How can I debug my unity project using Visual Studio 2012? - visual-studio-2012

1) I set my preferences to open up Unity .cs files using Visual Studio 2012
2) I came across this:
and I download and installed VS2012 Tools for Unity
3) Now I'm stuck here, when I try and run/debug a single .cs file in VS, I get this exception:
"A project with an Output Type of Class Library cannot be started directly. In order to debug this project,add an executable project to this solution which references the library project. Set the executable project as a startup project."
I'm not sure what that means and how to proceed. I'm not sure how to sync up Unity with Visual Studio.
Btw, I have Unity free version 4.6.1 installed and Visual Studio Premium 2012.
Once you have installed the correct version for your VS version you need to open your unity project (in unity) and add the VS tools package ...
Assets > import package > Tools for unity 20xx
Then you need to set your default editor in ...
Edit > Preferences > External Tools
Then when you click on scripts in unity it should open them in VS.
Now from VS you should have the option to attach the unity debugger where it normally says "debug" in the toolbar.
After attaching your debugger to unity run your game by hitting play in unity and it should hit any breakpoints you have set in VS.
All should magically work.

Close visual studio and Unity.
Download and install Tools for unity 2012 and links to other versions can be found here:
Open Unity 3d
Then like Wardy said:
Assets > import package, Select "Tools for unity 2012"
Edit > Preferences > External Tools, select 2012

I had the same error massage using unity 2018 & visual Studio 2017. Frankly, closing VS and opening it after double clicking on a unity script (inside unity) solved it.


How to open an existing Flutter Project in Android Studio

I might sound noob here but I can't see a clear way of opening existing Flutter Project in Android Studio 3.1.2.
I checked this but it didn't work. So I want to know if there is a standard IDE way of doing this? I also can't find any docs clearly mentioning it. Do I need to install a 3rd party plugin?
After opening it as an Existing Android Studio Project, I get the following error:
The error is solved by running Get Dependencies. Is it a normal behavior?
Install Flutter plugin for Android studio:
Open Android Studio
Open existing Android Studio project by using one of below methods:
EASIEST WAY: Drag your project folder and drop to Android Studio.
Other ways:
What works for me was to open existing Android Studio project like mentioned above, and then go to menu
Tools -> Flutter -> Flutter Clean
Then configuration window will open and ask you to locate flutter sdk. After locating the sdk, click OK and then the flutter functions will be available (Pub buttons, runs menu). After that you can proceed to get the dependencies (pub get).
It's basically cleaning the project folder of previous setting(s) which might conflicting with the system (android studio). But that won't happen if you get the project from source repository because all of the junk files wont be in the project folder.
The quickest way on macOS is
open -a Android\ Studio android when you are in the root project directory.
Alternatively, if you use the jetbrains toolbox, you can enable "Shell Scripts" in its settings. This will create a binary in the folder of your choice, so you have to add this folder to your PATH. Then, you can use studio . inside the Android folder, or studio android in the flutter project. The benefit of this, is it also works with other Jetbrains products (e.g. charm project_dir or clion project_dir. Unfortunately this method glitches out (for pycharm at least).
Looks like Android Studio can't load Android Application module from Flutter project automatically. I also have same problem, so in my situation Gradle can't be found, because of lack of Android project.
There's important note from official site:
Important: Do not use the New > Project from existing sources option for Flutter projects
I suggest, same is for Open option.
Just Open your project as normal, and then in [Android Studio > Preferences > Languages&Frameworks > Flutter > Flutter SDK path] select the path where you downloaded & unpacked Flutter SDK.
I know it's already late, but you can open an existing Flutter project in Android Studio by following these steps (make sure you have already installed Flutter & Dart plugin and Flutter SDK):
Click Open from File menu in Android Studio,
Go to the path of the project,
Click Open from the dialog,
When the project opens in Android studio, it will show an error of packages and dependencies. So, click on Get Dependencies on the top. Android Studio will automatically add all the required dependencies and packages.
There is a simple way of doing this in android:
Just Open your project as normal, and on the top right corner, click on Flutter Attach option, and voila!
See Attached screen grab!
Usually you can open your Flutter project in Android Studio simply when you right click on the android folder > Flutter > Open Android module in Android Studio but sometimes this option could be disabled, check this answer to enable..

How to enable Web Development feature in Visual Studio 2015?

I am trying to install Microsoft Azure SDK. I downloaded this version (2.9) of the SDK from here. And I am getting the following error in the picture.
I have Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 installed on my PC. Could it be some sort of compatibility issue. I read on some forum that it won't work if I have different versions of the Azure SDK installed on Visual Studio 2013 and 2015.
But I don't have the SDK installed on any of them. And I can't seem to find any Web Development Feature in the IDE either. Does anyone know how to resolve this?
Given the situation, the issue is most probably that the relevant modules for Web Development weren't installed when Visual Studio was installed. Those modules are not selected to be installed by default.
The solution is to simply re-run the setup and select "Modify".
On the list of modules, go to "Windows and Web Development".
You should get Microsoft Web Developer Tools in the list. Just select that and install. That should do the trick.
#alchemist is right but I had deleted the VS2015 installer long ago (right after installing). So I went to the Control Panel > Programs And Features > Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community with Updates > (right-click) > Change
This will bring up the visual studio installer. Click on Modify > Check Microsoft Web Developer Tools > Update.
*walks towards the camera in slow motion on an exploding background

Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate: error MSB8020:

i have Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate version 11.0.61030.00 update 4.
i try to compile with Daffodil toolset platform v60
enter link description here
but how fix this error?
Error 4 error MSB8020: The builds tools for v60 (Platform Toolset = 'v60') cannot be found. To build using the v60 build tools, either click the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then select "Update VC++ Projects...". Install v60 to build using the v60 build tools. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V110\Microsoft.Cpp.Platform.targets.
location files from Daffodil is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Platforms\Win32\PlatformToolsets\v60
any help pls
Right click the project from the solution explorer, click properties, when it opens expand configuration properties and open the general tab.
Within there, there is a field called 'Platform Toolset' drop down the row next to it and choose the option that should have v60 in the title!
In order to use Daffodil in versions later than VS2010, you need the platform toolset of VS2010 installed AND the toolset you want to use, which is VS6. Have you installed both?
To use these platform toolsets, you must have the targeted version of Visual Studio installed. Currently supported pl
Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015
Daffodil works fine in VS 2012 and later versions as long as VS 2010 is also installed.

Create a setup file in Visual Studio 2012

I have a windows form project and I want to create an installation package for this project. How can I create a setup file in Visual Studio 2012 ? My project is without data base.
How to create a Setup package using Visual Studio 2012.NET?
Microsoft released the Visual Studio Installer Project extension in April of this year, the catch is it's for VS2013, not VS2012.
The 'lite' InstallShield option remains in VS if you need something with more flexibility.
Advanced Installer also has a free version that includes an extension for VS. This is a commercial tool but the extension is included in the free edition as I said, for more advanced features you need to purchase a Professional or higher licenses and edit the project direct from Advanced Installer GUI, not from VS. (but you can still use the project in the VS solution, so you get the MSI built at the end of your build process)
Visual Studio setup projects (vdproj) are not supplied with VS 2012
There are several solutions for you:
You could use InstallShield instead.
If you don't want or
can't use InstallShield for any reason, you could try WiX. This
toolset builds Windows installation packages from XML source code.
If you only use Windows Presentation Foundation (.xbap), Windows Forms (.exe), console application (.exe), or Office solution (.dll) you could look at ClickOnce. To use this you should right click on the project file in the solution explorer and select "Publish" from the pop-up menu.
Alternatively you can use previous version of Visual Studio (2010).

Meteor on Visual Studio 2012

I am trying to use Visual Studio 2012 as an IDE for Meteor.
I want to change behaviour of VS2012 for building and publishing. So that there is nothing for VS to build, when I will click build button, I want VS2012 to just run meteor command inside a ruby command window.
And when I will click publish button, I want VS2012 to deploy my application to (appname)
For both cases I will need to set paths. I am trying to modify project file but so far no luck...
Any help appriciated.
