPress: () =>
console.log('OK pressed on AddItemScreen')},
{ cancelable: false }
} else {
And all of this works fine. The "refresh" function (passed as onGoBack param) works fine... for this screen. The database is called with the query, the new entry is found and the components for the item renders up like a charm.
Each of the rendered ListItem-like components on the "List screen" contains a react-native-slideout with an "Edit" option. An onPress for these will send the user to an "Item Details" screen, and the selected item's _id from PouchDB is passed as a prop to the "Item Details" screen where loadItem() runs in componentDidMount and does a db.get(id) in the database module. Additional details are shown from a list of "events" property for that _id (which are objects, in an array) which render out into another bunch of ListItem-like components.
The problem arises when either choose to "Add" an event to the list for the item... or Delete it (using another function via [another] slideout for these items. There is a similar backward navigation, called in the same form as above after either of the two functions is called from the "Add Event" screen, this being the "Add" example:
async createEvent() {
var eventData = {
eventName: this.state.eventName.trim(),
eventSponsor: this.state.eventSponsor.trim(),
eventDate: this.state.eventDate,
eventJudge: this.state.eventJudge.trim(),
eventStandings: this.state.eventStandings.trim(),
eventPointsEarned: parseInt(this.state.eventPointsEarned.trim()),
var key = this.key;
var rev = this.rev;
await db.createEvent(key, rev, eventData);
which calls my "db_ops" module function:
exports.createEvent = function (id, rev, eventData) {
console.log('You called db.createEvent()');
.then(function(doc) {
var arrWork =; //assign array of events to working variable
console.log('arrWork is first assigned: ' + arrWork);
console.log('then, arrWork was pushed and became: ' + arrWork);
var arrEvents = arrWork.sort((a,b)=>{
var dateA = new Date(a.eventDate), dateB = new Date(b.eventDate);
return b.eventDate - a.eventDate;
}) = arrEvents;
return db.put(doc);
.then((response) => {
console.log("db.createEvent() response was:\n" +
console.log("Error in db.createEvent():\n" + err);
After which the "Add Event" screen's button fires the above in similar sequence to the first, just before navigating back:
The "refresh" function looks like so (also called in componentDidMount):
loadItem() {
console.log('Someone called loadItem() with this.itemID of ' + this.itemID);
var id = this.itemID;
let totalWon = 0;
.then((item) => {
console.log('[LOAD ITEM] got back data of:\n' + JSON.stringify(item));
this.setState({objItem: item, events:});
if ( != 0) { this.setState({itemLoaded: true}); {
totalWon += parseInt(event.eventPointsEarned);
console.log('totalWon is ' + totalWon + ' with ' +
event.eventPointsEarned + ' having been added.');
this.setState({totalWon: totalWon});
.catch((err) => {
console.log('db.loadItem() error: ' + err);
this.setState({itemLoaded: false});
I'm at a loss for why the List Screen refreshes when I add an item... but not when I'm doing other async db operations with PouchDB in what I think is similar fashion to modify the object containing the "event" information and then heading back to the Item Details screen.
Am I screwing up with Promise chain someplace? Neglecting behavior of the StackNavigator when navigating deeper?
The only other difference being that I'm manipulating the array in the db function in the non-working case, whereas the others I'm merely creating/posting or deleting/removing the record, etc. before going back to update state on the prior screen.
Edit to add, as per comments, going back to "List screen" and the opening "Item Details" does pull the database data and correctly shows that the update was made.
Further checking I've done also revealed that the console.log in createEvent() to print the response to the db call isn't logging until after some of the other dynamic rendering methods are getting called on the "Item Details" screen. So it seems as though the prior screen is doing the get() that loadItem() calls before the Promise chain in createEvent() is resolving. Whether the larger issue is due to state management is still unclear -- though it would make sense in some respects -- to me as this could be happening regardless of whether I've called my onGoBack() function.
Edit/bump: I’ve tried to put async/await to use in various places in both the db_ops module on the db.get() and the component-side loadItem() which calls it. There’s something in the timing of these that just doesn’t jive and I am just totally stuck here. Aside from trying out redux (which I think is overkill in this particular case), any ideas?
There is nothing to do with PDB or navigation, it's about how you manage outer changes in your depending (already mounted in Navigator since they are in history - it's important to understand - so componentDidMount isn't enough) components. If you don't use global state redux-alike management (as I do) the only way to let know depending component that it should update is passing corresponding props and checking if they were changed.
Like so:
refreshEvents = ()=> { //pass it to DeleteView via screenProps
this.setState({time2refreshEvents: +new Date()}) //pass time2refreshEvents to EventList via screenProps
//delete button...
onPress={db.deleteThing(thingID).then(()=> this.props.screenProps.refreshEvents())}
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
events: [],
noEvents: false,
ready: false,
time2refreshEvents: this.props.screenProps.time2refreshEvents,
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, currentState) {
if (nextProps.screenProps.time2refreshEvents !== currentState.time2refreshEvents ) {
return {time2refreshEvents : nextProps.screenProps.time2refreshEvents }
} else {
return null
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if (this.state.time2refreshEvents !== prevState.time2refreshEvents) {
_getEvents = ()=> {
//do stuff querying db and updating your list with actual data

Delete Documents from CosmosDB based on condition through Query Explorer

What's the query or some other quick way to delete all the documents matching the where condition in a collection?
I want something like DELETE * FROM c WHERE c.DocumentType = 'EULA' but, apparently, it doesn't work.
Note: I'm not looking for any C# implementation for this.
This is a bit old but just had the same requirement and found a concrete example of what #Gaurav Mantri wrote about.
The stored procedure script is here:
Go to the Azure portal, grab the script from above and make a new stored procedure in the database->collection you need to delete from.
Then right at the bottom of the stored procedure pane, underneath the script textarea is a place to put in the parameter. In my case I just want to delete all so I used:
SELECT c._self FROM c
I guess yours would be:
SELECT c._self FROM c WHERE c.DocumentType = 'EULA'
Then hit 'Save and Execute'. Viola, some documents get deleted. After I got it working in the Azure Portal I switched over the Azure DocumentDB Studio and got a better view of what was happening. I.e. I could see I was throttled to deleting 18 a time (returned in the results). For some reason I couldn't see this in the Azure Portal.
Anyway, pretty handy even if limited to a certain amount of deletes per execution. Executing the sp is also throttled so you can't just mash the keyboard. I think I would just delete and recreate the Collection unless I had a manageable number of documents to delete (thinking <500).
Props to Mimi Gentz #Microsoft for sharing the script in the link above.
I want something like DELETE * FROM c WHERE c.DocumentType = 'EULA'
but, apparently, it doesn't work.
Deleting documents this way is not supported. You would need to first select the documents using a SELECT query and then delete them separately. If you want, you can write the code for fetching & deleting in a stored procedure and then execute that stored procedure.
I wrote a script to list all the documents and delete all the documents, it can be modified to delete the selected documents as well.
var docdb = require("documentdb");
var async = require("async");
var config = {
host: "",
auth: {
masterKey: "xxxx"
var client = new docdb.DocumentClient(, config.auth);
var messagesLink = docdb.UriFactory.createDocumentCollectionUri("xxxx", "xxxx");
var listAll = function(callback) {
var spec = {
query: "SELECT * FROM c",
parameters: []
client.queryDocuments(messagesLink, spec).toArray((err, results) => {
callback(err, results);
var deleteAll = function() {
listAll((err, results) => {
if (err) {
} else {
async.forEach(results, (message, next) => {
client.deleteDocument(message._self, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
var task = process.argv[2];
switch (task) {
case "listAll":
listAll((err, results) => {
if (err) {
} else {
case "deleteAll":
console.log("listAll deleteAll");
And if you want to do it in C#/Dotnet Core, this project may help: It's a simple Visual Studio project where you specify a SELECT query, and all the matches will be a) backed up to file; b) deleted, based on a set of flags.
create stored procedure in collection and execute it by passing select query with condition to delete. The major reason to use this stored proc is because of continuation token which will reduce RUs to huge extent and will cost less.
##### Here is the python script which can be used to delete data from Partitioned Cosmos Collection #### This will delete documents Id by Id based on the result set data.
Identify the data that needs to be deleted before below step
res_list = "select id from id_del"
res_id = [{id:x["id"]}
for x in sqlContext.sql(res_list).rdd.collect()]
config = {
"Endpoint" : "Use EndPoint"
"Masterkey" : "UseKey",
"WritingBatchSize" : "5000",
'DOCUMENTDB_COLLECTION': 'collection-core'
for row in res_id:
# Initialize the Python DocumentDB client
client = document_client.DocumentClient(config['Endpoint'], {'masterKey': config['Masterkey']})
# use a SQL based query to get documents
## Looping thru partition to delete
query = { 'query': "SELECT FROM c where = "+ "'" +row[id]+"'" }
options = {}
options['enableCrossPartitionQuery'] = True
options['maxItemCount'] = 1000
result_iterable = client.QueryDocuments('dbs/Database/colls/collection-core', query, options)
results = list(result_iterable)
print('DOCS TO BE DELETED : ' + str(len(results)))
if len(results) > 0 :
for i in range(0,len(results)):
# print(results[i]['id'])
docID = results[i]['id']
print("docID :" + docID)
options = {}
options['enableCrossPartitionQuery'] = True
options['maxItemCount'] = 1000
options['partitionKey'] = docID
print ('deleted Partition:' + docID)

Netsuite Userevent Script

I have a userevent script to change the Field in Contract record from PO record. The Script is running fine. But whenever I edit a contract record and try to submit it : It throws the error "Another user has updated this record since you began editing it. Please close the record and open it again to make your changes".
May I know the reason behind this ?
Description : Whenever the PO vendor is changed(due to Split vendor) that should replace the same in Contract page record automatically.
Script type : User Event Script
Script id : customscript452
Version : 1.0
Applied to : Contract
function srchfield()
var stRecordid = nlapiGetRecordId(); //returns the contract id
if(stRecordid== undefined || stRecordid== null || stRecordid==' ')
var stRecordtype = nlapiGetRecordType(); //returns the contract record type = jobs
var stRecord = nlapiLoadRecord(nlapiGetRecordType(), stRecordid);
nlapiLogExecution('debug','Load Object',stRecord);
var stContractID = stRecord.getFieldValue('entityid'); //returns the value of the field contractid whose fieldid is = entityid
var stCompanyName = stRecord.getFieldValue('companyname'); //returns the value of the field company name whose fieldid is = companyname
var stConcatenate = stContractID+" : "+stCompanyName; //Concatenate the two Fields to get the result which needs to be found in PO
var arrFilters = new Array(); // This is Array Filters all the Purchase Order Record Search
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('type', null, 'anyof',
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('mainline', null, 'is', 'T')); //This is to exclude line level results
arrFilters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('custbodycontract', null, 'is', stRecordid)); //This is Filters in Contracts Search
var arrColumns = new Array();
arrColumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn('entity')); //This is Search Column Field in Records
var arrSearchresults = nlapiSearchRecord('purchaseorder', null, arrFilters, arrColumns); //This is Filters in Search Result Purchase Order
if(arrSearchresults== undefined || arrSearchresults== null || arrSearchresults==' ')
var length = arrSearchresults.length;
if(length== undefined || length== null || length==' ')
for (var i = 0; arrSearchresults != null && i < arrSearchresults.length; i++)
var objResult = arrSearchresults[i];
var stRecId = objResult.getId();
var stRecType = objResult.getRecordType();
var stCntrctName = objResult.getValue('entity'); //This is Value are Get Purchase Order Records and Field for Vendor = entity
//var record = nlapiLoadRecord(nlapiGetRecordType(), stRecordid, stCntrctName);
if (stCntrctName =='custentityranking_vendor_name')
var stChangeName = stRecord.setFieldValue('custentityranking_vendor_name', stCntrctName); //This is Value are the Set in Main Vendor Field = custentityranking_vendor_name
nlapiSubmitRecord(stRecord, null, null); // Submit the Field Value in Record Type
The User Event script executes as the Contract record is being saved to the database. At the same time, you are loading a second copy of the record from the database and trying to submit the copy as well. This is causing the error you're seeing.
You fix this by just using nlapiSetFieldValue to set the appropriate field on the Contract.
I might also recommend getting more familiar with JavaScript by going through the JavaScript Guide over at MDN. In particular, take a look at the Boolean description so that you know how JavaScript evaluates Boolean expressions. This will help you greatly reduce the amount of code you've written here, as many of your conditionals are unnecessary.
What userevent do you have? It is happening depending on what type of user event and API you are using. Looking at your code, you are trying to load contract record that is already updated at the database. So you might consider below to address your issue. Hope, it helps.
If it is a before submit, you don't need to load the record where the script is deployed.
Just use nlapiGet* and nlapiSet* to get and set values. You also don't need to use nlapiSubmitRecord to reflect the change. With before submit, it executes before the record is being saved to the database. So your changes will still be reflected.
Then if it is after submit, it will be executed after the record has been saved to the database, Thus you might use the following API depending on your needs. Actually, this is the best practice to make sure the solution .
nlapiGetNewRecord - only use this if the script only needs to retrieve info from header and sublists. And nothing to set.
nlapiLookupField - use this if the script only needs to get value/s at the header and nothing from the line.
nlapiSubmitField - the script don't need to load and submit record if the changes only on header. Just use this API.
nlapiLoadRecord and nlapiSubmitRecord- use the former if the script will have changes at the line and then use the latter api to commit it on the database.
Being a user event script code, The code you showed is very not good considering performance.
Here is the sample you can merge
var stRecordid = nlapiGetRecordId(); //returns the contract id
// Every record has an internal id associated with it. No need to add condition explicitly to check if its null
var stRecordtype = nlapiGetRecordType();
var fields = ['entityid','companyname'];
var columns = nlapiLookupField(stRecordtype, stRecordid, fields);
var stContractID = columns.entityid;
var stCompanyName = columns.companyname;
var stConcatenate = stContractID+" : "+stCompanyName; //Concatenate the two Fields to get the result which needs to be found in PO
//your code of search
//you can improve that code also by using nlapilook up
nlapiSubmitField(stRecordtype, stRecordid, 'custentityranking_vendor_name', 'name to be updated');

Retrieving all Documents from couchdb using Node.js

I am writing a simple test app to experiment with the functionality of node.js and couchdb, so far i am loving it, but i ran in a snag. i have looked for and wide but can't seem to find an answer. My test server(a simple address book) does 2 things:
if the user goes to localhost:8000/{id} then my app returns the name and address of the user with that id.
if the user goes to localhost:8000/ then my app needs to return a list a names that are hyperlinks and takes them to the page localhost:8000/{id}.
I was able to get the first requirement working. i cant not seem to find how to retrieve a list of all names from my couchdb. that is what i need help with. here is my code:
var http = require('http');
var cradle = require('cradle');
var conn = new(cradle.Connection)();
var db = conn.database('users');
function getUserByID(id) {
var rv = "";
db.get(id, function(err,doc) {
rv =;
rv += " lives at " + doc.Address;
return rv;
function GetAllUsers() {
var rv = ""
return rv;
var server = http.createServer(function(req,res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type':'text/plain'});
var rv = "" ;
var id = req.url.substr(1);
if (id != "")
rv = getUserByID(id);
rv = GetAllUsers();
console.log("server is runnig");
As you can see, I need to fill in the GetAllUsers() function. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I would expect you to be doing something like (using nano, which is a library I authored):
var db = require('nano')('http://localhost:5984/my_db')
, per_page = 10
, params = {include_docs: true, limit: per_page, descending: true}
db.list(params, function(error,body,headers) {
I'm not pretty sure what you are trying to accomplish with http over there but feel free to head to my blog if you are looking for some more examples. Just wrote a blog post for people getting started with node and couch
As said above it will come a time when you will need to create your own view. Check up the CouchDB API Wiki, then scan thru the book, check what are design documents, then if you like you can go and check the test code I have for view generation and querying.
You can create a CouchDB view which will list the users. Here are several resources on CouchDB views which you should read in order to get a bigger picture on this topic:
Introduction to CouchDB Views
Finding Your Data with Views
View Cookbook for SQL Jockeys
So let's say you have documents structured like this:
"_id": generated by CouchDB,
"_rev": generated by CouchDB,
"type": "user",
"name": "Johny Bravo",
"isHyperlink": true
Then you can create a CouchDB view (the map part) which would look like this:
// view map function definition
function(doc) {
// first check if the doc has type and isHyperlink fields
if(doc.type && doc.isHyperlink) {
// now check if the type is user and isHyperlink is true (this can also inclided in the statement above)
if((doc.type === "user") && (doc.isHyperlink === true)) {
// if the above statements are correct then emit name as it's key and document as value (you can change what is emitted to whatever you want, this is just for example)
emit(, doc);
When a view is created you can query it from your node.js application:
// query a view
db.view('location of your view', function (err, res) {
// loop through each row returned by the view
res.forEach(function (row) {
// print out to console it's name and isHyperlink flag
console.log( + " - " + row.isHyperlink);
This is just an example. First I would recommend to go through the resources above and learn the basics of CouchDB views and it's capabilities.
