MongoDB remove the lowest score, node.js - node.js

I am trying to remove the lowest homework score.
I tried this,
var a = db.students.find({"scores.type":"homework"}, {"scores.$":1}).sort({"scores.score":1})
but how can I remove this set of data?
I have 200 pieces of similar data below.
"_id" : 148,
"name" : "Carli Belvins",
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 84.4361816750119
"type" : "quiz",
"score" : 1.702113040528119
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 22.47397850465176
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 88.48032660881387

you are trying to remove an element but the statement you provided is just to find it.
Use db.students.remove(<query>) instead. Full documentation here


$merge, $match and $update in one aggregate query

I have data in a collection ex:"jobs". I am trying to copy specific data from "jobs" after every 2 hours to a new collection (which may not exist initially) and also add a new key to the copied data.
I have been trying with this query to copy the data:
db.getCollection("jobs").aggregate([{ $match: { "job_name": "UploadFile", "created_datetime" : {"$gte":"2021-08-18 12:00:00"} } },{"$merge":{into: {coll : "reports"}}}])
But after this, the count in "reports" collection is 0. Also, how can I update the documents (with an extract key "report_name") without using an extra updateMany() query?
The data in jobs collection is as shown:
"_id" : ObjectId("60fa8e8283dc22799134dc6f"),
"job_id" : "408a5654-9a89-4c15-82b4-b0dc894b19d7",
"job_name" : "UploadFile",
"data" : {
"path" : "share://LOCALNAS/Screenshot from 2021-07-23 10-34-34.png",
"file_name" : "Screenshot from 2021-07-23 10-34-34.png",
"parent_path" : "share://LOCALNAS",
"size" : 97710,
"md5sum" : "",
"file_uid" : "c4411f10-a745-48d0-a55d-164707b7d6c2",
"version_id" : "c3dfd31a-80ba-4de0-9115-2d9b778bcf02",
"session_id" : "c4411f10-a745-48d0-a55d-164707b7d6c2",
"resource_name" : "Screenshot from 2021-07-23 10-34-34.png",
"metadata" : {
"metadata" : {
"description" : "",
"tag_ids" : [ ]
"category_id" : "60eed9ea33c690a0dfc89b41",
"custom_metadata" : [ ]
"upload_token" : "upload_token_c5043927484e",
"upload_url" : "/mnt/share_LOCALNAS",
"vfs_action_handler_id" : "91be4282a9ad5067642cdadb75278230",
"element_type" : "file"
"user_id" : "60f6c507d4ba6ee28aee5723",
"node_id" : "syeda",
"state" : "COMPLETED",
"priority" : 2,
"resource_name" : "Screenshot from 2021-07-23 10-34-34.png",
"group_id" : "upload_group_0babf8b7ce0b",
"status_info" : {
"progress" : 100,
"status_msg" : "Upload Completed."
"error_code" : "",
"error_message" : "",
"created_datetime" : ISODate("2021-07-23T15:10:18.506Z"),
"modified_datetime" : ISODate("2021-07-23T15:10:18.506Z"),
"schema_version" : "1.0.0",
Your $match stage contains a condition which takes created_datetime as string while in your sample data it is an ISODate. Such condtion won't return any document, try:
$match: {
"job_name": "UploadFile",
"created_datetime": {
"$gte": ISODate("2021-07-01T12:00:00.000Z")
Mongo Playground

How to group a document with the same name that has different values for a specific attribute in one array using Mongodb?

If I have these objects :
"_id" : ObjectId("5caf2c1642e3731464c2c79d"),
"requested" : [],
"roomNo" : "E0-1-09",
"capacity" : 40,
"venueType" : "LR(M)",
"seatingType" : "TB",
"slotStart" : "8:30AM",
"slotEnd" : "9:50AM",
"__v" : 0
/* 2 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5caf2deb4a7f5222305b55d5"),
"requested" : [],
"roomNo" : "E0-1-09",
"capacity" : 40,
"venueType" : "LR(M)",
"seatingType" : "TB",
"slotStart" : "10:00AM",
"slotEnd" : "11:20AM",
"__v" : 0
is it possible to get something like this using aggregate in mongodb?
[{ roomNo: "E0-1-09" , availability : [{slotStart : "8:30AM", slotEnd: "9:50AM"} ,
{slotStart: "10:00AM", slotEnd : "11:20AM"}]
what im using currently:
{ $group: {_id:{roomNo: "$roomNo", availability :[{slotStart:"$slotStart", slotEnd:"$slotEnd"}]}}}
actually getting it twice like so :
[{ roomNo: "E0-1-09" , availability : [{slotStart : "8:30AM", slotEnd: "9:50AM"}]
[{ roomNo: "E0-1-09" , availability : [{slotStart: "10:00AM", slotEnd : "11:20AM"}]
You have to use $push accumulator
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$roomNo",
"availability": {
"$push": {
"slotEnd": "$slotEnd",
"slotStart": "$slotStart"

Editable documents fields in elasticsearch

I have documents that contains a object which the attributes are editable (add/delete/edit) in runtime.
"testIndex" : {
"mappings" : {
"documentTest" : {
"properties" : {
"typeTestId" : {
"type" : "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"createdDate" : {
"type" : "date",
"format" : "dateOptionalTime"
"designation" : {
"type" : "string",
"fields" : {
"raw" : {
"type" : "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"id" : {
"type" : "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"modifiedDate" : {
"type" : "date",
"format" : "dateOptionalTime"
"stuff" : {
"type" : "string"
"suggest" : {
"type" : "completion",
"analyzer" : "simple",
"payloads" : true,
"preserve_separators" : true,
"preserve_position_increments" : true,
"max_input_length" : 50,
"context" : {
"typeTestId" : {
"type" : "category",
"path" : "typeTestId",
"default" : [ ]
"values" : {
"properties" : {
"Att1" : {
"type" : "string"
"att2" : {
"type" : "string"
"att400" : {
"type" : "date",
"format" : "dateOptionalTime"
The field values is a object that can be edited throug typeTest, so if I change something in typeTestit should be reflected here. If i create a new field theres no problem, but it should be possible to edit or delete existing fields in typeTest. For example If I delete values.att1 all documentTest should lose these, as well as the mapping should be updated.
For what I saw, we cannot do these without reindexing. So for now my solution is to remove the fields in elastic search just like mentioned in this question and have a worker do the reindexing time to time if needed.
This does not seems to me a "solution". Is there a better way to have document of this type in elasticsearch? with this flexibility without having to reindex time to time?
You can use the Update API to delete, add or modify a field.
The issue is docs are immutable in elasticsearch, so when you make some changes with the update API it is executed in a manner mark as deleted to old one and add a new one with the updates.
The deletion and the creating the new documents is transparent to you, so you do not have to reindex or do any other thing. Down side is if you are planning to modify very large numbers of documents (like an update query to modify 5mil documents.) it will be very I/O intensive for the nodes.
BTW, this is also applies to deletions

how to find recent record of record matching particular criteria

"_id" : ObjectId("5514ecc73910d3e808b9417c"),
"endingReciptBookNumber" : 2999,
"startingReciptBookNumber" : 2900,
"User" : 8,
"allRecipt" : [
"recipt_Number" : 2999,
"amount" : 24124,
"_id" : ObjectId("5514ecc73910d3e808b94180")
"recipt_Number" : 100,
"amount" : 2414,
"_id" : ObjectId("5514ecc73910d3e808b9417f")
"recipt_Number" : 101,
"amount" : 242,
"_id" : ObjectId("5514ecc73910d3e808b9417e")
"recipt_Number" : 102,
"amount" : 2424,
"_id" : ObjectId("5514ecc73910d3e808b9417d")
"__v" : 0
I have many documents like this in a collection in mongoose .I want to find a latest entered recipt_Number for a particular user. like in this case it should give me 102 as answer.
i have also attached snippet of lines of code. Its also a way to get same result.
db.topics.find( {'User': 8}, { 'allRecipt': { $slice: -1 },'startingReciptBookNumber':0,'endingReciptBookNumber':0,'User':0,'_id':0,'__v':0 } )
query result like below
"allRecipt" : [
"recipt_Number" : 102,
"amount" : 2424,
"_id" : ObjectId("5514ecc73910d3e808b9417d")
Though query won't give any single number in result but it will give desired outcome through result.allRecipt.0.recipt_Number, Your desired number will always get into in 0 index. I think this is your desired number.
Here $slice make a difference.

How to get the double quotes arround number typed field from MongoDB aggregation query result?

Scenario: I have a collection 'People' with following documents
"_id" : ObjectId("512bc95fe835e68f199c8686"),
"name": "David",
"age" : 78
{ "_id" : ObjectId("512bc962e835e68f199c8687"),
"name" : "Dave",
"age" : 35
When I query using following code from Node.js
{ $match : { author : "Dave" } }
The output will be like:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("512bc962e835e68f199c8687"),
"name" : "Dave",
"age" : 35
Issues: The above is just a sample of the actual scenario, I want the 'age' filed value to be embedded in double quotes i.e for above quoted example it should be like "age": "35".
That is full resultant document should be like following:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("512bc962e835e68f199c8687"),
"name" : "Dave",
"age" : "35"
Consider I have huge number of documents how efficiently I can achieve the same to get the desired output?
Question: Can someone help out with bright and efficient way to achieve the same?
